Alfred the Great and Warwickshire, 11 Ancient manor–houses, 174–201 Aragon, Catherine of, 98 Arden, Mary (Shakespeare’s mother), 212 “Arden, The Black Dog of”, 71 Armada, Warwickshire and the, 25 Augustinians, the, in Warwickshire, 18, 127 Bacon, Francis, 213 Baddesley Clinton, 174–9 Hall, illust., p. Barnet, battle of, 97 Barons’ War, 16–17 Baskerville, John, printer, 167 Beacons, 199–200 Beauchamp Chapel, Warwick, illust., p. Beauchamp, Guy de, 71 Thomas, the first Earl of Warwick, 60 Thomas, the second Earl of Warwick, effigies of, 59 Berington, Joseph, 167 Bermingham, De, 156 Bidford, 245–7 Bridge, illust., p. Billesley, 244 ancient buildings, 168 Birmingham benefactors, 171 Boulton, Matthew, 165 Burne–Jones, Sir E., 169 Churches—St. John’s, Deritend, 169; cotton–spinning machinery introduced, 165 early fame for metal work, 159–60 Free Grammar School of King Edward VI., 158 Leather Market, 160 Leland’s description (1538), 158–9 “Lunar Club”, or “Soho Circle”, 166 in mediÆval times, 158 modern, 171 name, origin of, 154 population at various periods, 163 Public Buildings, 171 Roman Catholicism, 170 sack and burning of, 36 situation, 157 Soho Works, famous, 165–7 streets, first paved, 161 trade in 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries, 164–8 the Plague, 163 Watt, James, 165 Black Canons, 127 Bolingbroke, Henry, at Gosford Green, 95 Bonaparte, Napoleon, portrait of, 69 Boughton, Richard, 23 Boulton, Matthew, and the “Soho”, Works, 165 Brooke, Lord, 30 Browning, Mrs., and Warwickshire scenery, 2 Burne–Jones, Sir E., and Birmingham, 169 at time of Civil War, 31 Beacon, 199 Butler’s Marston, 32 Camden’s description of Warwickshire, 159 Cantilupe, family of, 242 Canute ravages Warwickshire, 12 Castle, Brandon, and the “Barons’ War”, 16 Catesby, Robert, and the “Gunpowder Plot”, 26 Charlecote, 21, illust., p. Charles I., 29 at Edge Hill, 32 Charles II., 103 Chineworth or Kenilworth, 129 Civil War, 102 War in 1642, 64 Clopton family, 235 Compton family, the, 190 Compton Wynyates, 189–201 Corn Laws, repeal of the, and Birmingham, 40 Cornavii in Warwickshire, 4 Cornelias Bungey, martyr, 25 Cotton–spinning, 165 Coughton Court, 27, illust., p. architecture, mediÆval, 104 Bablake Hospital, 119 Bablake School, 119 Charter of Henry III., 94 Churches—Benedictine Monastery, 105; Grey Friars, 104; Holy Trinity, 109; constitution of Municipal Corporation, 94 county of, 96 Fair, 94 Feast of St. George, 97 festivals, 99 foundation, 89 Godiva, legend of Lady, 90 Guilds, Religious and Trade, 99 Coventry, “Hock Tuesday”, 99 in Domesday Book, 93 letters from Royal personages, 118 Mary Queen of Scots at, 101, 118 “Mysteries”, 143 origin of name, 89 pageants, 98 Peeping Tom, 92 population in Domesday Book, 94; in 1510, 98 portraits of Royal personages, 117, 119 Priory, 96 Queen Elizabeth’s visit, 99 statues of Royal personages, 114, 115 the Civil War, 102 the stocks, 113 visit of Henry VI., 115 walls and gates, 94 Cromwell, Oliver, and Civil War, 33, 35 Cropredy and Civil War, 31–2 Cucking stool, 60 Cumnor Place and Amy Robsart, 135 nomenclature, 11 settlement, 11 Darwin, Dr., and Birmingham, 167 Dickens at Leamington, 153 “Dombey and Son”, and Leamington, 153 Domesday Book, 15, 93, 146, 157, 203 Drayton, Michael, 2 Dudley, Ambrose, 63 John, 24 Dugdale the historian and Warwickshire, 30, 155 Dunchurch, illust., p. Earthquake (1085), 18 Edward III. and Coventry, 94 Edward the Confessor, 15 Elizabeth, Queen, 54, 99, 118, 216 Elizabeth’s, Queen, visit to Kenilworth, 131–4 Essex, Lord, 30 Evans, Mary Ann, 187 “Everyman”, the “mystery”, play, 99 Fawkes, Guido, family history of, 27 Ferrers, family of, 175 Fisher family, the, 180 Sir Robert, 31 Fosse–way, 5 George IV. at Leamington, 150 Glover, Robert, martyr, 25 Gosford Green, execution of Earl Rivers on, 97 Great Frost, 213 Greatheed, Bertie, and Guy’s Cliffe, 68 Greville, Sir Fulke, and Warwick Castle, 60, 73–4 Robert, 30 Grey Friars, 94 Grey, Lady Jane, 24 Gunpowder Plot, Warwickshire and the, 26 Guy’s Cliffe, 67, illust., p. Hampden, John, at battle of Edge Hill, 34 Harold and Warwickshire, 13 Hathaway, Anne, 217; cottage of, 240; house of, 239 Hathaway’s House, 224 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, at Leamington, 145 Henley–in–Arden, 249, 251, illust., p. Henry IV. and Coventry, 95 Henry VIII., 98 and the Duke of Buckingham, 191, 193 Hillborough, 244–5 “Hungry”, Grafton, illust., p. Hwicci, 4 Icknield Street, 246 James I., 74 and Coventry, 102 at Compton Wynyates, 196 James II. at Coventry, 103 Kemble, Sarah, at Guy’s Cliffe, 69 Castle—best approach, 136; in Dudley’s time, 131; Queen Elizabeth visits, 131 Church, 126 in Domesday Book, 129 name, origin of, 128 Priory, 127 situation, 125 Kineton and the Civil War, 32 “King Maker”, the, 21–2 Kingsbury and the Mercian Kings, 9 Lancaster, Henry of, and Coventry, 21 Landor, Walter Savage, and Warwick, 58 Leamington, 144–53 and Abbotts, Dr., 149 in Domesday Book, 146 George IV., visit of, 150 hunting at, 151 name, origin of, 146 Nathaniel Hawthorne on, 145 Parade, illust., p. population of, 145 Public Gardens, 152 Ruskin, John, on, 151 Satchwell, Benj., poet, 149 situation of, 144 Spa, 148 Victoria, Princess at, 151 Leicester’s Hospital, Warwick, illust., p. Lewis, Mrs. Joyce, martyr, 25 Lindsey, Earl of, strange prayer of, 33 Little Wolford, 201 Manor–House, illust., p. Long Itchington, 30 Long Marston, 37 Lord Compton, illust., p. Lucy, Sir Henry, death of, at battle of Northampton, 21 Macready on Leamington, 150 Margaret, Queen, at Coventry, 115 Mary Queen of Scots at Coventry, 101, 118–19 Maxstoke, Castle of, 181–7 MediÆval architecture, 104, 181 Merevale Abbey, 18 Monasteries, 19 Monastic institutions, 98 Montfort, Henry de, and Barons’ War, 17 Simon de, and Barons’ War, 16 Mowbray, Thomas de, 95 Murdock, William, inventor of gas lighting, 167 “Mysteries”, or sacred plays, 99 Mytton’s Jack, exploits at Leamington, 153 Nash family and Shakespeare, 224 Neville, Richard, 21 Newburg, Henry de, and Warwick Castle, 45 Newburgh, John de, 45 Oken, Thomas, 59 Packington Hall, 179–80 “Parliamentum Diabolicum”, 96 Parr, William, 60 “Peeping Tom”, illust., p. Plessetis, John de, 46 Prayer, Earl of Lindsey’s, 33 Priestley, Dr., 167 Quaint customs of Warwick, 66 Reform Bill, 39 Rivers, Earl, execution of, 97 Roman Catholic religion and Shakespeare family, 215 Roman occupation, 4 remains, 7 Roses, the Wars of the, 21 Royalists, 31 Rugby School, illust., p. Rupert, Prince, 30, 33, 34, 36 Ruskin, John, and Leamington, 151 Salford Priors, illust., p. Satchwell, Benjamin, Leamington’s poet, 149 Saxon nomenclature, 13 Saxon occupation, 14 remains, 14 Scott, Gilbert G., R.A., 111 Scott, Sir Walter, 126, 128, 135 Seckington, 9 Secret hiding places, 176, 197 Shakespeare, John, 211, 212, 214 arms and motto of, 216 birthday of, 211 birthplace of, 211, 219–26, illust., p. character pictures, 238–9 death of, 219 early life of, 216 memorial buildings, 237 relics of, 223 wedding, 217 “Shovel Board”, game of, 193 Siddons, Mrs., 69 Soho Works, Birmingham, 165 Southam, 31, illust., p. St. John, Knights of, 55 Stocks at Coventry, 113 Stoke, 96 Stoneleigh Abbey, 18, illust., p. Stratford–on–Avon, 202–40, illust., p. almshouses, 231 ancient architecture at., 210, 226, 229, 231 benefactors of, 206 bridges, 208 Celtic remains at, 203 Clopton, Sir Hugh, and, 208 fires at, 210 first record of existence, 203 Grammar School, 231 Guild Hall, 229 Guild of the Holy Cross, 207, 227 Hathaway’s house, 224 Holy Trinity, Church of the, 204, 231 incorporation of, 209 in Elizabethan times, 209 Market Cross, 223 markets and fairs, 205–6 Shakespeare’s birthplace at, 219–26 Shakespeare’s Museum, 223 Shakespeare’s property, 218, 221, 223 Tamworth, 9 Tangye family and Birmingham, 181 Tewkesbury, battle of, 97 Thornton, John, glass maker, 115 Tudor Rose, crest of, at Compton Wynyates, 191, 196 Turchill, Earl of Warwick, 45 Tysoe villages, 32 War of the Barons, 16–17 Warbeck, Perkin, 23 ancient buildings and relics, 48 Churches, etc.—Beauchamp Chapel, 57, 62; John the Baptist, 56; St. Helen, 56; St. James, 48; St. John’s Hospital, 55; St. Lawrence, 56; St. Michael, 56; St. Peter, 56; cucking stool, 62 Danish invasion of, 44 fair established 13th century, 46 fire (1694), 57 Guild of St. George, 49 history and romance of, 43–69 municipal history of, 47 origin of, 43 Picts and Scots and, 44 Priory, 18 ramparts, 67 size at Norman conquest, 44 Warwick Castle, 67, 70–88, illust., p. art treasures of, 79 besieged by Royalists, 74 CÆsar’s Tower, 72 “Guy’s Porridge Pot”, 78 James I. entertained at, 74 origin, 70 property of Crown, 73 Queen Elizabeth entertained at, 73 Royalty entertained at, 74 Shakespeare relics at, 85 “Vase”, 86 Warwick, “the King Maker”, 21–2 Warwickshire monasteries, 19 and the Civil War, 36 and the Danish occupation, 11 and the Saxon occupation, 14 compared with Derbyshire, 1 historical associations of, 4 in the Domesday Book, 15, 93, 146, 157, 203 in Roman times, 5 in Saxon times, 8 origin of name, 4 Shakespeare’s allusions to, 3 villages, 241–54 Watt, James, and Birmingham, 165 Wedmore, Treaty of, 11 Whipping Post at Coventry, 113 White Friars, 94 Withering, Dr., and Birmingham, 167 Wormleighton, 32 House, 31 THE END TRANSCRIBER’S NOTES: —Obvious print and punctuation errors were corrected. —The nice title page has been retained as an illustration. |