

Access, means of, 16
Admission, 17
Aix galericulata, 155
sponsa, 155
Agouti, 111
Alpaca, 54, 56
Amblystoma tigrinum, 183
Amphiuma means, 185
Anaconda, 179
Anas boschas, 153
Ancistrodon contortrix, 181
piscivorus, 181
Anser anser, 134
albifrons, 134
Ant-eater, great, 113
Antelope, addax, 39
beatrix, 40
beisa, 40
duiker, 47
prong-horned, 51
sable, 39, 40, 43
sabre, 39
sasin, 46, 47
Antelopes, small African, 46
Anthropopithecus calvus, 81, 84
Anthropoides virgo, 168
Antidorcas, 48
Antigone antigone, 168
Antilocapra americana, 51
Antilocapridae, 51
Antilope cervicapra, 47
Antlers, development of, 59, 61
Aoudad, 34
Ape Barbary, 86
black, 86
Aquila chrysaetos, 145
Arctictis binturong, 108
Ardea americana, 138
herodias, 138
Argusianus argus, 161
Armadillo, nine-banded, 112
six-banded, 112, 114
three-banded, 112
Ass, Persian Wild, 66
Aurochs, 29
Aviary, eagle and vulture, 143
goose, 133
pheasant, 155
Axis axis, 67
Axis deer, 67
Aythya americana, 154
vallisneria, 154
Baboon, 85
golden, 86
hamadryas, 86
long-armed yellow, 86
Bactrachians, 182
Badger, American, 110
European, 110
Balearica pavonina, 169
Bascanium constrictor, 179
Bear, Admiralty, 124
Andean black, 125
black, 124
brown, 125, 127
hairy-eared, 126
Himalayan black, 126
Isabella, 126
Japanese black, 127
Peninsula, 123
Polar, 120, 121, 122
sloth, 127
spectacled, 125, 126
Syrian, 125
Yakutat, 122
Beaver, American, 110, 129
Big-horn, 32
Binturong, 108
Birds, list of, 152
Bison, American, 26, 27
European, 27
ranges, 26
Black buck, 47
Blastoceros paludosus, 44
Blessbok, 41
Bos americanus, 27
primigenius, 29
Bradypus tridactylus, 114
Branta canadensis, 134
Brocket, black-faced, 45
Bubo bubo, 141
lacteus, 142
virginianus, 142
Bufo lentiginosus, 183
Burrhel, 32, 34
Buteo borealis, 144
Cage, flying, 135, 136
Camel, bactrian, 53, 54
Camelus dromedarius, 55
Cameloids, 55
Canis azarae, 109
dingo, 109
latrans, 99
mesomelas, 108
nubilis, 98
Capybara, 111
Caribou, woodland, 62
Barren-Ground, 63
Casarca casarca, 155
variegata, 155
Cassowary, Ceram, 165
Castor canadensis, 110, 129
Cat, common civet, 107
jungle, 106
Malayan, 107
margay, 106
wild, 107
yaguarundi, 106
Catharista urubu, 144
urobitinga, 144
Cebus hypoleucus, 81
Cephalophus grimmi, 47
Cercocebus collaris, 81, 87
Cervicapra arundinum, 47
Cervus canadensis, 57
canadensis asiaticus, 70
duvauceli, 70
elaphus, 71
eldi, 69
equinus, 70
maral, 71
moluccensis, 45
muntjac, 45
porcinus, 45
schomburgki, 44
unicolor, 45, 70
Chameleon, 179
Chamois, 33, 35
Cheetah, 77
Chelydra serpentina, 173
Chelonia, 172
Chen hyperborea, 135
Chenopsis atrata, 135
Chimpanzee, 81, 84
Choloepus hoffmani, 114
Chrysemys picta, 173
Chrysolophus amherstiae, 158
Chrysolophus pictus, 158
Chrysothrix sciurea, 81, 88
Ciconia ciconia, 138
Cistudo carolina, 173
Coati-mundi, 109
red, 109
white-nosed, 109
Cobra-de-capello, 181
king, 180
Cobus unctuosus, 41
Collections, arrangement of, 11
census of, 11
Connochaetes gnu, 38
albojubatus, 39
Condor, California, 144
South American, 143
Corvidae, 152
Coscoroba coscoroba, 135
Coyote, 99, 100
Crane, Asiatic, white, 168
crowned, 169
demoiselle, 167, 168
little brown, 167
paradise, 168
sandhill, 138, 167
sarus, 168
whooping, 167, 169
Crocodile, American, 176
broad-nosed, 177
Florida, 176
sharp-nosed Orinoco, 176
Crocodilus acutus, 176
acutus floridanus, 176
intermedius, 176
osteolaemus tetraspis, 177
Crotalus adamanteus, 181
Cryptobranchus allegheniensis, 184
Ctenosaura acanthura, 177
Cyclura cornuta, 177
Cynomys ludovicianus, 118
Cygnus buccinator, 135
olor, 134
Dama vulgaris, 68
Damaliscus albifrons, 41
Dasyprocta, 111
Dasypus sexcinctus, 112
Deer, axis, 67, 68
barasingha, 70
Columbian black-tailed, 62
Eld, 69
European red, 71
fallow, 68
hog, 45
horse-tailed, 70
Japanese sika, 67
jumping, 60
maral, 71
marsh, 44
Molucca, 45
mule, 60
musk, 46
Osceola, white-tailed, 43
rib-faced, 45
Indian sambar, 70
Malay sambar, 70
Schomburgk, 44
Sinaloa white-tailed, 44
swamp, 70
white-tailed, 62
Dens, bear, 119
fox, 101
wolf, 98
Dingo, 109
Dog, Australian, 109
Azara, 109
raccoon, 109
Dromedary, 55
Dromaeus novae-hollandiae, 165
Duck, canvas back, 154
lesser scaup, 155
mallard, 153
mandarin, 155
pintail, 153
red-head, 154
shoveller, 154
wood, 155
Duiker, antelope, 47
Eagle, bald, 146
bateleur, 145
golden, 145
harpy, 144
vulturine sea, 146
white-breasted, 146
Egret, American, 140
snowy, 139
Egretta candidissima, 139
Eland, 38, 42
Elaps fulvius, 180
Elephant, Indian, 91, 92
Sudan African, 92, 93
West African, 93
Elephas, capensis, 81, 89
varia, 89
Leucoryx antelope, 39, 41
Lion, 73
Barbary, 74
mountain, 78
Lizards, 177
Location of Park, 15
Lophophorus impeyanus, 161
Lutra canadensis, 103
Lynx, bay, 107
Canada, 116
spotted, 107
Macacus entellus, 81, 86
fuscatus, 81, 86, 88
nemestrinus, 81, 86, 88
rhesus, 81, 86
Macaws, 149
Macropus rufus, 50
Mammals, 25
burrowing, 116
egg-laying, 115
toothless, 112
Mandrill, 85
Margay cat, 106
Markhor Suleiman, 31, 33
Marmoset, 81, 88
Marsh deer, 44
Mazama tema, 45
Meleagris gallopavo silvestris, 146
Meles taxus, 110
Molucca deer, 45
Monkey, black spider, 87
entellus, 86
gray spider, 87
green, 87
howling, 87
mona, 87
pig-tailed, 86, 88
rhesus, 86
squirrel, 88
Moschus moschiferus, 46
Mouflon, 32, 34
Mountain sheep, big-horn, 32
Mud eel, 185
puppy, 185
Muntjac deer, 45
Musk deer, 46
Musk-ox, 31
Myopotamus coypu, 104
Myrmecophaga jubata, 113
Nasua rufa, 109
Naja bungaris, 180

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