@html@files@40109@40109-h@40109-h-4.htm.html#Page_89" class="pginternal">89 specimens for groups,
Hexanchus griseus, 214 Holland, Dr. W.J., author of Part V., 61, 305-338 advice from, to insect collectors, 324, 327 collecting-boxes devised by, 323 Japanese insects collected by, 333 "Homes Without Hands," 93 Hornaday, William T., advocacy of painted backgrounds by, 221-223 use of clay by, 112 prizes won by, 141, 222, 233 new method of mounting bats by, 127 development of clay-covered manikin by, 140 method of head-mounting developed by, 163 Hornaday, William T., new treatment of feline tongues by, 174 new method of making ape's hands by, 130-131 new method of mounting fishes by, 211, 213-214 museum groups advocated by, 231, 232, 234 groups of mammals mounted by, 231, 234-235 Human figure in groups, 239-240 Hunting, hints on, 13, 14 the alligator and crocodile, 67 Hygiene, principles of, 5 Ice, artificial, 220 Inflation of larvÆ, 312-316 Insect labels, 329, 337 nets, 320 pests, 336, 339-341 pins, 329-330 Insects, boxes for, 335-336 breeding-cages for, 317, 318 carrying-boxes for, 333 classification of, 305-308 collecting perfect, 320-327 collecting-boxes for, 323-324 drying, 333 eggs of, 309-311 effect of light on, 31 Salt, use of, 30, 33, 162 Salt-and-alum bath, 30, 31, 102, 115, 127 Saurians, 66-68 Saw-fish, 214-215 Scapula, attachment of, 302 Screens, feather fire-, 225 Sea-eggs, 84 -porcupines and -urchins, 84 Serpents, 66, 202, 293 Setting-boards for insects, 330 Setting-needle, 332 Sewing skins, hints on, 106 Sex in birds, determination of, 56 Sharks, 77 difficulties in preserving, 214, 215 Shells, cleaning, 87-89 fresh-water, 83 land, 85 "living" and "dead," 85 marine, 83 Shooting, hints on, 13, 14 Shot-gun, use of the, 14, 15 Shields for trophy heads, 170 Shrinkage in mounted specimens, 150, 214 Skeletons, bleaching, 283 collecting, 271-279 cleaning by macerating, 282-288 fish, 78, 294, 295 field-work on small mammal, 273-275 fossil, 280 mounting large disarticulated, 296-303 mounting small, 288, 295 packing, 279 repairing damaged, 272 "rough," 271 selection of, 271 snake, 66 tools for mounting, 303 various methods of cleaning, 282, 285, 287 Skeletonizing birds, 232, 233 bird medallions by, 225-226 prize won by, 195, 224 "Wounded Heron," by, 224 Weight of animals, 39 Wickersheimer solution, 347 Winding a mounted bird, 189-190 Wing, treatment of the, 59, 188 Wings, spread, mounting birds with, 194 Wire, how to anneal iron, 116 Wire supports for mammals, 131 supports for birds, 183 Wiring a bird, 184-186 a small mammal, 116-120 Wood duck, by F.S. Webster, 233 (Formerly of Washington.) SOWDON & WEBSTER, 738 Broadway, New York, EXPERTS IN THE PREPARATION OF Zoological Material. Our new firm will now successfully compete with the best establishments of a similar kind in this country. We are ready to furnish and prepare