A Abies, Brunoniana, i. 206, 209, 272, 274, 342, ii. 25, 32, 44, 108; Smithiana, ii. 25, 32, 45; Webbiana, i. 191, 272, 307, 342, ii. 44, 108. Abrus precatorius (note), i. 16. Acacia Arabica, i. 60, 80; Catechu, i. 31, 52, 393, 395; Serissa, i. 193. Acarus, ii. 173. Aconitum, Himalayan, ii. 108; palmatum, i. 168; Napellus, i. 168; variegatum (note), ii. 107. Acorns, abundance of, i. 373. Acorus Calamusa, i. 286. Actinolites, ii. 146. Adamia cyanea, i. 112. Adenanthera pavonina, ii. 328. Ægle Marmelos, i. 25, 50, (note) i. 16. Agates, i. 33, 91. Ailurua ochraceus, ii. 108. Akshobya, image of, i. 322. Alligator, i. 51, 54; droppings of in river banks, ii. 251. Alluvium, Gangetic, i. 88, 379. Alsophila gigantea, i. 110, 142; (note), ii. 13; spinulosa (note), ii. 13. Amber used in Sikkim, ii. 194. Ameletia Indica, i. 386. American plants in Himalaya, ii. 39. Amherstia, ii. 245. Amlah, Sikkim, ii. 192; examination by, ii. 211. Amulet, Tibetan, i. 166. Amwee, ii. 315. Andromeda, ii. 22, 39; fastigiata, i. 343. Andropogon acicularis, i. 385; muricatus, i. 42. Animals at Tungu, ii. 92. Antelope, ii. 132. Antilope Hodgsoni, ii. 157. Ants’ hills, white, i. 20. Aponogeton, i. 62. Apoplexy, symptoms of at great elevations, ii. 178. Apple, crab, ii. 32; wild, i. 205; ii. 148. Aquilaria Agallocha, ii. 328. Aralia used for fodder, i. 359; pith yielding rice-paper, i. 359. Ararat, Mount, ii. 3. Areca gracilis, ii. 10; (note) i. 143. Arenaria rupifraga, ii. 89. Argemone Mexicana, i. 30. Arisoema, i. 49. Aristolochia saccata, ii. 6. Arrat, name of Lepchas, i. 127. Arrow-root, i. 93. Artemisia, headache produced by, ii. 20; Indica (note), ii. 20. Arums, food prepared from, ii. 49; poisoning by, ii. 75. Arun river, i. 224; ii. 124, 143; sources of, ii. 167. Asarum, ii. 48. Assam valley, view of, ii. 290. Ass, wild, ii. 172. (See Equus Hemionus and Kiang). Astragalus, used for making paper, ii. 162; Tibetan (note), ii. 165. Atmosphere, dry, i. 65; transparency of, ii. 127, 169. Atmospheric vapours, strata of, i. 188, 310. Attar of roses, i. 78. Aucuba, i. 126; ii. 39. Aurora Borealis, i. 37; Appendix, 384. B Baghoda, i. 26. Baikant-pore, i. 393. Bails, or Thuggee stations, i. 68. Baisarbatti terrace, i. 401. Baker, Dr., ii. 339. Balanites, i. 25. Balanophora, ii. 19, 47; cups made from, i. 132; knots caused by, i. 133. Balasun river, i. 110, 402. Bamboo, dwarf, i. 126; eatable grain of, i. 313; flowering of, i. 155, 158; kinds of in Khasia, ii. 268; kinds and uses of in Sikkim, i. 155, 158; planted, i. 386. Bambusa stricta, i. 30. Bananas, wild, i. 20, 143; scarlet-fruited, ii. 319. Ban, or Lepcha knife, i. 130. Banyan tree, i. 18; of Calcutta gardens, ii. 246. Barnes, Mr., i. 95; Mr. Charles, i. 114. Barometer, accident to, ii. 139; observations on Jheela, ii, 258. Baroon on Soane river, i. 35. Bassia butyracea, i. 151; latifolia, i. 16. Bath, hot, at Bhomsong, i. 305; at Momay, ii. 133; at Yeumtong, ii. 117. Beadle, Lieut., i. 26. Beaumontia, i. 401. Bee, alpine, ii. 68; boring, i. 374; leaf-cutting, i. 46. Beejaghur, i. 56. Bees’-nests, i. 201; ii. 16. Begonia, alpine, ii. 108. Behar, hills of, i. 32. Belcuppee, i. 28. Bellows, Himalayan, ii. 82; of Khasia, ii. 310; of leaves, i. 53. Benares, i. 71; observatory at, i. 74. Berberis Asiatica (note), i. 24; concinna, ii. 198; insignis, i. 364. Betel-pepper, i. 99; ii. 327. Bhaugulpore, i. 90; gardens at, i. 91. Bhel fruit, i. 50. Bhomsong, i. 297; ii. 8; temperature of soil at, i. 305. Bhomtso, ii. 124, 164, 174; elevation, temperature etc., at, ii. 175. Bhotan, called Dhurma country (note), i. 136; 366 (note). Bhotanese (note), i. 136; ii. 232. Bhotan Himalaya, i. 153; ii. 165, 298. Bhoteeas, i. 205, 215. Bhote (note), i. 136. Bignonia Indicta, i. 16. Bijooas, or Lepcha priests, i. 135. Bikh poison, i. 168; ii. 108. Bind hills, i. 64. Birds at Momay, ii. 131; of Khasia, ii. 305; of Terai, i. 399. Black-rock of Colonel Waugh (note), ii. 18. Blocks, granite, ii. 293, 310; split, i. 201; syenite, ii. 303. Boat on Ganges, i. 70. Boga-panee, ii. 287, 308. Bombax, i. 26. Boodhist banners, i. 144; monuments, i. 147; temple, i. 77; worship, i. 174, 324; worship introduced into Sikkim, i. 127. Borassus, i. 39. Bore, or tidal-wave, ii. 343. Bor-panee, ii. 301, 318. Borrera, ii. 165, 173. Borr (Pandanus), i. 300; ii. 9. Boswellia thurifera, i. 29, 39. Botrichium Virginicum, i. 293. Boulders in river-beds, i. 288; of gneiss on Jongri, i. 353; on Mon Lepcha, i. 342. Bowringia, ii. 313. Bread, Tibetan, i. 297. Breccia, modern formation of, i. 200. Bridge, at Amwee, ii. 315; living, ii. 268; of canes, i. 149; ii. 21. Buceros, i. 187. Buchanania, i. 26. Bucklandia, ii. 185. Buckwheat, cultivated at Jigatzi, ii. 171; wild, ii. 31. Bufo scabra, ii. 96. Bugs, flying, i. 81. Burdwan, i. 6; coal-fields, i. 8. Burkutta river, i. 28. Burrampooter, altered course of, ii. 253, 346; old bed of, ii. 256; Tibetan, see Yaru-tsampu; view of from Khasia, ii. 300, 301. Butea frondosa, i. 9, 52, 381, 392. Butter, churning, ii. 77, 87; ornaments made of, ii. 88. Butterflies, painted lady, ii. 33; at various elevations, ii. 26, 65, 98, 132; tropical, i. 152. C Cachar, ii. 326; rain-fall at, ii. 334. Coesalpinia paniculata, i. 25. Cajana, i. 13. Calami, species of in Himalaya, i. 143. Calamus, ii. 10. Calcutta, journey to, ii. 242. Callitriche verna? (note), ii. 96. Calotropis, i. 30, 86; C. arborea, i. 72; temperature of, i. 36. Caltha palustris (note), ii. 77; scaposa (note), ii. 77. Camels, i. 61; at Lhassa, ii. 172. Campbell, Dr., joins me in Terai, i. 376; meet at Bhomsong, i. 297; at Choongtam, ii. 146; seizure of, ii. 202; sent as Superintendent of Dorjiling, i. 117; treatment of as prisoner, ii. 205. Cane bridge at Choongtam, ii. 21; at Lachoong, ii. 101; over Great Rungeet, i. 149. Canoes of Teesta, i. 392, 396; of Tambur, i. 194; swamped, ii. 335. Capparis acuminata, i. 38. Cardamine hirsuta, i. 230. Cardiopteris, ii. 334. Carex Moorcroftii, ii. 155. Carissa carandas, i. 14, 31. Carroway, ii. 66. Carthancus, i. 80. Caryota urens, i. 143. Cascades of Khasia, ii. 268; of Mamloo, ii. 278. Cassia fistula, i. 393. Casuarina (note), ii. 346. Catechu, collecting, i. 52. Cathcartia, ii. 198. Catsuperri, i. 362; lake, i. 363; temples, i. 365. Cave, Lieut., garden at Churra, ii. 284. Cedrela Toona, i. 144, 193; ii. 18. Cedrus Libami (note), i. 257. Central India, hills of, i. 32. Cervus Wallichii, antlers of, ii. 214. Chachoo river, ii. 84. Chahuchee, i. 51. Chait, description of, i. 324; (note), i. 158. Chakoong, ii. 18, 188. ChamÆrops Khasiana, ii. 279. Chameleon, i. 205. Changachelling, i. 368. Chango-khang, ii. 84, 133, 141. Chattuc, ii. 262, 309, 337. Chaulmoogra (See Took), i. 151. Cheadam, ii. 234. Cheer-pine, i. 182. Chela, ii. 306. Chepanga, ii. 15. Cherry, alpine wild, ii. 145. Cheytoong, Lepcha boy, ii. 184. Chillong hill, ii. 290. Chinese plants in Khasia, ii. 318; in Sikkim, i. 126; ii. 39. Chingtam, i. 196. Chirring (red rose), ii. 63. Chiru. See Tchiru, ii. 157. Chittagong, ii. 345; leave, ii. 353. Chokli-bi (Smilacina), ii. 48. Chola, i. 123; summit of pass, ii. 199; view of from Donkia, ii. 127. Cholamoo lake, ii. 124, 157, 176. Chomachoo river, i. 225; ii. 125. Chomiomo, ii. 80, 94, 165. Choombi, ii. 110. Choongtam, ii. 21, 98, 145, 185; insects at, ii. 98; vegetation of, ii. 24. Choonjerma pass, i. 264. Chumulari, i. 125, 185; ii. 110; discussion on, ii. 166; view of from Khasia, ii. 300. Chunar, i. 71. Chung (Limboos), i. 187. Churra-poonji, ii. 272; rain-fall at, ii. 282; table-land of, ii. 277; temperature of, ii. 284. Cicada, i. 107, 127; ii. 305; upper limit of, ii. 96. Cicer arietinum, i. 80. Cinnamomum, i. 162. Cinnamon of Khasia, ii. 309. Cirrhopetalum (note), ii. 10. Clay of Sikkim, i. 155; Appendix, 383. Clematis nutans (note), i. 24. Clerodendron, i. 387. Climbers, bleeding of, ii. 350; of Sikkim, i. 163. Coal, of Burdwan, i. 8; Churra, ii. 278, 285, 303; Terai, i. 403. Cobra, mountain, ii. 20. Cochlospermum, i. 53. Cocks, Sikkim, i. 314. Coelogyne, i. 110; Wallichii, i. 166; ii. 311. Coffee, cultivation of, at Chittagong, ii. 347; at Bhaugulpore, i. 93. Coix, cultivation of, ii. 289. Coles, i. 55, 91. Colgong, i. 94. Colvile, Sir J., i. 5. Comb of Lepchas, ii. 194; of Mechis, i. 408. Conch shells, in Boodhist temples, i. 174, 312; cut at Dacca, ii. 254. Conduits of bamboo, i. 144. ConfervÆ of hot springs, i. 28; Appendix, 375. Conglomerate, ii. 19, 165, 176, 177, 402, 403. ConiferÆ, Himalayan, i. 256. Conocarpus latifolius (note), i. 16. Cooch-Behar, i. 384. Cooches, i. 384. Cookies, ii. 330. Corbett, Dr., i. 82. Cornelians, i. 33. Cornwallis, Lord, mausoleum of, i. 78. Corpses, disposal of in Sikkim and Tibet, i. 287. Cosi river, i. 96. Cowage plant, i. 12. Cows, Sikkim, i. 314; ii. 150. Crab, fresh-water, ii. 7. Cranes, i. 392; (note) ii. 161. Crawfurdia, ii. 145. Crows, red-legged, ii. 37. CruciferÆ, rarity of in Himalaya, i. 113. Cryptogramma crispa, i. 262; ii. 68, 72. Crystals in gneiss, ii. 138. Cupressus funebris, i. 315, 317, 336. Cups, Tibetan, i. 132. Currants, wild, i. 148. Currents, ascending, i. 374. Curruckpore hills, i. 87. Cuttack forests, ii. 340. Cycas pectinata, i. 151, 382; ii. 30; (note), i. 143; trees in Calcutta Garden, ii. 247. Cyclops, figure resembling (note), ii. 195. Cynodon Dactylon, i. 385. Cypress funereal, i. 315, 317, 336. Cypripedium, ii. 68, 322. D Dacca, ii. 254. Dacoits, i. 65. Dalbergia Sissoo, i. 101. Dallisary river, ii. 256. Damooda valley, i. 7. Dandelion, ii. 66. Daphne, paper from, ii. 162. See Paper. Date-palm, i. 34, 88; dwarf, ii. 300. Datura seed, poisoning by, i. 65. Davis, Mr. C. E., i. 41. Decaisnea, new edible fruit, ii. 198. Deer, barking, i. 399. Delphinium glaciale, i. 269; ii. 95. Demons, exorcisement of, ii. 114. Dendrobium densiflorum, ii. 19; Farmeri, etc., ii. 323; nobile, ii. 19; Pierardi, i. 103. Dentaria (a pot-herb), ii. 47. Denudation of Himalaya, i. 308; of Khasia, ii. 324. Deodar (note), i. 256. Dewan, Sikkim, i. 117; ii. 97; arrival at Tumloong, ii. 217; conferences with, ii. 221, 225; dinner with, ii. 231; disgrace of, ii. 241; hostility to British, i. 117; house of, i. 304. Dhal, i. 13. Dhamersala, i. 222. Dhob grass, i. 385. Dhurma country, name for Bhotan, (note), i. 366; people (note), i. 136; rajah, i. 136; seal of, i. 372. Digarchi, ii. 125. See Jigatzi. Dijong (name of Sikkim), i. 127. Dilivaria ilicifolia, ii. 347. Dillenia, i. 393, 395. Dinapore, i. 82. Dingcham, ii. 87, 169. Dingpun, at Chola, ii. 200, 201; Tibetan, ii. 160; Tinli, ii. 204. Diospyros embryopteris, i. 392; fruit, ii. 64. Dipterocarpi, ii. 345; D. turbinatus, ii. 348. Diseases attributed in Tibet to elements, ii. 178. Djigatzi, ii. 125. See Jigatzi. Dog, loss of, ii. 100; Tibetan, i. 204; wild, i. 43. Do-mani stone, i. 294. Donkia, i. 123; ii. 126; ascent of, ii. 178; forked, ii. 120; pass, ii. 123, 179; temperature of, ii. 129; tops of, ii. 137. Doobdi temples, i. 336. Dookpa, Boodhist sect (note), i. 366. Doomree, i. 25. Dorje, i. 173. Dorjiling, i. 113; ceded to British, i. 116; climate, i. 119, 120; elevation of, i. 115; leave, ii. 248; origin of, i. 115; prospects of, ii. 248; threat of sacking, ii. 214; trade at, i. 118. Duabanga grandiflora, i. 401. Dunkotah (East Nepal), i. 190. Dunwah pass, i. 30. Dust-storm, i. 51, 81. Dye, yellow, ii. 41. E Eagle-wood, ii. 328. Earthquake, Chittagong, ii. 349; Noacolly, ii. 342; Titalya, i. 376. Edgeworthia Gardneri, i. 205, 333; ii. 10, 162. Efflorescence of nitrate of lime, i. 43; of soda, i. 13. Eggs of water-fowl in Tibet, ii. 161. Ek-powa Ghat, i. 59. ElÆagnus, i. 205. Eleocharis palustris (note), ii. 96. Elephants, at Teshoo Loombo, ii. 172; bogged, ii. 333; discomforts of riding, i. 400; geologising with, i. 10; path of, i. 108; purchase of, i. 381; wild, ii. 302. Eleusine coracana, i. 133. Enkianthus, i. 108. Ephedra, ii. 84, 155. Ephemera at 17,000 feet, ii. 141. Epipactis, ii. 66. Equinoctial gales, ii. 144. Equus Hemionus, ii. 172. Eranoboas (note) i. 36, 90. Erigeron alpinus (note), ii. 164. Ervum lens, i. 13. Erythrina, ii. 18. Euphorbia ligulata, i. 46; pentagona, i. 82; neriifolia, i. 46, 82; tereticaulis, i. 46. European plants in Himalaya, ii. 38. Euryale ferox, ii. 255; seeds of, in peat, ii. 341. F Fair, i. 161; at Titalya, i. 118. Falconer, Dr., house of, ii. 243. Falconeria, ii. 353. Falkland Islands, quartz blocks of, (note), ii. 179. Fan-Palm, ii. 279. Fear, distressing symptoms of, ii. 220. Felle, Mr., i. 55. Felspar, concretions of, i. 406. Fenny river, mouth of, ii. 343. Ferns, eatable, i. 293; European, ii. 68, 72. Feronia elephantum, i. 25, 50, (note), i. 16. Festuca ovina, ii. 123, (note) ii. 164. Fever, recurrence of at elevations, ii. 183. Ficus elastica, i. 102; infectoria, i. 26. Figs, i. 157. Fire, grasses destroyed by, i. 385; in forests, i. 146. Fire-wood, Sikkim, ii. 151. Fish, dried, ii. 309; Tibet (note), ii. 183. Fishing basket of Mechis, i. 404. Flame, perpetual, ii. 352. Flood, tradition of, i. 127; ii. 3. Florican, i. 55, 381. Forests of Sikkim, i. 165. Fossil plants of coal, i. 8; of Khasia, ii. 325; of Terai, i. 403. Frogs, Sikkim, i. 165. Fruits of Sikkim, i. 159; ii. 182. Funaria hygrometrica, ii. 19. Fungi, European, ii. 73. G Ganges, fall of, i. 71; scenery of, i. 79. Gangetic delta, ii. 340; head of, ii. 252. Gangtok Kajee, ii. 229. Gardeners, native, i. 93. Gardens, Bhaugulpore, i. 91; Burdwan, i. 6; Calcutta Botanic, i. 3, ii. 244; Lieutenants Raban and Cave’s, ii. 284; Sir Lawrence Peel’s, i. 2. Garnets, amorphous, (note) ii. 123; sand of, i. 80, 371. Garrows, ii. 272. Gaultheria, ii. 22, 182. Gelookpa, Boodhist sect. (note) i. 366. Geology of Choongtam, ii. 27; Khasia mountains, ii. 323; outer Himalaya, i. 406, Paras-nath, i. 32. Geranium, ii. 19. Ghassa mountains, (note) ii. 166. Ghazeepore, i. 78. Giantchi, ii. 168, (note) ii. 131. Glaciers of Chango-khang, ii. 115; Donkia, ii. 136; Himalaya, ii. 57; Kambachen, i. 260; Kinchinjhow, ii. 134, 180; Lachen Valley, ii. 78; Yangma Valley, i. 246. Glory, ornament resembling, ii. 86; round deities’ heads, ii. 195. Gnaphalium luteo-album, i. 80. Gnarem Mountain, ii. 18. Gneiss, characters of, (note) ii. 128; cleavage of, ii. 91; flexures of, i. 406. Gnow, (wild sheep), ii. 132. Goa, (antelope), ii. 157. Goats, poisoned by Rhododendrons, ii. 150; shawl-wool, ii. 88. Godowns, opium, i. 83. Goitre, i. 134. Goliath beetles, ii. 98. Goomchen, (tail-less rat), ii. 156. Goong ridge, i. 180. Gordonia Wallichii, i. 102, 157. Gorh, ii. 10; Lama of, ii. 11. Goruck-nath, figure of, ii. 195, (note) i. 323. Gossamer spiders, i. 81, Goughia, ii. 33. Gram, i. 13. Grand trunk-road, i. 10, 11. Granite, blocks of, ii. 310; cleavage planes of (note), i. 345; of Kinchinjhow (note), ii. 287, (note), ii. 128; phenomena of, i. 308. Grant, Dr., i. 90; Mr. J. W., report on Dorjiling, i. 116. Grapes, cultivation of, i. 92; wild in Sikkim, ii. 187. Grasses, absence of on outer Himalaya, i. 113; gigantic, i. 385. Gravel terraces and beds in Terai, i. 378, 380, 382, 401. Great Rungeet river, cross, i. 287; excursion to, i. 142. Greenstone of Khasia, ii. 287. Griffith, Dr., i. 3; (note) ii. 40, 244. Grislea tomentosa, (note) i. 16. Grouse, Himalayan, ii. 113. Grove, sacred in Khasia, ii. 319. Guatteria longifolia, i. 82. Gubroo, i. 345. Guitar, Tibetan, i. 304. Gum arabic, i. 60; of Cochlospermum, i. 53; of Olibanum, i. 29. Gunpowder, manufacture of, i. 9. Guobah of Wallanchoon, i. 217, 230. Gurjun trees, ii. 345, 348. Gyrophora, ii. 130. H Hailstorm, i. 405. Halo, i. 69; seen from Donkia, ii. 129. Hamamelis chinensis, ii. 318. Hamilton, Mr. C., i. 65. Hardwickia binata, i. 50, 54. Hares, Terai, i. 399; Tibetan, ii. 157. Harrum-mo, (wild tribe), ii. 14. Hattiah island, removal of land from, ii. 353. Haze on plains, i. 374, 375. Hee hill, i. 371. Helicteres Asoca (note), i. 16. Helwingia, i. 126. Herbert, Major, report on Dorjiling, i. 116. Hierochloe, ii. 115. Himalaya, distant view of, i. 96; vegetation and scenery of outer, i. 108; view of from Khasia, ii. 287, 289, 297. HippophÆ, ii. 43. Hodgsonia, i. 395; ii. 7; heteroclita, ii. 350. Hodgson, Mr., i. 122; join in Terai, i. 376; view from house, i. 123. Holigarna, varnish from, ii. 330. Hollyhock, ii. 105. Honey poisoned by Rhododendron flowers, i. 201; preservation of bodies in, ii. 276; seekers, ii. 16. Hooli festival, i. 73, 389. Hopkins, Mr., on elevation of mountains, i. 326. Hornbills, i. 187. Hornets, ii. 26. Horse-chestnut, Indian, i. 394. Horse, wild, ii. 172. Hot-springs, boy passes night in, ii. 184; of Momay, ii. 133, 180; Seetakoond, i. 88; Soorujkoond, i. 27; Yeumtong, ii. 116. House, Lama’s, i. 317; Tibetan, at Yangma, i. 242; Wallanchoon, i. 211. Houttynia, ii. 7. Hydnocarpus, ii. 7. Hydropeltis (note), ii. 318. I Ice, accumulation of, ii. 47; action of, i. 353 (note), ii. 121; transport of plants in, ii. 247. Imperata cylindrica, i. 385. India-rubber tree, i. 102; ii. 13. Indo-Chinese races, i. 140. Infusoria at 17,000 feet, ii. 123. Inglis, Mr. H., ii. 265. Insects at 4000 feet, ii. 18; Choongtam (5000 feet), ii. 26; Dorjiling (note), ii. 98; Lamteng (8000 feet), ii. 37; Momay (15,300 feet), ii. 132; Tallum (12,000 feet), ii. 68; Tunga (13,000 feet), ii. 93; Zemu river (12,000 feet) ii. 59; Zemu Samdong (9000 feet), ii. 65. Iron forges, chime of hammers, ii. 296; sand, ii. 310; smelting of, in Khasia, ii. 310; stone, i. 401. Irvine, Dr., i. 82. Islumbo pass, i. 280. Ivy, ii. 32. J Jaws, i. 18, 90. Japanese plants in Sikkim, i. 126; ii. 39. Jarool (Lagerstroemia), ii. 327. Jasper rocks, i. 50. Jatamansi, i. 217. Jeelpigoree, i. 384; rajah of, i. 389. Jerked meat, i. 214; ii. 183. Jews’ harp, Tibetan, i. 338; ii. 219. Jhansi-jeung, see Giantchi, ii. 168. Jheels, ii. 256, 309; brown waters of, ii. 263. Jigatzi (note), ii. 125, 171; temperature of, ii. 171. Job’s tears, cultivation of, ii. 289. Jongri, i. 349. Joowye, ii. 316. Jos, image of, at Yangma, i. 236. Jummul river, ii. 253. Juncus bufonius, i. 80, 230. Jung Bahadoor, ii. 239, 243. Juniper, black, sketch of, ii. 55. Juniperus recurva, ii. 28, 45. Junnoo mountain, i. 123, 258, 264. Jyntea hills, ii. 314. K Kadsura, ii. 6. Kajee, i. 182. Kala-panee, ii. 285. Kambachen, or Nango pass, i. 250; top of, i. 253; village, i. 257. Kambajong, ii. 125. Kanglachem pass, i. 246. Kanglanamo pass, i. 271, 341, 350. Katior-pot (Hodgsonia), ii. 7. Katong-ghat, ii. 233. Kaysing Mendong (note), i. 286, 332. Keadom, ii. 101. Kenroop-bi (Dentaria), ii. 47. Khabili valley, i. 278. Khamba mountains, ii. 167. Khasia, climate of, ii. 282; geology of, ii. 323; leave, ii. 323; people of, ii. 273. Khawa river, i. 193. Khutrow (Abies Smithiana), ii. 25. Kiang, ii. 172. Kiang-lah mountains, ii. 124, 167. Kidnapping, i. 341. Kinchinjhow, ii. 41, 80, 84, 140; glacier of, ii. 134, 180. Kinchinjunga, i. 344; circuit of, i. 381; view of from Bhomtso, ii. 165; from Choongtam, ii. 14, 188; from Donkia pass, ii. 126; from Dorjiling, i. 123; from Sebolah, ii. 142; from Thlonok, ii. 50. Kishengunj, i. 98; ii. 249. Kollong rock, ii. 293. Kongra Lama, ii. 155; pass, ii. 80. Kosturah (musk-deer), i. 269. Kubra, i. 123, 272. Kulhait river, i. 281, 370; valley, i. 282. Kumpa Lepchas i. 137; Rong, i. 137. Kunker, i. 12, 29, 50, 89, 94. Kursiong, i. 109, 110, 405. Kurziuk, i. 284. Kuskus, i. 42. Kymore hills, geology of, i. 32; sandstone of, i. 39. L Lac, i. 9. Lacheepia, ii. 112. Lachen-Lachoong river, ii. 14, 186. Lachen Phipun, ii. 22, 43, 149; conduct of, ii. 61; tent of, ii. 78. Lachen river, ii. 30; length of, and inclination of bed, ii. 176. Lachoong Phipun, ii. 105; valley, headstreams of, ii. 120; village, ii. 103; revisited, ii. 183. Lagerstroemia grandiflora, i. 401. ReginÆ, ii. 327. Laghep, ii. 197. Lagomys badius, ii. 156. Lagopus Tibetanus, i. 93. Lailang-kot, ii. 286. Lake-beds in Yangma valley, i. 232, 234, 238, 244. Lakes caused by moraines, ii. 119. Lamas, arrival of at Tumloong, ii. 224; dance of, i. 228; music of, i. 313; ii. 218; Pemiongchi, ii. 225; of Sikkim, i. 290; of Simonbong, i. 174; worship of, i. 365; ii. 178. Lamteng, ii. 34, 96, 148. Landslips, ii. 16, 20, 97, 115. Larch Himalayan, i. 255; sketch of, ii. 55. Larix Griffithii, i. 255; ii. 44. Lassoo Kajee, ii. 2. Laurels, i. 162. Lautour, Mr., ii. 345. Leaf-insect, ii. 305. Lebanon, Cedar of, i. 256. Lecidea geographica, i. 221, 352; ii. 130; oreina, ii. 179. Leebong, i. 143. Leeches, i. 107, 167; ii. 17; upper limit of, ii. 54. LeguminosÆ, absence of in Himalaya, i. 112. Lelyp, i. 205. Lemma minor, i. 306. Lemon-bushes, wild, ii. 233. Lepchas, i. 127; diseases of, i. 134; dress and ornaments of, i. 130; ii. 194; food of, i. 132; music of, i. 133; peaceable character of, i. 128, 136. Lepus hispidus, i. 399; oiostolus, ii. 158. Leucas, a weed in fields, i. 383. Leuculia gratissima, i. 193, 276; Pinceana, ii. 286. Leycesteria, i. 206. Lhassa (note), ii. 168; notices of, i. 299; ii. 27, 172. Lichens, Arctic, i. 352; ii. 130, 165, 179. Licuala peltata (note), i. 143. Lignite, i. 403. Liklo mountain, ii. 50. Lilium giganteum (note), ii. 33. Little Rungeet, cross, i. 157, 175; guardhouse at, i. 371; source of, i. 181. Limboos, i. 137; language of, i. 138. Lime, deposit of, i. 407; ii. 97; nitrate of, i. 43. Limestone, at Rotas, i. 40; nummulite, ii. 266, 346; of Churra, ii. 278; spheres of, i. 55; Tibetan, ii. 177. Lime-tuff, impression of leaves on, i. 44. Limosella aquatica, i. 230. Linaria ramosissima, i. 42. Lingcham, i. 281, 313; Kajee of, i. 282, 284, 371. Lingo cane-bridge, ii. 12. Linum trigynum (note), i. 16. Lister, Colonel, ii. 329. Lizard, i. 37; ticks on, i. 37. Lohar-ghur, i. 402. Luminous wood, ii. 151. Lushington, Mr., sent to Dorjiling, ii. 227. Lycopodium clavatum, ii. 19. Lyellia crispa, ii. 19. LymnÆa Hookeri, ii. 156. M Machoo valley, ii. 109. Maddaobund, i. 18. Magnolia, Campbellii, i. 125, 166; excelsa, i. 125; distribution of (note), i. 166. Magras, aborigines of Sikkim, i. 139. Mahaldaram, i. 111. Mahanuddy river, i. 98, 375; ii. 250. Mahaser, a kind of carp, i. 398. Mahowa, i. 16, 63. Maidan (term as applied to Tibet), ii. 170. Mainom mountain camp on, i. 307; summit of, i. 310. Maitrya, the coming Boodh, i. 357. Maize, hermaphrodite, i. 157; roasted, ii. 78. Malayan plants in Himalaya, ii. 39. Maldah, ii. 250. Mamloo, village and waterfalls of, ii. 278. Mango, blossoming, i. 61. Mani, or praying-cylinder, i. 135, 172, 211; turned by water, i. 206. Mantis of Khasia, ii. 305. Marlea, ii. 33. Marmot, i. 93; head and feet of, ii. 106. Martins’ nest, spiders in, i. 46. May-fly at 17,000 feet, ii. 141. M’Lelland, Dr., i. 3. Mealum-ma (nettle), ii. 189, 336. Mechi fisherman, i. 404; river, i. 383; tribe, i. 101, 140. Meconopsis, i. 81; ii. 281; Nepalensis, ii. 53. Meepo, i. 198; house of, ii. 194; joined by, ii. 11; wife of, ii. 193. Megna, altered course of, ii. 341; navigation of, ii. 338. Melastoma, ii. 18. Mendicant, Tibetan, ii. 189. Mendong, i. 211, 332; Kaysing (note), i. 286. Menziesia, ii. 113. Mesua ferrea, ii. 328. Midsummer, weather at, ii. 59. Mirzapore, i. 64. Moflong, ii. 288. Momay Samdong, arrival at, ii. 118; climate of, ii. 143; second visit to, ii. 180. Monastic establishments of Sikkim, i. 367. Monghyr, i. 87. Monkeys, i. 278; ii. 37. Mon Lepcha, i. 342. Monotropa, ii. 19. Monuments of Khasia, ii. 319. Moormis, i. 139. Mooshye, ii. 314. Moosmai, ii. 268. Moraines, ancient, at Lachoong, ii. 104; at Tallum, ii. 67; at Yangma, i. 231, 246; extensive, ii. 118; indicating changes of climate, i. 380. Morung of Nepal, i. 378, 382. Mountains, deceptive appearance of, ii. 127. Moss of puff-ball, ii. 13. Mudar (Calotropis), i. 86. Muddunpore, i. 35. Mugs at Chittagong, ii. 345. Mulberry, wild, i. 151. Mules, Tibetan (note), ii. 228. Mungeesa Peak, i. 55. Munnipore dance, ii. 331; frontier, ii. 334; (note), ii. 329. Murraya exotica, i. 44. Murwa beer, i. 133, 175, 285, 291; grain, i. 133. Mushroom, eatable, ii. 47. Musk-deer, i. 209; ii. 37. Muslin, Dacca, ii. 254. Mutton, dried saddles of, ii. 183. Myong valley (East Nepal), i. 181. Myrung, ii. 292. Mywa Guola, i. 137; sunk thermometer at, i. 198. N Nagas, ii. 332. Nageesa (Mesua ferrea), ii. 320. Namten, ii. 223. Nango mountain i. 236; or Kambachen pass, i. 250. Nanki mountain, i. 183. Napleton Major, i. 92. Nardostachys Jatamansi, i. 217; (note), ii. 164. Nauclea cordifolia, i. 26; parvifolia, i. 26. Neongong temple, i. 311. Nepal, East, journey to, i. 178. Nepalese Himalaya, i. 125. Nepenthes, ii. 315. Nettles, i. 157; gigantic, i. 182; ii. 188. Nightingales, i. 332. Nimbus of the ancients (note), ii. 195. Ningma, Boodhist sect (note), i. 366. Nipa fruticans, i. 1; ii. 355. Nishung, or Moormis, i. 139. Noacolly, ii. 339; extension of land at, ii. 341. Nonkreem, ii. 310. Nummulites of Khaaia limestone, ii. 325. Nunklow, ii. 300. Nunnery at Tumloong, ii. 191. Nursing, i. 124, 347. Nurtiung, ii. 318. Nut, Himalayan, ii. 114. Nutmegs, wild, ii. 353. NymphÆa pygmÆa, ii. 312. O Oaks, i. 109; distribution of in India (note), ii. 336; Sikkim, i. 157; upper limit of, ii. 114. Observatory at Benares, i. 74. Oil of Bassia butyracea, i. 151; of B. latifolia, i. 16; Kuskus, i. 42; mustard, linseed, and rape, i. 13; uggur, ii. 328; wood, ii. 348. Olax scandens, i. 31. Olibanum, Indian, i. 29. Olivine (note), ii. 123. Omerkuntuk, i. 32. Onglau (mushroom), ii. 47. Opium, East Indian, cultivation and manufacture of, i. 83; quality of, i. 85. Opuntia, i. 205. OrchideÆ, growth of in Khasia, ii. 321; of Khasia, ii. 281. Orobanche, Himalayan, i. 262; Indica, i. 16. Ortolan, i. 98. Otters, i. 198. Ovis Ammon, i. 244; ii. 132; skulls of, i. 249. Oxalis sensitiva, i. 102. Oxytropis Chiliophylla (note), ii. 164. P Pacheem, i. 111; vegetation of, i. 112. Painom river, ii. 167. Palibothra, i. 90. Palms, distribution of in Sikkim, i. 143; fan, i. 29; of Khasia, ii. 267. Palung plains, ii. 84, 152; view of from Sebolah, ii. 142. Pandanus, i. 300; ii. 9. Papaw, ii. 350. Paper, manufactory at Dunkotah, i. 190; of Astragalus, ii. 162; of Daphne and Edgeworthia, i. 205, 303; ii. 162; of Tibet, ii. 162. Papilio Machaon, ii. 65; (note), ii. 68. Paras-nath, i. 12, 32; geology of, i. 32; summit of, i. 21. Paris, ii. 18. Parochetus communis, ii. 50. Patchouli plant, ii. 314. Patna, i. 82. Pawn, i. 99. Peaches, Sikkim, i. 158; cultivation of, ii. 185. Peacock wild, i. 30. Peat at Calcutta, ii. 341. Pea-violet, ii. 309. Peel, Sir L., garden of, i. 2. Peepsa, i. 157. Pelicans, mode of feeding, i. 80. Pemberton, Capt., treatment of his embassy in Bhotan (note), ii. 202. Pemiongchi temple, i. 327. Pemmi river (East Nepal), i. 192. Pepper, Betel, i. 99. Perry Mr., i. 98. Peuka-thlo, ii. 81. Phadong Goompa, ii. 192; confinement at, ii. 209. Phari, ii. 110. Pheasant (Kalidge), i. 255; horned, ii. 37. Phedangbos (Limboo priests), i. 138. Phenzong Goompa, ii. 192. Phieungoong, i. 332; ii. 198. Phipun, Lachen, ii. 22, 149; of Lachoong, ii. 105. Phoenix acaulis, i. 145; (note), i. 143, 400; dwarf, i. 22, 382; paludosa, i. 1; ii. 355; sylvestris, i. 88. Phosphorescent wood, ii. 151. Photinia, ii. 22. Phud (Tibet mendicant), ii. 186. Phyllanthus emblica, i. 273; (note), i. 16. Picrorhiza, i. 272. Pigeons, ii. 37. Pines, gigantic, ii. 108; Himalayan, i. 256; ii. 44, 198; rarity of in Sikkim, i. 169. Pinguicula, ii. 40. Pinus excelsa, ii. 45, 105; Khasiana, ii. 282, 288, 301; longifolia, i. 145, 182, 278, 280; ii. 3, 45. Piptanthus Nepalensis, ii. 5. Pitcher-plant, ii. 315. Plantago leaves, used to dress wounds, ii. 75. Plantain, scarlet-fruited, ii. 309; wild, i. 143. Plants, English, on Soane river, i. 45; English, on Ganges, i. 80; temperature of, i. 36; of English genera in Terai (note), i. 398. Plectocomia, i. 143. Plumbago, i. 407; ii. 46. Poa annua, i. 118, 221; laxa, ii. 123. Poa (fibre of Boemeria), i. 157. Podocarpus neriifolia (note), i. 256. Podostemon (note), ii. 314. Poisoners, i. 65. Poisoning of goats by rhododendrons, ii. 150; of Bhoteeas by arum-roots, ii. 75. Polygonum cymosum, ii. 31. Polypodium proliferum, i. 50. Pomrang, ii. 313. Pony, Tibetan, i. 118; ii. 75; (note), ii. 131. Poppy, cultivation of, i. 31; ii. 352. Porcupine, i. 205. Potamogeton natans, i. 306. Potatos, culture of in East Nepal, i. 259; Khasia, ii. 277; Sikkim, i. 158. Pothos, ii. 18. Praong (bamboo), i. 158, 313. Primula petiolaris, i. 306; Sikkimensis, ii. 77. Prinsepia (note), ii. 102, 291. Procapra picticaudata, ii. 157. Prunella, ii. 132; vulgaris, ii. 66. Prunus, used for fodder, i. 359. Pteris aquilina, ii. 19; (note), ii. 53. Pullop-bi (Polygonum), ii. 31. Pulse accelerated at great elevations, ii. 131, 142. Pundim mountain, i. 345; cliff of, i. 346. Pundua, ii. 264. Punkabaree, i. 102, 374, 403. Purnea, i. 97. Pyrola, ii. 43. Q Quartz-beds folded, i. 406; blocks in Falkland Islands (note), ii. 179. Quercus semecarpifolia, i. 187. Quoits, i. 338. R Raban, Lieut., ii. 333; garden of at Churra, ii. 84. Radiation, powerful in valleys, i. 209. Rageu (deer), ii. 98. Rain-fall at Churra, ii. 282; at Noacolly, ii. 340; diminution of at Rotas, i. 43; in Sikkim (Appendix), 412; Silchar, ii. 334. Rajah, Sikkim, audience of, i. 302; poverty of, i. 303; (note), ii. 216; presents from, ii. 64; punishment of, ii. 246; residence of, ii. 191, 217. Raj-ghat i. 44. Rajmahal hills, i. 95. Raklang pass, i. 292. Ramchoo lake (of Turner), ii. 143, 167. Rampore Bauleah, ii. 251. Ranee of Sikkim, presents from, ii. 227. Rangamally, i. 393. Ranunculus aquatilis, ii. 156; hyperboreus (note), ii. 112; sceleratus, i. 45, 80. Ratong river, i. 358. Rat, tail-less, ii. 156. Red snow, absence of in Himalaya, ii. 117. Release from confinement, ii. 237. Reptiles of Khasia, ii. 305; of Sikkim, ii. 25. Rhododendrons, i. 166, 167; alpine, i. 220; ii. 58; anthopogon, i. 220, 349; arboreum, i. 126, 200, 274, 275, 276; ii. 125; argenteum, i. 116, 358; ii. 6; Aucklandii, ii. 25; barbatum, i. 166, 274; campylocarpum, i. 261; DalhousiÆ, i. 126, 162; ii. 25; distribution of at Chola (note), ii. 197; Edgeworthii, ii. 25; Falconeri, i. 272, 274, 307; flowering of at different elevations, ii. 181; formosum, ii. 301; Hodgsoni, i. 250, 274; leaves curled by cold, ii. 199; nivale, ii. 89, 155; of Churra, ii. 282; poisoning of goats by, ii. 150; setosum, i. 220, 349; superb at Choongtam, ii. 186. Rhubarb, gigantic, ii. 58; used as tobacco, ii. 152. Rice-paper plant (note), i. 359. Rice, Sikkim, i. 155; upper limit of cultivation, ii. 105. Ringpo, ii. 196. Ripple-mark on sandstone, i. 43, 63. Rivers, diurnal rise and fall of, ii. 69; of West Bengal, i. 33; temperature of, ii. 60; velocity of, ii. 99. Rocks, absence of scratched in Sikkim, ii. 120; falling, ii. 57; moutonnÉed, ii. 136; moved by frosts, etc., ii. 179; retention of heat by, i. 222; strike of in Tibet, ii. 177. Rong (name of Lepchas), i. 127. Rosa involucrata, ii. 250; macrophylla, ii. 43; sericea, i. 168. Rose Gangetic, (Rosa involucrata), ii. 255; gardens, i. 78; large-flowered, ii. 43. Rotas-ghur, i. 40; palace, i. 42. Rottlera tinctoria, i. 315. Rummai, i. 394. Ryott valley, ii. 190. S Saddle, Tibetan, i. 296. Sakkya, invocation of, i. 229; Sing, i. 321; Thoba, i. 331. Sakkyazong, i. 186, ii. 66. Sal, i. 21. Salix tetrasperma, i. 400; Babylonica, ii. 32. SalmonidÆ, distribution of in Asia, (note) ii. 183. Salt, country in Tibet, ii. 124; monopoly of by Indian Government, ii. 339. Salvinia, ii. 338. Sandal-wood, red, ii. 328. Sandstone of Kala-panee, ii. 286; of Khasia, ii. 267; of Kymore hills, i. 39; of Terai, i. 379, 402; slabs of, i. 60. Sara (crane) breeding in Tibet (note), ii. 161. Sar-nath, i. 77. Satpura range, i. 32. Satyrium Nepalense (note), ii. 102. Saussurea, bladder-headed, ii. 109; gossypina, i. 225. Saxifraga, arctic, i. 81; ciliaris, ii. 280; (note) ii. 100. Scirpus triquetra (note), ii. 96. ScitamineÆ, ii. 18. Sconce, Mr., ii. 345. Scorpions, i. 53. Scratched rocks, absence of in Sikkim, ii. 120. Seal of Bhotan Rajah, i. 372. Seasons of vegetation in Sikkim, ii. 182. Sebolah pass, ii. 141. Seetakoond bungalow and hill, ii. 352; hot springs of, i. 88; perpetual flame at, ii. 352. Sepoys, Lepcha and Tibetan, ii. 235. Shahgunj, i. 60. Shales, carbonaceous in Terai, i. 403. Sheep, breeding of, ii. 150; feeding on rhododendron leaves, i. 261; grazed at 16,000 feet, ii. 89; at 18,000 feet, ii. 170; Tibetan, i. 272; wild, i. 243, ii. 132. Sheergotty, i. 31. Shell-lac, i. 9. Shells, ii. 7; alpine, ii. 156. Shepherd’s purse, i. 221. Shigatzi (see Jigatzi). Shooting, prejudice against, ii. 40. Showa (stag) antlers of, ii. 214. Shrubs, northern limits of, ii. 118. Siberian plants in Himalaya, ii, 38, 66, 63, 74. Sidingbah (note), i. 274, 276. Sikkim, climate of, i. 160; Rajah, i. 116, 298; vegetation, i. 168; Dewan, i. 298. Silchar, ii. 328. Silhet, ii. 326, 335; leave, ii. 337. Siligoree, i. 375, 399. Silok-foke, Lama of, ii. 4. Simonbong temple, i. 172. Simulium, i. 157. Sinchul, ascent of, i. 124, 125; plants of, i. 125. Singdong, ii. 223. Singtam Soubah, ii. 15; at Chola, ii. 201; dismissal of, ii. 210; illness of, ii. 72; joined by, ii. 64. Singtam village, ii. 14. Sissoo, i. 395. Sitong, ii. 153. Skimmia, i. 126; laureola, i. 167. Sleeman, Major, reports on Thuggee, i. 67. Slopes, inclination of in Sikkim, i. 327. Smilacina (a pot-herb), ii. 48. Snake-king, image of, i. 369, (note) i. 328. Snakes, ii. 25, 305. Snow, perpetual, ii. 116, 128, 169; phenomena of (note), i. 252; shades, i. 357; storms, i. 355. Snowy Himalaya, views of from Tonglo i. 184; very deceptive appearance of, i. 124. Soane, i. 35; cross, i. 38, 45, 53; elevation of bed, i. 46; mouth of, i. 82; pebbles, i. 33, 91; plants in bed of, i. 45. Soda, sesqui-carbonate of, i. 13; effloresced, ii. 157. Soil, temperature of, i. 35, 36, 45, 158, 170, 186, 219, 247; at Bhomsong, i. 305. Songboom, i. 361. Soormah river, ii. 261; basin of, ii. 256. Soorujkoond, hot-springs of, i. 27. Sound, produced by boulders in rivers, ii. 48; transmission of, i. 253. Sparganium ramosum (note), ii. 96. SphÆrostema, ii. 33. Sphynx atropos, i. 46. Spiders in martins’ nests, i. 46. Spondias mangifera, i. 82. Squirrels, i. 46. Stainforth, Mr., house at Pomrang, ii. 313; at Silhet, ii. 335. Sterculia foetida, i. 39. Stick lac, i. 9. Sticks, warming (note), ii. 154. Stipa, ii. 132. Stauntonia, i. 112. Strawberry of the plains, i. 395; alpine, ii. 108. Struthiopteris, ii. 68. Strychnos potatorum, i. 50. Stylidium, ii. 336. Styloceras ratna, i. 399. Sulkun, i. 56. Sultangunj, rocks of, i. 90. Sundeep island, deposit of silt on, ii. 342. Sunderbunds, ii. 354; compared with Jheels, ii. 260; vegetation of, ii. 340. Sunipia (note), ii. 10. Sunnook, i. 317. Sunrise, false, i. 63. Sunset, false, i. 63; in Tibet, ii. 173. Suspension bridge, iron, i. 199. Syenite, blocks of, ii. 302. Symplocos, dye from, ii. 41. Syong, ii. 291. T Taktoong river, ii. 32. Talauma Hodgsoni, i. 162. Taldangah, i. 12. Tallum Samdong, ii. 67, 96. Tamarind tree, i. 17. Tamarisk, i. 392. Tambur river, i. 194; elevation and slope of bed, i. 200. Tanks, plants in, i. 62; movements of water in, ii. 342. Taptiatok (E. Nepal), i. 204. Tassichooding temples, i. 257. Tassiding, i. 289, 315; temples, i. 319; foundation, i. 325. Tchebu Lama, i. 302; ii. 5, 193; house and chapel of, ii. 194. Tchiru (antelope), ii. 157. Tchuka (rhubarb), ii. 58. Tea, buttered, ii. 78; brick, i. 297; made of Photinia, etc., ii. 22; Tibetan, ii. 78. Teal, English, ii. 158. Tea-plants, i. 5; cultivation of in Sikkim, i. 144; cut by hail at Dorjiling, i. 408; at Myrung, ii. 92; Chittagong, ii. 347. Teelas, ii. 262, 327. Teesta river, at Bhomsong, i. 297; exit from mountains, i. 396; in plains, i. 392; junction with Great Rungeet, i. 154; signification of, i. 398; temperature of, i. 397; ii. 60. Teeta (febrifuge), i. 272. Temples of Catsuperri, i. 365; Changachelling, i. 368; Choongtam, ii. 21; Doobdi, i. 366; Neongong, i. 311; Pemiongchi, i. 327; Phadong, ii. 192; Simonbong, i. 172; Tassichooding, i. 257; Tassiding, i. 319; Wallanchoon, i. 228; Yangma, i. 235; various, i. 313; mode of building, i. 311; worship in, i. 312, 365; ii. 178. Tendong, i. 127; ii. 3; summit of, ii. 6. Terai, i. 100, 104; definition of, i. 377; excursion to, i. 373; meteorology of, i. 384; of Khasia, ii. 266; seizure of, ii. 240; vegetation of, i. 101. Terraces, at Baisarbatti, i. 401; junction of Zemu and Thlonok, ii. 53; Momay, ii. 119; Yalloong, i. 270; Yangma, i. 234, 242. Terya, ii. 226. Teshoo Loombo (note), ii. 171. Tetrao-perdrix nivicola, ii. 113. Thalictrum, i. 19; alpinum, ii. 115; glyphocarpum (note), i. 24. Thermometer, black bulb, i. 15; boiling-point, ii. 113, 153, Appendix, 453; lost, ii. 184; minimum left on Donkia pass, ii. 129; sunk, i. 198; Appendix, 441, 451. Thigh-bone, trumpet of, i. 173, 314. Thlaspi arvense, ii. 68. Thlonok river, ii. 47. Thomson, Dr., joined by, ii. 238. Thugs, river, i. 67; suppression of, i. 65. Tibet, animals of, ii. 93, 157, 173; enter, ii. 155; inhospitality of climate, i. 299; snow-line, elevation of in, ii. 128, 175. Tibetans, i. 262; blackening faces of women, ii. 172; camp of, ii. 85; charm-box, i. 270; child’s coral, ii. 87; churns, ii. 77; cups, i. 212; diet, i. 212; Dingpun, ii. 160; dogs, i. 204; drunk, i. 230; guitar, i. 304; headdresses, ii. 86; hospitality, ii. 94; household, i. 212; houses, ii. 67; pipe, i. 212; salute, i. 203; sepoys, ii. 160, 200, 235; tea, i. 212; ii. 78; tents, ii. 77. Ticks, i. 166, 279; ii. 79. Tidal-wave, ii. 343. Tide in Bay of Bengal, ii. 340; in Sunderbunds, ii. 354. Tiger hunt, i. 56. Tikbotang, ii. 228. Tingri, ii. 169. Titalya, i. 100, 376. Toad, Javanese, ii. 96. Tobacco, Chinese, ii. 232; made from rhubarb, ii. 152. Toddy-palm, i. 34, 39, 88. Tofe Choney, i. 16. Tomo-chamo mountain, ii. 122. Tong (arum-roots prepared for food), ii. 49; collection and preparation of, ii. 65. Tonglo, i. 158; camp on, i. 183; elevation of, i. 171; excursion to, i. 155; summit of, i. 167; temperature of, i. 170; vegetation of, i. 167. Took (Hydnocarpus), ii. 7. (See Chaulmoogra). Toon (Cedrela), i. 193, 312. Tourmalines, i. 224; ii. 27. Toys, children’s in Sikkim, i. 338. Travelling equipment, i. 179. Tree-fern, i. 110; ii. 13; in Silhek, ii. 336. Trees, burnt, i. 151; limits of in Sikkim, ii. 75. Trichomanes, i. 358. Tripe de roche, ii. 130. Tsang, province of Tibet, ii. 168. Tukcham mountain, ii. 33. Tuk-vor, i. 371. Tumloong, ii. ; confinement at, ii. 213; dismissal from, ii. 228; meteorology of, ii. 218. Tungu, ii. 73, 148, 149; meteorology of, ii. 95. Tunkola, i. 123. Tunkra mountain, ii. 102; pass, ii. 109; plants of, ii. 112. Tuquoroma, i. 222. Turner, Captain, route to Jigatzi (note), ii. 125. Turnips, alpine cultivation of, ii. 88. U Uggur oil (Aquilaria), ii. 328. Unicorn of MM. Huc and Gabet, ii. 158. Urceola elastica ii. 351. Urtica crenulata, ii. 188, 336; heterophylla, i. 182. UrticeÆ, i. 157. Usnea, ii. 10. V VacciniÆ, rarity of in upper Himalaya (note), ii. 145. Vaccinium, ii. 22; serpens, i. 162. Vakeel sent to Dorjiling, ii. 2. Valeriana Jatamansi, i. 217. Vanda coerulea, ii. 319, 321; Roxburghia, i. 28. Varnish, black of Munnipore, ii. 330. Valeria robusta, i. 21. Vegetation, of Chittagong, ii. 346; of Himalaya, ii. 38; of Jheels, ii. 257; of Khasia, ii 281; of Terai, i. 101; progress of at different elevations, ii. 145, 181; tropical at the base of Kinchinjunga, i. 341; zones of at Dorjiling, i. 142; zones of in Sikkim, i. 348. Veronica Anagallis, i. 80. Vespa magnifica, ii. 29. Villarsia cristata, i. 62; Indica, i. 62. Vindhya hills, i. 32. Vitex Agnus-castus, i. 374. Vitis Indica, ii. 187. W Wallanchoon, i. 227; climate of, i. 218; houses at, i. 211; pass, i. 224; plants on pass, i. 225; village, i. 209. Wallichia palm, ii. 18. Wallich, Dr., i. 4. Walloong, i. 209, 215. Walnuts, Sikkim, i. 334, 338. Ward, Lieut, i. 65. Water-plants, i. 62. Well, old, i. 41. Wightia, grasping roots of, i. 165. Willow, ii. 32; of Terai, i. 400; weeping, i. 365. Winds, hot, i. 15; of Tibet, ii. 159, 163; of Sikkim, Appendix, 403. Woodcock of Chittagong, ii. 350: at Barfonchen, ii. 199; at Neongong, i. 306. Wood-oil (Dipterocarpus), ii. 348. Woodsia, ii. 130. Worm of Sikkim, ii. 26. Y Yak, i. 212: breeding, ii. 150; flock of, ii. 150; wild, i. 214. Yalloong ridge, i. 273; valley, i. 267. Yamroop, i. 277. Yangma, cultivation at, i. 238; geology of, i. 248; Guola, i. 229; houses at, i. 241; temperature at, i. 247; temples, i. 235; village, i. 238. Yangyading, i. 277. Yankoong village, ii. 228. Yankutang, i. 275. Yaru-tsampu river, i. 299; ii. 124; (note), ii. 171. Yelpote (Bassia), i. 151. Yeumtong, ii. 115; second visit to, 181. Yeumtso, ii, 159; elevation of, ii. 174; lake, ii. 163; temperature of soil at, ii. 174. Yew, i. 168, 191, 274, 280; ii. 45; distribution of, ii. 2525; in Khasia, ii. 282. Yoksun, i. 335; lake, i. 360. Z Zemindars of Bengal, i. 388. Zemu river, camp on, ii. 56; Samdong, ii. 43, 148. Zannichellia, i. 45; palustris, ii. 156. Zobo, ii. 213. Zodiacal light, i. 63.