#8212; for living objects, 276 —— for mounting, 340 —— live, 277 Cellulose, 357 —— staining, 314 Cements, 347 —— list of, 676 Centipedes, 578 CercariÆ, 571 Cereal parasites, 381 ChÆtophoraceÆ, 409 Chara, fructification of, 417 —— mounting, 347 —— vulgaris, 415 CharaceÆ, 415 Cheese, bacteria in, 393 —— mite, 625 ChilinidÆ, 551 ChitonidÆ, 545 Chloride of gold as stain, 297 —— of palladium as stain, 298 Chromatic aberration, 25 —— —— of the eye, 33 Chromic acid as hardening reagent, 288 Ciliata, 498 Circulation of the blood, 665 Cistula catenata, 558 Cladocera, 580 Clavatella prolifera, 521 Clearing agents, list of, 676 ClepsinidÆ, 576 ClionÆ, 513 Closterium, 424 —— lunula, 425 Cnidaria, 519 Cockchafer’s eye, 590 Coddington lens, the, 76 Codosiga, 497 Coelenterata, 515 Cohn on multiplication of bacteria, 367 Cole’s direction for section cutting, 285 —— section-cutting microtome, 289 Collecting stick, Baker’s, 350 Collection of objects, 349 Compound microscope, 78 Compressor, Beck’s, 275 Compressorium, 274 —— Ross’s, 275 —— Rousselet’s, 275 Concave lenses, 23 —— surfaces, 17 Condenser, AbbÉ’s, 176 —— Baker’s Nelson, 184 —— —— student’s, 184 —— Beck’s achromatic, 180 —— Gillett’s achromatic, 528 Flagella, staining of, 336 Flagellate infusoria, 495 Flatness of field, 262 Flax, fibres of, 474 Flea, 629 FlorideÆ, 413 Flowering plants, 451 Fluke, the, 569 Flustra, 532 Fly, eye of, 588 —— foot of, 602 Focal length of lenses, 22 Focus, method of finding, 271 Foot of fly, 602 Foraminifera, 483 Forceps, 283 —— for mounting, 294 —— stage, 198 Formation and polarisation of crystals, 239 Fossil plants, 475 Fossilised diatomaceÆ, 438 Freezing agents, list of, 678 —— microtome, Cathcart’s, 291 —— —— directions for using, 291 Frog-bit, 418 —— plate, 277 Froth-fly, 618 Fungi, industrial uses of, 391 Fungoid diseases, 374 Fungus on plants, 376 —— root, benefit to trees from, 396 —— sewage, 400 —— where found, 379 Gall-fly, 596 Gapeworm, 572 Gelatine, to prepare nutrient, 328 German yeast, 388 Gillett’s achromatic condenser, 173 Globigerina, 486 Glycerine agar-agar, 330 —— jelly, to make, 297 Gnat, 596 Gnathia, 579 Goniometer, Dr. Leeson’s, 150 GorgoniidÆ, 530 Gosse on noctiluca, 496 Gram’s method of staining bacteria, 335, 338 Grant’s researches on sponges, 507 GregarinÆ, 482, 563 Gromia, 484 Grove’s recommendations for mounting, 299 Gyrinus, eye of, 608 —— leg of, 608 HÆmatoxylin stain, 312
a href="@public@vhost@g@html@files@61233@61233-h@61233-h-11.htm.html#Page_247" class="pginternal">247 —— method of using, 250 —— the Browning-Huggins, 245 Microtome, Cambridge rocking, 290 —— Cathcart’s freezing, 291 —— Cole’s section-cutting, 289 —— method of using, 289 Milk, bacteria in, 393 Millipedes, 578 Mineral and geological kingdoms, 670 Mirror, manipulation of, 260 —— the, 195 Mite, cheese, 625 Mites and ticks, 622 Moist stage, 280 Molecular rotation, 238 Mollusca, 545 —— injecting, 305 —— shell of, 558 Monads in rat’s blood, 372 Monoxenia, 523 Moss-animals, 531 Mosses, 443 Moulds, 380, 381 Mounting apparatus, 352 —— cells for, 340 —— chara, 347 —— entomological specimens, 341 —— epithelium, 295 —— fibrous tissue, 296 —— forceps, 294 —— hard structures, 307 —— media, list of, 678 —— nerve tissue, 296 —— non-striated muscle, 296 —— objects, materials required, 339 —— rock sections, 309 —— spring clip for, 296, 342 —— teeth sections, 308 —— vegetable tissues, 310 Mouse, hair of, 650 Mouth, leptothrix, 400 Mouths of insects, 584 MÜller’s fluid, a hardening reagent, 288 Musca domestica, 588 Musci, 443 MuscidÆ, 588 Muscles of insects, 585 Muscular fibre, 644 —— —— mounting, 296 Mycetoma, 378 Mycetozoa, 482 Mycorhiza, 396 Nachet’s binocular microscope, 88 —— formula for objective, 166 Preparing tissue, 283 Primordial cell, 357 Principal focus, 18 Pringle’s micro-photography apparatus, 217 Prism, 15 —— Nicol’s, 220 Pritchard’s diamond microscope, 9 Proboscis of house fly, 591 Proteolepas, 539 Protococcus invalis, 380 —— pluvialis, 401 Protoplasm, 356 —— staining living, 306 Protozoa, 478 Puccinia graminis, 375 Pyrocystis, 496 Quartz, 231 Quekett on Martin’s microscope, 6 Quinidine, crystals of, 235 Radiolaria, 490 Ramsden eye-piece, 142 —— micrometer eye-piece, 145 Raphides in plants, 472 Rayleigh’s theory of formation of optical images, 44 Reflection, 16 Reflector, Sorby’s, 199 Refraction, 13 —— through prism, 15 Reproductive organs of plants, 467 Resolving power, 262 Retiform tissue, 644 Rezner’s mechanical finger, 343 RhizocarpeÆ, 451 Rhizopoda, 482 Riddell’s binocular microscope, 62 Rochelle salt, 232 Rock limpet, 556 —— sections, mounting, 309 Ross’s achromatic condenser, 176 —— compressorium, 275 —— Eclipse microscope, 89 —— eye-pieces, 68 —— microscopes, 88 —— object glass, 154 —— objectives, 166 Ross-Hepworth arc lamp, 218 Ross-Jackson microscope, 82 Ross-Jackson-Zentmayer microscope, 83 Ross-Zentmayer microscope, 91 Rotatoria, mounting, 345 Rotifera, 502 Rousselet’s compressorium, 275 —— method of mounting rotatoria, 345 —— tank microscope, 12
ef="@public@vhost@g@html@files@61233@61233-h@61233-h-17.htm.html#Page_387" class="pginternal">387 Zeiss’s compensating eye-piece, 147 —— cover-glass gauge, 165 —— microscope, 130 Zentmayer’s Holman syphon slide, 278 Zoophytes, 515 BRADBURY, AGNEW, & CO. LD., PRINTERS, LONDON AND TONBRIDGE. |