Children, all born in Sheshequin: 1. Calista, married —— Shores. 2. Phebe, married Luman Horton. 3. Lemuel. 4. Jackson. 5. Hannah, married Frank Shores. Children, all born in Sheshequin: 1. David, born in 1834; died in the army, unmarried. 2. Tabitha Maria, born in 1836; married Isaac Rufus Horton, son of Isaac S. Horton, and they had David Snyder, born 10 March, 1860. 3. Burton, born 1838. 4. Richard, died young. 5. Mary, died young. 6. William. Children, all born in Sheshequin: 1. George Washington, born 8 Feb., 1843; married 30 Aug., 1866, by Rev. Mr. Eckert, to Melissa Smith, daughter of John B. Smith and Lucinda Horton; live at Ghent. 2. Catherine Elizabeth, born 7 Feb., 1845; married 12 Sept., 1866, Joseph Vought, son of Edward Vought and Lydia Horton; live at Ghent. 3. James Franklin, born 8 July, 1847; married 31 Dec., 1873, by Elder Maryatt, to Emma Maynard, daughter of William Maynard, of Rome. 4. Daniel Sullivan, born 20 March, 1853; died 7 Nov., 1857. 5. Matilda Adelaide, born 28 May, 1855; married 11 March, 1874, by Rev. George L. Williams, to Charles Edward Brigham, son of Edward Brigham and Clarissa Swain, and born in Waverly, N. Y., 25 Dec., 1841. 6. Eliza Estella, born 14 Aug., 1857. 7. Charles Jayne, born 20 Aug., 1863. Children, born in Sheshequin: 1. David, volunteered in the service of his country; died in the army. 2. Hannah, married Jefferson Horton, son of Charles, son of Elijah Horton. Children, all born at Horn Brook, Sheshequin, Pa.: 1. John, born 13 July, 1843; married Marian Bull. 2. Festus Pratt, born 8 Aug., 1846; died 4 Aug., 1858. 3. Lodicy Emaline, born 11 March, 1850; died 4 Sept., 1850. 4. David Wilmot, born 13 July, 1851; married Delphine Brainard. 5. Richard Mahlon, born 23 Oct., 1853. 6. Charles La Fayette, born 2 Aug., 1864. Mr. Chaffee is a farmer, of good social qualities and business capacity, and is said to be very wealthy. Children, both born at Horn Brook, Pa.: 1. Cevellon, born 22 Nov., 1850; married 1 April, 1872, Edith Lucinda Horton, daughter of Lewis Horton and Sarah Maria Chaffee, and born 14 April, 1859. 2. Josiah Spaulding, born 27 Feb., 1854. Children, both born at Horn Brook: 1. Myrtie Stella, born 13 Feb., 1864. 2. Ida May, born 12 Nov., 1866. Children, all born Sheshequin: 1. Emily Eveline, born 29 August, 1862; died 24 Jan., 1868. 2. Reuben Emmerson, born 11 April, 1865; died 19 Oct., 1868. 3. Charles Mahlon, born 24 May, 1869. 4. Ruth Naomi, born 9 May, 1875. William P. Horton and his wife are members of the M. E. Church, active in the work of the church and Sabbath-school. He follows the occupation of teaching in the public-schools of the county, and is a skillful educator. John Franklin Cole, born in Sheshequin, 4 April, 1860. 1. Jessie Lorena, born 23 Sept., 1865. 2. Emma A., born 24 August, 1867. 3. Ulysses David, born 22 May, 1870. They reside at the old homestead. Children: He was a Union soldier and died in Kentucky, 16 May, 1862. Children: 1. Isaac Lewis, born 4 July, 1836. 2. Susan Lyon, born 28 Sept., 1839; married William P. Horton. Children: 1. Martin Van Buren, married Louisa Ferguson, daughter of Curtis Ferguson, and Ethlinda Shores; had one son, viz.: Clayton. 2. Isaac, married Lovilla Ferguson, sister of Louisa,—have one daughter, Lovilla. 3. Alfred, married Sarah Hackette; no children. Children: 1. Benjamin F. married 1. Sarah Elizabeth Shores, daughter of Silas Shores; married 2. Ruth Sackett; had by 1st wife, Orrin, Nancy, and Mary; she died 23 August, 1871; by 2d wife has one son. 2. Hannah married Milton Horton, son of Children: 1. Joseph M., married Catharine Elizabeth Horton, daughter of Daniel Horton and Rhoda Chaffee, and born 7 Feb., 1845. 2. Lewis, married Elizabeth King. 3. Hannah, married George Spencer. 4. Frank, married Maretta Gillet, daughter of Lewis Gillet and Jemima Shores. 5. Edward. 6. Charlotte. 7. Sumner. 8. Emmerson. Children: Children, all born in Sheshequin: 1. Elizabeth. 2. Joseph. 3. and 4. Sylvester and Eunice are both mutes. 5. Susan. 6. Olive E. 7. William Mervin. 8. George Lewis. 9. Emma. 10. Snyder. 11. Chauncy. 12. Hannah. Children: 1. Reuben, born 19 Oct., 1848; died 11 Sept., 1851. 2. Hannah, born 27 March, 1852; died 18 Nov., 1866. 3. Reuben Wilmot, born 1 June, 1855. They reside at the old homestead of Isaac S. Horton with the old lady. She is now (1875), eighty-three years old, but retains her mental faculties remarkably well, is a fine Christian old lady. 1. David Snyder, born 10 March, 1860. 2. Mary Emeline, born 20 Dec., 1861; died 13 Jan., 1874. Isaac Rufus Horton was a Union soldier, and died for his country in the hospital at Alexandria, Va. Children, all born in Ogle Co., Ill.: 1. Sarah Maud, born 6 June, 1870. 2. Otto E., born 7 Jan., 1872. 3. Blanch, born 14 Feb., 1874. Franklin Blackman is a very intellectual man, possesses superior social qualities, a high sense of honor, and extraordinary business capacities. He resides at Rochelle, Ill. He is self-educated, possesses a large store of general information and practical knowledge, a mind disciplined to study, and a generous spirit. He has made two European tours, the first in 1866–67, and the second in 1868–69. During his travels and after his return home he published, in the "Ogle County Reporter," fifty letters, under the title of "Rambles in the Orient," ably written, and full of interesting information. Under date of 17 June, Children, both born in Milwaukee: 1. Eugene Henry J., born 20 July, 1859. 2. Olive Grant, born 10 June, 1864. Mrs. Horton was a lady of education and refinement. She possessed an excellent moral and religious character; was a worthy member of the St. James Episcopal Church, of Milwaukee, in which she took a lively interest, and was distinguished for her generosity—especially for her many deeds of benevolence to the suffering and the poor. She was a kind and dutiful wife, a most tender and affectionate mother, and her early departure was deeply lamented, not only by her bosom companion and near relatives, but also by the community in general. Yours Truly H. L. Horton Harry L. Horton's father was a well-to-do farmer, and Harry remained with his parents and worked on the farm until he was seventeen years old. He received but a moderate common-school education, and, during his school-boy days, he was noted for his activity and sagacity, and early exhibited more than ordinary business capacity. At the age of seventeen he engaged as a clerk in the store of D. Brink & Son, at Horn Brook, Pa., and remained with them until they sold out to H. W. Langford & Co., and with them he continued his clerkship until they closed business. Shortly after this, he was engaged for one year by O. D. Bartlett, Esq., of Towanda, Pa., as clerk in his store, and at the expiration of that time, he entered the store of Joseph Powell & Co., of Towanda, with whom he served as clerk until 1854. He always gave good satisfaction to his employers. Having by his industry and economy laid up a small sum of money, he decided to go West, and leaving Bradford County in 1854, he traveled extensively in Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin, until he neared He possesses excellent social qualities, is kind-hearted, generous and noble, and at his banking house, 56 Broadway, New York, or at his island home, those who visit him will meet with such a frank and cordial reception as to make them feel that they are not only at home, but at the home of one whose words and deeds define the character of a true gentleman. Mr. Horton was married 2. in Trinity Chapel, N. Y., 12 October, 1875, by the Rev. Dr. Weston, to Sara Patten, a lady of culture and refinement of the city of New York, and an esteemed member of the Episcopal Church. Horace is a well-to-do farmer, owns a large farm about two miles from the river, has a very pretty dwelling-house with slate roof, a good barn and out-buildings. He is a prominent man in the township, rents his farm and lives at ease. He inherited a part of the old homestead farm. 1. Sarah, born 18 Oct., 1856. 2. Flora, born 8 Oct., 1858. They were both born in Sheshequin, are well educated, amiable and highly accomplished young ladies. Children, all born in Sheshequin: 1. H. Gordon, born 8 Sept., 1864. 2. Horace Horton, born 6 June, 1868. 3. Hilene S., born 7 April, 1870. Mr. Kinney was an intelligent farmer. The Kinney family is one of the oldest, most respectable and most intellectual families of Bradford County. Among them we find editors, legislators, lawyers, and last, but not least, educated farmers. William Bullard, born in Sheshequin, 13 Oct., 1873. Miles E. Horton owns a part of the old homestead, has made many improvements, is a good liver, and possesses fine social qualities. The widow of W. B. Horton, a plain, intelligent, unassuming woman, lives very happily with her son Miles and his amiable lady. Joseph Rose, son of William B. Horton and Mary Rose, born in Sheshequin, when his father was but sixteen years old; married Anna Lorinda Shores, daughter of Caleb Shores and Anna Horton, and born on Shores' Hill, 31 July, 1821. They live in Waverly, N. Y., and have two children, Sophia and Melinda; Sophia married Smith Barnum—reside in Litchfield; Melinda remains unmarried. Joseph R. Horton possesses more than ordinary intellectual capacity, and is highly respected and esteemed. He was a faithful Union soldier in the war of the Rebellion, and lost a leg in the service. |