- ? as in m?te
- ? as in ?m
- Ä as in Ärm
- ? as in ?sk
- ? as in ?ve
- ? as in ?nd
- ? as in f?rn
- ? as in k?te
- ? as in ?ll
- ? as in n?
- ? as in ?dd
- ? as in ?se
- o?o as in fo?od
- o?o as in fo?ot
- A
- ac-com´pa-ni-ment. Music to be played with a song, or with one or more other musical instruments.
- Al-ex-an´der.
- Aus´tri-an. Belonging to Austria, a country of Europe.
- B
- Bach (bÄk).
- Ba-va´ri-a. A kingdom of Germany.
- Beethoven (b?´t?-ven).
- Buck´ing-ham. The king's palace in London.
- C
- Chopin (sh?-p?n´).
- clar´i-net. A wind instrument blown on a single reed.
- concerto (c?n-s?r´t?). A long musical composition, written to be played with an orchestra.
- D
- Danube (d?n´?b). A river in Austria.
- Dresden (dr?z´den). A city in Germany.
- dumb keyboard. Noiseless keyboard.
- E
- E-li´jah. A prophet spoken of in the Bible.
- Eu-ro-pe´an. Belonging to Europe.
- F
- Figaro (f?-g?-r?´). The hero of one of Mozart's operas.
- Fin´gal.
- Florentines (fl?r´en-t?ns). People of Florence, a city in Italy.
- Frankfurt (frÄnk´fo?ort). A city in Germany.
- G
- Goethe (g?´t?).
- Gret´chen.
- H
- Hamburg (hÄm´bo?org). A city in Germany.
- harp´si-chord. An old-fashioned piano.
- Haydn (h?´d'n).
- Heidelberg (h?´del-berg). A city of Germany.
- J
- L
- largo (lÄr´g?). A musical piece in slow time.
- Leipzig (l?p´s?k). A city in Germany.
- Liszt (l?st).
- Lohengrin (l?´en-gr?n). The knight of the swan, son of Parsifal.
- Ludwig (lo?ot´v?g).
- lute. A musical instrument with strings.
- M
- Marie Antoinette (m?-r?´ ÄntwÄ-n?t´). Wife of King Louis XVI of France.
- ma-zur´ka. A Polish dance, or the music which accompanies it, usually in ¾ or ? time.
- Mediterranean (med-?-t?r-r?´ne-an). A sea south of Europe.
- Mendelssohn (m?n´d?ls-s?n).
- Mozart (m?´zÄrt).
- Munich (m?´nik). A city in Bavaria, Germany.
- N
- O
- oratorio (?r-?-t?´r?-?). A Bible story set to music.
- Ortrud (or´tr?d).
- overture (?´v?r-t?r). A musical composition usually coming first in an oratorio or an opera.
- P
- Parisians (p?-rizh´ans). People of Paris, a city of France.
- Parsifal (par´si-f?l).
- Phoebus (f?´b?s). God of the sun.
- pianoforte (p?-?n´?-f?r-t?). A piano.
- Q
- quartet (kwa?r-t?t´). A piece of music for four voices or for four instruments.
- R
- rehearsal (r?-h?rs´al). A private recital of a play or opera before a public performance.
- Rhine (r?n). A river in Germany.
- rondo (r?n´d?). A lively musical composition.
- S
- Salzburg (z?lts´bo?o rg). A city of Austria.
- Sax´on. A native of Saxony.
- Sax´on-y. A kingdom of Germany.
- Schubert (sho?o´b?rt).
- Schumann (sho?o´mÄn).
- Sebastian (s?-b?s´chan).
- Sistine (sis´t?n).
- Sohn (s?n). German word meaning "son."
- sonata (so-nÄ´t?). A composition in three or four parts for a piano, organ, or other musical instrument.
- staves. Groups of five lines and four spaces on which notes are written.
- Stephen (st?´ven).
- symphony (s?m´fo-n?). A musical composition written in three or four parts for the orchestra.
- T
- TannhÄuser (tÄn´hoi-z?r).
- Thames (temz). A river of England.
- V
- Venetians (ve-n?´shans). People of Venice.
- Venice (v?n´?s). A city of Italy.
- Verona (v?-r?´n?). A city in Italy.
- Vienna (v?-?n´n?). A city of Austria.
- viol (v?´?l). A musical instrument much like a violin, but larger.
- viola (v?´?-l?). An instrument larger than a violin, but smaller than a viol.
- violoncello (v?-?-l?n-ch?l´l?). A bass viol.
- W
- Wagner (vÄg´n?r).
- West´min-ster Ab-bey. A large, beautiful church in London.
- Wieck (v?k).
- Wolfgang (volf´g?ng).