Organization of the 1st and 2d North Missouri Regiments, June and July, 1861.—Campaigning in North Missouri During the Summer of 1861.—Order Consolidating the 1st and 2d North Missouri Regiments, Thereafter Known as the 21st Regiment, Missouri Infantry Vols. AFTER the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 many political disturbances and difficulties arose and he was inaugurated during a time of overwhelming excitement. The government of Missouri at that time was in the hands of those who were clamoring for secession from the Union of States. Claiborne F. Jackson, who had been trained in the political school of “States Rights,” was elected Governor. Early in the spring of 1861 Camp Jackson was established in St. Louis and troops for State service were mustered at that point. The Southern states, one after another, withdrew from the Union and on April the 11th, 1861, Fort Sumter was fired on by the Confederates. This was the bugle call to arms, and President Lincoln’s proclamation for 75,000 men to serve for ninety days followed. Frank P. Blair, afterwards Major General, received authority from the general government to organize and muster into service troops for the prosecution of the war for the preservation of the Union.The muster of troops for the state was very irregular and was the cause afterwards of considerable confusion. Some men were enlisted for the war, some for one year, then for three years; some to serve in the state only, while others were enlisted for service in the northern part of the state and others for the southern part. The army thus organized was one of questionable authority. The Governor maintained that the general government had no right to invade the state, and the latter hesitated in regard to sending troops into a state not in open revolt against the government. During this period of hesitation and confusion Col. D. Moore was commissioned Colonel and received authority to enlist and organize the 1st North Missouri Volunteers; and Col. H. M. Woodyard was given like authority to organize the 2d North Missouri Volunteers. In the summer and fall of 1861 these troops, acting separately, held North Missouri against the Confederates under Cols. Porter and Green. The anomalous conditions then existing in the state are explained by the position of the Confederates, who claimed that they were resisting armed invasion of the State by the Federal Government. THE FIRST NOTE OF DEFIANCE. About May 30, 1861, Col. Moore received authority from Gen. Lyons to raise a regiment for the Federal service, taking the field at the head of ten men. Clear and ringing as a bugle blast he sounded the following challenge, which was posted in hand bills over Northeast Missouri and Southern Iowa: The undersigned is authorized to raise a company of volunteers in the county, for the Union service. All who are willing to fight for their homes, their country and the flag of the glorious Union, are invited to join him, bringing with them their arms and ammunition. Until the Government can aid us we must take care of ourselves. Secessionists and rebel traitors desiring a fight can be accommodated on demand. D. Moore. (The above is a verbatim copy.—T. W. H.)Cols. Moore and Woodyard, with their commands, were so continuously engaged with the enemy either in skirmishing, scouting or fighting, that no time was left them for looking after recruits. Hence when the time came to be regularly received into service both regiments were short of the requisite number of men. Consequently the two regiments were consolidated into what is known as the 21st Regiment of Missouri Volunteers, by the following order: Headquarters State of Missouri, | } | Adjutant General’s Office. | St. Louis, December 31, 1861. | SPECIAL ORDERS, NO. 15. 1st. The battalion of Missouri Volunteers heretofore known as 1st North Missouri Regiment, under the command of Col. D. Moore, and the battalion of Missouri Volunteers heretofore known as the 2d North Missouri Regiment, under the command of Col. H. M. Woodyard, are hereby consolidated into a regiment to be hereafter known and designated as the 21st Regiment of Missouri Volunteers. 2d. Col. D. Moore is hereby appointed Colonel, and Col. H. M. Woodyard is hereby appointed Lieutenant-Colonel, of the regiment thus formed. By order of the Commander in Chief. Chester Harding, Jr. Adjutant General. As a result of the above order the two regiments were consolidated on the 1st day of February, 1862, and were mustered into the service of the United States by Lieut. Col. Fetterman, as the 21st Missouri Infantry Volunteers, with the following field officers: D. Moore, Colonel. H. M. Woodyard, Lieutenant Colonel. B. B. King, Major. Charles C. Tobin, Adjutant The ten companies of the regiment had the following officers: Company A— | Charles Yust, Captain. | | Henry Menn, 1st Lieutenant. | | Edwin Turner, 2d Lieutenant. | Company B— | Joseph Story, Captain. | | L. D. Woodruff, 1st Lieutenant. | | Edward Fox, 2d Lieutenant. | Company C— | Simon Pearce, Captain. | | William Lester, 1st Lieutenant. | | T. H. Richardson, 2d Lieutenant. | Company D— | N. W. Murrow, Captain. | | Henry McGonigle, 1st Lieutenant. | | Louis J. Ainslee, 2d Lieutenant. | Company E— | Geo. W. Fulton, Captain. | | T. M. McQuoid, 1st Lieutenant. | | Wm. J. Pulus, 2d Lieutenant. | Company F— | Joseph T. Farris, Captain. | | Alex. F. Tracy, 1st Lieutenant. | | F. A. Whitmore, 2d Lieutenant. | Company G— | T. H. Roseberry, Captain. | | E. R. Blackburn, 1st Lieutenant. | | Daniel R. Allen, 2d Lieutenant. | Company H— | Jno. H. Cox, Captain. | | Peter S. Washburn, 1st Lieutenant. | | Wm. P. Rickey, 2d Lieutenant. | Company I— | Wm. Harle, Captain. | | Joseph Oliver, 1st Lieutenant. | | Hudson Rice, 2d Lieutenant. | Company K— | Frederick Leeser, Captain. | | A. D. Starkweather, 1st Lieutenant. | | Geo. M. Davis, 2d Lieutenant. | It was in Canton where the regiment was mustered into service and about the 15th of February it left that place and marched by way of LaGrange and Palmyra to Hannibal, Mo., where several weeks were spent in training in military duties. On the 28th of March orders came to go to the front. Camp equipments were soon packed and the regiment on the way to St. Louis. After a brief stop there it was taken by boat to Savannah, Tennessee. This place was General Grant’s headquarters, who was then making the plans which resulted in the fall of Corinth. The regiment reported to Gen. Grant and was sent immediately to the front and assigned to the 1st Brigade, 6th Division, Army of West Tennessee, under command of Gen. B. M. Prentiss. The men were soon to see fighting in earnest now. They were on the ground where the memorable battle of Shiloh was fought a few days after their arrival, to-wit: the 6th and 7th of April, 1862, and on account of their advanced position they were the first to become engaged with the enemy. The regiment suffered heavily in the fight, losing one officer and thirty men killed, with four officers and one hundred and fifty men wounded. Three officers and sixty-eight men were also taken prisoners. It was here that the gallant Maj. King fell mortally wounded. The reports of the battle by Cols. Moore and Woodyard, published here, give a full account of the part taken by the regiment: Cols. Moore and Woodyard’s Reports. Headquarters 21st Mo. Infantry, | } | 6th Division, Army of the Tennessee, | April 11th, 1862. | SIR:—In pursuance of the order of Brig. Gen. B. M. Prentiss, commanding 6th Division, Army of West Tennessee, I, on Saturday, (April 5th,) proceeded to a reconnoisance on the front of the line of Gen. Prentiss’ division, and on the front of Gen. Sherman’s division. My command consisted of three companies from the 21st Missouri Regiment, companies commanded by Capt’s Cox, Harle and Pearce. A thorough reconnoisance over the extent of three miles failed to discover the enemy. Being unsuccessful, as stated, I returned to my encampment about 7 p. m. On Sunday morning, the 6th inst., at about 6 o’clock, being notified that the picket guard of the 1st Brigade, 6th Division, had been attacked and driven in, by order of Col. Everett Peabody, commanding the 1st Brigade, 6th Division, I advanced with five companies of my command a short distance from the outer line of our encampment. I met the retreating pickets of the 1st Brigade bringing in their wounded. Those who were able for duty were ordered and compelled to return to their posts, and learning that the enemy were advancing in force I advanced with the remaining companies of my regiment, which companies having joined me I ordered an advance and attacked the enemy, who was commanded by Brig. Gen. Ruggles, of the Rebel army. A terrific fire was opened upon us from the whole front of the four or five regiments forming the advance of the enemy, which my gallant soldiers withstood during thirty minutes, until I had communicated the intelligence of the movement against us to my commanding General. About this time, being myself severely wounded, the bone of the leg below my knee being shattered, I was compelled to retire from the field, leaving Lieut. Col. Woodyard in command. D. Moore, Colonel 21st Mo. Volunteers. To Capt. Henry Binmore, Act. A. G., 6th Division, Army of West Tennessee. Headquarters 21st Mo. Infantry, | } | Pittsburg, Tenn., April 12, 1862. | SIR:—I have the honor to report that on the morning of the 6th of April, before sunrise, Gen. Prentiss ordered Col. Moore, with five companies of our regiment, to sustain the pickets of the 12th Michigan Infantry. The Col. had not proceeded more than half a mile when he met the pickets coming in with many killed and wounded. Col. Moore immediately dispatched Lieut. Menn for the remaining five companies. Gen. Prentiss being in camp, ordered me to join Col. Moore. We marched some three hundred yards together, after I formed the junction, in a nearly westerly direction, flank movement, four ranks, when the head of the column came to the northwest corner (this should have been the northeast corner.—T. W. H.) of a cotton field. We were here fired upon and Col. Moore received a severe wound in the right leg, and Lieut. Menn was wounded in the head. I then assumed command of the regiment and formed a line of battle on the brow of a hill, on the cotton field, facing nearly west. I held this position for some half or three-quarters of an hour and kept the enemy in check. He fell back and endeavored to outflank me. Discovering this I moved my line to the north of the field again. I was then joined by four companies of the 16th Wisconsin Infantry. Having no field officers with them I ordered them to a position east of the field, and as soon as this was done joined them with my command. This line of battle was formed facing south, behind a small incline, enabling my men to load and be out of range of the enemy’s fire. The position proved a strong one and we managed to hold it for upward of an hour. Finding they could not dislodge us the enemy again tried to outflank us and deal a cross fire. I then fell back in good order, firing as we did so, to the next hill. Col. Peabody, commanding the 1st Brigade, here came up with the 25th Missouri Regiment. I requested him to bring his men up to the hill on our right, as it would afford protection to his men and be of assistance to my command. He did so, but the enemy coming by heavy main center and dealing a heavy cross-fire from our right and left, we could not maintain this position for over thirty minutes. We gradually began to fall back and reached our tents, when the ranks got broken in passing through them. We endeavored to rally our men in the rear of our tents and formed as well as could be expected, but my men got much scattered, a great many falling into other regiments, under the immediate command of Gen. Prentiss. Others divided to other divisions but continued to fight during the two days. Falling back to the second hill, Maj. Barnabas B. King received a mortal wound and died in about thirty minutes. He rendered me great assistance in the action, cheering on and encouraging my men. His death is a heavy loss to us. He was ever active, energetic and at his post of duty, vigilant in attending to the wants of the men. Adjt. C. C. Tobin, who is now missing, also proved himself very active on the field. He is supposed to be a prisoner and taken at the same time with Gen. Prentiss. I cannot too highly praise the conduct of the officers and men of my command, and of the companies of the 16th Wisconsin, who acted in concert with me. Respectfully submitted, H. M. Woodyard, Lieut. Col. Com’d’g 21st Mo. Regt. To Capt. Henry Binmore, Act. A. G., 6th Division, Army of West Tennessee. To go back to the battle of Shiloh: It was here that Gen. Prentiss was captured and Gen. Peabody killed. The 21st, after losing Gen. Prentiss, was under the command of his successor, Gen. McKean, who then directed the movements of the 6th Division. The 1st Brigade of the 6th, to which the 21st was attached, was commanded, after Gen. Peabody, by Gen. McArthur. The gallant 21st had no time to rest and recuperate after its severe fight at Shiloh. Under Gen. Halleck, who succeeded Gen. Grant after the Shiloh engagement, the regiment took an active part in the siege of Corinth. On the 30th of April began the march on this formidable Confederate stronghold. It was fighting, advancing and building breastworks, until the enemy finally evacuated the town and our victorious soldiers entered, on the 29th day of May, 1862. The regiment laid around Corinth until about June 10th, when it was taken to Chewalla, Tennessee, about ten miles away, on the Memphis & Charleston R. R. Here they did light guard duty and enjoyed a well deserved rest until August 30th. The country was picturesque and beautiful and abounded in fruits of all kinds; but even here the 21st had its troubles and trials. Small pox broke out in the camp. More than seventy cases were on hand at one time—and those not afflicted or doing guard duty had to take their turns at nursing their comrades. But the malady finally run its course, after leaving a death list of thirty-odd men. On leaving Chewalla, the regiment returned to Corinth and was ordered, on September 10th, to Kossuth, Mississippi, for outpost duty; but in a few days was ordered back to Corinth, reaching there on the morning of the 3d of October. The regiment had just got settled in its tents, on the morning of the 3d of October, on its return from Kossuth, when the bugle call to arms summoned the men to rush out and fall into line of battle. The battle of Corinth began about daylight, and the men of the 21st were in the midst of it. The report of Col. Moore, here published, shows the part the 21st took in the engagement: Col. Moore’s Report. Headquarters 21st Mo. Infantry Vols., | } | 1st Brigade, 6th Division. | Corinth, Miss., October 17, 1862. | Capt. J. Bates Dickerson, Ass’t Adjt. Gen. 1st and 2d Brigades, 6th Division. Captain:—I have the honor to report the part taken by the 21st Mo. Vols, in the engagement before Corinth, Miss., October 3 and 4, 1862. On the afternoon of Oct. 2, 1862, I was relieved from outpost duty and command of the post of Kossuth, Miss., by Col. Smith, 43d Ohio. We returned to our camp at Corinth, Miss., the same night, arriving at 3 o’clock a. m. About 4:30 a. m. we heard artillery fire some distance to the front; the battalion was formed promptly in line, and shortly after we were directed to take position upon the Memphis & Charleston R. R., in support of battery E; here we remained until 9 a. m., when we were ordered to march two miles to the front and take position upon a high ridge to the left of the Memphis & Charleston R. R., and upon the extreme left of the line of battle, continuously with the 16th Wisconsin Vols., of the 6th Division, and two regiments of Gen. Davie’s Division, who were stationed immediately to the right of the railroad. We had been in position but a few minutes when the enemy opened fire on our flank and front. We replied promptly and continued showing the most determined resistance, the enemy being in so far superior numbers that we were temporarily driven from the line. About this time my horse was shot under me, bruising severely my amputated leg. I here turned the command over to Major Moore, who, with great gallantry, assisted by the officers of the regiment, rallied the men and repeatedly drove the enemy from the hill. The fire to the right became very severe,—the regiment stationed there, and battery, gave way before the masses of the approaching enemies. Seeing this, and our men being nearly out of cartridges, having fired forty rounds, the battalion was ordered to fall back, which was done in good order and firing. It is with pleasure I notice the bravery of my field staff and line officers—they were equal to the emergency. Corporal Jesse Roberts, Company I, 21st Mo. Inf. Vols., showed great bravery; he gallantly seized the colors (after Color Sergeant had fallen back), causing great enthusiasm among the men. Respectfully, your obedient servant, D. Moore, Col. Com’d’g 21st Mo. Inft. Vols.
Maj. Ed. Moore’s Report. Headquarters 21st Mo. Infantry Vols. | } | October 18, 1862. | Lieut. R. Rees, Adjt. 21st Mo. Infantry Vols. Sir:—I have the honor to report the part taken by the 21st Mo. Vol. Infantry Regiment in the Battle of Corinth, Miss., on Friday and Saturday, the 3d and 4th of October, 1862. After Col. Moore, commanding the regiment, was carried off the field, I assumed the command. The men were going back from their original position. With the assistance of the line officers I succeeded in rallying the men, who went boldly forward to the front and drove the enemy from the position that we occupied at the commencement of the engagement. As soon as the position was gained fighting became desperate, our lines being distant from those of the enemy less than fifty paces. The command held this ground until the force upon our right, consisting of artillery and infantry, had given away and was in full retreat. About this time the enemy was flanking us on our left and dense columns of infantry pressed us on our front. I ordered the regiment to retire. In doing so some of our men got scattered. We succeeded again in rallying the men, and formed on the flanks of a line being formed by Brig. Gen. McArthur, to construct a temporary breastwork of logs, and did so; but before completing the same we were ordered to a position on the extreme left in the vicinity of the seminary. We were engaged with the enemy while in this position. About 2:30 P. M., I was ordered to proceed to Battery C and report to Brig. Gen. McArthur. Having three companies of skirmishers in the rear, under his direction we scoured the woods but found no enemy excepting a few stragglers. We then took the south bridge road in the direction of Mr. Alexander’s, the rebel cavalry fleeing before our advance. We succeeded in capturing a great number of prisoners, from one of whom I learned the rebel hospitals were in the vicinity. It was now dark. I pushed forward and took possession of all property and persons. A great many prisoners were taken that night and early next morning trying to escape through the lines. The total number captured, including the wounded, amounted to nearly 900 officers and men. We also captured 460 muskets, 400 cartridge boxes and a quantity of belts, etc. Under the instructions of Brig. Gen. McArthur I remained at the hospitals with the command until Sunday about noon, when Col. Moore took command of the regiment. Our loss during the engagement is one killed, seventeen wounded and six prisoners. I mention with satisfaction the behavior of the line officers. They used every exertion to keep their men together and remained with them during the engagement, thereby setting a good example to the men to do their duty. During the action a great many of our guns were useless; after firing fifteen or twenty rounds of ammunition it was impossible to load them. I have the honor to be, Your obedient servant, Edwin Moore, Maj. 21st Mo. Infantry Vols. At the close of the Corinth engagement the whole number of the regiment did not exceed 400 men. Over 600 during the period the command had been in active service had been lost either in battle, sickness or captured by the enemy. While at Chewalla a detail had been sent home to muster recruits and a few days after the Corinth fight the whole regiment, or what was left of it, was furloughed for thirty days. The men returned home, where they found recruiting offices had been opened by the detail of men sent from Chewalla, at Memphis and Edina. North Missouri was still bubbling over with patriotism for the Stars and Stripes. The tattered and worn condition of the 400 survivors of the 21st, with their battle torn flag, gave a new impetus to the war spirit. Volunteers sprung up from every side and in an incredibly short while the regiment was recruited to double its number. Canton was the rallying point for the men and from that place on the 10th of December, 1862, tents were folded, good-byes to loved ones said, and the gallant old 21st once more started for the bloody theatre of war. The objective point was Holly Springs, Miss., where the old 6th Division of the Army of West Tennessee was encamped. At St. Louis the regiment boarded the steamer known in history as the Di Vernon, and got as far as Columbus, Ky., on December the 20th, where the command was stopped. Instead of proceeding to Holly Springs, the regiment was ordered by Gen. Asboth, commander of the Columbus Post, to Union City, Tenn., twenty miles from Columbus, to do outpost duty guarding Gen. Grant’s line of communication between Columbus and Corinth, which had been interrupted by raids of Confederate cavalry under Gen. Forrest. Here barracks of logs and stockades were built and the men camped for the winter, doing guard duty and everything else incident to a military camp, facing a vigilant enemy. In this time Gen. Grant had gotten as far as Milliken’s Bend, on his way to Vicksburg, and on the first of March, 1863, the regiment pulled up stakes to join him. But again the fortunes of war decreed otherwise. Gen. Forrest, of the Confederacy, had made another raid in the rear of Gen. Grant, and at Columbus the regiment was switched off to Clinton, Ky., where for two months it was engaged again in the same kind of service as at Union City. On May 11th orders again came to move on towards Vicksburg. At Columbus the regiment boarded the steamer J. J. Rowe and started south to join the old 6th Division operating under Gen. Grant. On May 15th Memphis was reached and orders were found waiting us to report to Gen. Hurlburt, Post Commander there. Here the regiment was kept at garrison duty until about January 25th, 1864. While in garrison at Memphis the 21st was attached to the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, of the 16th Army Corps, commanded by Gen. A. J. Smith. The 1st Brigade was composed of, besides the 21st, the 89th Indiana, 119th Illinois, 58th Illinois, and the 9th Indiana Battery, commanded by Col. David Moore. On January the 28th the command boarded a steamer en route for Vicksburg. On the way down the river, opposite Islands Nos. 70 and 71, the vessel was fired on from the shore by Confederates under Gen. Marmaduke, and three men were killed and four wounded. With no other incident the regiment reached Vicksburg on the 1st of February. On the next day, with the army under Gen. Sherman, the march to Meridian, Miss., began. They met and skirmished with the enemy at Champion Hills, on February 5th, Brandon on February 12th, and Meridian on February 14th. MAJ. ABEL C. ROBERTS. Surgeon 21st Regiment Missouri Inf. Vet. Vols. President 21st Missouri Inf. Vet. Vols. Association. From Meridian, Miss., the regiment was sent back to Vicksburg, returning by the way of Canton, reaching there on March 4th, where most of the regiment re-enlisted for three years more, or till the war was ended. At Meridian and on the trip back our army destroyed some forty miles of railroad and inflicted other damages on the enemy. Returning to Vicksburg the veterans re-enlisting were granted a thirty days’ furlough. There was a happy home-coming for these scarred warriors of the 21st, who had, by their gallant services, well earned their holiday. But there was quite a number of the 21st, about two hundred and fifty, who failed to enlist as veterans under the holiday offer. These were assigned to Gen. Banks’ army and took part in what is known to history as the Red River Campaign.