l">303, 305, 337, 359 Painted pottery 302-307 Parowan pottery 292 Pitcher forms 307 Plain pottery 299-301 Pottery Catalogue of Jaines Stevenson 265 developed from basketry 359 mended by Pueblos 286 Property buried with the dead 288 Provo, Utah, Pottery from 321 Pueblo art 266 coiled ware 273-275 Putnam, Prof. F. W., cited 279 Relief ornament 271, 282 Rio de Chelley Valley 316 Dolores Valley 316 Gila pottery 281, 283, 299 Grande pottery 298, 305 Mancos cliff-houses 284-286 , Pottery of the 281, 284-286 Pecos, Pottery of the 298, 305 San Juan, Pottery of the 315-321 Virgen, Pottery of the 287-292, 307-315 Saint George tumulus, Utah, Pottery from 281, 287-291, 300, 307, 312, 334 Saint John, Pottery from 305 Salt Lake City Museum, Pottery in 292, 300 Salt Lake Valley, Pottery of 292 San Antonio Springs, Pottery at 344 Juan pottery 274, 281, 284-287, 291 Santa Clara River, Pottery on 287 Santarem, Brazil, Coiled pottery at 276 Springerville, Ariz., Pottery at 279, |