Alphabetical Index of surnames of persons intermarried with the Horton Family, and also names of clergymen or magistrates who officiated at the marriage. With a few exceptions only one page is referred to, but many of these names occur frequently. age_167" class="pginternal">167.Durfer, 109. Dusenbury, 48. Dutcher, 63. Duval, 116. Dwalf, 115. Eagles, 74. Easterbrooks, 36. Eckhert, 59. Edgar, 36. Edwards, 79. Eggleston, 92. Elliott, 42, 44. Ellis, 18. Ellsworth, 193. Emmons, 30. Entrolt, 50. Essey, 116. Evans, 154. Finley, 138. Firman, 143. Fitzpatrick, 138. Fairchild, 160. Familton, 100. Fanning, 45. Farmer, 28. Farrand, 119. Faulkner, 78. Fawkes, 115. Fee, 105. Ferguson, 164. Ferris, 92. Field, 37. Figart, 116. Fish, 172. Fisher, 128. Fishing, 114. Fitch, 96. Fonda, 52. Forbes, 44. Fordyce, 73. Forster, 46. Foster, 193. Fountain, 31. Fowler, 120. Fox, 177. Francisco, 207. Frost, 170. Gaithers, 164. Galloway, 108. Gamble, 169. Ganner, 114. Gardner, 187. Garlock, 119. Garritt, 116. Gasper, 39. Gates, 152. Gaylord, 143. Gentry, 166. Gibson, 66. Gilchrist, 156. Gildersleeve, 39. Giles, 155. Gilkey, 79. Gillam, 170. Gillette, 174. Gillingham, 36. Gilston, 97. Girvin, 222. Trany, 91. Treadeau, 215. Trowbridge, 206. Trumper, 29. Tupper, 106. Turrell, 143. Tuthill, 9, 26, 27, 69, 78, 180, 199, 220. Twist, 131. Underhill, 55. Upton, 111. Vadenburg, 96. Vail, 174. Van Alstine, 136. Vance, 83. Vanderslice, 138. Van Devort, 93. Van Doren, 75. Van Duzen, 78. Vandyke, 51. Van Heusen, 24. Van Kuren, 134. Vanleer, 115. Van Orden, 111. Van Ordell, 88. Van Scoy, 92. Verder, 56. Vetter, 138. Vibbert, 25. Vogler, 164. Voltair, 215. Vought, 62. Wader, 136. Wadsworth, 145. Wales, 215. Waller, 113. Warner, 90. Warren, 50. Washburn, 103. Weakly, 153. Weaver, 202. Webb, 188. Webster, 51. Webus, 31. Weeks, 55. Welch, 204. Wells, 11, 68, 69, 99, 144, 184, 185. Welsh, 26. Wesley, 114. Westall, 157. Westbrook, 128. Wheat, 90. Wheeler, 161. White, 116, 129, 205. Whiting, 131. Wickham, |