A little insect half as large as a grain of corn, finds itself on a limb high above ground and is desirous of reaching another, five feet away. It is not a jumper, at least it could not hope to cover this distance; neither has it wings. But it has a marvelous silk-manufacturing apparatus, known as spinnerets (Fig. 169), and elevating its abdomen it reels off a thread which the wind carries across the chasm where it lodges. Across the single cord the spider runs, the act being suggestive of the intelligence of these insects. Fig. 169.—Spinnerets of a spider. The common garden spider (Fig. 170), which may illustrate the group, is seen to differ very materially from the scorpion. The abdomen is not ringed or made up of segments, but is large and plump, and connected with the thorax by a delicate cord or pedicel. Fig. 170.—Garden spider, upper and lower surface. The spiders, as we have seen, have a spinning arrangement by which they form beauti Fig. 171.—Structure of a spider's web. Fig. 173.—Highly magnified poison fang of spider. Fig. 174.—Biting mandibles of a spider. By my door is a huge spider similar to the one shown in Figure 172. It has a beautiful web which covers a space Fig. 175.—Jaws of a spider. The male and female spiders often present a very different appearance, the male being smaller. The spiders deposit eggs which are inclosed in silken balls or nests of various kinds, in which they remain until the young are hatched. Some are concealed in the web; others are placed underground; and some are perched upon a stalk resembling a plant. There appears to be no limit to the uses to which the marvelous silk of spiders is put. Some spiders form balloons with which they sail away through the air. I have seen scores of these aËronauts in the air at one time. Another form constructs a raft of leaves bound together with silk. Some build nets for small game, as gnats. The silken cord made by others is so tough that it can be used as thread. By partly destroying a web and suspending a black cloth behind the locality, the operations of the spider in building and repairing can be plainly seen. It is well to place the spinnerets beneath a microscope, under which they appear to be made up of many points. Touch one of these and a glutinous secretion adheres, which when stretched is seen to be silk, and each point provides a separate thread which joins with the others, producing one cable. The spinnerets are to some extent movable. They can be turned to the right or left, and wherever they touch, the The spiders are very solicitous of their young, placing every safeguard about them, and resenting any attack by a fierce rush. Several large spiders (Fig. 176) carry their young upon their backs. The little spiders are rubbed or scraped off when they become too great a burden. The spiders are natural hunters and trappers, and a volume could be written on their methods and adventures in run The spiders which build webs, from plain geometrical traps to conelike affairs, are interesting; but the trapdoor spiders and those which dig burrows are among the wonderful artisans and engineers of the insect world. One of Fig. 178.—Section of a den of trapdoor spider. In forming the burrow the spider carries out the clay bit by bit, and when it reaches a point below the surface it begins to line the sides with a silken tapestry. The door is an upper extension of this lining. It is round, about the size of a silver quarter, or a little larger, and is formed of silk so woven and interwoven that it becomes a pad of seeming satin, which by continued manipulation is made to fit with marvelous perfection. The spring or hinge is so adjusted that the door always closes, and with a snap. The exterior of the door is covered with clay, and is made to simulate the surroundings so exactly that only the sharpest eye, and one skilled in the work, can distinguish it. In some of the European spiders of this kind the door is carefully covered with moss and plants. The work of building is done at night. The spiders feed at night, and in returning to the burrow they can lift the lid instantly, dart in, and turn about to seize the cushion or pad of the door with their fangs, and hold it so tightly by bracing back that some little strength is needed to force it. I have often lifted the door with the blade of my knife and seen the spider rush up and seize it. In all the doors little round holes can be seen where the mandibles or fangs hold. The spider can be caught by pouring water into the burrow and forcing it out. In the island of Timos there is a trapdoor spider which does not hunt, but combines the methods of other spiders. It comes out at night, fastens back its The largest spiders are called tarantulas, though the term is applied to some forms not so large. They are hideous creatures, and are very common in southern California. They are five or six inches across the legs, and the body in some forms is as large as a small mouse, and is covered with reddish hair. They form deep burrows, but not trapdoors, the entrance being open or covered by a web. They are supposed to be very poisonous. Mygale Hentzii is the name of the common American species found in the southwest (Fig. 177). They hunt at night for grasshoppers, crickets, and other small game, and can often be seen lumbering along over the roads at sunrise, returning from a hunt. Sometimes A South American species has been known to attack and capture small birds, though this may be considered rather the exception than the rule, their food consisting of large insects and small lizards. Of all the spiders, the Tarantula turricula (Fig. 179) is the most remarkable, as it not only makes a deep burrow, but erects above it a chimneylike structure with all the skill of a human workman. Indeed, the structure, in neatness and perfection of design, is far superior to many of the chimneys seen among the poorer classes of some countries. The spider lays the miniature timbers across with the precision and exactness of a skilled carpenter and after the manner of human log-cabin builders. The female carries her young upon her back, as shown in the illustration. |