“Gay being, born to flutter!”—SALE’S GLEE. IS this your faith, then, Fanny! What, to chat with every Dun? I’m the one, then, but of many, Not of many but the One! Last night you smil’d on all, Ma’am, That appear’d in scarlet dress; And your Regimental Ball, Ma’am, Look’d a little like a Mess. I thought that of the Sogers (As the Scotch say) one might do And that I, slight Ensign Rogers, Was the chosen man and true. But ’Sblood! your eye was busy With that ragamuffin mob;— Colonel Buddell—Colonel Dizzy— And Lieutenant-Colonel Cobb. General Joblin, General Jodkin, Colonels—Kelly, Felly, with Majors—Sturgeon, Truffle, Bodkin, And the Quarter-master Smith. Major Powderum—Major Dowdrum— Major Chowdrum—Major Bye— Captain Tawney—Captain Fawney, Captain Any-one—but I! Deuce take it! when the regiment You so praised, I only thought That you lov’d it in abridgment, But I now am better taught! I went, as loving man goes, To admire thee in quadrilles; But Fan, you dance fandangoes With just any fop that wills! I went with notes before us, On the lay of Love to touch; But with all the Corps in chorus, Oh! it is indeed too much! You once—ere you contracted For the Army—seem’d my own; But now you laugh with all the Staff, And I may sigh alone! I know not how it chances, When my passion ever dares, But the warmer my advances, Then the cooler are your airs. I am, I don’t conceal it, But I am a little hurt; You’re a Fan, and I must feel it, Fit for nothing but a Flirt! I dreamt thy smiles of beauty On myself alone did fall; But alas! “Cosi Fan Tutti!” It is thus, Fan, thus with all! You have taken quite a mob in Of new military flames;— They would make a fine Round Robin If I gave you all their names! A ROUND ROBIN. |