I. | GENERAL SUBJECTS. | II. | ROMISH SAINTS. | III. | POETRY, ORIGINAL AND SELECTED. | IV. | CORRESPONDENTS’ SIGNATURES. | V. | ENGRAVINGS IN THE VOLUME. | TO THE BINDER. If the work be required in FOUR Volumes, commence “VOL. I.—PART II.” at col. 867, and place the Indexes to that Volume at the end—commence “VOL. II.—PART II” at col. 833, and conclude with the Indexes to Vol. II. [1669, 1670] 1. THE GENERAL INDEX.
ublic@vhost@g@html@files@53276@53276-h@53276-h-83.htm.html#Page1579" class="pginternal">1579. Buck and doe, carried in St. Paul’s cathedral, origin of, 119. Buckingham, custom at, 707. Buckles and shoes, notice of, 1354. Buffon, count de, naturalist, notice of, 519. Bulkeley, Mr., circumstances of his child’s baptism, 899. Buns, hot-cross, 410. Burial, provision against in a will, 1325; general invitations published to attend burials, 1645. Burnet, sir Thomas, died, 43. Bury, Suffolk, dispute about bells in, 907. Burwell, Cambridgeshire, fatal fire at, 1225. Busby, Dr., his chair a supposititious one, 901. Bushell, Isaac, a backsword player, 1341. Butler, William, died, 1316. Butterworth, Billy, an eccentric character, notice of, 1142. CÆsar’s pretorium at Pancras, 1345, 1566. Cake, Biddenden, account of, 442. Calculation, an extraordinary one, 396. Calendar, naturalists’, 25. Calico-printing, a chemical black for, 269. Caligraphy, notice of, 1215. Calves-head club, 158. Camps, description of CÆsar’s at Pancras, 1345, 1566. Canals by Brindley, notice of, 1265; the Grand Junction one commenced in 1766, 970. Candlemas day, 173, 223; judges’ entertainment and dance, 174. Cann, the Devonshire champion in wrestling, 1009. Canonbury tower, supposed subterraneous passage from, 1607. Canterbury, Thomas À Becket, archbishop of, notice and engraving of, 929. Carbonari, ludicrous anecdote about, 1398. Cardan, curious circumstance of, 456. Caraboo, impostor, self-called, notice and engraving of, 1632. Cards, a child played for at, 1344. Carlos, colonel, and Charles II., notice of, 698. Carna, goddess of the hinge, 727. Cars, travelling ones in Ireland, engravings of, 239, 241. Carter, farmer, ludicrous “trial of farmer Carter’s dog,” 198. Carving, ancient, engraving of, 497. Cat, engraving of a street image of one, 312. Catholics and Protestants, mutual interest of, 1370. Cavendish, house of, 1376. Ceres, represented in harvest, 1155, 1162. Chabert, the human salamander, 771. Chairs, opera arm, 630. ——, Dr. Busby’s, a supposititious one, 901. ——, sedan, ib. ——, shoemakers’ amusement with, ib. Chalmers, James, curious advertisement by, 938. Chamberlain, lord, power formerly exercised by, over actors, 1063. Chancery, a hoax in, 1145. Cha
446. D’Eglantine, Faber, why so called, 605. Delaval, sir F. B., curious anecdote of, 1471. Dellicot, William, convicted of stealing a penny, 899. Den of the elephant killed at Exeter Change, engraving of, 335. Denny, D., lottery fraud of, 1466. Derby, West, customs of, 432. Derbyshire, customs in, 451, 637. Devil, history of the good devil of Woodstock, 582; engraving of St. Michael standing on the devil, 1271; called by James I. a busy bishop, 1239; his usual shape an empty bottle, 1241; overlooking Lincoln College, 1236; superstitions respecting him, 1238. Devils, printers’, 1239. Devonshire, customs in, 666, 1009, 1170, 1652. Dew, (May,) dancers at Arthur’s seat, Edinburgh, 409. Diaries, curious extracts from one, 1305. Dibdin, Charles, his opera of “The Waterman” noticed, 1062. Digby, lord, annual tolling for, 1255. Dimsdale, sir H., mayor of Garrett, 824, 838. Dinners, curious invitation to one, 508; anecdote of an election one, 1193. Diogenes and his lantern, print of, 644. Dissenters, their celebrations of throwing out the Schism Bill, 1061. Diversions, curio is one of a widowed husband, 1020. Doctors, the Whitworth one, 477. Does, origin of carrying a buck and a doe in St. Paul’s cathedral, 119. Dogget, Thomas, actor, notice of, and of his coat and badge rowing for, 1062. Dog, ludicrous trial of, 198; and of the dog of Heriot’s hospital, 759. Dolmoors, Somersetshire, custom at, 917, 921. Dragon, St. George and the, engraving of, 1274. Dramas, fertility in producing, 1133. Draper, Elizabeth, account of her wedding-dress in 1550, 796. Drawing of the Lottery, engraving of, 1441. See Lottery. Dreams, Mr. Clay delivered from danger by one, 367; curious remarks on dreams, 1537; notices of dreams, 1578, 1581. Dress, a lady’s in 1550, 796; engraving of an ancient dress for autumn, 1342. Drop handkerchief, custom of, 665. Drummond, lady Jane, notice of, 743. Drunkenness, singular advertisement touching, 938. Dublin, May-day in, 595. Duck, Stephen, the thresher poet, 1103. —— hunting, description of, 1403. Duelling, memorandum to men of honour touching, 942. Dulce domum, supposed origin of, 710. Duncan, lord, notice of, 1315. Dunck, Miss, a great heiress, 130; and his Whims and Oddities, 1537. Hornchurch, custom of, 1461. Lucky numbers in lotteries, notices of, 1437. Ludgate-hill, engraving relative to old watch tower on city wall near, 629. Lully, J. B., notice of, 403. Lumley, lord, 1376. Lunar halo, extraordinary, 1537. Lunn, Sally, buns of, 1561. Lusus naturÆ, accounts of, 444, 445. Lyings in, custom at, 1331. Lynn, custom at, 223. Macdonald, Flora, 1148. Magdaleneide, a curious poem so called, 1006. Maids, (the two Biddenden,) account and engraving of, 442, 443. Maidstone, custom at, 1627. Mamre, Abraham’s oak at, 1033. Man with the iron mask, 1559. Mansfield, earl of, his autograph, 396. Mantle-pieces, use of, 1350. Manuscripts, accidental loss of valuable ones, 1617. March, J. C., epitaph on, 478. Mare, crying the, custom of, 1163. Margarets, William, a rogue in grain, 729. Marl, ninepenny, game called, 983, 1661. Marlborough, duke of, 794. Marriages, a singularly disproportioned one, 651; custom of flitch of bacon relating to, 799; of Jews, trial about one, 1611; insurance on, 1436. Martins, 1562. Marseilles, thunny fishing at, 647; festival at, 1643. Martyr’s stone at Hadleigh, Suffolk, 212. Marvel, Andrew, died, notice of, 1095. Mary, (the Virgin,) Romish titles of, 1610. Mask, iron, the man with the, 1559. Mason, col., concentrates Norfolk festivities in Necton, 669. Mass, (Cow,) at Dunkirk, description of, 870. Massacre of St. Bartholomew, notice of, 1113. Massey, Mr. W., his account of election of mayor of Garrett, 826. Matches, burlesque company for making, 1581. Matthews at home, engraving and notice of, 465. Maundy Thursday, celebration of, at Seville and Rome, 405, 409. May, Cornelius, 644. —— dew, notice and engraving about gathering of, 610. —— fly, 770. Mayo, Ben, “the old general” of Nottingham, 1569. Mayors, of Bartlemass, 1045; of Garrett, 819, &c. May-poles, engravings and notices of, 574, 575, 579, 594, 640, 660. Measures and weights, 126. Meat, over-fed, satire on, 1547. Medley of hum
#Page1450" class="pginternal">1450. Rochford, Essex, Lawless court at, 1286. Rochfort, first earl of, 1375. Rodd, Mr. T., bookseller, integrity and judgment of, 1126. Rogue in grain, acknowledgment of one, 729. Roman remains, at Pentonville and Pancras, 1197, 1199, 1345, 1566. Romans, lotteries among, 1529, 1530. Rook, supposed poem on “The Rook” by lord Erskine, 1139. Roses for shoes, 1354. Ross, Mr., actor, curious anecdote of, 1651. Rotherham, Yorkshire, account of swallows at, 1295. Rouen, in France, pageant of the assumption in, 1092. Rousey, John, aged 138, died, 731. Rowing for Dogget’s coat and badge, 1062. Royal debts, notice of, 1355. Royal Oak lottery, the, notice of, 1423, &c. Rudkins, —— a remarkable thief, 1242. Rules, for servants, 226; for preserving health, 1615. Rupert, prince, lottery for his jewels, 1445. Russell, house of, 1376. Russia, St. George much revered in, 546. Rutland, earl of, two of his children supposed bewitched, 370. Sadler’s Wells, curious invitation to, 41; horse-racing at, 1561. Sagittarius, charm against the influence of, 1569. Sailors, on shore, 65; custom of, on crossing the Line, 1394; anecdote of one, 1470. Saint Ives, Cornwall, celebration of athletic games near, 1010. Sainte Beaume, near Marseilles, notices of, 1002, &c. Salamander, the human, M. Chabert, 771. Salisbury Plain, indolence of shepherds there, 984. Salle, Mademoiselle, Order of Merit instituted by, at Paris, 696. “Sally Brown,” &c. a popular ballad, 1549. Salt, great age of a man who never used any, 1214. —— cellar, its importance in arranging guests, 1622. Sannazaro, 580. Scandiscope, (machine for cleaning chimneys,) engraving of, 617. Scarborough, earl of, 1376. Schism, intended bill against, notice of, 1061. Schomberg, Marshal, 1375. Schoolmasters, tradition of a boy murdered by one, 1371. Science, poetry called the Gay Science, and a college for encouraging it at Toulouse, 602; science outdoes juggling, 780. Scorpions, continued and appalling visions about, 1578. [1695, 1696]Scotland, curious political drama acted before the court of, 15; superstitions in, 684; humorous account of the first pigs in, 1113. Scottish songs, essay on, 713; list of, 717. Scripture, application of, 1320; curious notice about inscriptions in churches, 965; notice of their supposed death-song, 964. Swearing at Highgate. See Highgate. Table Book, The, a work to succeed the Every-Day Book, 1664. Tale-bearing, how punished, 1562. Tangiers, in Africa, celebration of Easter at, 455. Tanner, Dr., manuscripts lost by, 1617. Tasker, William, died, 212. Taylor, Dr. Rowland, martyred, 212. —— the Whitworth doctor, 477. Tea-kettle, trick with, 774. Temple Sowerby, Westmoreland, custom in, 599. Tenants, a remarkable one, 1256. Tenures, an annual jocular one, 21. Tetbury, 1561. Texts inscribed in churches, 1367. Thames, river, frozen over in 1814, 109. Thanet, isle of, custom of, 1643. Thieves, application for licence to kill them, 1189; a remarkable one, 1242; Robin Hood, the Prince of Thieves, 1637. Thompson, J., fraud of, 1450. Thorn, the Glastonbury, 1641. Threekingham, or Laundon, Lincolnshire, notice of, 1246. Thunder clouds, dreadful one at Java, 1082. Thunny fishing, 647. Thurlow, lord, letter of, 498. Tickets, lottery, same number twice sold, 1460; divided with great minuteness, ib. See Lottery. Times, old, notice of, 1301. Tissington, Derbyshire, custom of dressing wells in, 636. Toad-stools, singular connection of subjects with, 518. Toast, sugared, at lyings-in, 1333. Tobacco, article on, 397. Todd, James, death of, by a flying machine, 1291. Toddingham, sir T., singular letter of the famous earl of Warwick to, 1403. Toulouse, establishments or customs at, 600, 602. Tourant, Michael, aged 98, notice of, 1211. Towers, notice of old London watch tower, and an engraving, 619; notice of Lammas towers made of sods, 1051. Tracy, sir W., 932, &c. Tradesmen, emblem for, 1327. Trafalgar, battle of, 1343, 1356. Travelling, in Ireland, 239, &c.; cheap, curious plan for, 791. Trees, engraving of “the Spirit’s blasted tree” in Wales, 1023; revivification of trees, 233. See Oaks. Trial of weights and measures, 127. Trials, ludicrous one of farmer Carter’s dog, 188; burlesque ones, 233; trial of the dog of Heriot’s hospital, 758; an aged witness at, 1602; “Trial of the Royal Oak Lottery,” a satire called, 1423. Trigg, Henry, curious will of, 1325. Turk[1703, 1704] II. INDEX TO ROMISH SAINTS. - Afra, August 7.
- Apollonia, February 9.
- Botolph, June 17.
- Cecilia, November 22.
- Concord, January 2.
- David, March 1.
- Declan, July 28.
- Denys, October 9.
- Edward, March 18.
- George, April 23.
- Hugh, November 17.
- James, July 25.
- John Baptist, July 24, and August 29.
- Leonard, November 6.
- Magdalen, July 22.
- Margaret, July 20.
- Mark, April 25.
- Martha, July 29.
- Matthias, February 24.
- Maurice, September 22.
- Michael, September 29.
- Patrick, March 17.
- Surin, or Severin, October 23.
- Veronica, January 13.
- Victor, July 21.
- Winwaloe, March 3.
- Anonymous, 900.
- A small Bookseller, 186.
- B. S. G. S., 615.
- B. W. R., 1244.
- C. T., 916, 1212.
- A Correspondent, 900.
- A Gentleman of Cambridge, 1367.
- A Gentleman of Literary Habits, 24.
- H., 942.
- Jackson, S. R., 119.
- J. J., 1151.
- J. O. W., 44.
- J. P., 884.
- J. R. P., 1041.
- J. W., 784.
- Jennings, J., 1138.
- Lander, H. M., 709, 1100.
- May, Cornelius, 898.
- Prior, J. R., 709, 1141, 1213.
- Pulci, 494.
- S. R. J., 646, 818, 1100, 1310, 1342.
- *,*,P., 983, 1071, 1630.
- A small Bookseller, 187.
- Tomlinson, C., 1211.
- W. T. M., 1227, ib., 1580, 1590, 1596.
- X., 434.
- Original, By * The Editor.
- The Christmas Days, 30.
- “The king drinks,” 31.
- Dr. Busby’s chair, 34.
- Paul Pry’s Song, 51.
- Seasonable refreshment, 59.
- Swearing on the horns at Highgate, 79.
- Lark-shooting in France, 91.
- Skating on the Serpentine, 98.
- February, 170.
- Elizabeth Woodcock, 175.
- Dr. Browne Willis, 193.
- Travelling in Ireland, 239.
- March, 273.
- Merriment in March, 290.
- Affectionate brothers, 314.
- The “Common People,” 314.
- Disdain of Unfeelingness, 318.
- Elephant killed at Exeter Change, 321.
- April, 479.
- May, 567.
- Country May-pole, 575.
- Milkmaids’ dance, 591.
- Duke of Baubleshire, 679.
- June, 722.
- Mock election for Garrett, 840.
- July, 890.
- Summer scene in the Potteries, 994.
- August, 1047.
- Harvest home, 1153.
- September, 1183.
- Baron Brown, 1217.
- Hammersmith pump, 1231.
- October, 1281.
- German showman, 1330.
- November, 1362.
- The last Lottery, 1406.
- The “Old General,” 1570.
- December, 1586.
- The Table Book, 1664.
- Bamfylde, 1644.
- Beattie, 662.
- Beaumont and Fletcher, 1272.
- Bidlake, 490.
- Blake, 626.
- Bloomfield, 658.
- Bowles, Rev. W. L., 138, 1150.
- Bowring, 787, 880.
- Brown, baron, 1223, &c.
- Brown, Hawkins, 399.
- Burns, 715.
- Byron, lord, 400, 1078, 1101.
- Chaucer, 578.
- Clare, 288, 318, 320, ib.
- Corbet, Bp., 1390.
- Daniel, 1103.
- Darrell, Dr., 293.
- Darwin, 72.
- Dibdin, C., 72, 504, 1062, 1364.
- Donne, 354.
- Drummond, Dr. H., 212.
- Dyer, 276, 640.
- Dryden, 148, 150, 579.
- [1705, 1706]Edwards, J., 638.
- Elton, C. A., 1150.
- Ferguson, 17.
- Filicaia, 368.
- Garrick, D., 1352.
- Gay, 356, 594, 596, 607.
- Geweaux, 400.
- Glover, 1392, 1393.
- Goldsmith, 662, 905.
- Grahame, 5, 47, 164, 1178.
- Herrick, 1159, 1319.
- Hood, T., 1548, 1552.
- Howitt, 484, ib., 528, 1277.
- Hunt, L., 580.
- Hurdis, 728.
- Jonson, B., 530, 608, 728, 1033, 1630.
- Keats, J., 250.
- Kleist, 496.
- Landon, Miss, 42, 614.
- Leslie, 614.
- Leyden, J., 173.
- Love, David, 229.
- Lovelace, col. R., 561.
- Manners, lady, 1104.
- Menecrates, 494.
- Moore, T., 143, 767, 1146.
- Milton, 640.
- Montgomery, 528, 1396.
- Naogeorgus, 136, 197, 663, 693, 1080, 1090, 1370, 1597.
- Nichols, John, 1640.
- Ovid, 598, ib., 729.
- Philips, 1270.
- Phoenix of Colophon, 1111.
- Polwhele, 7.
- Prior, 606.
- Pughe, Dr. W. O., 1615.
- Radcliffe, Mrs., 1022.
- Reynolds, J. H., 1234.
- Robinson, Mrs., 1174.
- Ryan, R., 530.
- Sannazaro, 580.
- Scott, 1023, 1094.
- Shakspeare, 1026.
- Smart, 1182.
- Somerville, 357.
- Southey, 1033, 1094.
- Southwell, 1157.
- Spenser, 2.
- Stevens, J. L., 578.
- Swift, 1302.
- Theognis, 1111.
- Thomson, 362, 490, 888, 1190.
- Tusser, 1158, 1173.
- Virgil, 147, 150.
- Vincent, Rev. J., 1191.
- Warner, 136.
- White, H. K., 666.
- Warrington, Rev. G., 1028.
- Whistlecraft, 1650.
- Wilford, B., 574, 770, 868.
- Willis, Browne, 297.
- Wordsworth, 115, 285, 286.
- Works cited.
- Alexander and the King of Egypt, 1646.
- Bellman’s Treasury, 1594, 1626, 1627, 1636, 1644.
- Caps well fit, 439.
- Colonial Advocate, 713, 714, &c.
- Evans’s old Ballads, 741.
- Examiner, 368.
- Fables, by Thomas Brown the younger, 1042.
- Gentleman’s Magazine, 174, 694, 982, 990.
- Grub-street Journal, 158.
- Hood’s, T., Whims and Oddities, 1548, &c.
- Lady’s Scrap-book, 472.
- Leonidas of Tarentum, 510.
- Literary Pocket-book, 720.
- Morning Chronicle, 1204.
- Morning Herald, 100, 630.
- New Monthly Magazine, 42, 1556, 1663.
- Nichols’s Collections, 164.
- Perennial Calendar, 119, 162, 876.
- Poetical Calendar, 1166.
- Poor Robin, 486, 678, 1383.
- Post Boy, 1422.
- Times, The, 1146.
- Widow’s Tale, 499.
- Anonymous.
- 8, 10, 14, 30, 111, 135, 185, 186, 233, 239, 378, 387, 399, 429, 556, 557, 570, 571, ib., 572, 573, 590, ib., 594, 596, 608, 624, 711, 837, 896, 939, [1707, 1708]
IV. CORRESPONDENTS’ INDEX. - A., 539, 574, 733.
- A. O. B., 595.
- A Reader, 1584.
- An Admirer of the Every-day Book, 1645.
- An Essex Man, 1172.
- Alpha, 457.
- B. S. G. S., 615.
- Brandon, Henry, 710, 1635.
- Browne, J. Francis, 1215.
- C. C——y, M. R. C. S. E., 467, 1142.
- C. L., 515, 842.
- C. T., 599, 916, 1103, 1207, 1210, 1379, 1399, 1649.
- D., 1217.
- Dewhurst, Henry William, 668.
- Doowruh, W., 683.
- E. S. F., 911.
- E. W. W., 535.
- Eta, 496.
- An Exonian, 1652.
- Fumo, 397.
- G., 1571.
- G. B., 917.
- G. J., 1105.
- G. H. I., 1166.
- Gulielmus, 1259.
- Gwilym Sais, 1615.
- H., 636, 903, 942.
- H. B., 1336.
- H. H. N. N., 161.
- Honeycomb, Will, 432.
- I. E——tt, 531.
- Ignotus, 1649.
- I. J. T., 1116, 1155, 1334.
- J., 557.
- J. B., 448.
- J. D., 1613.
- J. E. —— T. T., 531.
- J. F., 491, 494, 1043.
- J. G., 29.
- J. H., 542, 1248.
- J. H. B., 1111, 1275, 1653.
- J. H. C., 955.
- J. H. H., 91.
- J. J. A. F., 442, 797, 929, 1060, 1518.
- J. J. T., 1116, 1155, 1334.
- J. K. S., 659.
- J. L., 881.
- J. O. W., 43.
- J. P., 478, 548, 882.
- J. R. P., 374, 792, 1583.
- J. S., 23, 660.
- J. S. Junior, 74.
- J. W., 553.
- J. W. H., 455.
- J——n, J——k——n, 1655.
- Jackson, S. R., 118.
- Jehoiada, 1559, 1562.
- Jennings, James, 1136.
- Johnson, Benjamin, 367, 370, 729, 791.
- K., 223, 283, 669.
- Kier, Robert, 484.
- Lander, H. M., 709, 1100.
- Lector, 789.
- N. G., 913.
- N. N., 1599.
- An Old Correspondent, 1606.
- P., 1059, 1374.
- P. P., Jun., 609.
- Parallel Barrister, 653.
- Pasche, 377.
- Paul Pry, 49.
- Peakril, A, 451.
- Prior, J. R., 707, 931, 815.
- R. A. R., 1170.
- R. H. E., 139.
- R. J., 256.
- R. R., 1156.
- R. S., 665.
- R. T., 744, 1037, 1255, 1307.
- Reddock, John Wood, 13.
- S. G., 1347.
- S. M., 1163.
- S. P., 54.
- S. R., 907.
- S. R. J., 815, 907.
- Sam Sam’s Son, 650, 969, 1008.
- Selits, 1576.
- A Shoemaker, 470, 1045.
- Sleafordensis, 1246.
- A Small Bookseller, 186.
- *,*,P., 1269, 1291, 1341, 1351, 1628.
- Sykes, John, 689.
- T. A., 249, 375, 413, 532, 1565.
- T. B., 1661.
- T. W. L., 858, 861.
- Thomas, S., 185.
- W. H., 472, 767.
- W. H. H., 1596.
- W. P., 599, 936.
- W. S., 122, 379, 504.
- W. W., 1627.
- Z., 1634.
- 2 Adalberonis, (Caput sancti,) 1073.
- 3 April, 479.
- 4 Avingham, riding the fair at, 1655.
- 5 August, 1047.
- 6 Autumnal dress in the fourteenth century, 1342.
- 7 Baubleshire, duke of, 679.
- 8 Beadle, (parish,) 129.
- 9 Becket, St. Thomas À, 929.
- 10 Ben, old General, of Nottingham, 1569.
- 11 Biddenden Sisters, the, 443.
- 12 Boscobel House, 697.
- 13 —— ——, another view, 699.
- 14 Boys, street images of, 315.
- 15 Brown, (Baron,) the Durham poet, 1217.
- 16 Busby, Dr., his chair, 33.
- 17 Calves-head club, 159.
- 18 Car (common travelling) in Ireland, 242.
- 19 Caraboo, or the wonder of the west, 1631.
- 20 ——, another engraving, 1634.
- 21 Carving, ancient, 497.
- 22 Cat; street image of one, 312.
- 23 Chimney-sweeper (a machine) 617.
- 24 —— —— another, 624.
- 25 Christ’s effigy sent to Abgarus, 63.
- 26 Cobblers’ festival at Paris, 1055.
- 27 —— —— another engraving, 1057.
- 28 Cooke, Sir G., M. P. for Garrett, 830.
- 29 Cupid, popular representation of, 1545.
- 30 December, 1585.
- 31 Dog on trial, 199.
- 32 Dolmoors, marks for allotting grounds so called, 921.
- 33 Dream of human faces, 1537.
- 34 Dunmow, custom about flitch of bacon, 799.
- 35 —— taking the oath at, 801.
- 36 Dunstan, sir Jeffrey, M. P. for Garrett, 829.
- 37 Effigy in Panyer-alley, 1135.
- 38 Elephant at Exeter-change, 321.
- 39 —— —— —— —— —— den of, 335.
- 40 —— killed at Geneva, 705.
- 41 Emerson, W., autograph of, 690.
- 42 Execution of farmer Carter’s dog for murder, 199.
- 43 February, 169.
- 44 Fountain in June, 785.
- 45 Garrett, mock election for, 839.
- 46 —— —— —— —— another engraving, 851.
- 47 George (St.) and the dragon, 1272.
- 48 German showman, 1329.
- 49 Grain measure, 126.
- 50 Gymnastic exercises, 657.
- 51 Hampden, John, autographs of, 475.
- 52 Harvest home, at Hawkesbury, 1153.
- 53 Heriot, George, hospital founded by 751.
- 54 —— —— his statue, 753.
- 55 —— —— his arms, 913.
- 56 —— —— his autograph, ib.
- 57 Irish car, 242.
- 58 Islington old church (St. Mary) 505.
- 59 Ivanovitch (Vassili) a Russian prince, 548.
- 60 Jack o’ the green, 577.
- 61 January, 1.
- 62 Jenkins, Henry, 1601.
- 63 Jones, John, of Wandsworth, 821.
- 64 July, 890.
- 65 June, 721.
- 66 “The king drinks,” 31.
- 67 Lance (holy) 430.
- 68 Lark-shooting in France, 91.
- 69 Laughing boy, 543.
- 70 Leverian Museum, 986.[1711, 1712]
- 71 —— —— ticket, 991.
- 72 London, mayoralty seal of, 257.
- 73 —— Edward First’s seal for port of, 881.
- 74 —— an old watch-tower of, 629.
- 75 —— —— —— —— —— explanatory engraving, ib.
- 76 Lottery, drawing of, at Guildhall, 1019.
- 77 —— the last stage of the last, 1407.
- 78 —— horseback, 1408.
- 79 —— another, from a lottery bill, 1409.
- 80 —— wheel, 1439.
- 81 —— drawing of prizes in, 1441.
- 82 —— bills, the kitchen-maid from, 1503.
- 83 —— the cook-maid, 1503.
- 84 —— the successful footman, 1503.
- 85 —— the starved apothecary, 1519.
- 86 —— over-danced man, 1519.
- 87 —— milkmaid, 1520.
- 88 —— Nobody, 1520.
- 89 Love, David, 225
- 90 Mansfield, Lord, his autograph, 396.
- 91 March, 273.
- 92 —— merriment in, 289.
- 93 Martyr’s stone at Hadleigh, 211.
- 94 Matthews (Mr.) at home, 465.
- 95 May, 567.
- 96 May-dew dancers at Arthur’s seat, Edinburgh, 610.
- 97 May-garland (Northampton) 615.
- 98 —— pole (country) 575.
- 99 —— —— (planting the village) 593.
- 100 Mercury, 1327.
- 101 Michael, St. 1271.
- 102 Milkmaids’ dance, 591.
- 103 Minerva, 463.
- 104 Monkeys in an oyster-shop, 59.
- 105 “My son, sir,” 1542.
- 106 Necton Guild, 671.
- 107 New River at Hornsey, 1311.
- 108 Ninepenny Marl, 983.
- 109 November, 1361.
- 110 October, 1281.
- 111 Parrot; street image of one, 311.
- 112 Patrick’s (St.) day, 383.
- 113 Paul Pry in the character of Mr. Liston, 49.
- 114 Paul’s Cross, preaching at, on Good Friday, 414.
- 115 Plants, machine for determining the gradual increase of, 186.
- 116 Potteries, (the,) a summer scene in, 993.
- 117 Price, Charles, the arch-impostor, 1473.
- 118 —— —— —— —— —— —— another engraving, 1474.
- 119 Procession of the Scald Miserables, 524.
- 120 Pump at Hammersmith, 1231.
- 121 Refreshment, seasonable, 59.
- 122 Richard III., his well, 1105.
- 123 Roman station at Pentonville, 1199.
- 124 —— —— —— —— another engraving, ib.
- 125 —— —— at Pancras, 1345.
- 126 September, 1183.
- 127 Seymour, [before Stuart,] Arabella, autograph of, 733.
- 128 Shawsware (Coya) a Persian merchant; his tomb, 1079.
- 129 Shoe and clog, old lady’s, 1635.
- 130 Skating on the Serpentine, 97.
- 131 Spirit’s (the) blasted tree, 1023.
- 132 Street images in 1826, 315.
- 133 Sugar hogshead, with boys about it, 1543.
- 134 Swearing on the horns at Highgate, 79.
- 135 Travelling in Ireland, 239.
- 136 “Very deaf, indeed,” 1553.
- 137 Wassail bowl, 7.
- 138 Weights and measures, trial of, under Henry VII., 127.
- 139 West, Benjamin, 366.
- 140 —— —— his autograph, ib.
- 141 Willis, Dr. (bishop of Winchester,) his autograph, 296.
- 142 —— Dr. Browne, his portrait, 193.
- 143 —— —— —— his autograph, 295.
- 144 White Conduit (the), 1201.
- 145 Woodcock, Elizabeth, 175.
FINIS. J. Haddon, Printer, Castle Street, Finsbury. |