- “Adelchi,” appearance of, 51;
- Albany, Count and Countess of, 22
- Alfieri, Vittorio, 1-39;
- birth and parentage, 1, 2;
- education, 2, 3;
- early travels, 5-7;
- opinion of Paris, 8;
- travels in England, 9, 14;
- travels in Holland, 10;
- in Vienna and Berlin, 12, 13;
- travels in Russia, 13;
- in Spain, 14, 15;
- first plays, 17, 18;
- moves to Florence, 20-22;
- meeting with the Countess of Albany, 23, 24;
- “Virginia,” “Agemennone,” “Don Garzia,” “Maria Stuarda,” “Oreste,” “Filippo,” “Timoleone,” “Ottavia,” “Rosmunda,” 25;
- in Rome, 27, 28;
- “Saul,” “Antigone,” 27;
- later travels, 28;
- “Agide,” “Sofonisba,” “Mirra,” 29;
- life in Paris, 30, 31;
- memoirs, 31;
- French Revolution, 31-33;
- French occupation of Florence, 34;
- comedies, 35;
- death, 35;
- influence on Italy, 36-39
- Amadeus, King of Spain, 340
- America, Garibaldi in, 225, 241
- Arnaud, Giuseppe, quoted (of Alfieri), 38
- Aspromonte, 264, 329
- Balbo, Count, 177
- Bandiera-Moro, The, 116
- Bassi, Ugo, in Venice, 110, 111;
- tribute to Manin, 111;
- at siege of Rome, 237;
- death of, 86;
- birth and education, 65, 66;
- priesthood, 66;
- chaplain to Charles Albert, 67;
- arrest and exile, 68, 69;
- life in Brussels, 69, 70;
- “La Teorica del Sovran-naturale,” 70;
- “Introduzione della Filosofia,” 70;
- other writings, 70;
- “Il Gesuita Moderno,” 70;
- “Il Primato d’Italia,” 70-73, 83, 84;
- returns to Piedmont, 75;
- revolutions of 1848, 76, 77;
- letter to Pius IX., 78;
- “Rinnovamento Civile d’Italia,” 80, 81;
- death, 82;
- comparison of, with Mazzini, 82
- "Gran Ministero," The, 188
- Guerrazzi, attack on Cavour, 213
- Howells, William Dean, quoted (of Manzoni’s dramas), 52, 53
- Hugo, Victor, and the Romantic movement, 54
- Humbert, Prince, marriage of, 337
- "Hunters of the Alps," The, 202, 244
- “I Promessi Sposi,” appearance of, 53;
- opinions of, 54;
- compared with “Les Miserables,” 54
- "Il Risorgimento," the newspaper, 174, 182
- Kossuth, Mazzini compared with, 161
- La Marmora, Alfonso, 292, 304, 332
- Lincoln, Mazzini compared with, 162
- Magenta, battle of, 313
- Manin, Daniel, 87-124;
- birth and education, 88;
- professional work, 90, 91;
- views on national resignation, 92-94;
- arrest and imprisonment, 95-99;
- triumphal release, 98, 99;
- forms a Venetian government, 105;
- member of the Triumvirate, 108;
- president of the Republic, 113;
- Dictator, 116;
- departure from Venice, 120;
- life in Paris, 121, 122;
- death, 299;
- marriage of his daughter, 309;
- speech from the throne in 18
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- tricolor versus tri-color
- D'Acunha versus d'Acunha
- D'Azeglio versus d'Azeglio
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