- Academy, Royal, heraldry at exhibitions, 33
- Acton church (Suffolk), brass in, 252
- Africa, South, 269
- Albans, Saint, 54, 164, 259, 281;
- abbey church of, 73, 74
- Albemarle, Richard earl of, see Beauchamp;
- William earl of, see Forz
- Albert Medal for Bravery, 265
- Aldeburgh arms, 326
- Aldeburgh, Margaret, 326;
- Sir William, 326
- Alderby, John of, bp. of Lincoln, 322
- Aldermaston (Berks), 306
- Alen, Sir John, 307, 308
- Alexandra, Queen, banner of, 228
- Alexandria, rubies of, 275, 290
- Alnwick, William, bp. of Norwich, 264
- Andrew, saint, cross or saltire of, 40, 225, 248, 249
- AngoulÊme, arms of, 119
- Anne of Bohemia, Queen, 89, 172, 185, 324
- Anstis, John, 309
- Anthony, cross of saint, 50
- Antiquaries, Society of, 233
- Aquitaine, duchy of, 154
- Arms, rolls of, 62
- Arundel (Sussex), effigy at, 277, 279
- Arundel, Beatrice countess of, 278;
- Edmund earl of, see FitzAlan;
- Joan countess of, 279, 280;
- Richard earl of, see FitzAlan;
- Thomas earl of, 273, 277;
- Sir Edmund of, 118;
- Sir William, 144, 145;
- William earl of, see FitzAlan
- Ashmole, Elias, 224
- Astley, Sir John, 131
- Aston (Warw), effigy at, 305
- Athelhampton House (Dorset), 331
- Auckland castle (Durham), ceiling in, 352, 353
- Aveline, countess of Lancaster, 120
- Badges, 165-184
- Badlesmere, Bartholomew, 117;
- Maud, 117, 118
- Baliol arms, 326
- Ballard arms, 61
- Banastre, Sir Thomas, 141
- Banner, the King's, 219, 220, 73, 74, 196
- Buch, the Captal de, 141
- Buckingham, duke and earl of, see Stafford;
- Henry duke of, 96, 98
- Buckingham, earldom of, arms of, 96
- Buckingham Palace, memorial in front of, 34
- Bullen, Thomas, earl of Wiltshire and Ormond, 267
- Bures, arms of, 252
- Burgh, John of, 114;
- Sir Thomas, stall-plate of, 136;
- William of, earl of Ulster, 117, 119
- Burghersh, barony of, 200;
- Sir Bartholomew, 198
- Burlington House, see London
- Burnell, Hugh lord, 141, 149
- Burnham Thorpe (Norfolk), brass at, 296
- Burton, Thomas, bp. of Exeter, 322
- Bury St. Edmunds, St. Mary's church at, 303
htm.html#Page_114" class="pginternal">114, 170, 270, 323 Elizabeth, Queen, 224, 225, 336 Elsefield, Elizabeth, 118; Sir Gilbert, 118 Elsing (Norf), brass at, 100, 157 Eltham, John of, see John Embroideries, heraldic, 319-330 Engayn, John, 127 England, 59, 248, 249, 335; arms of, 88, 89, 99, 111, 113, 115, 350; leopards of, 217, 226, 346; lion supporter of, 206 England, King of, 79, 322, 323; supporters of, 206 Engrailing, 44 Erdington family, knight of, 305, 312 Ermine, 39, 258 Erpingham, Sir Thomas, 144 Essex, earl of, see Stafford Humphrey; Henry earl of, see Bourchier; Humphrey earl of, see Bohun Essex, earldom of, arms of, 193 Est, Robert, 329 Esturmy, Henry, see Sturmy Etchingham church (Sussex), 239, 240 Etchingham, Sir William, 239 Eton College arms, 47 Ewelme (Oxon), effigy at, 283, 284 Exeter, bishop's palace at, 175, 177; brass at, 185; sheriff's chain, 312; waits' collars, 313, 314 Exeter, duchess of, 283; Edward bp. of, see Stafford; Peter bishop of, 321; Peter bp. of, see Courtenay; Thomas bp. of, see Burton; Thomas duke of, see Holand; Thomas duke of, see Thomas - Fairfax lions and goats, 339
- Fairfax, Sir William, 338
- Falstaff, Sir John, 203
- Farnham, Sir Robert, arms of, 48
- Fauconberg, William lord, 229
- Fawsley House (Northants), 343
- Felbrigge (Norf), brass at, 78, 89
- Felbrigge, Sir Simon, 300
- Henry V, King, 302, 182
- Lullingstone (Kent), 191, 192
- Lupton, Robert, provost of Eton, rebus of, 191
- Lyhart, Walter, bp. of Norwich, 191
- Lyte, John, arms of, 334
nberg@html@files@45181@45181-h@45181-h-4.htm.html#Page_188" class="pginternal">188, 206, 208, 212, 218, 239 Richard earl of Cornwall, arms of, 66 Richmond, George, lord of, see George; Margaret countess of, see Beaufort Richmond, label of, 101 Ripon (Yorks), 309, 310 Rivers, Richard lord, see Wydvile Robsart, Lewis, lord Bourchier, 157, 181, 222, 223, 224, 239 Rochester (Kent), 219 Roll, the Great, 47, 48, 50, 62, 86 Rolls of arms, 62 Romans, Richard, King of the, 194 Romney, New (Kent), brass at, 87 Roos, Thomas lord, of Hamlake, 200 Rothwell (Northants), 338 Roundels of arms, use of, 111 Royal Society, 233 - Salisbury cathedral church, 60, 87, 303, 306
- Salisbury, earl of, see Nevill, Richard;
- William earl of, see Montagu
- Salisbury, Robert, bp. of, see Hallam
- Salkeld (Cumb), effigies at, 306
- Salkeld family, effigies, 306, 312
- Saltire, the, 40, 41
- Savernake Forest, lord of, see Sturmy;
- tenure horn of, 116
- Scales family, 189
- Scales, Sir Roger, 198
- Scarcliffe (Derbys), effigy at, 275, 276
- Scotland, 85, 248;
- arms of, 34, 85, 350;
- lion of, 226, 346;
- tressure of, 85;
- unicorn supporter of, 206
- Scotland, King of, 321, 323
- Scrope crab or scrap, 182
- Scrope, John lord, 158, 175;
- Dan Richard, 329
- Scutcheon, the, 42
- Seals, heraldic, 52
- Selden's Titles of Honour, 273
- Settrington (Yorks), 299
- Sheffield, St. Peter's church, effigies in, 280, 281
- Shene Charterhouse,
utenberg@html@files@45181@45181-h@45181-h-1.htm.html#Page_61" class="pginternal">61, 67, 120
- Veer, Hugh de, 181
- Verdon, Theobald lord, 114
- Vere arms, 88, 104, 117;
- boar, 182;
- molet, 48, 182
- Vere effigy at Hatfield Broadoak, 106
- Vere, John de, earl of Oxford, 117, 118, 175;
- Robert de, earl of Oxford, 124
- Vernon effigy at Tong, 306
- Victoria, Queen, memorial to, 33
- Victoria and Albert Museum, 53, 119, 121, 349, 351
- Victory, figure of, 34
- Vipont, Isabel, 171
- Voided scutcheon, the, 42
- Waits' collars, 313
- Wake knot, 184;
- lordship of, 213
- Waldby, Robert, abp. of York, 105
- Walden, de, Library, 235
- Walworth, Sir William, 226
- Walysel, Thomas, brass of, 90
- Warde, Robert de la, 128
- Warenne, John de, earl of Surrey, 113
- Warenne and Surrey, earl of, arms, 49
- Warenne estates, 115
- Warre, John la, 198
- Warwick, 61, 274, 276
- Warwick bear, 205
- Warwick, earl of, see Beauchamp;
- Henry earl of, see Beauchamp;
- Richard earl of, see Beauchamp;
- Thomas earl of, see Beauchamp
- Waterford, John earl of, see Talbot
- Waterton, Robert, 298
- Wavy, 43
- Wax-Chandlers' Company, 134
- Welles, Helen, of York, 328
- Wells chapter-house, 302
- Wells (Somerset), 74, 190, 191, 192;
- oriel in deanery, 190, 192
- Wentworth arms and family, 342
- Westminster, 270, 294
- Westminster abbey, arms of, 86;
- abbey chapter-house, tiles in, 36;
- vestry of, 322
- Westminster abbey church, heraldry in, 37, 43, 44, 54,
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