Children, all born in Brooklyn, N. Y.: 1. Caroline Rushmore, born 1 March, 1863. 2. Mary Goldsmith, born 9 Dec., 1865. 3. George Ellis, born 12 Aug., 1868. Prof. D. P. Horton became a resident of Brooklyn in 1849, as a student in music, both vocal and instrumental. In December, 1856, he was employed to give instruction in music in the Public Schools of the city, and also to large classes of private pupils. Soon after this, he commenced leading the music in the Churches, and in this employment he has been engaged ever since, devoting his time during the He possesses fine social as well as musical qualities, and he and his companion are both live members of the Presbyterian Church, and their influence for good is largely felt in the Church and congregation, and also wherever they are known. They have also given very valuable assistance in looking up the history of the Horton family—putting into my hands family records which Prof. Horton had been gathering up for some years past—and it has given me much pleasure to make their house my home, and enjoy their generous hospitality whenever I have had occasion to visit their beautiful city. I. Capt. William Henry, son of Henry Horton and Caroline Rogers (Benjamin, Micah, Moses, William, Jonathan I.), born in Southold, about 1837; married about 1865, Lydia Catherine Brown, daughter of Bethia Horton Overton and Samuel Brown, Jr., and born in Southold, about 1840. In June, 1872, she was living with her mother, who was the third wife of Jonathan G. Horton. The Captain was then in Boston, having just returned from a voyage to the East Indies.