Index of Composers and Sources of Tunes |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - A
- Abbey, Alonzo J., 1825-87 259
- Adam, Adolphe, 1803-56 86
- Ahle, Johann R., 1625-73 553
- Albert, Heinrich, 1604-51 370, 573
- Allen. Chester G., 1812-77 438
- Ambrose, Robert S., 1824-1908 264
- Ancient Dutch Melody 122
- Ancient Plain Song (13th Century) 67
- Anton, Christoph, d. 1658 535
- Arndt, E. M., 1769-1860 371
- Arne, Thomas A., 1710-78 152
- Arnold, Samuel, 1740-1802 584
- Atkinson, Frederick G., 1841-97 133
- B
- Bach, Johann Christoph, 1642-1703 548
- Bach, Johann Sebastian, 1685-1750 539, 545, 556, 557, 564, 566
- Baker, Henry, 1835-1910 171, 172, 352
- Baker, Henry W., 1821-77 143
- Barnard, Mrs. Charles, 1830-69 400
- Barnby, Joseph, 1838-96 21, 29, 52, 164, 265, 312, 317, 393
- Barnes, Edward Shippen, 1887— 48, 79, 407, 411
- Barrington, J. W. 267
- BarthÉlÉmon, Francois H., 1741-1808 25, 57
- Basswood, W. K. 435
- Batchellor, D. 423
- Baumbach, Adolph, 1830-80 608
- Beale, E. D. 605
- Beaty, Richard W., 1799-1883 447
- Beethoven, Ludwig van, 1770-1827 10, 612
- Belle, C. 411
- Berggreen, Anton P., 1801-80 219
- Biermann, J. M. 532
- Bishop, John, 1665-1737 176
- Bixel, James W., 1913— 77
- Bliss, Philip P., 1838-76 442, 448, 467, 484, 494
- Bohemian Brethren’s Gesangbuch, 1566 512
- Bohemian Folk Tune 79
- Book of Psalmody, 1718 228
- Bortniansky, Dimitri S., 1752-1825 28, 517
- Bourgeois, Louis, c. 1500-c. 61, 34, 306, 594, 618
- Boyd, William, 1847-1928 353
- Bradbury, William B., 1816-68 103, 182, 204, 311, 314, 395, 427, 428, 440, 458, 478, 487
- Bullinger, Ethelbert W., 1837-1913 227
- Bunnett, Edward, 1834-1923 398
- Burnap, Uzziah C., 1834-1900 134
- C
- Caldbeck, George T., 1852— 256
- Calkin, John B., 1827-1905 331
- Callcott, William H., 1807-82 203
- Calvisius, Seth, 1556-1615 557
- Cantus Diversi, 1751 80, 130, 151
- Carey, Henry, 1692?-1743 44, 344
- Challinor, F. A., 1866— 419
- Chalmer’s Collection, Aberdeen, 1749 596, 599
- Chetham, John, c. 1700-63 501
- Clark, Jeremiah, 1670-1707 582
- Clemm, J. B. C. 325
- Coles, George, 1792-1858 468
- Collection of Hymns and Sacred Poems, Dublin, 1749 268, 593
- Conkey, Ithamar, 1815-67 110
- Converse, Charles C., 1832-1918 186
- Cooper, A. S. 601
- Cottman, Arthur, 1842-1879 218
- Creation, The, 1795 50
- Croft, William, 1678-1727 6, 61, 95, 276
- CrÜger, Johann, 1598-1662 242, 514, 534, 552, 564
- Cruickshank, W. A. C. 602
- Cummings, William, 1831-1918 85
- Cunningham, F., Early 19th cent. 307
- Curwens Tune Book, 1842 404
- Cutler, Henry S., 1824-1902 194
- D
- Damon’s Psalms, 1591 39, 196
- Damon’s Psalter, 1592 589
- Darmstadt Cantionale, 1687 535
- Darwall, John, 1731-1789 9
- Davis, Frank M. 502
- Day’s Psalter, 1562 318
- De Corbeil, Pierre, d. 1222 102
- Doane, William Howard, 1832-1916 313, 472, 474, 475, 483, 485, 490, 495, 497
- Donizetti, 1797-1848 235
- Dougall, Neil, 1776-1862 338
- Drese, Adam, 1620-1701 574
- Dutch Traditional Melody 355
- Dyer, Samuel, 1785-1835 211, 282, 349
- Dykes, John B., 1823-76 1, 42, 138, 142, 155, 159, 162, 169, 184, 249, 315, 361
- E
- Early American 99
- Ebeling, Johann Georg, 1620-76 68, 525, 555
- Egli, Johann H., 1742-1810 359
- Ellor, James, 1819-99 5
- Elvey, George J., 1816-93 118, 149, 198, 357, 377
- Emerson, L. O., 1820-1915 35
- English Melody 417, 446
- English Traditional Carol 385
- English Traditional May-Day Carol 406
- English Traditional Melody 72, 290
- Esch, Louis von 2
- Este’s Psalter, 1592 191, 588
- Ewing, Alexander, 1830-1895 262
- Excell, Edwin Othello, 1851-1921 420, 463
- F
- Farrant, Richard, c. 1530-80 587
- Filitz, Friedrich, 1804-76 174, 298
- Fillmore, Fred A. 498
- Fillmore, J. H. 453
- Fink, Gottfried W., 1783-1846 92
- Finlandia 54
- Fischer, William Gustavus, 1835-1912 469, 493
- Flemming, Friedrich F., 1778-1813 59, 233, 278
- French Melody 64
- Freylinghausen’s Gesangbuch 510, 513, 523, 538, 551, 554, 569
- Fritsch, Ahasuerus, 1629-1701 566
- G
- Gardiner, William, 1770-1853 197, 209, 222, 280, 294, 302, 383
- Gastorius, Severus, 17th Century 524, 567
- Gauntlett, Henry John, 1805-76 412, 617
- Gawler, W., from “Hymns and Psalms,” 1789 93
- Geistliche KirchengesÄng, 1623 11
- Geistliche Lieder, Leipsic, 1589 557
- Genevan Psalter, 1551 19, 128, 132, 306, 354, 594, 616
- German Chorale, 1738 509
- German Melody 211, 282, 285, 433, 434, 543, 572
- German Traditional Melody, adapted by J. CrÜger, 1598-1662 564
- Gerold, Johann Carl, 1745-1822 507
- Gesangbuch der Herzogl, 1784 47
- Gesangbuch mit Noten, 1890 32, 157, 240, 241, 252, 254, 301, 321, 342, 362, 387, 430, 436, 509, 533, 544, 558, 560
- Giardini, Felice De, 1716-96 8
- GlÄser, Carl G., 1784-1829 12, 397
- Glaubens Harfe 129, 532
- Gloria Patri of Palestrina, From the 316
- Gnadauer Choral Buch, 1735 376, 537, 563
- Gordon, Adoniram J., 1836-95 216
966@54966-h@54966-h-11.htm.html#hymn_231" class="pginternal">231, 251, 255, 284, 285, 291, 332, 333, 348, 401, 492 - Mathews. Henry E., b. 1820 405
- Maunder, John H., 1858-1920 340
- McAfee, C. B., 1866-1944 239
- McGranahan, James, 1840-1907 450, 451, 455, 466
- McNaughton, John H. 360
- Meineke, Charles, 1782-1850 607
- Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Felix, 1809-47 23, 85, 203, 289, 568
- Messiter, Arthur H., 1834-1916 156
- Miller, Edward, 1731-1807 105
- Monk, William H., 1823-89 40, 107, 116, 119, 126, 292, 316
- Moore, Willis A. 364
- Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 1756-91 179, 329
- Mueller, Carl 414
- N
- NÄgeli, Hans G., 1768-1836 41, 56, 251
- Nares, James, 1715-83 200
- Naumann, Johann Gottlieb, 1741-1801 619
- Neander, Joachim, 1650-80 127, 505, 506
- Netherlands Folk Song, 1625 15
- Neumark, George, 1621-81 571
- Neuvermehrtes Meiningisches Gesangbuch, 1693 289
- Nichol, Henry E., 1862-1928 335
- Nicolai, Philipp, 1556-1608 522, 529, 546
- Niemeyer, Edward, 1854 358
- Norris, J. S. 500
- Norse Melody 391
- O
- Ogden, William A., 1841-97 481
- Old Breton Melody as in School Worship, 1926 388
- Old English Melody 78, 94, 170
- Old French Melody