A flat, key of, 67.
Impromptu in, 78, 87.
Chopin's Ballade in, 162.
A sharp, key of, 67.
difference between, and B flat, 137.
Accent, where the, should be placed, 78.
Accenting a mordent, 70.
Accents, slurs and, not related, 63.
Accidental, how long an, affects a note, 64.
when an, is in parentheses, 66.
Accompaniment, 118.
Accompaniments, in left-hand waltz, 17.
Accompanist, 118, 119, 164.
Accompanying, at sight, 117.
a soloist, 118.
the art of, 118.
Action, of the wrist, 9.
of the arm, 11.
of the little finger, 17.
a piano extreme in, 36.
how tight to keep the piano's, 37.
of a beginner's piano, 37.
a too heavy, 38.
too light an, 38.
Adagio, 60.
Advantage, of legato over staccato, 22.
of universal fingering, 27.
Affected movements at the piano, 126.
Age, and physical development of the beginner, 138, 139.
Age of the student, immaterial, 139.
Aid, books that, the student working alone, 155.
Allegretto grazioso, 77.
Allegro, 60.
America, can music be studied in, 148.
"American" fingering, 27.
Andante, 60.
Appassionata, the last movement of the, 76.
Appoggiatura, 72.
Arm, action of the, 11.
play chords with a loose, 11.
Arms, premature fatigue in the, 33.
Arpeggio, 3, 9.
Art, of accompanying, the, 118.
the canons of, 125.
Attention, which fingers demand most, 16.
Auber, 136.
Auxiliary, position of, note in a trill, 72.
Average, speed, 59.
tempo, 60.
Avocation, music as a profession or as an, 156.
B flat minor, Chopin's Prelude in, 95.
B sharp, 64, 65.
Bach, use pedal with caution in playing, 41.
the beginner in, music, 80.
in touch with, 81.
Bach, Philipp Emanuel, 88.
Bach's, music, 80, 81.
preludes, 67, 82.
fugues, 67, 82, 83.
Bad music, 133.
Baermann, Carl, 94.
Ballade, Chopin's, in A flat, 102.
Baltzell, "History of Music," by, 150.
Barcarolle, Chopin's, 88.
Beethoven, the sonatas of, 83, 85.
Beethoven's Sonatina, opus 49, 59.
Fifth Symphony, 69.
Sonata PathÈtique, 70.
"Moonlight Sonata," 76.
sonatas, 83.
order of studying, sonatas, 83.
Sonata, opus 28, 84.
style, 85.
first and last sonatas, 90.
Beginner's, the action of a, piano, 37.
Bendel's "Zephyr," 53.
Berceuse, Chopin's, opus 57, 86.
Berens, 95, 143.
Berlin, 118.
Berlioz, 91, 136.
Best, how to play the octaves, 29.
morning is the, time to practise, 46.
way to work up a quick tempo, 54.
what is the, of Chopin, 86.
the, book of instruction for a beginner, 93.
the, way to improve sight-reading, 117.
the, piano hand, 130.
the, physical exercise for the pianist, 131.
nothing but the, will do, 141.
Biting the finger-nails, 19.
Blumenstuck, Schumann's, 79.
"Blurring," 23.
Body, general position of the, 4.
Books, of Etudes, 93, 94.
that aid the student working alone, 155.
Brahms, 162.
Breathing, 55.
Broad-tipped fingers, 20.
Bulow, 17.
BÜssler, 106.
C flat, 67.
C sharp, key of, 67.
C sharp major, Bach's fugue in, 83.
C sharp minor movement, the, 58.
Cantabile passages, 7.
Cantata, 112.
Chaminade, Toccata by, 111.
Chaminade's "Air de Ballet," No. 1, 70.
Chopin, Polonaise, opus 53, 74.
a disputed, reading, 78.
Life of, 86.
the best of, 86.
Etude by, 94.
Etudes in C minor, 95.
Chopin's works, 23, 79.
Prelude, No. 15, 58.
Valse, opus 42, 61.
Polonaise, opus 58, 74.
Polonaise, opus 26, No. 1, 77.
Nocturne in F sharp, 78.
Impromptu in A flat, opus 29, 78, 87.
charm of, touch, 86.
Chants Polonais, 88.
Fantasy Impromptu, 88, 97.
Barcarolle, 88.
Nocturne, opus 27, No. 2, 88, 162.
Chopin's works for a popular concert, 88.
Ballade in A flat, 162.
Chord, rolled, marked "secco," 70.
in the Waltz in E minor, 89.
Chords, play, with a loose arm, 11.
the, scale 28.
thirds, 35.
accidental, signs, 66, 67.
Classics, "modified," 148.
Clementi, 81.
Clementi's "Gradus ad Parnassum," 95.
Sonatina, opus 37, 96.
"Colour," of various keys, 137.
Colouring, 39, 44, 137.
Composer, piano-study for, 128.
as to one, 160.
Composers, the greatest, as pianists, 91.
Composition, 108, 130.
Conception, difference between, and rubato, 102.
Conceptions, different, 102.
Concert, Chopin's works for a popular, 88.
etudes, 94.
work, 156.
career, 162.
Concerto, the Grieg, 35.
Concerts, the value of going to, 153.
Conservatory, individual teacher or, 142.
Conductor, piano-study for, 128.
Correct practice of phrasing, 98.
Counterpoint, studying, 107, 142.
Cramer Etudes, the, 17, 45.
C-scale fingering, 28.
Counterpoint, studying, by one's self, 107.
Counting, 50.
Course, proper, for a little girl, 146.
Criticism, where outside, is desirable, 143.
Curved fingers, 6, 7.
Czerny, 45, 81.
D flat, key of, 67.
arrangement of Bach's Fugues, 83.
Damper pedal, the, 43.
Dance, music, 134.
Liszt's, of the Gnomes, 58.
Dangers in using a metronome, 59.
Dash, "tenuto," and its effect, 69.
Diatonic, thirds, 35.
sequel, 73.
Different, conceptions, 102.
rhythms, 97.
keys, 105.
Difference, between "finger staccato" and other kinds, 22.
in playing trills, 74.
between conception and rubato, 102.
between major and minor scales, 109.
Difficulty of playing repetition notes, 34.
Doppio movement, in Chopin's Nocturne in F sharp, 78.
Dot, double, 62.
what a, may mean, 77.
Double notes, 35.
thirds, 35.
dot, 62.
flat, 64, 65.
flats, 90.
Mazurka, 111.
Mazurkas, Chopin's, 86.
Melody in F, the, 79.
Memorize, easiest way to, 113.
in order to, easily, 115.
Memory, playing from, 112.
the, 112.
Mendelssohn, the study of, 85.
Mendelssohn's "Spring Song," 77.
Menuet, 111.
Method, too much, 144.
Leschetizky, 144.
Methods, teachers, lessons and, 140.
Metronome, markings, 57, 59.
personal element and the, 58.
dangers in using a, 59.
Meyerbeer, 136.
Minor, difference between major and, scales, 109.
only one, scale, 109.
Miscellaneous questions, 150.
"Modified Classics," 148.
Modulate, learning to, 107.
Mood and tempo in the A flat Impromptu, 87.
"Moonlight Sonata," the, 76.
Mordent, fingers needed to play a, 28.
accenting a, in a sonata, 70.
Morning practice on the piano, 45.
Moscheles, Etudes by, 94.
Motif, meaning and use of, 68.
"Moto perpetuo," 112.
Mozart, 46, 75.
Mozart's art, 160.
Music, the beginner in Bach, 80.
modern piano, 92.
bad, 133.
the company that one keeps in, 133.
can, be studied in America, 148.
how to get, published, 150.
as a profession, 156.
how much you can get from, 157.
"Music Box," the, 92.
Music schools and private teachers, 141.
Nocturne, Chopin's, in F sharp, 78.
opus 27, No. 2, 88, 162.
Nocturnes, Chopin's, 86.
Nomenclature, marks and, 57.
Note, auxiliary, 72.
when two fingers have the same, 79.
Notes repetition, 34.
double, 35.
slurred, 62.
tied staccato, 69.
small, under large ones, 70.
syncopated, 71.
Object of study, 135.
Octave, chords, 11.
Kullak's, School, 31.
in extended, playing, 32.
passages, 32.
Octaves, 29.
rapid, 30.
when playing, 31.
wrist, 31, 32.
arm, 31.
stiff wrists in playing, 33.
Operatic transcriptions, 91.
Order of studying Beethoven's Sonatas, 83.
Other fingers, the, 16.
Organ, touch, 26.
playing, 26.
Pachulski, 92.
Pedal, a general rule about the, 39.
how to use the, 39.
use of the, for colouring, 39.
use, with caution in playing Bach, 41.
the "soft," 43, 44.
a constant use of the soft, 45.
Pedalling, let your ear guide your, 41.
Pedals, the, 39.
using the two, at once, 43.
"Perpetuum Mobile," Weber's, 112.
Peters's Edition, 79, 82.
Phrasing, value and correct practice of, 98.
Physical exercise, best, for the pianist, 131.
Pianists, the greatest composers as, 91.
"wonder-children" as, 152.
Pianissimo touch, the, 44.
Piano, height of the, seat, 5.
touch, 26.
kind of, upon which to practise, 35.
extreme in action, 36.
action of a beginner's, 37.
playing on a dumb, 38.
affected movements at the, 126.
about the, per se, 127.
genuine, hand, 130.
when to keep away from the, 132.
"Piano Playing," 35.
"Pischna," exercises of, 93, 161.
Pitch, international, 136.
Pitch and kindred matters, 136.
international piano, 136.
Play for people, when to, 120.
Playing for pleasure, 161.
Polonaise, Chopin, opus 53, 74.
Chopin, opus 26, No. 1, 77.
Polonaises, Chopin's, 86.
Polyrhythms, 96.
Popular concert, Chopin's works for a, 88.
Position, of the body, 4.
of the hand, 6.
of the fingers, 6, 8.
of the wrist, 10.
of the thumb, 16.
of the turn over a note, 71.
of auxiliary note in a trill, 72.
Practice, morning, on the piano, 45.
the only kind of, worth while, 47.
of phrasing, 98.
of constructing, 108.
Practise, kind of a piano upon which to, 35.
exercises for the beginner to, 93.
Practising, eight hours instead of four, 48.
the two parts separately, 52.
Precision, 25.
Prelude, the B flat minor, 95.
in C sharp minor, 162
Preludes, Bach's, 82.
Chopin's, 86.
Private teachers, 141.
Profession, music as a, 156.
Rachmaninoff's Prelude in C sharp minor, 162.
Rag-time, why, is injurious, 134.
Repetition, technique, 34.
notes, 34.
Rests used under or over notes, 62.
Rhapsody, Brahms's, in G minor, 162.
Rhythm, accents relate to, 62.
playing in, 151.
Richter, E. F., 106.
Romanza, Schumann's, 162.
Rossini, 136.
Rubato, as to playing, 100.
passages marked, 100.
difference between conception and, 102.
Rubinstein, 158.
Rubinstein's "Melody in F," 79.
Russian piano music, 53.
Ruthardt, "Etudes" by, 94.
Scale, fingering the chromatic, 28.
only one minor, 109.
the well-tempered piano, 137.
Scale playing, in, 16.
Scales, tilt of the hand in playing the, 6.
the practising of, 14, 51.
the study of the, 50, 51.
Scherzo, Chopin's, opus 31, 88.
Schubert-Liszt's "Auf dem Wasser zu singern," 53.
Schumann's "Blumenstuck," 79.
Romanza, opus 28, No. 2, 162.
"Traumerei," 162.
"Secco," a rolled chord marked, 70.
Seeling, Hans, 94.
Sex of the teacher, 143.
Sight-reading, 117.
Slur, how a tie and a, differ, 63.
Slurred notes, the playing of, 62.
Slurs, 63.
Smith's Octave Studies, 143.
Solfeggio, meaning of, 74.
Soloist, 118, 164.
Sonata, accenting a mordent in a, 70.
in playing a, 75.
Moonlight, 76.
Beethoven, with a pastoral character, 84.
meaning of, 112.
Sonatina, Beethoven's, 59.
Sonatas of Beethoven, the, 83, 85.
"Songs without Words," Mendelssohn's, 86, 162.
Speed, gradual increase of, 54.
average, 59.
meaning of, terms, 60.
rule for selecting the, 60.
and smoothness in trilling, 73.
"Spring Song," the, 77.
Staccato, wrist, at a high tempo, 21.
finger, 22.
arm, 22.
Staffs, the, 66.
Starting, about, on a concert career, 162.
SteingrÄber Edition of Beethoven's Sonatas, 84.
Sternberg's Etudes, opus 66, 155.
Stretching, 12, 13.
Student, age of, immaterial, 139.
books that aid the, working alone, 155.
Students, piano, 108.
Studies, Heller's, 93.
Study, object of, 135.
Studying, importance of, with the right teacher, 140.
Syncopated notes, 71.
System, universal, of fingering, 27.
Teachers, lessons, and methods, 140.
Technical, exercises, 47.
work, 18, 45, 46.
studies, 46.
results, 48.
Technique, a generic term, 3.
how to improve the, 4.
a precise finger, 16.
of the fingers, 22.
repetition, 34.
a "musical," 38.
Tempo, wrist staccato at a high, 21.
to work up a fast, 53, 54.
average, 60.
in the A flat Impromptu, 87.
taking liberties with the, 89.
rubato, 100, 101.
"Tenuto" dash, the, 69.
Textbooks on harmony, 106.
Thalberg, 91, 92.
Theory, 104.
Thirds, double, 35.
diatonic, 35.
chromatic, 35.
Thomas, Ambroise, 136.
Thumb, the, 14.
how to hold the, 16.
Tie, a, 63.
Time, duple, against triple, 96, 98.
playing in, 151.
Toccata, meaning of, 111.
Touch, faulty, 8, 43.
finger, 19, 50.
biting the finger-nails spoils the, 19.
legato, 24, 63.
crisp legato, 24.
piano, 26.
organ, 26.
repetition, 34.
charm of Chopin's, 86.
and Technique, 155.
Training, a child's musical, 138.
Transcriptions, study of operatic, 91.
Transposing at sight, 119.
Tremolo, 11.
Trill, position of auxiliary note in a, 72.
Trills, on the melodic note, 72.
extended, 72.
difference in playing, 74.
Triple time, 96, 98.
"Twelve Etudes for Technique and Expression," 94.
Universal system of marking fingering, 27.
Valse, Chopin's, opus 42, 61.
opus 64, No. 2, 88.
Waltz, a chord in the, in E minor, 89.
Waltzes, Chopin's, 86.
Weak fingers, 18.
Weber's "Storm," 41.
pianos of, time, 41.
"Perpetuum Mobile," 112.
"Wonder-children" as pianists, 152.
Wrist, action of the, 9.
the loose, 9.
position of the, 10.
stiffness in the, 10.
octaves, 31, 32.
stroke in long octave passages, 32.
Transcriber's Note
Punctuation has been made consistent.
Other changes:
page iv—'POLYRYTHMS' changed to 'POLYRHYTHMS.'
page xi—'As a matter or course' changed to 'As a matter of course.'
page 12—'I stretch beween my fingers' changed to 'I stretch between my fingers.'
page 43—'expresson' changed to 'expression.'
page 47—'ti would take considerable time' changed to 'it would take considerable time.'
page 50—'rhymthic' changed to 'rhythmic.'
page 78—'Doggio' changed to 'Doppio.'
page 93—'or which one is abridged' changed to 'of which one is abridged.'
page 123—'feel they that do not care for my playing' changed to 'feel that they do not care for my playing.'
page 140—'be be' changed to 'be.'
Index—'F major, key of, [no page #]' removed.
Index—'Gradus and Parnassum' corrected to 'Gradus ad Parnassum.'
Index—'Hadyn' corrected to 'Haydn.'
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