class="pginternal">237, 242, 244, 247, 248, 259 Danish Hymns, 131 Darkness before Dawn, 7, 107 Dawn, First Streaks of, 24 Deaf and Dumb Asylum, 258 Defoe, 177, 216 Deism, Prevalence of, 15 Derby, Earl of, 129 Dissenters, Disabilities of, 258 Dissent in, Boston, in 1730, 232 Divine authority of the New Testament, The, 255 Doddridge, Philip, 28, 31, 110, 113, 126, 267 - his Academy, 29
- his Friends, 36, 58
- his Hymns, 29
Drawing-Room Preaching, 37, 38, 40 Drury Lane, 155 Dying Words, 169, 261, 262, 300 East India Company, 191 Economy of Charity, 210 Edinburgh Review, 69, 184, 253 Education, Neglect of, 16 Edwards, Jonathan, 28, 275, 283, 296 Effect of Rejection of Gospel, 7 Eighteenth Century Revival, 9, 277 Emerson, quoted, 12 England and France Contrasted, 23, 180 England, State of Religion in, 23 Epitaphs, 156, 197, 212, 268 Episcopal Board of Missions, Methodist, 256 Epworth, 43, 53, 94, Jenner, Dr. Edward, 195 Johnson, Samuel, 55 Joss, Toriel, 149 Juvenal, 52 Kempis, Thomas À., 55, 59 Kingsbury, William, 254 Kirk, John, Author of “Mother of the Wesleys”, 44 Lackington, 154 Lancashire, 131 Lanterns, New Lights and Old, 48 Lavington, Bishop, 70 Law, William, 53 Lay Preaching, 132, 136, 139, 147–149, 151 Lecky on the Effect of the Revival, 10 Lee, Jesse, 275 Literature, State of, at beginning of 18th Century. How Affected by Revival, 16, 269 Livingstone, 255 Local Preachers, 136 - Wesley’s Reasons for, 136
London Missionary Society, 191, 254, 255, 319 Love of Souls, 101, 185, 186, 281 Luther, 7, 57, 110, 114, 179 Lyttleton, Lord, 17, 40, 42 Macaulay, 86, 97, 99, 189 McOwan, Peter, 130 Mann, Sir Horace, 40 Mansfield, Lord, 172 Marlborough, Duchess of, 37, 39, 42 Marshman and Ward, 253 Martyrs, 195 Maxfield, Thomas, 115, 134 Melcombe, Lord, 42 Methodism, 182, 257, 190 Shaw, Robert, 169 Ships of 18th Century, 220 Shirley, Lady Fanny, 64 - Mr. (Lady Huntingdon’s Cousin), 20
Sidney, Sir Philip, 110 Simeon, Charles, 269 Singers of the Revival, 109, 121, 123, 126, 192, 310 Slave Abolition, 186, 211, 265, 278 Smiles, Dr., referred to, 24 Smith, Adam, 207 Society, State of, at beginning of 18th Century, 10, 16, 24, 75, 277, 282, 294 - State of and after Revival, Contrasted, 13, 277
Somerset, Duchess of, 36 Songs Used in Great National Movements, 109 Southey, 71, 83, 89, 93, 115, 130, 133, 146, 147, 157, 166, 249, 276, 308 Spain, 7 Spencer, 52 St. Ambrose, 117 St. Ann’s, Black Friars, London, 174 St. George’s, Hanover Square, London, 172 Stage Libels against the Revivalists, 154 Staniforth, Sampson, 151 Stanhope, Earl, Testimony to Wesley, 10 Starting Point, The, of Modern Religious History, 181 Steam Engine, The, 12 Steele, Miss, 126 Stephen, Sir James, 83, 184, 191, 192, 269 Stevens, Dr. Abel, 27, 83, 18
pginternal">53 Weston, Favel, 58, 62 Wilberforce, William, 178, 189, 191, 254, 258, 265, 266 Wilderness, Blossoms in, 180 Wilks, Matthew, 254 Winter, Cornelius, 184, 257 Wiseman, Cardinal, 131 White, Rev George, Vicar of Colne, 71 Whitefield, George, 32, 46, 52, 60, 69, 73, 86, 122, 148, 165, 179, 184, 195, 258, 270, 284 - and the Children, 292
- Among the Indians, 290
- and the Poor Woman, 56
- and Wesley Compared, 69, 80, 86, 87, 89, 148
- and the Recruiting Sergeant, 84
- Among the Nobility, 36, 38, 41, 79
- Among the Roughs, 83, 115
- at Boston, New England, 284, 285
- at Cambridge, New England, 28
- at Harvard, 285
- at Kingswood, Bristol, 73
- at Princeton, 290
- at Gloucester, 73
- at New Haven, 285
- at Oxford, 49, 54
- at the Tower of London, 73
- Compared with Luther, 69
- Description of his Preaching During Thunder Storm, 79
- Early Religious Experience, 55
Whitefield, George, |