CHAPTER ONE | In Which the Coney Island Microbe Enters Our Quiet Home | 1 | CHAPTER TWO | We set sail for Thousand Island Park and have a real good time, but Josiah murmurs about Coney. | 23 | CHAPTER THREE | We seek Quiet and Happiness in their beautiful hants and mingle with the pleasure seekers of Alexandria Bay. | 39 | CHAPTER FOUR | We enjoy the hospitalities of Whitfield’s aunt’s boardin’-house at the Park, and my pardner goes a-fishin’ | 57 | CHAPTER FIVE | Josiah’s imagination about his fishin’ exploits carries him to a pint where I have to rebuke him, which makes him dretful huffy | 73 | CHAPTER SIX | In which I draw the matrimonial line round my pardner and also keep my eye on Mr. Pomper | 87 | CHAPTER SEVEN | In which Josiah proposes to dance and Mr. Pomper makes an advance | 101 | CHAPTER EIGHT | In which Mr. Pomper declares his intenshuns an’ gives his views on matrimony | 123 | CHAPTER NINE | In which Mr. Pomper makes a offer of marriage and Faith has a wonderful experience | 147 | CHAPTER TEN | We Hear a Great Temperance Sermon, but Josiah Still Hankers for Coney Island | 163 | CHAPTER ELEVEN | In Which We Return Home, and I Perswaide Josiah to Build a Cottage for Tirzah Ann | 183 | CHAPTER TWELVE | In Which Josiah Still Works at His Plan for Tirzah Ann’s Cottage, and Decides to Send His Lumber C.O.W. | 201 | CHAPTER THIRTEEN | In Which Josiah and Serenus Depart Sarahuptishusly for Coney Island and I Start in Pursuit | 211 | CHAPTER FOURTEEN | The Curious Sights I Seen An’ the Hair-Raisin’ Episodes I Underwent in My Agonizin’ Search for My Pardner | 221 | CHAPTER FIFTEEN | I Visit the Moon, the Witchin’ Waves, Open Air Circus, Advise the Monkeys, Make the Male Statute Laugh, but Do Not Find Josiah | 233 | CHAPTER SIXTEEN | The Wonderful and Mysterious Sights I Saw in Steeple Chase Park, and My Search There for My Pardner | 249 | CHAPTER SEVENTEEN | In Which I Continue My Search for Josiah Through Dreamland, Huntin’ for Him in Vain, and Return to Bildad’s at Night, Weary and Despairin’ | 273 | |   |