OPHIDIAN ACROBATS: CONSTRUCTION AND CONSTRICTION. BEFORE discussing the most remarkable of all ophidian caudal appendages, the Crotalus rattle, and the many speculations regarding it, we will enumerate some other acrobatic achievements of which snakes are capable; as, in accounting for these, some interesting facts appertaining to their anatomical structure can be described. A humorous journalist has said, ‘There is apparently nothing that a snake can not do, except swallow a porcupine.’ Let us try to account for this. Many of my readers have seen the cast-off coat of a snake. Those who have not can have the pleasure of examining one or several the next time they go to the Zoological Gardens, where the obliging keeper will cheerfully exhibit them. Others at a distance may not enjoy this facility, and for these the accompanying diagrams may be a slight compensation.
The whole cuticle or epidermis of a serpent is composed of these overlapping scales, of which the above illustrations are only fragments. Thus when we speak of their scales, we do not mean distinct and separable laminÆ, like the scales of some fishes, each of which may be scraped or plucked off, Mr. Ruskin, in his highly-entertaining lecture on ‘Snakes,’ at the London Institution, March 1880 (a lecture which, by the way, was artistic, poetic, figurative, imaginative—‘Snakes’ from a Ruskin, but not a zoological, point of view), remarked ‘that no scientific book tells us why the reptile is a “serpent,” i.e. serpentine in its motions, and why it cannot go straight.’ Now, may not the fact that snakes have acquired these ever-varying sinuations arise from their sensitiveness to the slightest, and what would be to other creatures almost impalpable, obstructions in their path?—mere inequalities which in their lazy nature it is easier, they know not why, to circumvent than to surmount; because they can go straight, and do go straight when the way is plain. Rymer Jones, in his Organization of the Animal Kingdom, thinks that their sense of touch from the nature of their integument must be extremely imperfect; they being ‘deprived of any limbs which can be regarded as tactile organs,’ p. 753. But close observation leads one to agree rather with a much older writer, Roget, who, in his Animal Physiology, intimates that the peculiar conformation of serpents must be exceedingly favourable to the acquisition of correct perceptions of touch, and that these perceptions which lead to a perfect acquaintance with the tangible properties of surrounding bodies must contribute much to the sagacity of snakes;—that their whole body is a hand, conferring some of the advantages of that instrument. That this latter faculty is strictly and marvellously the Though snakes have no limbs externally, ‘the work of hands, feet, and fins is performed by a modification of the vertebral column.’ As ‘flying,’ the swift motions of many snakes have been described by ancient writers, as, for example, the ‘flying serpents’ of Scripture, though these are by many supposed to be the Dracunculi, the earliest known of human parasites. The astonishing movements of serpents were, however, in superstitious ages ascribed to supernatural agency. Says Pliny: ‘The Jaculus darts from trees, flies through the air as if it were hurled from an engine.’ The ‘wisest of men’ admitted that the actions of serpents were beyond his comprehension; ‘the way of a serpent on a rock’ was ‘too wonderful’ for him. Even in intermediate ages, when travellers and naturalists began to confront fiction with fact, even in the days of Buffon and LacepÈde, a serpent was regarded as a living allegory rather than a zoological reality by many intelligent, albeit unscientific persons. Of such was Chateaubriand, whose contemplation of the serpent partook of religious awe. ‘Everything is mysterious, secret, astonishing in this incomprehensible reptile. His movements differ from those of all other animals. It is impossible to say where his locomotive principle lies, for he has neither fins, nor feet, nor wings; and yet he flits like a shadow, he vanishes as if by magic, he reappears, and is gone again like a light azure vapour on the gleams of a sabre in the dark. Now he curls himself into a circle, and projects a tongue of fire; now standing erect upon the extremity of his tail he moves as if by enchantment. He rolls himself into a ball, rises and falls like a spiral line, gives to his rings the undulations of a wave, twines round the branches of trees, glides under the grass of the meadow, or skims along the surface of the water,’ and so forth. Excepting the ‘tongue of fire,’ the whole of this poetic description is so far true and unexaggerated, that Chateaubriand has not attributed to the reptile one action of which it is not capable, and which, to the untutored mind, might well seem supernatural. Roget, Schlegel, Huxley, and others tell us the same things in the language of science. To quote them all is impossible; the reader will be content with one scientific assurance of ophidian capabilities, not less poetic than Chateaubriand’s. Professor Owen, in describing the bony structure of the Ophidia, and in allusion to the scriptural text—‘Upon thy belly shalt thou go’—affirms that so far from the reptiles being degraded from a higher type, their whole organization demonstrates how exquisitely their parts are adapted to their necessities, and thus proceeds: ‘They can outclimb the monkey, outswim the fish, outleap the jerboa, and suddenly loosing the coils of their crouching spiral, they can spring into the air and seize the bird upon its wing.’ The active snakes can always ‘leap’ their own length, whether upwards to seize a bird, or horizontally, and, as in the case of the Jamaica boa (described p. 186), can leap much farther from a similar impetus when the direction is downwards. Indeed, they can let themselves fall from a certain elevation with an additional impetus to progress, as a boy first runs in order to leap a ditch. ‘With neither hands nor talons, they can out-wrestle the athlete, and crush their prey in the embrace of their ponderous, overlapping folds.... Instead of licking up its food as it glides along, the serpent uplifts its crushed prey, and presents it grasped in its death-like coil, as in a hand, to its gaping mouth.’ A similarly graphic account is given by Rymer Jones, p. 718 of his work, In watching the larger constricting snakes while feeding, you see how dexterously they manage.—(One may use this word here, because those above quoted, ‘as in a hand,’ are They have quickly strangled and begun to eat, say an opossum or a turkey buzzard, when a part of the prey not swallowed offers some impediment to the expanded jaws; the wings or legs may be inconveniently extended, or have become wedged between some immoveable obstacles—a log, a narrow space, or under a portion of themselves. Their mouth, the only apparent grasping agent, is already occupied, and a strain sufficiently powerful, while the jaws are thus retaining the prey, would be painful to the feeder, might even drag back the food, to the injury of the engaged teeth. How does the reptile proceed in this emergency? With the lightness and deftness of enormous strength, it applies two folds of its body, two loops of its own coils, and with them drags forth, lifts up, or otherwise adjusts its prey in a more convenient position—in fact, ‘presents it as in a hand’ to its own mouth. A very remarkable instance of a constricting snake thus using its coils is related by Dr. Elliott Coues, of the United States army, late surgeon and naturalist to the United States Northern Boundary Commission. He witnessed one of those frequent combats between the Racer and the Rattlesnake, in which the former—and in far less time than it takes to read one line of this page—threw two folds or coils round his adversary, one coil of the anterior portion of his own body round one part, and a second coil of the posterior portion of his own body round another part, and then, by a sudden extension of himself, tore the The coiling of the constricting snakes is like lightning; you cannot follow the movements. In this case death must have been instantaneous, and indeed it is doubtful whether any beast or bird of prey puts his victim to a more speedy and less torturing death than the constrictors when following their own instincts. Repairing to the Zoological Gardens in the hope of witnessing the wonderful adaptation of coils to manual uses, after reading what Roget and Owen had affirmed, one soon had a favourable opportunity in watching a python. It was, I think, in June 1874, and the poor python had a ruptured side. In spite of which—as my zoological notes record—‘it helped by the folds of its body to get the wings of the duck down flat and close, so as to swallow it more easily. With reason does Roget say, “Its whole body is a hand,” for it used its loops to hold and to push and to flatten in a manner truly intelligent.’ Such was my first entry and observation. Subsequently, and indeed almost on every feeding day, the same kind of thing was to be seen at the Gardens. Many such examples are recorded in my notebook; but of these one or two later notes will suffice to illustrate the subject. ‘Totsey,’ a python born in the Gardens, June 30, 1877, A young python was hanging from a branch, more than half its body curved as in the accompanying sketch, remaining motionless and quiescent, watching some sparrows which the keeper had just put into the cage. The birds, eyeing certain insects among the gravel, seemed all unconscious of the pair of glistening eyes looking down upon them. Suddenly a movement, a flicker, like the flash of a whip, and the snake had changed its position. Too quick for us to follow the motion, but in that flash of time it now hung like a pendulum, with a sparrow almost hidden in its coils. The snake had precisely measured its distance, reached down, and recoiled with the swiftness of an elastic spring. After a few minutes, feeling that its prey was dead, it prepared to swallow it, holding it encircled in a portion of its body, while the head was free to commence the usual examination. Still hanging there, it held and devoured the bird. On another occasion, one of the larger pythons caught a guinea-pig in the same manner. This also was so quick in its movements that one scarcely knew what had happened until the snake was seen to have changed its position, some of the anterior coils had embraced a something, and a quadruped was missing. This snake also still hung while eating its meal, the whole process occupying less than ten minutes. In both these cases we saw the prehensile tail in its natural use, while the rest of the body was free for action. One of the most remarkable cases of what we may call independent constricting powers, that is, two or more parts of the reptile being engaged at the same time, was in some very hungry, or very greedy, or very sagacious little constrictors, the ‘four-rayed snakes,’ Elaphis quater-radiatus. They are slender for their length, which may be from Whenever either of them was in the same position for one quiet minute, a few hurried strokes of the pencil fixed them in my notebook, and of the hasty though faithful sketches thus made, I present three to the reader on the opposite page. April 1st, 1881.—After this date nothing more was to be seen! Henceforth visitors were to be excluded, and the reptiles were to be fed after sunset. Now, however painfully and sympathetically we may regard those poor little birds so unceremoniously seized, crushed, and devoured, we can but reverently, and almost with awe, admire the astonishing facility with which these limbless, toolless reptiles provide themselves with food. With still deeper awe and reverence we shall admire when we examine their anatomical structure, and see by what marvellous development it has been adapted to their necessities. We feel sadly for the finches, it is true; because finches are often our pets, and are sweet songsters. Were a toad or a rat thus treated, we should care less, perhaps; because there is as much repugnance towards toads and ‘vermin,’ as towards snakes. But if the finches did not become the prey of snakes, they would become the victims of bird-catchers and milliners; and if they escaped these wanton spoilers, they would fall victims to birds of prey, as much larger birds fall victims to our own need of food. Reptiles also have existence and requirements, and an organization adapted to such requirements. This should be their claim upon our tolerance; and if they do not win our admiration, we cannot deny them the right to live, the right to feed according to their instincts, and to secure their natural food in their own way, which—begging the reader to pardon this feeble moralizing—we find to be a very wonderful way. Though the term ‘reptile’ is applied to a whole tribe of crawling creatures, whether four-legged or limbless, that are covered with scales, horny plates, or a skin more or less hardened, imbricated, or rugose (viz. crocodiles, lizards, frogs, toads, serpents, and their congeners), snakes are more truly reptiles, being limbless, from repo, to creep. Hence serpents (from serpo, to creep, and its derivatives serpentine, serpentize, etc., from serpens, winding) have been separated from the rest. The true serpents, therefore, are those without feet, and which move only close to the ground, by the sinuations of their body. We have seen that the constricting snakes use this body as a substitute for hands, literally managing with it; but though they are externally legless, and apodal (without feet), the truth is that few creatures, none perhaps, not even millipedes, are more liberally furnished with legs and feet than serpents. One curious exception to general rules is, that while other creatures have the same number of feet as Many of my observant readers have already discovered for themselves where and what these numerous legs and feet are. In the early days of my ophidian studies, which then consisted chiefly of observations, I noticed the action of limbs beneath the skin of the pythons as they moved about, and more particularly when they were climbing up the glass in front of their cages, and as in the case of the glottis, I thought I had made a grand discovery; and so I had, as far as myself was concerned. Deductions from personal observation, which in the history of many sciences have again and again been claimed as original discoveries by rival thinkers or experimentalists, no doubt were original on the part of each. Probably, also, many other persons have noticed this leg-like action of the ribs, but who, not being specially interested in snakeology, have never troubled themselves to ascertain ‘further particulars,’ or cared whether any one else had observed this or not. But it is a very evident and unmistakeable action, and one quite worth studying on your next visit to the Reptilium. Books on ophiology tell us that Sir Joseph Banks was the first to observe this limb-like action of the ribs. Sir Everard—then Mr.—Home, F.R.S, and the most distinguished anatomist of his time, was, however, the first to publish a scientific description of the fact; his account and the illustrations accompanying it having been subsequently adopted by most ophiologists. In vol. cii. of the Philosophical Transactions of 1812, p. We give his introductory words, not only because the ‘discovery’ was a great event in the history of ophiology, but as showing that to see and examine a foreign snake was at that time a rare if not a novel occurrence. He tells us that on a former occasion in 1804, he had described the anterior ribs of a cobra, those which form the ‘hood.’ At that time he was ‘not in possession of the bodies of snakes,’ so that he could compare their structure, but had since found out a good deal more about their anatomy, and then he proceeds: ‘A Coluber of unusual size lately brought to London to be exhibited, was shown to Sir Joseph Banks. The animal was lively and moved along the carpet briskly; while it was doing so, Sir Joseph thought he saw the ribs come forward in succession, like the feet of a caterpillar. This remark he immediately communicated to me, and gave me an opportunity of seeing the snake and making my own observations. The fact was already established, and I could feel the ribs with my fingers as they were brought forward. I placed my hand under the snake, and the ribs were felt distinctly upon the palm as the animal passed over it. This becomes the more interesting discovery as it constitutes a new species of progressive motion, and one widely different from those already known.’ The ‘unusually large Coluber’ was probably a python. Had a previous opportunity presented itself to this scientific and thoughtful observer, Sir Joseph Banks might not have In the previous chapter the number of vertebrÆ forming the spinal column of three or four snakes was given, but this number varies greatly, not only in snakes but in species. In some species there are above 400 vertebrÆ or joints in a snake’s spine. But here is a puzzle that baffles the student. ‘Every one knows,’ says Schlegel, ‘that their number differs’ (speaking of the vertebrÆ), ‘not only according to the species, but also in individuals, so that sometimes we find in serpents of the same species a difference of thirty or forty vertebrÆ more or less.’ Taking this literally according to the text, one might expect to find one ring-snake in a family of ten measuring two feet, while his brother measured two yards, and a third four feet, and so on, as if each had a different number of vertebrÆ. ‘The same species,’ that is, two anacondas or two cobras! ‘A mistranslation,’ one naturally decided, and proceeded to consult the original. But no. The translator had faithfully and unquestioningly followed the original French; but the fact was so irreconcilable that I sought Dr. GÜnther’s kind assistance in comprehending the passage. ‘Evidently an oversight. Manifestly impossible,’ that learned authority at once decided. (As Schlegel stands high as a scientific ophiologist, the misprint is pointed out for the benefit of future students.) Thus lengths, as to the number of vertebrÆ, vary in species of the same genus, but not in ‘individuals of the same species.’ And this alone is sufficiently perplexing. For example, we read in one work that a rattlesnake has 194 vertebrÆ, and in another that ‘it,’ viz. ‘a rattlesnake,’ has 207 vertebrÆ. Both equally correct, because two distinct species are described. Again, Dr. Carpenter, in his Animal Physiology (edition of 1872), gives a table of the vertebrÆ of various animals, in which ‘a python’ has 422 joints, while Owen gives ‘a python’ 291 joints, each learned anatomist having examined a different species. By these facts we comprehend what Schlegel intended to say. The little constrictors caught their finches with five feet of body at their disposal. An anaconda, with five yards of body to work with, might with equal ease coil three opossums. ‘The skeleton of a snake exhibits the greatest possible simplicity to which a vertebrate animal can be reduced,’ says Roget. It is ‘merely a lengthened spinal column.’ It is ‘simple’ in the same way that botanists call a stem simple when it has no branches, or bracts, or leaves, to interrupt its uniformity. For this reason, having no limbs, and therefore none of those bones which in quadrupeds connect the limbs to the trunk, the spine is, in unscientific language, alike all the way down; ‘un corps tout en tronc.’ And because those two first joints of the spine which have But so also do the necks of mammals vary very greatly in length, while all, without exception, are formed of seven joints, only seven vertebrÆ; a man, a whale, a giraffe, and a mouse possess each seven cervical vertebrÆ, different in form from the rest of the joints of the spinal column. We might say that in appearance a whale has no neck, but its seven neck joints are flat and close as seven cards or seven pennies, while those of the giraffe are extraordinarily prolonged; and in ourselves—well, of course, the reader will admit the perfection of symmetry in our own necks, and the seven joints, therefore, are precisely of the proper size. While the spine of a snake is ‘simple’ in respect of its joints being all formed on the same plan, it is the reverse of simple in its wonderfully complex structure. Professor Huxley, in his delightful lecture, said that ‘the most beautiful piece of anatomy he knew was the vertebra of a snake.’ Professor Owen thus anatomically describes it: ‘The vertebrÆ Front and back view of a vertebra. Bearing in mind that each of these highly complicated joints supports a pair of moveable ribs, and that the ends of these ribs are connected by muscles with the large stiff scutes or scales crossing the under surface of the body (see illustrations, p. 193), which move with the ribs, one foot-like scale to each pair, we comprehend how snakes exceed millipedes in the number of their limbs, if not true legs, and how they excel the insect also in variety of movement. Those ‘ball and socket’ joints admit of free lateral flexion, and every variety of curvature—‘the utmost pliancy of motion,’ to repeat the words of Rymer Jones; and also of that surprisingly independent motion which enables the constrictors to surpass even the Bimana (except practised experts) in doing several things at once. Thoughtful persons who can contemplate this wondrous Think of 300 back-bones and 300 pairs of legs, all requiring wholesome exercise. Some snakes have 300 pairs of ribs—each pair capable of independent motion, and articulated with that complex spine; and each pair moving together, and carrying along with them a foot in the shape of a broad ventral scale. ‘This scutum by its posterior edge lays hold of the ground,’ says Sir Everard Home, ‘and becomes a fixed point whence to set out anew.’ The hold which the ventral scales have of the ground obviously renders it easier for the reptiles to pass over a rough than a smooth surface; what are obstacles to other creatures are facilities to them. But they appear to be never at a loss. On a boarded room, or even a marble floor, they will manage progression of some sort,—many by the pressure of the tail to push themselves forward, and others with an action that can be compared only with swimming. With the same rapid, undulating motion as swimming, the active snakes skim through the grass, or over soft herbage, on which they seem to make no impression. Their swift sinuations are almost invisible to the eye. You only know that a snake was there, and now has vanished. The ‘Rat’ snake of Ceylon (Ptyas mucosus) (see frontispiece) and the ‘Pilot’ snakes of America are among the best known of these swift-flitting or gliding creatures. Rats are fleet little quadrupeds, but their enemies, the At one of the Davis lectures at the Zoological Gardens, a fine Rat snake in the Society’s collection was exhibited, and was permitted to be handled by a favoured few. To hold it still was not possible, for the creature glided through the hand, and entwined itself about one as if a dozen snakes had you in possession. It was very tame, and accustomed to be handled by the keeper, whose especial pet it was; otherwise Ptyas is a powerful snake, and quite capable of strangling you should it take a fancy to constrict your neck. On another occasion this same snake constricted my arm sufficiently to make my fingers swell; but that was not so much in anger as for safety, because it did not like to be fettered in its movements, or to be somewhat unceremoniously examined. A younger and less tame specimen tried to bite me, and squeezed my fingers blue by constricting them. There is no circumventing these ‘lithe and elegant beings.’ They will get into your pocket, or up your sleeve; and while you think you have the head safely in your hand, the whole twelve feet of snake will have glided through, and be making its way to the book shelves, or where you least expect to see it. When frequently handling the young constrictors, one has been able to feel as well as to observe the action of the ribs. As they pass through the hand, you feel them expanded, so as to present a flatter under surface. In Ptyas the back is remarkably keeled when crawling, a section of his body presenting the form of the middle diagram given below. Schlegel describes the forms which the bodies of various snakes assume in swimming, climbing, clinging, etc. Sometimes they are laterally compressed, at others flattened. The three figures above are on a much reduced scale, but give an idea of the sections of three different snakes, though each snake is capable of several such changes of form. When snakes climb against the glass of their cages, you may easily discern the flattening of their bodies. In this action there seems to be a compressing power, any hold of the scutÆ against a polished plane being, of course, impossible; yet without holding they seem to cling; and the ribs advance in wave-like intervals just the same, with an intermediate space at rest until in turn the wave is there and passes on, while from an anterior portion another wave approaches, and so on. Yet the compressure strikes one forcibly. There is also the evident support of the tail in a large python thus crawling to the very top of his cage. Mr. Gosse observed the dilatation and flattening of the Some young Jamaica boas crawled to the top of their cage as soon as they were born. I saw them the same day; held them, as well as it was possible to hold threads of quicksilver; felt them, too, for the exceedingly juvenile constrictors tied up my fingers cleverly. So did some young boa constrictors, born alive at the Gardens, June 30, 1877. They were from fifteen to twenty inches in length, and had teeth sufficiently developed to draw blood from Holland’s hand, showing fight and ingratitude at the same time. They were exceedingly active, and fed on young mice, which they constricted instinctively. One of them, known as ‘Totsey,’ subsequently hung for her portrait, as on p. 201. In vol. xx. of Nature, p. 528, is a very clever paper on the progression of snakes, by H. F. Hutchinson, who has evidently observed them closely. He arrives at the conclusion that they have three different modes, viz. ‘on smooth plane surfaces by means of their rib-legs;’ ... ‘through high grass by rapid, almost invisible, sinuous onward movement, like swimming;’ in climbing straight walls or ascending smooth surfaces by creating a vacuum with the ventral scales. He reminds us that cobras, kraits, the rat snake, and other slender and active kinds are constantly found on house roofs, walls, straight smooth trees, etc., and asks how they got there. He has seen the ‘abdominal scales In company with my esteemed friend, Mr. Robert Chambers of Edinburgh, we made similar experiments by placing some of the smooth-scaled, active snakes on a boarded floor. Being extremely wild, they displayed their anger and skill to perfection, and literally swam along, scarcely touching the floor, and so swiftly that we had difficulty in pursuing and securing them again. Some very young Tropidonoti when disturbed flew or ‘swam’ about their cage in the same manner. We also saw pythons climb up a window-frame, and a corner of the room where no visible hold could be obtained; and after the example of Sir Everard Home, we allowed the reptiles to crawl over our hands, when we could feel the expansion and flattening of the body by the spreading of the ribs. I incline to agree, therefore, with the writer in Nature, that there is a sort of vacuum created by the ventral scales. Dr. Stradling observed that on occasions of retreat, some snakes move in such rapid and ever-varying sinuations as to baffle you completely when you attempt to lay hold of them; the part you thought to grasp is gone. At the risk of being tedious, a few more words must be added on this subject of progression, because we so constantly But among the most characteristically active are the small and slender tree snakes, the DryadidÆ and DendrophidÆ, mostly of a brilliant green. These and the Whip snakes are exceedingly long and slender, the tails of many of them very gradually diminishing to a fine and attenuated point. Some of them are closely allied to the lizards, and skim and They are found in the hot countries of both hemispheres. The Siamese call some of them ‘sunbeams,’ from their combination of grace and splendour, and in Brazil some have the brilliant tints of the humming-birds. These little creatures in your hand feel like soft, fine, satin cords endowed with life. Dr. Wucherer, writing from Brazil, enthusiastically declared that he was always delighted to find one of them in his garden. He discovered them coiled in a bird’s nest, their body of two feet long occupying a space no larger than the hollow of your hand. ‘In an instant they dart upwards between the branches and over the leaves, which scarcely bend beneath their weight. A moment more, and you have lost them.’ Krefft, of Australia, had some of the active snakes, which were confined in an empty room, but one day could not be found. At last they were discovered upon the moulding of a door, nine feet from the floor! They must have climbed up the smooth wood-work in their own mysterious fashion. Ere concluding this chapter, one slight exception to the extremely ‘simple’ spinal column must be named. This is that certain families, more nearly allied to the lizards, or most far removed from the vipers, have rudiments of pelvic bones, or those which in bipeds connect the legs with the trunk. In a few families there is even a pair of these rudiments externally, though only in the form of a spur or There is, however, the true skeleton of a claw beneath the skin, composed of several bones, and presenting somewhat the form of a bird’s claw, hinting at the common ancestry between snakes and lizards. These spurs, though mere vestiges of limbs, must still be of some use to the large constrictors when climbing trees and hanging from the branches. They are found in the boa, python, eryx, and tortrix, four groups which approach the lizard characteristics; also in Boa aquatica, the anaconda. |