A STUDY OF LAKE BASINS Freshwater and saline lakes.—Lakes require for their existence a basin within which water may be impounded, and a supply of water more than sufficient to meet the losses from seepage and evaporation. If there is a surplus beyond what is needed to meet these losses, lakes have outlets and remain fresh; their content of mineral matter is then too slight to be detected by the palate. If, on the other hand, supply is insufficient for overflow, continued evaporation results in a concentration of the mineral content of the water, subject as it is to continual augmentation from the inflowing streams. As we have seen, there are in areas of small rainfall special weathering processes which tend to bring out the salts from the interior of rock masses, these concentrated salts generally first appearing as a surface efflorescence which is ultimately transferred through the agency of wind and cloudburst to the characteristically saline desert lakes. Lake basins may be formed in many ways. Depressions of the land surface may result from tectonic movements of the crust; they may be formed by excavating processes; but in by far the greater number of instances they result from the obstruction in some manner of valleys which were before characterized by uniformly forward grades. In relatively few cases loose materials are heaped up in such a manner as to produce fairly symmetrical basins. Fig. 430.—Map and diagram to bring out the characteristics of newland lakes. Newland lakes.—On land recently elevated from the sea, basins of lakes may be merely the inherited slight irregularities of the earlier sea floor, in which case they may be assumed to be largely the result of an irregular distribution of deposits derived from the land. Lakes of this type are especially well exhibited in Florida, and are known as newland lakes (Fig. 430). Such lakes are exceptionally shallow, and are apt to have irregular outlines Fig. 431.—View of the Warner Lakes, Oregon (after Russell). Fig. 432.—Schematic diagrams to illustrate the characteristics of basin-range lakes. Basin-range lakes.—Newland lakes may be said to have their origin in an uplift of the land and sea floor near their common margin. A lake type dependent upon movements of the earth’s crust but within interior areas has been described as the basin-range type and is exemplified by the Warner Lakes of Oregon. In this Fig. 433.—Schematic diagrams of rift-valley lakes, and the rift valley of the Jordan with the Dead Sea and the Sea of Galilee as remnants of a larger lake in which their basins were included. Rift-valley lakes.—Another type of lake basin which has its origin in faulted block movements is known as the rift-valley lake, and is best exemplified by the great lakes of east Central Africa. In this type a strip of crust, many times as long as it is wide, has been relatively sunk between the blocks on either side so as to produce a deep rift, or what in Germany is known as a Graben Fig. 434.—Map showing the rift valley lakes of east Central Africa. One of the most striking examples of a rift valley lake is Lake Tanganyika, while Albert Nyanza, Nyassa, and Rudolf in the same region are similar (Fig. 434). Fig. 435.—Earthquake lakes which were formed in the flood plain of the lower Mississippi during the earthquake of 1811 (after Humphreys). Earthquake lakes.—The complex adjustments in level of the surface of the ground at the time of sensible earthquakes are many of them made apparent in no other way than by the derangements of the surface water. This is at such times impounded either in pools or in broad lakes, which inasmuch as they date from known earthquakes have been called “earthquake lakes”, even though in a strict sense any lake which has originated in earth movements might properly be regarded as an earthquake lake. To avoid unnecessary confusion, the term must, however, be restricted to those lakes which are known to have been formed at the time of definite earthquakes (Fig. 435). Reelfoot Lake in Tennessee, which in late years has acquired undesirable notoriety because of the feuds between the fishermen Crater lakes.—The craters of volcanic mountains are natural basins in which surface waters are certain to be collected, provided only the supply is sufficient and seepage into the loose materials is not excessive. Some craters, still visibly more or less active, are occupied by lakes (Fig. 436). Fig. 436.—View of lake in Poas Crater in Costa Rica, a volcanic crater more than half a mile across and with walls 800 feet deep. At intervals there is an ejection of steam mixed with mud and ash after the manner of a geyser (after H. Pittier). In the larger number of cases in which craters become occupied by lakes, the evidence of continued activity is lacking, and it would appear in such cases that the lava of the chimney had consolidated into a volcanic plug, closing the bottom of the crater. Notable groups of crater lakes are the Caldera of the Roman Campagna (Fig. 437) and the so-called maare of the Eifel about the Lower Rhine. Crater lakes are easy to recognize by their circular plan, One of the most remarkable of these water-filled basins is Crater Lake in Oregon, which has a diameter of about six miles and is believed to have resulted from the incaving of a great volcanic cone in the latest stage of its activity. This remarkable feature has now been made a national park and will soon be conveniently reached by tourists and counted one of the greatest nature wonders of the Pacific slope. Fig. 437.—Diagrams to illustrate the characteristics of crater lakes. The Roman Campagna is a plain formed of volcanic ash, with the crater lakes of Bracciano, Vico, and Bolseno arranged on a line traversing it. CoulÉe lakes.—Far more important as lakes are those volcanic basins which arise from the flow of a stream of lava across the valley of a river so as to impound its waters (Fig. 438). At the time of the great eruption under SkaptÁr JÖkull in 1783 the river SkaptÁr and many of its tributaries were blocked by the flow of lava, which it is estimated exceeded in bulk the mass of Mont Blanc. Fig. 438.—View of Snag Lake, a coulÉe lake with lava dam shown in middle distance (after Fairbanks). Morainal lakes.—As we have learned, the obstruction of drainage, due to the distribution of rock dÉbris by continental glaciers, has yielded lakes in almost countless numbers. Probably ninety per cent or more of the known lakes have had this origin, and the Fig. 439.—Diagrams to illustrate the characteristics of morainal lakes, and a sample map of such lakes from the glaciated region of North America. Pit lakes.—The so-called pit lakes have their origin in continental glaciation, and are found in groups within broad plains of glacial outwash (mainly sand and gravel), which are for this reason described as “pitted plains” (see p. 314). Those areas which lay between neighboring lobes of the ice sheet were subject to particularly heavy deposits of outwash material, and are, in consequence, particularly likely to be occupied by pit lakes. As has been pointed out in an earlier section, the water derived from surface melting within the marginal portions of a continental glacier descends to the bottom in the crevasses and thereafter flows in an ice tunnel under the same conditions as water flowing in a pipe. Having in most cases a considerable head at the outer margin of the ice, this water may rise and issue well above the lower ice layers and so cover a portion of the ice margin beneath sand Fig. 440.—Diagram to show the manner of formation of pit lakes. Pit lakes are thus easily recognized by their occurrence usually in groups within a plain of glacial outwash and by their characteristic banks inclined at the angle of repose of such materials (Fig. 441). Fig. 441.—Diagrams to illustrate the characteristics of pit lakes and a sample map from the glaciated region of North America. Glint or colk lakes.—It has been found to be true of existing continental glaciers that where their mass has been held back by a mountain wall, their current at the portals within this rampart becomes greatly accelerated. Though the upper layers of the Fig. 442.—Diagram to show the manner of formation of glint or outlet lakes where the continental glacier of Scandinavia issued from the Baltic depression through portals in its mountain rampart. Fig. 443.—Map showing a series of glint lakes which lie across the international boundary of Sweden and Norway. Ice-dam lakes.—Whenever a continental glacier, either in advancing its front or in retiring, lies across the lines of drainage upon their downstream side, water is impounded along the ice front so as to form ice-dam lakes. Such lakes are found to-day in Greenland and in the southern Andes, and similar bodies of water of far greater size and importance came into existence in Pleistocene times each time that the continental glaciers of northern North America and Europe advanced upon or retired from suitably directed river systems. Thus above the Baltic depression, when the ice front lay to the eastward of the main watershed, each easterly sloping valley was obstructed by the ice and occupied by an ice-dam lake (Fig. 444), the beaches of which may all be traced to-day (Fig. 445). Fig. 444.—Ice-dam lakes (in black) between the front of the late Pleistocene glacier of northern Europe and the divide near the Norwegian boundary (after G. de Geer). One side of each ice-dam lake is formed by an ice cliff at the glacier front, and if the region is relatively flat, the remaining shores are likely to be formed by a marginal moraine which the glacier has abandoned in its retreat. In their smaller stages, therefore, ice-dam lakes on prairie country have the form of a crescent, which is the more pronounced because the waves by their attack upon the ice front flatten the curvature of its outline (see Fig. 360, p. 330). The life of an ice-dam lake is begun and ended in important changes of glacier outline, and after the draining of lakes by this process the land shores may be traced in beaches, and the ice margin by a water-laid moraine of low relief (Fig. 359, p. 330). A much smaller but in many respects similar ice-dam lake is to-day to be seen at the side of the Great Aletsch glacier, a mountain glacier of Switzerland. The traveler who makes the easy ascent of the Eggishorn may look directly down upon this crescent-shaped lake with its ice cliff on the glacier side (see Fig. 446). Fig. 445.—Wave-cut terrace at an elevation of 177.5 meters above sea on the southern slope of the northern Dala valley north of Baggedalen in Sweden. To the right in the foreground is a peat bog (after Munthe). Fig. 446.—View of the MÁrjelen Lake at the side of the Great Aletsch glacier, seen looking directly down from the summit of the Eggishorn (after a photograph by I. D. Scott). Glacier lobe lakes.—Upon the sites of the former lobes of the Pleistocene glacier of North America are found the basins of the Laurentian River system, the largest freshwater lakes in the world. There has been much controversy concerning the manner of formation of these lakes, but the view which has seemed to have the largest following is that they were excavated by the eroding action of the continental glacier over the drainage basins of former rivers. It is but one phase of the long controversy between opposing schools, which have advocated on the one hand the efficiency of glacier ice as an eroding agent, and upon the other its supposed protection from the weathering processes. The positions and the outlines of the several lakes of the series sufficiently proclaim their connection with the former glacial lobes, and the name which we have adopted leaves the exact manner of their formation a still Fig. 447.—Diagrams to illustrate the arrangement and the characters of rock-basin lakes, together with a map of such lakes from the Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming. Rock-basin lakes.—The reversed grades which develop in a valley deepened by mountain glaciers—the back-tilted treads of the cascade stairway (see p. 376)—furnish a series of basins hollowed in rock which are strung along the course of the valley like pearls upon a thread, or, far better, like the larger beads in a rosary (Fig. 447). This characteristic arrangement accounts for the name “Paternoster Lakes” which has sometimes been applied to them in Europe. Their positions in series within U-shaped mountain valleys, and their rock shores with characteristically Fig. 448.—Convict Lake, a lake behind a moraine dam within a glaciated valley of the Sierra Nevadas, California (after a photograph by Fairbanks). Valley moraine lakes.—The recessional moraines which mark the halting stations of mountain glaciers, while retiring up their valleys, form dams in the later river and so produce a type of lake which is in contrast with the morainal lakes which result from continental glaciation. They may, therefore, be distinguished by the name valley moraine lakes. Their positions on the bed of a U-shaped mountain valley, and the glacial materials which compose the dams, are sufficient for their identification (Fig. 448). Moraine Lake and Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies are typical examples. Rock basin and valley moraine lakes may occur in alternation or combined in mountain valleys. Fig. 449.—Lake basins produced by successive slides from the steep walls of a glaciated mountain valley (after Russell). Landslide lakes.—The sheer-walled valleys which are carved by mountain glaciers are too steep to long retain their perpendicularity when the support of the glacier has been removed. Aided by the ever present joint planes, which admit water to the rock, they succumb to frost action, and further give way in avalanches whenever the rock is of sufficiently porous material to become saturated with water. Landslides sometimes occur successively until the original valley wall has been replaced by a terraced slope. The treads of the steps in this terrace have generally a backward-sloping grade, so that basins are formed to be filled by relatively long and narrow lakes or by successions of small pools (Fig. 449 and plate 23 B). Fig. 450.—Lake Garda, a border lake upon the site of a piedmont apron at the margin of the Alpine highland (after Penck and BrÜckner). When the avalanched material is so disposed as to dam the valley, much larger lakes of this type come into existence. During an earthquake which occurred on January 25, 1348, there was a landslide within the valley of the Gail, Carinthia, which destroyed seventeen villages and produced a lake which even to-day is represented by a great marsh. Border lakes.—Whenever mountain glaciers push out their fronts beyond the borders of the mountain range by which they are nourished, they spread upon the foreland in broad aprons about which morainic accumulations are particularly heavy. This elevation of morainal walls about the margins of the aprons yields natural basins that are occupied by lakes so soon as the glacier retires its front within the valley. Because such lakes are found at the borders of upland districts they have been called border lakes. The beautiful Lakes Constance, Lucerne, Maggiore, Lugano, Como, and Garda (Fig. 450), on the borders of the Alpine highland, are all of this type. Plate 23. A. View of the American Fall at Niagara, showing the accumulation of rocks beneath (after Grabau). B. Crystal Lake, a landslide lake in Colorado. Ox-bow lakes.—The cutting off of a meander within the flood plain of a river yields a lake which is of horseshoe (ox-bow) outline and lies generally with low banks within a plain composed of river silt. Before separating from the parent stream the meander had begun to silt up, especially at the ends. Ox-bow lakes are, however, relatively deep near the convex shore and correspondingly shallow toward the concave margin (Fig. 451). Fig. 451.—Diagrams to bring out the characteristics of ox-bow lakes, together with a map of such lakes from the flood plain of the Arkansas River. Fig. 452.—Diagrammatic section to illustrate the formation of saucer-like basins between the levees of streams flowing in a flood plain. Saucer lakes.—As we have learned, a river meandering in its flood plain has banks which are higher than the average level of the plain, for the reason that at flood time the main current of the stream still persists in the channel, thus allowing the burden of sediment to be dropped in the relatively slack water upon its margin. Because of these natural embankments or levees, tributary streams are often compelled to flow long distances in nearly parallel direction before effecting a junction. Between the trunk stream and its tributaries, likewise bounded by levees, and between streams and the valley walls, there thus exist low basins which are more or less saucer-shaped (Fig. 452). At flood time, when the levees are overflowed or crevassed, water enters these depressions, and an additional supply may be derived from the walls of the valley. Good illustrations of such lakes are furnished Fig. 453.—Saucer lakes upon the bed of the former river Warren (from the Minneapolis sheet, U. S. G. S.). Crescentic levee lakes.—As we approach the delta of a river, the size and importance of the levee increases, and here a new type of levee lake may develop in series (Fig. 454). At flood time the levee is breached near the point of sharpest curvature on the convex side (Fig. 454 a). When the waters are subsiding, the current is kept away from the old channel by the rising grade of the levee as well as by the inertia of the current, and an entrance to the old channel is first found below the next change in curvature of the meander, since here scour becomes effective in cutting through the levee. The new channel is thus established in the form of a loop inclosing the old one, and the process of levee building now erects a wall about the territory newly acquired by the meander. This territory has the form of a crescent, and when occupied by water produces a crescentic levee lake often joined to its neighbors in series. The abandoned channel now closed at both ends by levees may be occupied by water to produce a subordinate ribbon type of curving trench (Fig. 454 b, c). The importance of levees in obstructing drainage to form lakes is only beginning to be appreciated. It has quite recently been shown that when trunk streams are greatly swollen and burdened with sediment while flowing from a receding continental glacier, they may build such high levees as to aggrade their tributary streams above the junctions, even producing reversed grades and so impounding the waters to form extensive lakes. During the “ice age” lakes of this type were formed in Illinois and Kentucky Fig. 454.—Levee lakes developed concentrically in series within meanders of a stream tributary to the Mississippi and flowing upon its delta plain. b and c are examples of the ribbon type of levee lake due to occupation of the abandoned river channel. The larger number of lakes, of which Sip Lake and Texas Lake are examples, have the form of crescents and lie between abandoned levees (from recent map of U. S. G. S.). Raft lakes.—Within humid regions the flood plains of our larger rivers are generally forested, and as the river swings from side to Fig. 455.—Raft lakes along the banks of the Red River in Arkansas and Louisiana at their fullest recorded development (after A. C. Veatch, U. S. G. S.). In the lower Red River a great raft of alternating jams and open water reached a length of about one hundred and sixty miles and moved up the river at the average rate of something less than a mile per year. Within the limits of the dam all tributary streams were blocked, so that secondary lakes were formed in a double fringe about the main river (Fig. 455). The great raft which formed here in the latter part of the fifteenth century has now at the beginning of the twentieth been largely removed and measures have been adopted to prevent its re-formation. Fig. 456.—The Swiss lakes Thun and Brienz, formed by deltas at the junction of streams tributary to a steep-walled valley. Side-delta lakes.—It is characteristic of river drainage that the tributary streams enter the main valley on steeper gradients than the trunk stream at the point of junction. Wherever the Fig. 457.—Delta lakes formed at the mouth of the Mississippi through the junction of the levees of radiating distributaries with the shore of the estuary (after Berghaus). Delta lakes.—A somewhat different type of delta lake has been formed in Louisiana, where the “father of waters” discharges into the gulf. Here the various distributaries radiate from the main channel to produce the “bird-foot” delta type and the toes in this foot by their junction with the banks which outline the ancient estuary, have separated in succession a series of basins that before were in direct connection with the sea (Fig. 457). Lake Pontchartrain is the largest of this series, while the so-called Lake Borgne is in process of separation. Where large deltas push out from the shore into the open sea, the levees which border the individual distributaries are attacked Fig. 458.—A type of delta lakes formed by levees in part destroyed and built into barriers on the margin of the delta of the Nile (after Supan). A type of delta lake, which more resembles the side-delta lake above described, has formed at the mouth of the Colorado River, where it enters the Gulf of Lower California. The Imperial Valley lying to the north of this delta is the desiccated floor of the earlier Gulf of Lower California which has been captured from the sea by the delta of the Colorado. The rampart of mountains, by which this valley is surrounded, has cut it off from any water supply derived from clouds, and its waters being no longer renewed from the sea, the region has passed through a period of desiccation which has left the Salton Sink as the only existing remnant of the earlier lagoon. It will be remembered that careless operations in diverting distributaries of the Colorado recently reversed this process so that the waters rose in the valley, and expensive emergency operations were necessary in order to again turn the waters of the Colorado into their accustomed channels. Fig. 459.—Diagrams to illustrate the characteristics of barrier lakes, with an example from the southern coast of the Island of Nantucket. Barrier lakes.—The Salton Sink illustrates a type of lake which is formed at the border of the sea through the erection of Fig. 460.—Dune lakes on the coast of France (after Berghaus). Dune lakes.—Within the narrow strips of shore in which all the fine soil that could be available for plant life has been washed away by the waves, beach sand is exposed to the direct action of the winds. In time of storm the sand is picked up and after drifting in the wind is collected in long ridges parallel to the shore. Constantly traveling along shore, these dunes block the mouths of rivers and thus produce a series of lakes such as are indicated in Fig. 460. Sink lakes.—Another class of lakes are due either directly or indirectly to the work of underground waters. In districts which are underlain by limestone, the surface water descending Fig. 461.—Sink lakes in Florida, with a schematic diagram to illustrate the manner of their formation (map from U. S. G. S.). Karst lakes—poljen.—In the limestone country to the north and east of the Adriatic Sea—the so-called Karst region—there are many interesting features which are directly traceable to the solution of the country rock. Here all the surface water descends in certain districts along the widened joint planes so that the drainage is largely subterranean. The so-called dolines or sinks of very regular and symmetrical forms resembling deep bowls cover a large part of the surface. The entire country is, moreover, faulted in the most intricate fashion into many rift valleys. The drainage being so largely subterranean, these downthrown blocks of crust, the so-called poljen, become flooded at certain seasons of the year when the subterranean passages become choked or are too small to carry away all the water. A seasonal lake of this character is the Zirknitz Lake (p. 189). Playa lakes.—It is the law of the desert that the arid region be walled in by mountains. This encircling rampart forces the clouds to rise, and by robbing them of their moisture leaves the desert dry and barren. Those waters which fall upon the inner margin of the ranges drain toward the interior of this pan-like depression and are not returned to the sea—the desert is without an outlet. Infrequent though they be, the desert rains are of the cloudburst type and in the hills develop torrents whose waters, emerging upon the desert floor, develop lakes in the space of a few minutes or at most hours. In the hot and dry atmosphere the waters of these shallow basins may be sucked up in the space of a few hours but reappear in the same basins at the time of the Salines.—Desert lakes more favored in their supply of water may be relatively long lived and persist for periods measured in years or centuries. Such lakes are, however, extremely sensitive to climatic changes (see p. 198). For the reason that they have no outlet the waters of desert lakes become salt through continued evaporation. They are, therefore, spoken of as salines. Lake Bonneville, so long as it discharged its waters over the sill of the Red Rock Pass, must have remained fresh; but when the level of its waters had fallen below this outlet, its waters became salt and the content increased as the volume diminished. The shallow basins upon the floors of desert lakes may have come into existence in various ways; but it would appear that the irregular removal of the soil by the winds, modified as this is by differences in composition of the rock materials and by vegetable growth, and the deposition of sand by the same agent, are by far the most important. Many of the types of tectonic and volcanic lakes which have been described are characteristic of humid and arid regions alike. Alluvial-dam lakes.—Within the mountains upon the desert borders, the alluvial fans which form at the mouths of valleys, because of the characteristic cloudburst, sometimes obstruct a main valley at the junction with its tributaries. By this process the waters of the main river are impounded in essentially the same manner as are the rivers of humid regions by the deltas of their tributaries. RÉsumÉ.—The types of lakes which we have now considered are arranged below in tabular form so as to show their relationship to important geological processes. While not complete, the list includes the more important classes, as well as others which, while not of common occurrence, are yet of interest in giving further illustration to the processes which have been treated in earlier chapters. By giving careful attention to criteria which have been above suggested, it should be possible in the greater number of instances at least to determine whether any lake which is visited has had its origin in one or another of the processes described. CLASSIFICATION OF LAKES
Reading References for Chapter XXIX General:— I. C. Russell. Lakes of North America. Boston, 1895, pp. 125, pls. 23. A. P. Brigham. Lakes, A Study for Teachers, Jour. Sch. Geogr., vol. 1, 1897, pp. 65-72. N. M. Fenneman. The Lakes of Southeastern Wisconsin, Bul. 8, Wis. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv., 1902 (Rev. Ed., 1910), pp. 188, pls. 37. A. Delebecque. Les Lacs FranÇais (with Atlas). Paris, 1898. (Work crowned by the Society of Geology of Paris.) H. R. Mill. Bathymetrical Survey of the English Lakes, Geogr. Jour., vol. 6, 1895, pp. 46-73, 135-166. A. Supan. GrundzÜge der Physischen Erdkunde. Leipzig, 1896, pp. 531-548. H. Berghaus. Atlas der Hydrographie. Gotha, 1891, pl. 3. R. D. Salisbury. Physiography. 1907, pp. 292-327. Charles Rabot. Revue de limnologie, La GÉographie, Vol. 4, 1901, pp. 110-119, 172, 189. I. C. Russell. A Geological Reconnaissance in Southern Oregon, 4th Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1884, pp. 442-447. (Basin range lakes.) Ed. Suess. The Face of the Earth, vol. 4, 1909, pp. 268-286. (Rift valley lakes.) J. S. Diller. Crater Lake, Nat. Geogr. Mag., vol. 8, 1897, pp. 33-48, pl. 1; Geology of Lassen Peak Quadrangle, California, Geol. Fol. 15, U. S. Geol. Surv., 1895. (CoulÉe lakes.) N. M. Fenneman. Lakes of Southeastern Wisconsin, l.c., pp. 4-6. (Pit lakes.) Ed. Suess. The Face of the Earth, vol. 2, 1906, pp. 340-346, pl. 7. (Glint lakes.) I. C. Russell. A Preliminary Paper on the Geology of the Cascade Mountains in Northern Washington, 20th Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv. Pt. ii, 1900, pl. 14. (View of a rock-basin lake.) E. W. Shaw. Preliminary Statement concerning a New System of Quaternary Lakes in the Mississippi Basin, Jour. Geol., 1911, pp. 481-491. (New type of levee lakes.) A. C. Veatch. Formation and Destruction of the Lakes of the Red River Valley, Prof. Pap. No. 46, U. S. Geol. Surv., pp. 60-62, pls. 29-33. (Raft lakes.) M. Neumeyer. Erdgeschichte, vol. 1, pp. 595-596. (Poljen.) |