While Sinners took upon 'em to reform, And on the Stage laid the late dreadful Storm, Occasionally coming from the Crimes Of us, whose Drama's would instruct the Times. We wonder'd Rebels who against the Crown, Justly draw all these heavy Judgments down, Should pass uncensur'd, unmolested stand, And be a heavy Judgment to the Land. But they, Heav'ns bless 'em for their daily care, Have reconcil'd us now to Ale and Air: For Wine we know not, while the luckless Hit, Has taught us want of Laugh, and want of Wit. But when the Observator's Wrath withdraws, And wanting Law instructs us in the Laws; How happy are we made, who well agree, To be laugh'd at by such a Fool as he. Thanks to the Strumpets that would mask'd appear, We now in their True Colours see 'em here: False, I should say, for who e're saw before, A Woman in True Colours and a Whore?
| | But it is not our Business to be rude With Woman for the sake of Muffled Hood; We lik'd 'em not with Masks or with their Paints, Nor ever thought to baulk informing Saints. They're welcome to us, when we're Peccant found, Their Understanding's safe as well as sound. All that we strive to please are Good and Just; For Goodness ever we have ta'ne on Trust: But when we to true Virtue would appear, The Real Saints and not the False are here. We're Regulary true to Royal Laws, We admire th' Effect and we adore the Cause. All that we're proud of is, that we have seen, Our Reformation center in the Queen.