Rates: one cent per word CLARK ASHTON SMITH presents THE DOUBLE SHADOW AND OTHER FANTASIES—a booklet containing a half-dozen imaginative and atmospheric tales—stories of exotic beauty, glamor, terror, strangeness, irony and satire. Price: 25 cents each (coin or stamps). Also a small remainder of EBONY AND CRYSTAL—a book of prose-poems published at $2.00, reduced to $1.00 per copy. Everything sent postpaid. Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn, California. Back Numbers of The Fantasy Fan: September, 20 cents (only a few left); October, November, December, January, February, 10 cents each. WEIRD TALES, dated 1923, 1924, 1925, and some later issues are wanted. If you have any old numbers that you are willing to part with, please communicate with the Editor. Punctuation has been normalized. Variations in hyphenation were maintained. Portions of articles that were separated from the main in the layout of the periodical have been rejoined. The following typographical or printers’ errors have been corrected: