CHAPTER II. Cornwall Meets a Mountain Maid. CHAPTER III. Cornwall Locates In Harlan. CHAPTER IV. A Week in a Mountain Home. CHAPTER V. The Saylors Move to the Bluegrass. CHAPTER VI. Cornwall Buys a Home. CHAPTER VII. Mary and John Progress. CHAPTER VIII. Dorothy and Bradford Rosamond and Cornwall. CHAPTER IX. The Saylor Family. CHAPTER X. Mary and John Are Married. Seeing Italy at Mrs. O'Flannagan's Expense. CHAPTER III. John Cornwall Travels a Bit and Returns Home. Title: Chit-Chat; Nirvana; The Searchlight Author: Mathew Joseph Holt Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
Mt. Adamello Sled Dogs, Veterans of the Italian Army. Winter of 1918. Mt. Adamello Sled Dogs, Veterans of the Italian Army.