@30025@30025-h@30025-h-0.htm.html#Page_16">16. Berea College, Ky., rag rugs, 145. 79. Comb design, 43. Conchylium, ancient name of Phoenician purple, 18. Cone, pine, symbolism of, 159; fir, 161. Constable's "Hand Atlas of India," 175. Constantinople, rug market, 71-73, 82; silk-weaving introduced into, 123; spelling, 169. Cossac (Kazak), 107, 108 (plate). Cotton, 30, 76. Cotton rugs, Indian, 23, 88, 91; Japanese, 116. Coula, 169. Coverlets woven in "Appalachian America," 145. Coxon Herbert, 175. Crane, symbolism of, 157. Crescent, symbolism of, 158, 160. Crete girl weavers, 132. Crimson, 18, 47. Crocodile, symbolism of, 158. Crooked Turkish rugs, 24. Cross designs, 43. Crow, symbolism of, 157. Curson, Hon. George N., 175. Customs administration in Persia, 55. Cypress tree design in Jaipur rugs, 91; symbolism of, 161; see 120 (plate) and 124 (plate). D Daghestan, 168, 171. Daghestan rugs, 41, 105, 106 (and plate), 108. Damascus, 112. Daraksh, 59. Date woven into rugs, 67, 154, 155. Davis, ——, 175. Davis, Mr. Will J., rugs owned by, 30, 68. "Dawn of Civilization," Maspero, 177. Deccan, rugs from the, 23; meaning of Deccan, 162; spelling, 166, 171. "Decorative Art," Petrie, 24, 25; rug manufacture in, 138. Great Rug in the Palace of Chehel Sitoon, Ispahan, 95. Greece, rug-weaving in, 19; swastika design in rugs of, 43; saffron favorite color in, 48; silk-weaving in, 123; ancient and modern rugs of, 132, 133; place-names, 170. "Greek and Roman Antiquities," Smith, 177. Greek Christian weavers, 71; in Hereke, 76. Green dyes, how produced, 45; symbolism of, 47, 48; used though forbidden by law, 81. Guendje rugs, 100, 101. Guli Hinnai design, 43, 60. Gulistan, 163, 165, 171. Gundava, 165, 171. GÜrdiz, 169. H Haidamoor, 169, 171. Haidamur rugs, 111, 112. Haidarabad rugs, 91. Haiderabad, 163, 166, 171. Hair, lock of, woven in Kis Khilims, 118. Hakkam, 169, 171. Halifax, power looms in, 24. Hamadam, 171. Hamadan, 55, 56, 58, 59, 167. Hamadan rugs, 60 (plate), 61. "Hand Atlas of India," Constable, 175. Hand looms, 22. "Handbook of Ornament," Meyer, 177. Hang-chau, 165, 171. Hangings, rugs used as, 16, 55. Hare, symbolism of, 161. Havermeyer, late H. O., rug owned by estate of, 114 (plate). Hawk, symbolism of, 158. Ha
@html@files@30025@30025-h@30025-h-4.htm.html#Page_166">166. Jug, symbolism of, 161.
5-h-4.htm.html#Page_146">146. Navajo rugs, swastika design in, 43; description of, 146-149 (and plate). Navajo women's costume, 148. New England hooked or rag rugs, 143, 144. Nile Key, symbolism of, 158. "Nineveh and Babylon," Layard, 176. "Nineveh and its Remains," Layard, 176. Nineveh marbles, 17; fall of, 19. Ning-po, 163, 165, 173. Niris, Lake, 66. Niris rugs, 66. Niriz, 167, 173. Nishapur, 167, 173. Nomadic weavers, 26; design peculiar to, 41. North Arcot (District), 166, 173. O Octagon design, 43. O'Dagree, H. Eugene, 177. O'Donovan, Edmund, 177. Odor of rugs, 95, 96. Old man leaning on staff, symbolism of, 157. Olive, symbolism of, 161. Onteora rugs, 144. Oorfa, 169. Orange, symbolism of, 48. "Oriental Carpets," Clarke, 175. "Oriental Carpets," Coxon, 175. "Oriental Carpets," Lessing, 176. "Oriental Rugs," Mumford, 177. Oriental symbols, 156-162. "Origin of Pagan Idolatry," Faber, 176. "Origin of Pictish Symbolism," Southesk, 177. Ormarah, 165, 173. "Ornement Polychrome, L'," Racinet, 177. Ouchak, 81, 169, 173. Ouchak rugs, 78, 81. Oushak, 169. Oustri-Nan rugs, 66; spelling, 167,173. Outlines of black and white, 47. Owephissa, 134. Rachova, 170, 173. Racinet, M. A., 177. Rag rugs, New England, 143, 144. Raipur, 166. Ralph, Julian, 88, 89. Ram, symbolism of, 162. Rampur, 166, 173. Rangpur, 166, 173. Rawar, 167. Reber, Franz von, 177. Reciprocal trefoil design, 42, 67. Reclus, Elisie, 177. Red, symbolism of, 47, 48. Redgrave's "Manual of Design," 177. Reed, symbolism of, 162. "Religion of Ancient Egypt," Renouf, 177. "Religion of the Semites," Smith, 177. Renouf, P. LePage, 177. Resht, 125, 167, 173. Restoration of old dyeing, 46. Rhamnus chlorophorus, 45. Rhamnus utilis, 45. Rhinoceros, symbolism of, 162. Rhodian lily design, 79. Riegl, Dr. Alois, 177. Robinson, Vincent, 177. Rochdale, power looms in, 24. Romans, dyes prized by, 45; purple favorite color of, 48. Rose color, symbolism of, 47. Rosette, symbolism of, 159. Rothschild, Baron Adolphe, rug owned by, 128. Rothschild, Baron Nathaniel, rug owned by, 153. Roubaix, 169. Roumanian rugs, 137. Royalty, yellow symbol of, in China, 47. Rubia, dye-yielding genus, 44. Rubia tinctorum, 44. Rugs, utility of, 15; origin of need for, 15; weaving of, began, 15; definition of name, 15; identical with carpets, 16; represented in Egyptian wall-paintings, 16, 1773. Standing eagle, symbolism of, 160. Star designs, 43, 162. Stark tree form in Turkoman rugs, 101, 102. Stitches in Persian rugs, see Knots. Stockholm Palace, rug in, 128. Stork, symbolism of, 157, 160. Strickland, Agnes, 178. Stuart, H. Villiers, 178. Subdued colors, preference given to, 21, 47. Su-chau, 165, 174. Sultanabad, 55, 56, 59, 69, 125; spelling, 167, 174. Sultanabad rugs, 69, 70. Sultan's factories and schools, 76. Sumac, 44. Sun, symbolism of, 159, 160. Superstitions among weavers, 29. Surat, 166, 174. Susiana, Ancient (Province), 167. Swastika design, 42, 148, 162. Switzerland, rug-weaving in, 142. Sword, symbolism of, 160. Sykes, Ella C., 178. "Symbolican Language of Ancient Art and Mythology, The," Knight, 176. "Symbolism in Christian Art," Hulme, 176. "Symbols Antiques, Les," O'Dagree, 177. Symbols, Navajo, 148; Oriental, 156; Chinese, 157; Egyptian, 158, 159; Indian, 159; Japanese, 160; Persian, 160; Turkish, 160; miscellaneous, 161, 162. "Symbols of Early Christian Art," Twining, 178. Syria, 168. Syrian Christian weavers, 71. Syrian rugs, 111. T Tabor, Mrs. Sydney Richmond, rug owned by, 26, 27; nomadic, [A] Some prayer rugs have a representation of the hands of Mohammed, and on them the suppliant places his own as he throws himself prostrate. In the corners of some of these rugs pulpits are represented, and occasionally trees. THE END |