Charles Hodge
Importance of the Question
Different Theories as to the Origin of the Universe, and specially of Vegetable and Animal Organisms
1. The Scriptural Theory
2. The Pantheistic Theory
3. The Epicurean Theory
4. The Doctrine of Herbert Spencer
5. Hylozoic Theory
6. Unscriptural Forms of Theism
Darwin's Theory
Natural Selection
Sense in which Darwin uses the Word Natural
The Three Elements or Darwinism
The Exclusion of Design in Nature the Formative Idea of Darwin's Theory
Proof of Darwin's Denial of Teleology, from his own Writings
Proof from the Expositions of his Theory by its avowed Advocates
Mr. Russell Wallace
Professor Huxley
Dr. BÜchner
Carl Vogt
Prof. Haeckel
Proof from the Objections urged by the Opponents of Mr. Darwin's Theory
Duke of Argyll
Professor Janet
M. Flourens
Rev. Walter Mitchell
Principal Dawson
Relation of Darwinism to Religion
Causes of the Antagonism between Science and Religion
The Evolution Theory contrary to Facts and to Scripture
Sir William Thomson on Teleology
Dr. Asa Gray
Darwinism tantamount to Atheism