Ornament CHAP. I. - The State of Gaul before it was reduced into the Form of a Roman ProvincePage 1
CHAP. II. - Probable Conjectures concerning the Ancient Language of the Gauls. 8
CHAP. III. - The State of Gaul, after it was reduced into the Form of a Province by the Romans. 14
CHAP. IV. - Of the Original of the Franks, who having possessed themselves of Gallia, changed its Name into that of Francia, or Francogallia. 20
CHAP. V. - Of the Name of the Franks, and their sundry Excursions; and what time they first began to establish a Kingdom in Gallia. 29
CHAP. VI. - Whether the Kingdom of Francogallia was Hereditary or Elective; and the Manner of making its Kings. 38
CHAP. VII. - What Rule was observed concerning the Inheritance of the Deceased King, when he left more Children than one. 48
CHAP. VIII. - Of the Salick Law, and what Right Women had in the Kings, their Father's Inheritance. 54
CHAP. IX. - Of the Right of Wearing a large Head of Hair peculiar to the Royal Family. 58
CHAP. X. - The Form and Constitution of the Francogallican Government. 63
CHAP. XI. - Of the Sacred Authority of the Publick Council. 77
CHAP. XII. - Of the Kingly Officers, commonly called Mayors of the Palace. 85
CHAP. XIII. - Whether Pipin was created King by the Pope, or by the Authority of the Francogallican Council. 90
CHAP. XIV. - Of the Constable and Peers of France. 97
CHAP. XV. - Of the continued Authority and Power of the Sacred Council, during the Reign of the Carlovingian Family. 104
CHAP. XVI. - Of the Capevingian Race, and the Manner of its obtaining the Kingdom of Francogallia. 110
CHAP. XVII. - Of the uninterrupted Authority of the Publick Council, during the Capevingian Line. 114
CHAP. XVIII. - Of the Remarkable Authority of the Council against Lewis the Eleventh. 118
CHAP. XIX. - Of the Authority of the Assembly of the States, concerning the most important Affairs of Religion. 125
CHAP. XX. - Whether Women are not as much debarr'd by the Francogallican Law from the Administration, as from the Inheritance of the Kingdom. 128
CHAP. XXI. - Of the Juridical Parliaments in France. 138
Ornament Ornament A Short EXTRACT OF THE LIFE OF