James, in his account of this brilliant feat (vol. ii., p. 360 et seq.), gives several interesting details of the affair. “Every man was to be dressed in blue, and no white of any kind to be seen. The password was ‘Britannia’ and the answer ‘Ireland.’” The boarding party proceeded in six boats, each being instructed to effect an entrance on a particular part of the Hermione. “From the moment of quitting the Surprise till the Hermione was boarded Captain Hamilton never lost sight of her for a moment. He stood up in the pinnace with his nightglass, by the aid of which he steered a direct course towards the frigate.” When still a mile from the Hermione the boats were discovered by two Spanish gunboats. Some of Hamilton’s boats disobeyed orders by attacking these gunboats instead of concentrating their attention on the Hermione, and thus nearly spoilt the attack. James adds that: “In effecting this surprising capture the British sustained so comparatively slight a loss [pg 336]as 12 wounded, including Captain Hamilton. Of their 365 in crew the Spaniards had 119 killed and 97 wounded, most of them dangerously.” |