Healthy localities enable the healthiest offspring to be reared, 210 Health, adaptation to environment necessary for, 149 Health, ideal of, 148 Health, importance of, in relation to marriage, 135, 168, 171 Hearn, Professor, 67 Hedonism, New, 48 Hereditary tastes of children, 204 et seq. Heredities, antagonistic, of two parents, 58 Heredity among Flat-head Indians, 213 Heredity, definition of, 100 Heredity and education, 111 et seq. Heredity, evils arising from, may be cured, 35 Heredity, exceptions to law of, 58 Heredity and germ plasm, 107 Heredity, importance of knowledge of, by teachers, 125 Heredity, modification of law of, 99 Heredity, preponderating influence of, 69, 89 Heredity, rational view of, 109 Heredity, spectre of, 127 et seq. Heredity, theories of, 73 et seq. Heredity, transformation of, 83 Hering, Richard, 70 Hidery tribes of British Columbia, 214 High-pressure, effects of living at, 152 Hypnotic sleep, differs from ordinary sleep only in degree, 223 Hypnotic suggestion, value of, as aid to education, 216 Hypnotism as suggestive therapeutics, 214 Horse, evolution of the, 102 Human selection, plans for, 135 et seq. Human kind, regarded as a whole, should be benefited by our conduct, 211 Human race, further improvement of impossible, if marriage relation be regarded only from standpoint of sexual indulgence, 210 Humane sentiments, conflict of, with theories of evolution, 145 et seq. Husband and wife, tendency to resemble each other, 89 Huth, A. H., 42 Hygiene, modern, as opposed to natural selection, 142 et seq. Hygiene, as the ethics of the body, 160 Hygiene, promises of, 158 et seq. Hygienic laws, punishment for infraction of, 161 Hygienic surroundings, importance of, 139 Hygienic training, value of, 151 Ideal of Health, 148 Idiots, education of, 25 Illustrative cases of prenatal influence, 60 et seq. Imagination, effect of, on unborn offspring, 55 et seq. Improvement of race. See race improvement. Incas of Peru, consanguineous marriages among the, 23 Income, bodily, importance of living within, 152 Individual, the, as the beginning and end of the race, 50 Individuality, development of the, 126 Infanticide among Spartans, 15 Infanticide, former general prevalence of, 19 Infanticide in Plato's Republic, 38, 131 Progress in organic life, 9 Promiscuity regulated in Oneida Community, 37 Promiscuity regulated in Plato's Republic, 11 Prostitution, camp life a school for, 202 Psychical diseases, heredity of, 82 et seq. Psychological laws, uncertain effect of, 68 Psychological research, laboratories for, 160 Quatrefages, M. de, 59 Race (human) deterioration of the, through hygienic action, 143 et seq. Race, improvement of the, aim of, 36 Race, improvement of the, based on spiritual sympathy, 58 Race improvement, experiment in, of the Oneida Community, 37 et seq. Race improvement, failure of compulsory attempts at, 27 Race improvement, Grecian methods for, 10 et seq. Race improvement, Grecian methods not suited for modern times, 24 Race improvement, natural factors in, 10 Race improvement, State aid to, 37, 53 Race should be thought of before ourselves, 211 Reproductive function, difference in exercise of, by animals and man, 210 Responsibility in parentage, 49, 181 Ribot, Th., 57, 68, 83 Romanes, G. J., 28, 73, 85, 87 Ruin of countries by the burdens of war, 203 Sacredness of parentage, 93 Saint-Hilaire, Geoffroy, 68 Sampson, mother of, 172 Science of true living, hygiene as the, 160 Scottish Co-operative Wholesale Society's manufacturing mill, 156 et seq. Selection, artificial, by man, 9 Selection, individual, by Noyes, 38 Selection, natural, see "Natural selection." Selection, sexual, see "Sexual selection." Selective action of female animals, 28 et seq. Selective action of woman in marriage, 43 et seq. Self-control, importance of, 96 Self-consciousness, excessive, cured by hypnotic suggestion, 216 Self-development, 48 Sense of touch, modification of, through use, 114 Sex-instinct, 51 Sexual cells, 162 Sexual cells, acquired powers of, 110 Sexual excess injuriously affects both parents and offspring, 211 Sexual impulse, gratification of the, consistent with the development of the highest mental qualities, 212 Sexual selection, 27 et seq., 131 et seq. Sexual selection, action of, among primeval men, 179 Sexual selection applicable primarily to male characteristics, 30 Sexual selection by women, effect of, |