Rates: one cent per word SEABURY QUINN—An extraordinary collection of his stories, 5 and 10 cents each. Postcard for prices on your favorite de Grandin tales, or stamp for list of all exploits available. In fairness to fans, limit four stories per person. Forrest J. Ackerman, 530 Staples Ave. San Francisco, Calif. CLARK ASHTON SMITH presents THE DOUBLE SHADOW AND OTHER FANTASIES—a booklet containing a half-dozen imaginative and atmospheric tales—stories of exotic beauty, glamor, terror, strangeness, irony and satire. Price: 25 cents each (coin or stamps). Also a small remainder of EBONY AND CRYSTAL—a book of prose-poems published at $2.00, reduced to $1.00 per copy. Everything sent postpaid, Clark Ashton Smith, Auburn, California. Back Numbers of The Fantasy Fan: September, 20 cents (only a few left); October, November, December, January, February, March, 10 cents each. I Will Pay Cash for old numbers of Weird Tales in perfect condition. $1. for any number dated between March, 1923 and February, 1924, inclusive. $.75 for any between October, 1924, and September, 1925, inclusive, and December, 1925. $.50 for any of the following numbers: July, September, 1926; May, December, 1927. Please communicate with the editor if you have any of these issues that you would like to part with at these prices. Wonder Stories presents the cream of science fiction. Why do thousands of of fans call it "the old standby"—because it is owned by Hugo Gernsback, the founder of science fiction as a popular art. Join the Science Fiction League, operated by Wonder Stories. We now present an occasional scientific-weird story for lovers of weird fiction. BOOKS, Magazines, bought, sold. Lists 3 cts. Swanson-ff, Washburn, N. D. Wanted—copies of Strange Tales; first edition of "Three Go Back" and American edition of Verne's "Earth to the Moon" for sale or trade. Bob Tucker, Box 260, Bloomington, Ill. Decorative motif Wouldn't you like to know more about your favorite author? FANTASY MAGAZINE presents biographies of foremost science and weird fiction writers in each issue Decorative motif the may issue features an interview with donald wandrei by schwartz and weisinger also h. p. lovecraft's powerful poem "the outpost" and "the girl from venus" by rae winters and many other features Decorative motif $1.00 a year Science Fiction Digest Company Decorative motif |