THIS PRIEST, made 'according to Law,' Who, on being ordain'd, vow'd, by rote, like a daw, That he felt himself call'd, by the Holy Spirit, To teach men the Kingdom of Heaven to merit; That, to think of the World and the flesh he'd cease, And keep men in quietness, love, and peace; And, making thus his profession and boast, Receiv'd, from the Bishop, the Holy Ghost: Then—not having the fear of God before him— Is sworn in a Justice, and one of the Quorum; 'Gainst his spiritual Oath, puts his Oath of the Bench, And, instead of his Bible, examines a wench; Gets Chairman of Sessions—leaves his flock, sick or dying, To license Ale-houses—and assist in the trying Of prostitutes, poachers, pickpockets, and thieves;— Having charged the Grand Jury, dines with them, and gives "Church and King without day-light gets fresh, and puts in— To the stocks vulgar people, who fuddle with gin: Stage-coach men, and toll-men, convicts as he pleases; And beggars and paupers incessantly teazes: Commits starving vagrants, and orders Distress On the Poor, for their Rates—signs warrants to press, And beats up for names to a Loyal Address: Would indict, for Rebellion, those who Petition: And, all who look peaceable, try for Sedition; If the People were legally Meeting, in quiet, Would pronounce it decidedly—sec. Stut.—a Riot, And order the Soldiers 'to aid and assist,' That is—kill the helpless, who cannot resist. He, though vowing 'from all worldly studies to cease,' Breaks the Peace of the Church, to be Justice of Peace; Breaks his vows madeto Heaven: a pander for power; A Perjurer—a guide to the People no more; On God turns his back, when he turns the State's Agent; And damns his own Soul, to be friends with the ————. THE END.
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