Introductory.The Standard Steel Square has a blade 24 inches long and 2 inches wide, and a tongue from 14 to 18 inches long and 1½ inches wide. The blade is at right angles to the tongue. The face of the square is shown in Fig. 1. It is always stamped with the manufacturer’s name and number. The reverse is the back (see Fig. 2). The longer arm is the blade; the shorter arm, the tongue. In the center of the tongue, on the face side, will be found two parallel lines divided into spaces (see Fig. 1); this is the octagon scale. The spaces will be found numbered 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 70, when the tongue is 18 inches long. To draw an octagon of 8 inches square, draw an 8 inch square and then draw a perpendicular and a horizontal line through its center. To find the length of the octagon side, place one point of a compass on any of the main divisions of the scale, and the other point of the compass on the eighth subdivision; then step this length off on each side of the center lines on the side of the square, which will give the points from which to draw the octagon lines. The diameter of the octagon must equal in inches the number of spaces taken from the square. On the opposite side of the tongue, in the center, will be found the brace rule (see Fig. 3). The fractions denote the rise and run of the brace, and the decimals the length. For example, a brace of 36 inches run and 36 inches rise, has a length of 50.91 inches; a brace of 42 inches run and 42 inches rise, has a length of 59.40 inches; etc. Fig. 1. Face Side of Tongue of Steel Square, Showing Octagon Scale. Fig. 2. Back of Blade of Steel Square, Showing Rafter Table. Fig. 3. Back of Tongue of Steel Square, Showing Brace Measure. Fig. 4. Back of Blade of Steel Square, Showing Essex Board Measure. On the back of the blade (Fig. 4) will be found the board measure, where eight parallel lines running along the length of the blade are shown and divided at every inch by cross-lines. Under 12, on the outer edge of the blade, will be found the various lengths of the boards, as 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, etc. For example, take a board 14 feet long and 9 To Find the Miter and Length of Side for any Polygon, with the Steel Square.In Fig. 5 is shown a pentagon figure. The miters of the pentagon stand at 72 degrees with each other, and are found by dividing 360 by 5, the number of sides in the pentagon. But the angle when applied to the square to obtain the miter, is only one-half of 72, or 36 degrees, and intersects the blade at 23/32, as shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5. Use of Steel Square to Find Miter and Side of Pentagon. By squaring up from 6 on the tongue, intersecting the degree line at a, the center a is determined either for the inscribed or the circumscribed diameter, the radii being a b and a c, respectively. The length of the sides will be 823/32 inches to the foot. Fig. 6. Use of Steel Square to Find Miter and Side of Hexagon. If the length of the inscribed diameter be 8 feet, then the sides would be 8 × 823/32 inches.
In Fig. 6 the same process is used in finding the miter and side of the hexagon polygon. To find the degree line, 360 is divided by 6, the number of sides, as follows: 360 ÷ 6 = 60; and 60 ÷ 2 = 30 degrees. Now, from 12 on tongue, draw a line making an angle of 30 degrees with the tongue. It will cut the blade in 7 as shown; and from 7 to m, the heel of the square, will be the length of the side. From 6 on tongue, erect a line to cut the degree line in c; and with c as center, describe a circle having the radius of c 7; and around the circle, complete the hexagon by taking the length 7 m with the compass for each side, as shown. Fig. 7. Use of Steel Square to Find Miter and Side of Octagon. In Fig. 7 the same process is shown applied to the octagon. The degree line in all the polygons is found by dividing 360 by the number of sides in the figure: 360 ÷ 8 = 45; and 45 ÷ 2 = 22½ degrees. This gives the degree line for the octagon. Complete the process as was described for the other polygons. By using the following figures for the various polygons, the miter lines may be found; but in these figures no account is taken of the relative size of sides to the foot as in the figures preceding:
The miter is to be drawn along the line of the first column, as shown for the triangle in Fig. 8, and for the hexagon in Fig. 9. In Fig. 10 is shown a diagram for finding degrees on the square. For example, if a pitch of 35 degrees is required, use 813/32 on tongue and 12 on blade; if 45 degrees, use 12 on tongue and 12 on blade; etc. Fig. 8. Use of Square to Find Miter of Equilateral Triangle. In Fig. 11 is shown the relative length of run for a rafter and a hip, the rafter being 12 inches and the hip 17 inches. The reason, as shown in this diagram, why 17 is taken for the run of the hip, instead of 12 as for the common rafter, is that the seats of the common rafter and hip do not run parallel with each other, but diverge in roofs of equal pitch at an angle of 45 degrees; therefore, 17 inches taken on the run of the hip is equal to only 12 inches when taken on that of the common rafter, as shown by the dotted line from heel to heel of the two squares in Fig. 11. Fig. 9. Use of Square to Find Miter of Hexagon. In Fig. 12 is shown how other figures on the square may be found for corners that deviate from the 45 degrees. It is shown that Fig. 10. Diagram for Finding Pitches of Various Degrees Fig. 13 illustrates a method of finding the relative height of a hip or valley per foot run to that of the common rafter. The square is shown placed with 12 on blade and 9 on tongue for the common rafter; and shows that for the hip the rise is only 67/16 inches. Fig. 11. Square Applied to Determine Relative Length of Run Roof framing at present is as simple as it possibly can be, so that any attempt at a new method would be superfluous. The steel square is a mighty factor in roof framing, and without doubt the greatest tool in practical potency that ever was invented for the carpenter. With its use the lengths and bevels of every piece of timber that goes into the construction of the most intricate design of roof, can easily be obtained, and that with but very little knowledge of lines. Fig. 12. Use of Square to Determine Length of Run In roofs of equal pitch, as illustrated in Fig. 14, the steel square is all that is required if one properly understands how to handle it. Fig. 13. Method of Finding Relative Height of Hip In Fig. 15 is shown the steel square with figures representing the various pitches to the foot of run. For the ½-pitch roof, the figures as shown, from 12 on tongue to 12 on blade, are those to be used on the steel square for the common rafter; and for ? pitch, the figures to be used on the square will be 12 and 9, as shown. Fig. 14. Diagram to Illustrate Use of Steel Square To understand this figure, it is necessary only to keep in mind that the pitch of a roof is reckoned from the span. Since the run in each pitch as shown is 12 inches, the span is two times 12 inches, which For the ? pitch, the figures are shown to be 12 on tongue and 9 on blade, 9 being ? of the span, 24 inches. The same rule applies to all the pitches. The ? pitch is shown to rise 4 inches to the foot of run, because 4 inches is ? of the span, 24 inches, the ? pitch is shown to rise 8 inches to the foot of run, because 8 inches is ? of the span, 24 inches; etc. Fig. 15. Steel Square Giving Various Pitches to Foot of Run. The roof referred to in Figs. 16 and 17 is to rise 9 inches to the foot of run; it is therefore a ?-pitch roof. For all the common rafters, the figures to be used on the square will be 12 on blade to represent the run, and 9 on tongue to represent the rise to the foot of run; and for all the hips and valleys, 17 on blade to represent the run, and 9 on tongue to represent the rise of the roof to the foot of run. Why 17 represents the run for all the hips and valleys, will be understood by examining Fig. 19, in which 17 is shown to be the diagonal of a foot square. In equal-pitch roofs the corners are square, and the plan of the hip or valley will always be a diagonal of a square corner as shown at 1, 2, 3, and 5 in Fig. 14. In Fig. 18 are shown ? pitch, ? pitch and ½ pitch over a square corner. The figures to be used on the square for the hip, will be 17 for run in each case. For the ? pitch, the figures to be used would be 17 inches run and 4 inches rise, to correspond with the 12 inches run and 4 inches rise of the common rafter. For the ? pitch, the figures to be used for hip would be 17 inches run and 9 inches rise, to correspond Fig. 16. Method of Laying Out Common Rafters of a ?-Pitch Roof. It will be observed from above, that in all cases where the plan of the hip or valley is a diagonal of a square, the figures to be used on the square for run will be 17 inches; and for the rise, whatever the roof rises to the foot of run. It should also be remembered that this is the condition in all roofs of equal pitch, where the angle of the hip or valley is a 45-degree angle, or, in other words, where we have the diagonal of a square. It has been shown in Fig. 12 how other figures for other plan angles may be found; and that in each case the figures for run vary according to the plan angle of the hip or valley, while the figure for the height in each case is similar. Fig. 17. Method of Laying Out Hips and Valleys of a ?-Pitch Roof. In Fig. 14 are shown a variety of runs for common rafters, but all have the same pitch; they rise 9 inches to the foot of run. The main The diversity exhibited in the runs, and especially the fractional part of a foot shown in two of them, will afford an opportunity to treat of the main difficulties in laying out roof timbers in roofs of equal pitch. Let it be determined to have a rise of 9 inches to the foot of run; and in this connection it may be well to remember that the proportional rise to the foot run for roofs of equal pitch makes not the least difference in the method of treatment. To lay out the common rafters for the main roof, which has a run of 13 feet 6 inches, proceed as shown in Fig. 16. Take 12 on the blade and 9 on the tongue, and step 13 times along the rafter timber. This will give the length of rafter for 13 feet of run. In this example, however, there is another 6 inches of run to cover. For this additional length, take 6 inches on the blade (it being ½ a foot run) for run, and take ½ of 9 on the tongue (which is 4½ inches), and step one time. This, in addition to what has already been found by stepping 13 times with 12 and 9, will give the full length of the rafter. Fig. 18. Method of Laying Out Hips and Rafters The square with 12 on blade and 9 on tongue will give the heel and plumb cuts. Another method of finding the length of rafter for the 6 inches is shown in Fig. 16, where the square is shown applied to the rafter It will be observed that this method is easily adapted to find any fractional part of a foot in the length of rafters. In the front gable, Fig. 14, the fractional part of a foot is 4 inches to be added to 10 feet of run; therefore, in that case, the line shown measured to 6 inches in Fig. 16 would measure only 4 inches for the front gable. Heel Cut of Common Rafter.In Fig. 16 is also shown a method to lay out the heel cut of a common rafter. The square is shown applied with 12 on blade and 9 on tongue; and from where the 12 on the square intersects the edge of the rafter timber, a line is drawn square to the blade as shown by the dotted line from 12 to a. Then the thickness of the part of the rafter that is to project beyond the plate to hold the cornice, is gauged to intersect the dotted line at a; and from a, the heel cut is drawn with the square having 12 on blade and 9 on tongue, marking along the blade for the cut. The common rafter for the front wing, which is shown to have a run of 10 feet 4 inches, is laid out precisely the same, except that for this rafter the square with 12 on blade and 9 on tongue will have to be stepped along the rafter timber only 10 times for the 10 feet of run; and for the fractional part of a foot (4 inches) which is in the run, either of the two methods already shown for the main rafter may be used. The proportional figures to be used on the square for the 4 inches will be 4 on blade and 2¼ on tongue; and if the second method is used, make the addition to the length of rafter for 10 feet, by drawing a line 4 inches square from the tongue of square No. 1 (see Fig. 16), instead of 6 inches as there shown for the main rafter. Hips.Three of the hips are shown in Fig. 14 to extend from the plate to the ridge-pole; they are marked in the figure as 1, 2, and 3 respectively, and are shown in plan to be diagonals of a square measuring 13 feet 6 inches by 13 feet 6 inches; they make an angle, therefore, of 45 degrees with the plate. In Fig. 18 is shown how to find the relative run length of a portion of a hip to correspond to that of a fractional part of a foot in the length of the common rafter. From 12 inches, measure along the run of the common rafter 6 inches, and drop a line to cut the diagonal line in m. From m to a, along the diagonal line, will be the relative run length of the part of hip to correspond with 6 inches run of the common rafter, and it measures 8½ inches. Fig. 19. Diagram Showing Relative Lengths of Run Fig. 20. Method of Determining Run of Valley The same results may be obtained by the following method of figuring:
In Fig. 19 is shown a 12-inch square, the diagonal m being 17 inches. By drawing lines from the base a b to cut the diagonal line, the part of the hip to correspond to that of the common rafter will be indicated on the line 17. In this figure it is shown that a 6-inch run on a b, which represents the run of a foot of a common rafter, will have a corresponding length of 8½ In the front gable, Fig. 14, it is shown that the run of the common rafter is 10 feet 4 inches. To find the length of the common rafter, take 12 on blade and 9 on tongue, and step 10 times along the rafter timber; and for the fractional part of a foot (4 inches), proceed as was shown in Fig. 16 for the rafter of the main roof; but in this case measure out square to the tongue of square No. 1, 4 inches instead of 6 inches. Fig. 21. Corner of Square Building, Showing Fig. 22. Corner of Square Building, Showing The additional length for the fractional 4 inches run can also be found by taking 4 inches on blade and 3 inches on tongue of square, and stepping one time; this, in addition to the length obtained by stepping 10 times along the rafter timber with 12 on blade and 9 on tongue, will give the full length of the rafter for a run of 10 feet 4 inches. Fig. 23. Use of Square to Determine Heel Cut of Valley. In the intersection of this roof with the main roof, there are shown to be two valleys of different lengths. The long one extends from the plate at n (Fig. 14) to the ridge of the main roof at m; it has therefore The length of the short valley a c, as shown, extends over the run of 10 feet 4 inches, and butts against the side of the long valley at c. By taking 17 on blade and 9 on tongue, and stepping along the rafter timber 10 times, the length for the 10 feet is found; and for the 4 inches, measure 5? inches square from the tongue of square No. 1, in the manner shown in Fig. 17, where the 8½ inches is shown added for the 6 inches additional run of the main roof for the hips. Fig. 24. Steel Square Applied to Finding Bevel The length 5? is found as shown in Fig. 20, by measuring 4 inches from a to m along the run of common rafter for one foot. Upon m erect a line to cut the seat of the valley at c; from c to a will be the run of the valley to correspond with 4 inches run of the common rafter, and it will measure 5? inches. How to Treat the Heel Cut of Hips and Valleys.Having found the lengths of the hips and valleys to correspond to the common rafters, it will be necessary to find also the thickness of each above the plate to correspond to the thickness the common rafter will be above the plate. In Fig. 21 is shown a corner of a square building, showing the plates and the plan lines of a hip. The length of the hip, as already found, will cover the span from the ridge to the corner 2; but the sides In like manner the thickness of the valley above the plate is found; but as the valley as shown in the plan figure, Fig. 22, projects beyond point 2 before it intersects the outside of the plates, the distance from 2 to 1 in the case of the valley will have to be measured outwards from 2, as shown from 2 to 1 in Fig. 23; and at the point thus found the thickness of the valley is to be measured to correspond with that of the common rafter as shown at m n. Fig. 25. Steel Square Applied to Jack Rafter to Find In Fig. 24 is shown the steel square applied to a hip or valley timber to cut the bevel that will fit the top end against the ridge. The figures on the square are 17 and 19¼. The 17 represents the length of the plan line of the hip or valley for a foot of run, which, as was shown in previous figures, will always be 17 inches in roofs of equal pitch, where the plan lines stand at 45 degrees to the plates and square to each other. The 19¼ taken on the blade represents the actual length of a hip or valley that will span over a run of 17 inches. The bevel is marked along the blade. The cut across the back of the short valley to fit it against the side of the long valley, will be a square cut owing to the two plan lines being at right angles to each other. Fig. 26. Finding Length to Shorten Rafters The rule in every case to find the back bevel for jacks in roofs of equal pitch, is to take 12 on the tongue to represent the foot run, and the length of the rafter for a foot of run on the blade, marking along the blade in each case for the bevel. In a ½-pitch roof, which is the most common in all parts of the country, the length of rafter for a foot of run will be 17 inches; hence it will be well to remember that 12 on tongue and 17 on blade, marking along the blade, will give the bevel to fit a jack against a hip or a valley in a ½-pitch roof. In a roof having a rise of 9 inches to the foot of run, such as the one under consideration, the length of rafter for one foot of run will be 15 inches. The square as shown in Fig. 25, with 12 on tongue and 15 on blade, will give the bevel by marking along the blade. To find the length of a rafter for a foot of run for any other pitch, place the two-foot rule diagonally from 12 on the blade of the square to the figure on tongue representing the rise of the roof to the foot of run; the rule will give the length of the rafter that will span over one foot of run. Fig. 27. Finding Length of Jack Rafter Fig. 28. Finding Length ofJack Rafter The length of rafter for a foot of run will also determine the difference in lengths of jacks. For example, if a roof rises 12 inches to one foot of run, the rafter over this span has been found to be 17 inches; this, therefore, is the number of inches each jack is shortened in one foot of run. If the rise of the roof is 8 inches to the foot of run, the length of the rafter is found for one foot of run, by placing the rule diagonally from 12 on In Fig. 27 is shown how to find the length with the steel square. The square is placed on the jack timber rafter with the figures that have been used to cut the common rafter. In Fig. 27, 12 on blade and 12 on tongue were the figures used to cut the common rafter, the roof being ½ pitch, rising 12 inches to the foot of run. In the diagram it is shown how to find the length of a jack rafter if placed 16 inches from center to center. The method is to move the square as shown along the line of the blade until the blade measures 16 inches; the tongue then would be as shown from w to m, and the length of the jack would be from 12 on blade to m on tongue, on the edge of the jack rafter timber as shown. This latter method becomes convenient when the space between jacks is less than 18 inches; but if used when the space is more than 18 inches it will become necessary to use two squares; otherwise the tongue as shown at m would not reach the edge of the timber. Fig. 29. Method of Determining Length of Jacks Between Hips In Fig. 28 the same method is shown for finding the length of a jack rafter for a roof rising 9 inches to the foot of run, with the jacks placed 18 inches center to center. The square in this diagram is shown placed on the jack rafter timber with 12 on blade and 9 on Fig. 30. Method of Finding Bevels for All Timbers Fig. 31. Method of Finding Bevel 5, When jacks are placed between hips and valleys as shown at 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., in Fig. 14, a better method of treatment is shown in Fig. 29, where the slope of the roof is projected into the horizontal plane. The distance from the plate in this figure to the ridge m, equals the length of the common rafter for the main roof. On the plate a n n is made equal to a n n in Fig. 14. By drawing a figure like this to a scale of one inch to one foot, the length of all the jacks can be measured It has been shown before, that the figures to be used on the square for this bevel when the timber is left square on back as is the custom in construction, are the length of a foot run of a hip or valley, which is 17, on tongue, and the length of a hip or valley that will span over 17 inches run, on blade—the blade giving the bevel. Fig. 30 contains all the bevels or cuts that have been treated upon so far, and, if correctly understood, will enable any one to frame any roof of equal pitch. In this figure it is shown that 12 inches run and 9 inches rise will give bevels 1 and 2, which are the plumb and heel cuts of rafters of a roof rising 9 inches to the foot of run. By taking these figures, therefore, on the square, 9 inches on the tongue and 12 inches on the blade, marking along the tongue will give the plumb cut, and marking along the blade will give the heel cut. Fig. 32. Method of Finding Back Bevel 6, Fig. 33. Determining Miter Cut Bevels 3 and 4 are the plumb and heel cuts for the hip, and are shown to have the length of the seat of hip for one foot run, which is 17 inches. By taking 17 inches, therefore, on the blade, and 9 inches on the tongue, marking along the tongue for the plumb cut, and along the blade for the heel cut, the plumb and heel cuts are found. Bevel 5, which is to fit the hip or valley against the ridge when not backed, is shown from o w, the length of the hip for one foot of run, which is 19¼ inches, and from o s, which always in roofs of equal pitch will be 17 inches and equal in length to the seat of a hip or valley for one foot of run. Bevels 6 and 7 in Fig. 30 are shown formed of the length of the rafter for one foot of run, which is 15 inches, and the run of the rafter, which is 12 inches. These figures are applied on the square, as shown in Fig. 32, to a jack rafter timber; taking 15 on the blade and 12 on the tongue, marking along the blade will give the back bevel for the jack rafters, and marking along the tongue will give the face cut of roof-boards to fit along the hip or valley. Fig. 34. Laying Out Timbers of One-half Gable of ?-Pitch Roof. It is shown in Fig. 30, also, that by taking the length of rafter 15 inches on blade, and rise of roof 9 inches on tongue, bevel 8 will give the miter cut for the roof-boards. In Fig. 33 the square is shown applied to a roof-board with 15 on blade, which is the length of the rafter to one foot of run, and with 9 on tongue, which is the rise of the roof to the foot run; marking along the tongue will give the miter for the boards. Fig. 35. Finding Backing Other uses may be made of these figures, as shown in Fig. 34, which is one-half of a gable of a roof rising 9 inches to the foot run. The squares at the bottom and the top will give the plumb and heel cuts of the common rafter. The same figures on the square applied to the studding, marking along the tongue for the cut, will give the bevel to fit the studding against the rafter; and by marking along the blade we obtain the cut for the boards that run across the gable. By taking 19¼ on blade, which is It will be observed from what has been said, that in roofs of equal pitch the figure 12 on the blade, and whatever number of inches the roof rises to the foot run on the tongue, will give the plumb and heel cuts for the common rafter; and that by taking 17 on the blade instead of 12, and taking on the tongue the figure representing the rise of the roof to the foot run, the plumb and heel cuts are found for the hips and valleys. By taking the length of the common rafter for one foot of run on blade, and the run 12 on tongue, marking along the blade will give the back bevel for the jack to fit the hip or valley, and marking along the tongue will give the bevel to cut the roof-boards to fit the line of hip or valley upon the roof. With this knowledge of what figures to use, and why they are used, it will be an easy matter for anyone to lay out all rafters for equal-pitch roofs. Fig. 36. Laying Out Timbers of Roof with Two UnequalPitches. In Fig. 36 is shown a plan of a roof with two unequal pitches. The main roof is shown to have a rise of 12 inches to the foot run. The front wing is shown to have a run of 6 feet and to rise 12 feet; it has thus a pitch of 24 inches to the foot run. Therefore 12 on blade of the square and 12 on tongue will give the plumb and heel cuts for the main roof, and by stepping 12 times along the rafter timber the length of the rafter is found. The figures on the square to find the heel and If, in place of stepping along the timber, the diagonal of 12 and 24 is multiplied by 6, the number of feet in the run, the length may be found even to a greater exactitude. Many carpenters use this method of framing; and to those who have confidence in their ability to figure correctly, it is a saving of time, and, as before said, will result in a more accurate measurement; but the better and more scientific method of framing is to work to a scale of one inch, as has already been explained. Fig. 37. Finding Length of Rafter for According to that method, the diagonal of a foot of run, and the number of inches to the foot run the roof is rising, measured to a scale, will give the exact length. For example, the main roof in Fig. 36 is rising 12 inches to a foot of run. The diagonal of 12 and 12 is 17 inches, which, considered as a scale of one inch to a foot, will give 17 feet, and this will be the exact length of the rafter for a roof rising 12 inches to the foot run and having a run of 12 feet. Fig. 38. Laying Out Timbers of Roof Shown in Fig. 36, The length of the rafter for the front wing, which has a run of 6 feet and a rise of 12 feet, may be obtained by placing the rule as shown It will be observed that the plan lines of the valleys in this figure in respect to one another deviate from forming a right angle. In equal-pitch roofs the plan lines are always at right angles to each other, and therefore the diagonal of 12 and 12, which is 17 inches, will be the relative foot run of valleys and hips in equal-pitch roofs. In Fig. 36 is shown how to find the figures to use on the square for valleys and hips when deviating from the right angle. A line is drawn at a distance of 12 inches from the plate and parallel to it, cutting the valley in m as shown. The part of the valley from m to the plate will measure 13½ inches, which is the figure that is to be used on the square to obtain the length and cuts of the valleys. Fig. 39. Method of Finding Length and Cuts It will be observed that this equals the length of the common rafter as found by the square and rule in Fig. 37. In that figure is shown 12 on tongue and 6 on blade. The 12 here represents the rise, and the 6 the run of the front roof. If the 12 be taken to represent the run of the main roof, and the 6 to represent the run of the front roof, then, the diagonal 13½ will indicate the length of the seat of the valley for 12 feet of run, and therefore for one foot it will be 13½ inches. Now, by taking 13½ on the blade for run, and 12 inches on the tongue for rise, and stepping along the valley rafter timber 12 times, the length of the valley will be found. The blade will give the heel cut, and the tongue the plumb cut. In Fig. 38 is shown the slope of the roof projected into the horizontal plane. By drawing a figure based on a scale of one inch to one Fig. 40. Showing How Cornice Affects Valleys In Fig. 39, is shown how to find the length and cuts of octagon hips intersecting a roof. In Fig. 36, half the plan of the octagon is shown to be inside of the plate, and the hips o, z, o intersect the slope of the roof. In Fig. 39, the lines below x y are the plan lines; and those above, the elevation. From z, o, o, in the plan, draw lines to x y, as shown from o to m and from z to m; from m and m, draw the elevation lines to the apex o, intersecting the line of the roof in d and c. From d and c, draw the lines d v and c a parallel to x y; from c, drop a line to intersect the plan line a o in c. Make a w equal in length to a o of the elevation, and connect w c; measure from w to n the full height of the octagon as shown from x y to the apex o; and connect c n. The length from w to c is that of Again, drop a line from d to intersect the plan line a z in d. Make a 2 equal to v o in the elevation, and connect 2 d. Measure from 2 to b the full height of the tower as shown from x y to the apex o in the elevation, and connect d b. The length 2 d represents the length of the hip z shown in Fig. 36; the bevel at 2 is that of the top; and the bevel at d, the one that will fit the foot of the hip to the intersecting roof. When a cornice of any considerable width runs around a roof of this kind, it affects the plates and the angle of the valleys as shown in Fig. 40. In this figure are shown the same valleys as in Fig. 36; but, owing to the width of the cornice, the foot of each has been moved the distance a b along the plate of the main roof. Why this is done is shown in the drawing to be caused by the necessity for the valleys to intersect the corners c c of the cornice. The plates are also affected as shown in Fig. 41, where the plate of the narrow roof is shown to be much higher than the plate of the main roof. The bevels shown at 3, Fig. 40, are to fit the valleys against the ridge. Fig. 41. Showing Relative Position of Plates in Roof Fig. 42. Method of Finding Bevels for Purlins In Fig. 42 is shown a very simple method of finding the bevels for purlins in equal-pitch roofs. Draw the plan of the corner as shown, and a line from m to o; measure from o the length x y, representing the common rafter, to w; from w draw a line to m; the bevel shown at 2 will fit the top face of the purlin. Again, from o, describe an arc to cut the seat of the valley, and continue same around to S; connect S m; the bevel at 3 will be the side bevel. |