rg@html@files@42970@42970-h@42970-h-7.htm.html#Page_351" class="pginternal">351 Aliabad, 421, 505 Alingar (Kao) river, 96, 99-100, 327, 358, 507, 509 Alishang river, 99, 356-8, 507 Alishang valley, Masson in, 396 Allard, General, 366, 455 Almar, 249 Altitude: - Abstract, mediÆval ignorance of, 279
- As a factor in defence, 419
Amb (Embolina), 107-108, 114-15, 121 Ambela pass, 121 Amise, General, 366 Amritsar, 363, 367 Anardara, 335, 336 Anbar, 250-51 Andarab (Adraspa, Ariaspa, Zariaspa): - Alingar river, communication with, 327
- Capital of Greek colonies situated in, 511
- Fertility of, 90
- Greek settlements about, 435
- Haibak route to, 524
- Site of, 272, 427-8
- Strategic importance of, 92, 275, 277, 357
- Timur at, 355
- otherwise mentioned, 243, 272-4, 276
Andarab river, 268, 272, 428; strategic importance of, 261 Andarab valley, 88, 90, 438, 509 Andkhui, 248, 439, 448 Anjuman, 270 Anjuman valley, 274, 436, 507, 509; importance of route, 275; unexplored, 427-8
i> Baraki, 91 Barbarra (? Mabara), 434 Barna, Badara (Gwadur), 159 Barnes, Sir Hugh, 374 and n. Baroghel pass, 517, 521 Barohi, meaning of term, 34, 163. See also Brahuis Bashgol valley, 426 Bashkird mountains, 200 Basrah, 368 Bassarika cited, 62 Bast, 236 Bazar (ancient) (Rustam, Bazira, Bazireh), 106, 113, 114 Bazar (modern) (? Ora), 106 Bean, Captain, 406-407 Begram, site of ancient city at, 393; Cufic coins at, 394 Behistan inscriptions cited, 30 Behvana (Jirena), 245 Bela (in Baluchistan), 331 Bela. See Las Bela Belchirag, 251, 255, 484 Bellew cited, 32, 35, 163-4; his Ethnography of Afghanistan cited, 20, 91; his Inquiry cited, 21 Belous (Bolous), 200 Ben-i-Israel, traditions of, 49-50, 378 Benjawai, 207, 208, 210 Bentinck, Lord Wm., 344 Berwan lake, 282 Bessos (later Artaxerxes), 47, 68, 76, 88, 90 Besud route to the Helmund, 262 Besud territory, 378, 380-81 Bih (Geh), 311-12, 314 Binadur, 493 Binth (Band), 311-12, 314 Birdwood, Sir Geo., cited, 53 Birmal hills, 513 Birs Nimrud, 41, 43, 71 Bist (Kala Bist), 204, 207,
970-h-4.htm.html#Page_238" class="pginternal">238, 246, 247, 258 Christians: - Armenian, in Kabul, 377
- Merv, at, 241
- Sakah, at, 229
Christie, Captain, 329 et seq. Chumla river, 108; valley, 121 Climate as affecting race distribution, 8, 46 Conolly, Lieut., 390 CophÆus, 114 Court, M., 455, 457 Crockery debris, 82, 197 Cufic coins, 394 Cunningham, General, cited, 106, 148 Curtius, Quintus, cited, 107, 122, 148-9, 221, 459 Cyrus, King of Persia, 79, 147 - Dadar, 362
- Dahuk (? Dashtak), 304
- Dames, Longworth, cited, 201
- Damizar (? Bagisara), 158
- Dand, 472
- Dandan Shikan pass, 260, 384, 421; Wood's account of, 418
- Daolatabad, 249
- Daolatyar, 221, 223-4, 256, 486
- Daraim valley, 424
- Darak (Dizak), 311-14
- Darak Yamuna (Yakmina), 317
- Dards, 31
- Darel (To-li), 179, 182-3
- Darel stream, 183-4
- Darius, flight of, from Alexander, 47, 67; death of, 70
- Darius Hystaspes, transportation of Greeks by, 16, 19, 20, 31, 45, 87, 91
- Darra Yusuf river, 257, 200
- Darwaz mountains, 432-3
- Darya-i-Zarah (Gaod-i-Zireh), 5, 358, 423
- Dionysian, migration of, to Indian frontier, 16, 19, 62-3, 124-5, 358, 423
- Indian art, influence on, 59-60
- Kyrenean, in Baktria, 91
- Milesian. See that title
- Persian Empire, relations with, 20-21, 36, 61
- Women of, as influencing language in Indus valley, 22
Grierson, Dr., cited, 132 Gulgula citadel, 381, 386 Gulkatz, 473 Gulkoh mountain, 515 Gulran (? Kilrin), 235 Gurkhas in Nepal, 188 Guzwan (? Gurkan, Juzjan, Jurkan, Jirghan), 250, 251, 255 Gwadur (Barna, Badara), 159, 299 Gwalian (Walian) pass, 414 - Habibullah, 444
- Haftala (Astola, Hashtala, Nuhsala, Nosala) Island, 161, 286
- Haibak (Semenjan):
- Andarab, distance from, 272; route to, 524
- Buddhist remains at, 177, 264-5, 511
- Description of, 271
- Moorcroft at, 446
- mentioned, 261, 482
- Haidar, cited, 186, 327
- Haidarabad, 399
- Haig, General, 27; cited, 309-10; Indus Delta Country by, cited, 145, 153
- Haji Khan, 378-87, 417
- Hajigak pass, 260, 420, 446; Masson's account of, 388; Wood's account of, 417
- Hajjaj, 292
- Hala pass, 150
- Hamadan, 322; telegraph route from, to Teheran, 48
- Harat Rud, 498
- Hari Rud river:
- Course of, 528
70@42970-h@42970-h-4.htm.html#Page_203" class="pginternal">203, 217, 228-31, 236, 237, 243, 251, 255, 295, 303; Ashkalu l' Bilad of, quoted, 304, 308-309; map of Makran by, cited, 297-8, 307, 312, 313
- Ichthyophagi, 160, 318
- Idrisi (Abu Abdulla Mohammed) cited,199 et seq., 301-304, 307-309, 312, 313, 315-17, 427-8, 434, 446; quoted, 303, 314, 316-17
- Ilchi (Khotan), 172
- Iliad cited, 12
- ImÁm Sharif, 222
- India (for particular districts, rivers, etc., see their names):
- Aboriginal inhabitants of, 157
- Afghanistan:
- Commercial treaty with, attempted, 397; Burnes' mission, 398-401, 404-5
- Land gates of India always in possession of, 22
- Arab invasion of, by land and sea, 287
- Art of:
- Assyrian influence on, 7, 52-4
- Greek influence on, 6, 22, 59-60, 129
- Syrian and Armenian influence on, 6
- Aryan influx to, 61
- Assyrian influence in, 70; on art, 7, 52-4
- Bombay N.I., record of, 454
- Defences of, natural:
- Kashmir passes, no records of military use of, 517
- Kashmund mountains, 100, 101
- Kashran (? Khasrin), 317
- Kaspioi, 31
- Kaspira (Kasmira), 31
- Kasr Akhif (Ahnef), 245
- Kasrkand, 311-12, 314
- Kasur spur, 426
- Kataghani horses, 504-505
- Katan Chirak, 132
- Katawar, 355
- Kattasang, 472
- Kattawaz plain, 465, 472, 475
- Kawak (Khawak), 355
- Kawakir, 235
- Kej (Kiz, Kirusi, ?Labi), 301-302
- Kej valley, 297
- Kenef, 238
- Kunjut (Hunza), 180-181
- Kerman desert, 201; valley, 262
- Kermanshah, 322
- Ketnev, 356
- Khaibar route to India:
- Evil reputation of, 458
- HyphÆstion's march by, 95
- Masson's journey by, 351-2
- Khair, 310
- Khair Kot (? Kambali), 150, 307-308
- Khalmat tombs, 196, 310-11
- Khan Nashin, 495
- Khana Yahudi, 257
- Khanabad, 423, 506
- Kharachanabad (Khardozan), 230
- Kharan, 331, 335, 339
- Kharan desert, 339-41
- Khardozan (Kharachanabad), 230
- Khariab river, 278
- Khariab (Kokcha) river, 270, 273, 274
- Kharkerde, 231
- Kharotis, 513
- Khash, 495
- Khash Rud valley, 204
- Khashka pass, 387
- Khasrin (? Kashran), 317
- Khawak pass:
- Height of, 357, 435
- Importance of, 103
- Direction of, 509-10
- Dorah route from, 520
- Ivy and vine in, 133
- Kafirs in, 102-103; of Kamdesh, 131-2
- Masson's investigations as to, 396
- Survey of (1894), 123
- Kundar river, 464
- Kunduz (town):
- Burnes' mission to, 378
- Description of, 504
- Lord's invitation to, 413, 416, 420-422
- Southward routes from, to Bamian and Kabul, 523
- Warwalin near, 272
- Wood's estimate of, 422
- Kunduz district:
- Fortified towns of, 504
- Pestilential climate of, 432, 447-9, 505
- Kunduz river, 261, 421, 428, 436, 505; scenery of, 257, 259-260
- Kunduz valley route to Kabul, 434
- Kunjut, 186
- Kupruk, 257
- Kuram, 482-3, 505
- Kuram valley route, 135, 512
- Kurchi, 251
- Kurdistan hills, 322
- Kurt (Tajik) dynasty in Ghur, 218
- Kuseri, Kouseri (? Kuhsan, Kusan), 231-3
- Kushan (Tokhari), 241
- Kushk, 324
- Kushk river, 236, 237, 240; description of, 246
- Kushk-i-Nakhud, 210, 492
- Kyiza (Knidza), 160
- Labi (? Kiz, Kirusi, Kej), 304
- Ladakh ("Little Tibet"):
- Idrisi's description of the town of, 281
- Mongol invasion via, 186
- Moorcroft in, 443-4
- Vigne in, 462
- Laghman valley, 96, 99-101; inhabitants of, 100, 133
- Meds (? Malli), 155, 160-61, 292-3
- Megasthenes, 129; his India cited, 126-7
- Mehrab Khan, 406
- Meilik (Nimlik), 482
- Menk, 274
- Mesiha, 245
- Mesopotamia:
- Earliest immigrants into, question as to origin of, 34-5
- Irrigation works necessary in, 40-41
- Israelite deportations to, 39
- Nana-worship in, 163
- Teheran-Mashad route from, to Baktria, 47-8, 54, 70
- Merv-el-Rud:
- Confused with Russian Merv by Idrisi, 244-5
- Date and destruction of, 241-2
- otherwise mentioned, 236, 239, 240-41
- Merv of the Oasis (Russian):
- Balkh, routes to, 249-50
- Confused with Merv-el-Rud by Idrisi, 244
- Herat route from, 236
- Historic importance of, 241
- Milesian Greeks:
- Brankhidai, 20
- Colonies of:
- N. of Euxine, 14
- S. and W. of Euxine, 18
- Transportation of, to Baktria region, 16, 19, 20, 31, 45
- Miletus:
- Alexander's reduction of (334 B.C.), 66
- Carpet-making industry of, 18
- Destruction of, date of, 16
- Minab river, 166
- Minagar, Binagar (? Manhabari), 304, 309-10
- Mingal, 482
- Mingals, 142, 306
- Minjan pass, 507, 519; Chitral route through, 359, 426
- Minjan river. See Kokcha
- Minjan valley, 132, 426, 436
- Miri fort of Quetta, 138, 148
- Mockler, Col., cited, 159-19
- Omar I., Kalif of Baghdad, 307
- Ora (? modern Bazar), 106
- OritÆ, 146, 150, 151, 156, 161
- Orodis, 241
- Oxus district, mediÆval geography of, 277 et seq.
- Oxus jungles, 433
- Oxus (Jihun, Khariab) river:
- Channel of, variations in, 89
- Fords of, accurate knowledge of, 501-502
- Irrigation works connected with, 75
- Khariab a name for, 273, 278
- Pony ferry over, at Kilif, 89-90, 460; at Khwaja Salar, 449, 460-61
- Wood's explorations of, 420, 423, 428-35
- Oxydrakai, 127
- Pactyans. See Pathans
- Padizar bay, 158, 159
- Paghman offshoot of Hindu Kush, 97
- Paghman, 387
- Pahrag (Pahra, Pahura, Fahraj), 315, 317, 342; two places so named, 316
- Pamirs:
- Climate of, 429
- MediÆval geography of, 277 et seq.
- Routes across, 502
- Taghdumbash, 517
- Panja (Wakhab) river, 279
- Panjdeh:
- Buddhist caves at, 244
- Herat, routes from, 236
- Karabel plateau route from near, to Balkh, 250
- Panjgur:
- Dates of, 290
- Description of, 302-303
- Mountain conformation of, 323
- Railway from, to Karachi, question as to, 324
- Telegraph route to, from Ispahan, 322
- Panjkora river, 104, 122
- Panjkora valley, 96
- Panjpilan (Kalloo, Shutar Gardan) pass, 386, 388, 417
- Panjshir (Banjohir), 276-7
- Panjshir pass, 87-8
- Panjshir route between Kabul and Andarab, 87-8, 414
- Panjshir valley:
- MediÆval reputation of, 362
- Strategic importance of, 137-9
- Telegraph to, from Seistan, 323
- Quintus Curtius. See Curtius
s, Dost Mahomed's operations against, 397- 8 Simkoh, 234 Sind: - Arab ascendency in, 192, 293, 311, 366; their geography of, 296; buried Arab city in, 196
- Assyrian art in pottery of, 54
- Buddhist ruins in, 372
- Frontier passes of, 209
- Hot winds in, 341
- Independent government, under, 329, 331, 345-6, 363
- Masson in, 349; his account of, 365
- Mongols settled in, 526
- Mountain barrier of, 140
Singlak, 485 Sin-ho-to. See Swat Sintu-ho river. See Indus Sirafraz Khan, 391 Sir-i-koll (Sarwandi) pass, 465 Sirondha lake, 155 Skytho-Aryans, 241 Skyths: - Caspian, at north and west of, 19
- Central Asia, of, 50; Alexander's encounter with, 92-3
- Euxine, at north of, 14
- Westward migration of, 61
Slavery in Badakshan, 520 Sofarak, 262 Sogdia (Bokhara), 32, 92 Sohrab, 332 Somnath, 210 Song Yun cited, 184 Sonmiani, 308, 368; route from, to interior, 330-31 Sousa, 479 Spinasuka pass, 103 Stein, Dr. M. A., 237, 503; Buddhist sanctuary discovered by, 184; methods of, 109-11; cited, 111, 113, 117-18, 120-21, 170 Stoddart, Colonel, 390, 402 Stone-built circles, 372 Strabo cited, 107, 122; quoted, 127 Stewart, General, 95
-h-7.htm.html#Page_386" class="pginternal">386, 388 Torashekh, THE ENDPrinted by R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh |