Agassiz, 144.
Agriculture, 140, 269.
Agur, 386.
Anger, 205.
Ant, the, 83.
Atheism, unknown to Israel, 11, 18.
Atonement, meaning of, 362, 371.
Bacon, 16, 230.
Bible, its character, 382.
Buddha, his teaching quoted, 71.
Burns, quoted, 293.
Carlyle, 305.
Catholic, the Catholic Church, 246.
Chastening, 51.
Christ, 93, 103, 107, 117, 120, 133, 148, 212, 227, 247, 258, 273, 318, 326, 330, 335, 348, 360, 383.
---- His use of the Proverbs, 124, 126, 127, 128, 130, 159, 314.
Church, the, 247.
Coleridge, 16.
Commercial life, 41, 86, 218, 226.
Competition, 31.
Confession, 364.
Conscience, 225, 252, 343.
Contentment, 356.
Conversion, 104, 212, 287, 320.
"Corners," 295.
Covetousness, 30.
Creation, the poem of, 112.
Criticism, 181.
Dandy, the, 95.
Darwin, 16.
Death, not terrible, 41.
Diligence, 139, 262 et seq.
Distribution, economic, 136.
Donatello, 183.
Drink, 275 et seq.
Drunkard, the, 76, 277.
Ecclesiastes, quoted, 10.
Ecclesiasticus, 9, 12, 22, 81, 139, 144, 169, 184, 218, 250, 306, 400.
Education, 52 et seq., 303 et seq.
Equality, 294.
Evolution, 113.
Faith, the life of, 356.
Fanaticism, 287.
Fitness, in speech, 170, 174.
Flattery, 168.
Folly, 67, 92, 122, 131, 205.
Fool, the, 337 et seq.
Forgiveness, 314 et seq.
---- God's, 370.
Francis, St., 190.
Friendship, 227 et seq.
Gambling, 32.
God, His existence, 391.
---- men need Him, 43.
---- relation with human life, 47, 155, 197, 199, 217, 236, 252, 291, 353.
Gregg, quoted, 73.
Health, result of wisdom, 39.
Heathenism, 158, 377.
Heaven, 59, 162, 274.
Hell, 59, 73.
Henry II., 106.
Home, 53.
Honesty, 224.
Hudibras, quoted, 266.
Humility, 44, 127, 184, 189.
Idleness, ruinous, 266.
Immortality, 378.
Impurity, 25, 27, 29.
Indra, drunk, 279.
Inspiration of the book of Proverbs, 157.
Inwardness, 60.
Jahveh, 15, 21.
Jakeh, 6.
Joy, 193.
Justification, 161.
King, the, 326 et seq.
---- Divine right of, 331.
Land, the land question, 270.
Lanfranc, anecdote of, 205.
Law, 113.
Lemuel, 6, 396.
Liberality, 43, 145.
Lies, 89, 130, 167, 330.
Livingstone, 59.
Lot, the, use of, 217.
Love, 209, 235, 311.
Man, 114.
Marriage, 69, 401.
Massa, Gen. xxv. 14, 6.
Meekness, 172, 210.
Milton, quoted, 59, 69, 111, 133, 316, 367.
Misanthrope, the, 240.
Misapplication of Scripture, 346.
Morality, relation to science, 116.
Mother's influence, 397.
---- neglect, 53.
Murder, 90.
Nabal, 339.
National righteousness, 154.
Neighbourliness, 244.
Obedience, 385.
Parents, duties of, 306.
Paton, John, 54, 217.
Paul, St., 359.
Pauperism, 290.
Plain speaking, 65, 102.
Pleasure, 276.
Poor, the, 43, 141, 143, 176, 288 et seq.
Positivism, 378.
Pride, 89, 179 et seq., 210.
Proverbs, book of, its limitations, 22, 211, 316, 347.
Punishment, 87, 309 et seq.
Quarrelling, 166.
Rashness, 170.
Realism, 66, 92.
Reason, 341.
Remorse, 77.
Repetition of Proverbs, 2 (note).
Reproof, 175.
Revelation, necessary, 20, 375 et seq., 393.
Revenge, 316.
Robespierre, 377.
Rubies, valley of, 49.
Science, depends on theology, 113.
---- its limitations, 379, 380.
Scorner, the, 125, 129.
Servants, treatment of, 387.
Shakespeare, quoted, 73, 86, 234, 241.
Sin, its nature, 363, 367.
---- its results, 71, 74, 101.
---- its seductions, 68.
Sister, 94.
Sluggard, the, 82, 263.
Socialism, 137, 147, 395.
Solomon, not the author of the whole book, 2, 106.
Speech, its power, 164.
Suretiship, 80.
Sweating, 31, 296.
Sympathy, 196.
Theism, necessary to knowledge, 19.
Temper, 203, 207.
Temperance, 280, 286.
Tennyson, quoted, 67.
Truth, injured by drink, 283.
Wealth, 135 et seq.
---- true, 356.
Wife, the, 399 et seq.
Will, freedom of, 251 et seq.
Wisdom, meaning of, 10.
---- person of, 92, 108, 123.
---- rewards of, 37, 109.
---- the book of, 9, 10.
---- the book of, quoted, 118.
Woman, 96, 132, 396.
Work, its blessings, 268.
Worthless man, the, 84.
Youth, dangers of, 34.
ZacchÆus, 367.
Zola, 67.
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