Missing and extra quotation marks are corrected. Some sentences, which, in the original, finish at the end of a line or are followed by the length of space normally following a full stop, are terminated by a comma or no punctuation. These are changed to end with a full stop. In the list of abbreviations and books, sometimes two abbreviations were bracked together. These are transcribed by having the second abbreviation reference the first, e.g. ‘Aber. Gard. Dict.—See Aber. Dict.’ These changes are not listed individually. Other changes are: - Page xiii in ‘Laws. New. Or.’ from ‘Lond on 597’ to ‘London 1597’
- Page 3 from ‘It is more probable that is has existed...’ to ‘It is more probable that it has existed...’
- Page 12 from ‘ORDER 1. APIANA.’ to ‘ORDER I. APIANA.’
- Page 117 (no. 189) from ‘varities’ to ‘varieties’
- Page 119 (no. 191) from ‘...mention it any of the editions’ to ‘...mention it in any of the editions’
- Page 119 (no. 191) from ‘...in which it as been written.’ to ‘...in which it has been written.’
- Page 126 (no. 206) from ‘Ripe in the begining of August.’ to ‘Ripe in the beginning of August.’
- Page 127 (no. 209) from ‘...roundish,, inclining to ovate,...’ to ‘...roundish, inclining to ovate,...’
- Page 131 (no. 218) from ‘Eye. pretty large...’ to ‘Eye, pretty large...’
- Page 142 (no. 239) from ‘cultivated to a large exent.’ to ‘cultivated to a large extent.’
- Page 212 (no. 398) from ‘of the seventeeth century.’ to ‘of the seventeenth century.’
- Page 282 from ‘628. WINTER COURT-PENDU.’ to ‘928. WINTER COURT-PENDU.’
References not mentioned in the ‘ABBREVIATIONS, AND LIST OF BOOKS’ are: - Arb. Brit.—John Claudius Loudon, Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum, 1854, London, 1854.
- Aber. Bot. Arr.—John Abercrombie, The propagation and botanical arrangements of plants and trees, useful and ornamental, proper for cultivation in every department of gardening; nurseries, plantations and agriculture. 2 volumes, 1784.
- Audibert. Cat.—FrÉres Audibert Catalogue.
- Couver. TraitÉ—Jean-FranÇois Couverchel, TraitÉ des fruits tant indigÈnes qu’exotiques, ou dictionnaire carpologique. Paris, 1839.
- Hanb. Pl.—(unconfirmed) William Hanbury, A Complete Body of Planting and Gardening, 1770.
- Horti Parisiensis—Catalogus plantarum Horti regii parisiensis. 2 volumes, edition 3, Paris, 1829.
- Lipp. Taschenb.—Julius Friedrich Lippold, Taschenbuch des VerstÄndigen GÄrtners, 1824.
- Marsh. Gloucest.—William Marshall, The rural economy of Glocestershire; including its dairy: together with the dairy management of North Wiltshire; and the management of orchards and fruit liquor, in Herefordshire. 2 volumes, 1789.
- Mort-Art.—John Mortimer, The Whole Art of Husbandry, 1716.
- Poin. Ami. Jard.—C. Poinsot, L’Ami des Jardiniers, 1803.