| | FACING | I. | Head of Royal Bengal Tiger. (Frontispiece.) | PAGE | II. | Two Pages from an Old Field Note-book (Double Plate), | 22 | III. | Measurements of a Large Mammal, | 38 | IV. | How to Cut Open and Mount a Fish, | 76 | V. | Paring Down a Large Mammal Skin, | 104 | VI. | Interior Mechanism of a Half-mounted Wolf, | 132 | VII. | Manikin for Bengal Tiger: First Stage, | 142 | VIII. | Manikin for Bengal Tiger: Completed, | 148 | IX. | Manikin for Male American Bison: Half Finished, | 152 | X. | Manikin for American Bison: Completed, | 156 | XI. | Head of Prong-horn Antelope, | 168 | XII. | Workshop of a Bird Taxidermist, | 182 | XIII. | Mounted Bird, with Interior Structure Exposed, | 192 | XIV. | Mounting an Alligator: Last Stage, | 206 | XV. | American Lobster, | 217 | XVI. | Specimens of Ornamental Taxidermy (Double Plate), | 222 | XVII. | A Fight in the Tree-tops, | 231 | XVIII. | Group of Coyotes, | 235 | XIX. | Group of American Bison (Double Plate), | 246 | XX. | A Ligamentary Skeleton, Mounted and Drying, | 288 | XXI. | Skeleton of an American Bison, | 298 | | { Fig. 1.—Beating the Bush, | 320 | XXII. | { Fig. 2.—A Successful Stroke, | 320 | | { Fig. 1.—Bottling a Skipper, | 326 | XXIII. | { Fig. 2.—Japanese Porter with Collecting Boxes, | 326 |