The following were identified as spelling or typographic errors and have been emended as noted. - Page 3 - corrected calisthenics
- The mirror before which he had been performing his morning calesthenics faced him uncompromisingly;
- Page 27 - corrected you're
- "Well," he said finally, "maybe your right.
- Page 41 - corrected telephone
- at the sound of the telphone bell.
- Page 42 - corrected harassing
- which had suddenly solved for her the harrassing problem of the spring hat
- Page 82 - corrected resonant
- As it slid slowly out beneath the resonnant cupola,
- Page 105 - corrected susurrant
- From their feet the meadow spreads, fresh and lush, sussurant with the hidden flow of a brook,
- Page 130 - corrected gliding
- and upon the stage, giding in from the West like a Cinderella coach drawn by six white mice,
- Page 135 - added opening quotation mark
- And so I fought it, John, I fought your love.
- Page 172 - left as is - sizzing as unclear what was correct
- and finally he came down to her from the very zenith of the dome in a sizzing straight line which opened
- Page 203 - added closing quotation mark
- "It shall be regarded as a part of this agreement that the length of the flying apparatus, whatsoever it may be, shall be determined by the party of the first part.
All other unusual, colloquial or non-standard spelling and punctuation has been left as in the original book. |