THE RISE OF MOLTEN ROCK TO THE EARTH’S SURFACE VOLCANIC MOUNTAINS OF EJECTED MATERIALS The mechanics of crater explosions.—If we now turn from the lava volcano to the active cinder cone, we encounter an entire change of scene. In place of the quiet flow and convulsive movements of the molten lava, we here meet with repeated explosions of greater or less violence. If we are to profitably study the manner of the explosions, considering the volcanic vent as a great experimental apparatus, it would be well to select for our purpose a volcano which is in a not too violent mood. The well-known cinder cone of Stromboli in the Eolian group of islands north of Sicily has, with short and unimportant interruptions, remained in a state of light explosive activity since the beginning of the Christian era. Rising as it does some three thousand feet directly out of the Mediterranean, and displaying by day a white steam cap and an intermittent glow by night, its summit can be seen for a distance of a hundred miles at sea and it has justly been called the “Lighthouse of the Mediterranean.” The “flash” interval of this beacon may vary from one to twenty minutes, and it may show, furthermore, considerable variation of intensity. For the reason that the crater of the mountain is located at one side and at a considerable distance below the actual summit, the opportunity here afforded of looking into the crater is most favorable whenever the direction of the wind is such as to push aside the overhanging steam cloud (Fig. 111). Long ago the Italian vulcanologist Spallanzani undertook to make observations from above the crater, and many others since his day have profited by his example. Within the crater of the volcano there is seen a lava surface lightly frozen over and traversed by many cracks from which vapor jets are issuing. Here, as in the Kilauea crater, there are open pools of boiling lava. From some of these, lava is seen Fig. 111.—The volcano of Stromboli, showing the excentric position of the crater (after a sketch by Judd). What is going on within the crater of Stromboli we may perhaps best illustrate by the boiling of a stiff porridge over a hot fire. Any one who has made corn mush over a hot camp fire is fully aware that in proportion as the mush becomes thicker by the addition of the meal, it is necessary to stir the mass with redoubled vigor if anything is to be retained within the kettle. The thickening of the mush increases its viscosity to such an extent that the steam which is generated within it is unable to make its escape unless aided by openings continually made for it by the stirring spoon. If the stirring motion be stopped for a moment, the steam expands to form great bubbles which soon eject the pasty mass from the kettle. For the crater of Stromboli this process is illustrated by the series of diagrams in Fig. 112. As the lava rises toward the surface, presumably as a result of convectional currents within the chimney of the volcano, the contained steam is relieved from Fig. 112.—Diagrams to illustrate the nature of eruptions within the crater of Stromboli. Grander volcanic eruptions of cinder cones.—Most cinder and composite cones, in the intervals between their grander eruptions, if not entirely quiescent, lapse into a period, of light activity during which their crater eruptions appear to be in all essential respects like the habitual explosions within the Strombolian crater. This phase of activity is, therefore, described as Strombolian. By contrast, the occasional grander eruptions which have punctuated the history of all larger volcanoes are described in the language of Mercalli as Vulcanian eruptions, from the best studied example. Just what it is that at intervals brings on the grander Vulcanian outburst within a volcano is not known with certainty; but it is important to note that there is an approach to periodicity Fig. 113.—Map of Volcano in the Eolian group of islands. The smaller craters partially dissected by the waves belong to Vulcanello (after Judd). The eruption of Volcano in 1888.—In the Eolian Islands to the north of Sicily was located the mythical forge of Vulcan. From this locality has come our word “volcano”, and both the island and the mountain bear no other name to-day (Fig. 113). There is in the structure of the island the record of a somewhat complex volcanic history, but the form of the large central cinder cone was, according to Scrope, acquired during the eruption of 1786, at which time the crater is reported to have vomited ash for a period of fifteen days. Passing after this eruption into the solfatara condition, with the exception of a light eruption in 1873, the volcano remained quiet until 1886. So active had been the fumeroles within the crater during the latter part of this period that an extensive plant had been established there for the collection especially of boracic acid. In 1886 occurred a slight eruption, sufficient to clear out the bottom of the crater, though not seriously to disturb the English planter whose vineyards and fig orchards were in the valley or atrio near the point d upon the map (Fig. 113), nearly a mile from the crater rim. On the 3d of August, 1888, came the opening discharge of an eruption, which, while not of the first order of magnitude, was yet the greatest in more than a century of the mountain’s history, and may serve us to illustrate the Vulcanian phase of activity within a cinder cone. During the day, to the accompaniment of explosions of considerable violence, projectiles fell outside the crater rim and rolled down the steep slopes toward the atrio. These explosions were repeated at intervals of from twenty to thirty minutes, each Fig. 114.—“Bread-crust” lava projectile from the eruption of Volcano in 1888 (after Mercalli). When the writer visited the island some months later, the eruption was still so vigorous that the crater could not be reached. The ruined villa, smashed and charred, stood with its walls half buried in ash and lapilli, among which were partly smashed pumiceous lava projectiles. The entire atrio about the mountain lay buried in cinder to the depth of several feet and was strewn with projectiles which varied in size from a man’s fist to several feet in diameter (Fig. 114). The larger of these exhibited the peculiar “bread-crust” surface and had generally been smashed by the force of their fall after the manner of a pumpkin which has been thrown hard against the ground. One of these projectiles fully three feet in diameter was found at the distance of a mile and a half from the crater. Though diminished considerably in intensity, the rhythmic explosions within the crater still recurred at intervals varying from four minutes to half an hour, and were accompanied by a dull roar easily heard at Lipari on a neighboring island six miles away. Simultaneously, a dark cloud of “smoke”, the peculiar “cauliflower cloud” or pino mounted for a couple of miles above the crater (Fig. 115), and the rise was succeeded by a rain of small lava fragments or lapilli outside the crater rim. Fig. 115.—Peculiar “cauliflower cloud” or pino composed of steam and ash, rising above the cinder cone of Volcano during the waning phases of the explosive eruption of 1888 (after a photograph by B. Hobson). There seems to be no good reason to doubt that Vulcanian cinder eruptions of this type differ chiefly in magnitude from the rhythmic explosion within the crater of Stromboli, if we except the elevation of a considerable quantity of accessory and older tuff which is derived from the inner walls of the crater and carried upward into the air together with the pasty cakes of fresh lava derived from the chimney. It is this accessory material which gives to the pino its dark or even black appearance. Fig. 116.—Double explosive eruption of Taal volcano on the morning of January 30, 1911. The eruption of Taal volcano on January 30, 1911.—The recent eruption of the cinder cone known as Taal volcano is of interest, not only because so fresh in mind, but because two neighboring vents erupted simultaneously with explosions of nearly equal violence (Fig. 116). This Philippine volcano lies near the center of a lake some fifteen miles in diameter and about fifty miles south of the city of Manila. After a period of rest extending over one hundred and fifty years, the symptoms of the coming eruption developed rapidly, and on the morning of January 30 grand explosions of steam and ash occurred simultaneously in the neighboring craters, and the condensed moisture brought Fig. 117.—The thick mud veneer upon the island of Taal (after a photograph by Deniston). Fig. 118.—A pear-shaped lava projectile. The shocks which accompanied the explosions raised a great wave upon the surface of the lake, which, advancing upon the shores, washed away structures for a distance of nearly a half mile. The materials and the structure of cinder cones.—Obviously the materials which compose cinder cones are the cooled lava fragments of various degrees of coarseness which have been ejected from the crater. If larger than a finger joint, such fragments are referred to as volcanic projectiles, or, incorrectly, as “volcanic bombs.” Of the larger masses it is often true that the force of expulsion has not been applied opposite the center of mass of the body. Thus it follows that they undergo complex whirling motions during their flight, and being still semiliquid, they develop curious pear-shaped or less regular forms (Fig. 118). When crystals have already separated Fig. 119.—Artificial production of the structure of a cinder cone with use of colored sands carried up in alternation by a current of air (after G. Linck). The term lapilli, or sometimes rapilli, is applied to the ejected lava fragments when of the average size of a finger joint. This is the material which still partially covers the unexhumed portions of the city of Pompeii. Volcanic sand, ash, and dust are terms applied in order to increasingly fine particles of the ejected lava. The finest material, the volcanic dust, is often carried for hundreds and sometimes even for thousands of miles from the crater in the high-level currents of the atmosphere. Inasmuch as this material is deposited far from the crater and in layers more or less horizontal, such material plays a small rÔle in the formation of the cinder cone. The coarser sands and ash, on the other hand, are the materials from which the cinder cone is largely constructed. The manner of formation and the structure of cinder cones may be illustrated by use of a simple laboratory apparatus (Fig. 119). Through an opening in a board, first white and then colored sand is sent up in a light current of air or gas supplied from suitable apparatus. The alternating layers of the sand form in the attitudes shown; that is to say, dipping inward or Fig. 120.—Diagram to show the contrast between a lava dome and a cinder cone. AAA, cinder cone; BabC, lava dome; DE, line of low cinder cones above a fissure (after Thoroddsen). The profile lines of cinder cones.—The shapes of cinder cones are notably different from those of lava mountains. While the latter are domes, the mountains constructed of cinder are conical and have curves of profile that are concave upward instead of convex (Fig. 120). In the earlier stages of its growth the cinder cone has a crater which in proportion to the height of the mountain is relatively broad (Fig. 99, p. 104). Fig. 121.—Mayon volcano on the island of Luzon, P.I. A remarkably perfect high cinder cone. Speaking broadly, the diameter of the crater is a measure of the violence of the explosions within the chimney. A single series of short and violent explosive eruptions builds a low and broad cinder cone. A long-continued succession of moderately violent explosions, on the other hand, builds a high cone with crater diameter small if compared with the mountain’s altitude, and the profile afforded is a remarkably beautiful sweeping curve (Fig. 121). Toward the summit of such a cone the loose materials of which it is composed are at as steep an angle as they can lie, the so-called angle of repose of the material; whereas lower down the flatter slopes have been determined by the distribution of the cinder during its fall from the air. When one Fig. 122.—A series of breached cinder cones where the place of eruption has migrated along the underlying fissure. The Puys Noir, Solas, and La Vache in the Mont Dore Province of central France (after Scrope). The composite cone.—The life histories of volcanoes are generally so varied that lava domes and the pure types of cinder cones are less common than volcanoes in which paroxysmal eruptions have alternated with explosions, and where, therefore, the structure of the mountain represents a composite of lava and cinder. Such composite cones possess a skeleton of solid rock upon which have been built up alternate sloping layers of cinder and lava. In most respects such cones stand in an intermediate position between lava domes and cinder cones. Fig. 123.—The bocca or mouth upon the inner cone of Mount Vesuvius from which flowed the lava stream of 1872. This lava stream appears in the foreground with its characteristic “ropy” surface. Regarded as a retaining wall for the lava which mounts in the chimney, the cinder cone is obviously the weakest of all. Should lava rise in a cinder cone without an explosion occurring, the cone is at once broken through upon one side by the outwelling of the lava near the base. Thus arises the characteristic breached cone of horseshoe form (Fig. 122). Fig. 124.—A row of parasitic cones raised above a fissure which was opened upon the flanks of Mount Etna during the eruption of 1892 (after De Lorenzo). Quite in contrast with the weak cinder cone is the lava dome with its rock walls and relatively flat slopes. Considered as a retaining wall for lava it is much the strongest type of volcanic mountain, and it is likely that the hydrostatic pressure of the lava within the crater would seldom suffice to rupture the walls, were it not From one or more such fissures the lava issues usually with sufficient violence at the place of outflow to build up over it either an enlarged type of driblet cone, referred to as a “mouth”, or bocca Fig. 125.—View looking toward the summit of Etna from a position upon the southern flank near the village of Nicolosi. The two breached parasitic cones seen behind this village are the Monti Rossi which were thrown up in 1669 and from which flowed the lava which overran Catania (after a photograph by Sommer). It is generally the case that a single eruption makes but a relatively small contribution to the bulk of the mountain. From each new cone or bocca there proceeds a stream of lava spread in a relatively narrow stream extending down the slopes (Fig. 126). Fig. 126.—Sketch map of Etna, showing the individual surface lava streams (in black) and the tuff covered surface (stippled). The caldera of composite cones.—Because of the varied episodes in the history of composite cones, they lack the regular lines characteristic of the two simpler types. The larger number of the more important composite cones have been built up within an outer crater of relatively large diameter, the Somma cone or caldera, which surrounds them like a gigantic ruff or collar. This caldera is clearly in most cases at least the relic of an earlier explosive crater, after which successive eruptions of lesser violence have built a more sharply conical structure. This can only be interpreted to mean that most larger and long-active volcanoes have been born in the grandest throes of their life history, and that a larger or smaller lateral migration of the vent has been responsible for the partial destruction of the explosion crater. Upon Vesuvius Fig. 127.—Panum crater, showing the caldera and the later interior cones (after Russell). The eruption of Vesuvius in 1906.—The volcano Vesuvius rises on the shores of the beautiful bay of Naples only about ten miles distant from the city of Naples. The mountain consists of the remnant of an earlier broad-mouthed explosion crater, the Monte Somma, and an inner, more conical elevation, the Monte Vesuvio. Before the eruption of 1906 this central cone was sharply conical and rose to a height of about 4300 feet above the surface of the bay, or above the highest point of the ancient caldera. The base of this inner cone is at an elevation of something less than half that of the entire mass, and is separated from the encircling ring wall of the old crater by the atrio, to which corresponds in height a perceptible shelf or piano upon the slope toward the bay of Naples (Fig. 128). Fig. 128.—View of Mount Vesuvius as it appeared from the Bay of Naples shortly before the eruption of 1906. The horn to the left is Monte Somma. An active composite cone like that of Vesuvius is for the greater part of the time in the Strombolian condition; that is to say, light crater explosions continue with varying intensity and interval, except when the mountain has been excited to the periodic Vulcanian outbreaks with which its history has been punctuated. The Strombolian explosions have sufficient violence to eject small fragments of hot lava, which, falling about the crater, slowly built up a rather sharp cone. The period of Strombolian activity has, therefore, been called the cone-producing period. Just before each new outbreak of the Vulcanian type, the altitude of the mountain has, therefore, reached a maximum, and since the larger explosive eruptions remove portions of this cone at the same time that Fig. 129.—A series of consecutive sketches of the summit of the Vesuvian cone, showing the modifications in its outline (after Sir William Hamilton). On several historical occasions the cone of Vesuvius has been lowered by several hundred feet, the greatest of relatively recent truncations having occurred in 1822 and in 1906. Between Vulcanian eruptions the Strombolian activity is by no means uniform, and so the upward growth of the cone is subject to lesser interruptions and truncations (Fig. 129). The Vesuvian eruption of 1906 has been selected as a type of the larger Vulcanian eruption of composite cones, because it combined the explosive and paroxysmal elements, and because it has been observed and studied with greater thoroughness than any other. The latest previous eruption of the Vulcanian order had occurred in 1872. Some two years later the period of active cone building began and proceeded with such rapidity that by 1880 the new cone began to appear above the rim of the crater of 1872. From this time on occasional light eruptions interrupted the upbuilding process, and as the repairs were not in all cases completed before a new interruption, a nest of cones, each smaller than the last, arose in series like the outdrawn sections of an old-time spyglass. At one time no less than five concentric craters were to be seen. For a brief period in the fall of 1904 Vesuvius had been in almost absolute repose, but soon thereafter the Strombolian crater explosions Fig. 130.—Night view of Vesuvius from Naples before the outbreak of 1906. A small lava stream is seen descending from a high point upon the central cone (after Mercalli). On the morning of April 4, a preliminary stage of the eruption was inaugurated by the opening of a new radial fissure about 500 Fig. 131.—Scoriaceous lava encroaching upon the tracks of the Vesuvian railway (after a photograph by Sommer). Fig. 132.—Map of Vesuvius, showing the position and order of formation of the lava mouths upon its flanks during the eruption of 1906 (after Johnston-Lavis). The culmination of the eruption came in the evening of April 7, when, to the accompaniment of light earthquakes felt as far as Naples, lava issued for the first time in great volume from a mouth more than halfway down the mountain side (Fig. 132 f), and thus began the drainage of the chimney. At about the same time with loud detonations a huge black cloud rose above the crater in connection with heavy explosions, and a rain of cinder was general in the region about the mountain but especially within the northeast quadrant. Those who were so fortunate as to be in Pompeii had a clear view of the mountain’s summit where red hot masses of lava were thrown far into the air. The direction of these projections was reported to have been not directly upward, but inclined toward the northeast quadrant of the mountain; but since with a northeast surface wind the heaviest deposit of ash and dust should have been upon the southwestern quadrant of the mountain, it is evident that the material was carried upward until it reached the contrary upper currents of the atmosphere, to be by them distributed. Fig. 133.—The ash curtain which had overhung Vesuvius lifting and disclosing the outlines of the mountain on April 10, 1911 (after De Lorenzo). Fig. 134.—The central cone of Vesuvius as it appeared after the eruption of 1906, but with the earlier profile indicated. The truncation represents a lowering of the summit by some five hundred feet, with corresponding increase in the diameter of the crater (after Johnston-Lavis). When the heavy curtain of ash, which now for a number of succeeding days overhung all the circum-Vesuvian country, began to lift (Fig. 133), it was seen that the summit of the cone had been truncated an average of some 500 feet (Fig. 134). All the slopes and much of the surrounding country had the aspect of being buried beneath a cocoa-colored snow of a depth to the northeastward of several feet, where it had drifted into all the hollow ways so as almost to efface them (Fig. 135). More than thrice as heavy as water, the weak roof timbers of the houses at the base of the mountain gave way beneath the added load upon them, thus making many victims. Inasmuch, however, as the ash-fall partakes of the same general characters as in eruptions from cinder cones, we may here give our attention especially to the streams of Fig. 135.—A sunken road filled with indrifted cocoa-colored ash from the Vesuvian eruption of 1906. Fig. 136.—View of Vesuvius taken from the southwest during the waning stages of the eruption of 1906. In the middle distance may be discerned the several lava mouths aligned upon a fissure, and the courses of the streams which descend from them. In the foreground is the main lava stream with scoriaceous surface (after W. Prinz). ———— The main lava stream descended the first steep slopes with the velocity of a mile in twenty-five minutes, about the strolling speed of a pedestrian, but this rate was gradually reduced as the stream advanced farther from the mouth. Taking advantage of each depression of the surface, the black stream advanced slowly but relentlessly toward the cities at the southwest base of the mountain. With a motion not unlike that of a heap of coal falling over itself down a slope, the block lava Fig. 137.—The main lava stream of 1906 advancing upon the village of Boscotrecase. Fig. 138.—An Italian pine snapped off by the lava and carried forward upon its surface as a passenger (after Haug). ———— The beautiful pines are merely charred where snapped off and are carried forward upon the surface of the stream (Fig. 138). When a real obstruction, such as a bridge or a villa, is encountered, the stream is at first halted, but the rear crowding upon the van, unless a passage is found at the side, the lava front rises higher and higher until by its weight the obstruction is forced to give way (Figs. 139 and 140). Fig. 139.—Lava front both pushing over and running around a wall which lies athwart its course (after Johnston-Lavis). Fig. 140.—One of the villas in Boscotrecase which was ruined by the Vesuvian lava flow of 1906. The fragments of masonry from the ruined walls traveled upon the lava current, where they sometimes became incased in lava. The sequence of events within the chimney.—The thorough study of this Vesuvian eruption has placed us in a position to infer with some confidence in our conclusions the sequence of events within the chimney and crater of the volcano, both before and during the eruption. Anticipating some conclusions derived from the observed dissection of volcanoes, which will be discussed below, it may be stated that what might be termed the core of the composite cone—the chimney—is a more or less cylindrical plug of cooled lava which during the active period of the vent has an interior bore of probably variable caliber. This plug in its lower section appears in solid black in all the diagrams of Fig. 141. During the cone-building period (Fig. 141 a and b) the plug is obviously built upward along with the cone, for lava often flows out at a level a few hundred feet only below the crater rim. By Fig. 141.—Three diagrams to illustrate the sequence of events within the crater of a composite cone during the cone-building and crater-producing periods. a and b, two successive stages of the cone building or Strombolian period; c, enlargement of the crater, truncation of the cone, and destruction of the upper chimney during the relatively brief crater-producing or Vulcanian period. Both the older and newer sections of this plug or chimney are furnished some support against the outward pressure of the contained lava by the surrounding wall of tuff; and they are, therefore, in a condition not unlike that of the inner barrel of a great gun over which sleeves of metal have been shrunk so as to give support against bursting pressures. On the other hand, when not sustaining the hydrostatic pressure of the liquid lava within, the chimney would tend to be crushed in by the pressure of the surrounding tuff. Its strength to withstand bursting pressures is dependent not alone upon the thickness of its rock walls, but also upon its internal diameter or caliber. A steam cylinder of given thickness of wall, as is well known, can resist bursting pressures in proportion as its internal diameter is small. So in the volcanic chimney, any tendency to remelt from within the chimney walls must weaken them in a twofold ratio. We are yet without accurate temperature observations upon the lava in volcanic chimneys, but it seems almost certain that these temperatures rise as the Vulcanian stage is approaching, and such elevation of temperature must be followed by a greater or less re-fusion of the chimney walls. The sequence of events during the late Vesuvian eruption is, then, naturally explained by progressive re-fusion and consequent weakening of the chimney walls, thus permitting a radial fissure to open near the top and gradually extend downwards. Thus at first small and high outlets were opened insufficient to drain the chimney, but later, on April 7, after this fissure had Fig. 142.—The spine of PelÉ rising above the chimney of the volcano after the eruption of 1902 (after Hovey). When the rapid sinking of the lava surface occurred, the lower lava layers were almost immediately relieved of pressure, thus causing a sudden expansion of the contained steam and resulting in grand crater explosions. The partially refused and fissured upper chimney, now unable to withstand the inward pressure of the surrounding tuff walls, since outward pressures no longer existed, crushed in and contributed its materials and those of the surrounding tuff to the fragments of fresh lava rising in volume in the grand explosions (Fig. 141 c). In outline, then, these seem to be the conditions which are indicated by the sequence of observed events in connection with the late Vesuvian outbreak. Fig. 143.—Outlines of the PelÉ spine upon successive dates. The full line represents its outline on December 26, 1902; the dotted-dashed line is a profile of January 3, 1902; while the dotted line is that of January 9, 1903. The dark line is a fissure (after E. O. Hovey). The spine of PelÉ.—The disastrous eruption of Mont PelÉ upon Martinique in the year 1902 is of importance in connection with the interesting problem of the upward growth of volcanic chimneys during the cone-building period of a volcano. After the conclusion of this great Vulcanian eruption, a spine of lava While apparently unique as an observed phenomenon, and not free from uncertainty as to its interpretation, the growth of this obelisk has at least shown us that a mass of rock can push its way up above the chimney of an active volcano even when there are no walls of tuff about it to sustain its outward pressures. Fig. 144.—Corrugated surface of the Vesuvian cone after the mud flows which followed the eruption in 1906 (after Johnston-Lavis). The aftermath of mud flows.—When the late Vulcanian explosions of Vesuvius had come to an end, all slopes of the mountain, but especially the higher ones, were buried in thick deposits of the cocoa-colored ash, included in which were larger and smaller projectiles. As this material is extremely porous, it greedily sucks up the water which falls during the first succeeding rains. When nearly saturated, it begins to descend the slopes of the mountain and soon develops a velocity quite in contrast with that of the slow-moving lava. The upper slopes are thus denuded, while the fields and even the houses about the base are invaded by these torrents of mud (lava d’acqua). Inasmuch as these mud flows are the inevitable aftermath of all grander explosive eruptions, the Italian government has of late spent large sums of money in the construction of dikes intended to arrest their progress in the future. After the mud flows have occurred, the Vesuvian cone, like all similar volcanic cones under the same conditions, is found with deep radial corrugations (Fig. 144), such as were long ago described as “barrancoes” and supposed to support the “elevation crater” theory of volcano formation. The dissection of volcanoes.—To the uninitiated it might appear a hopeless undertaking to attempt to learn by observation the internal structure of a volcano, and especially of a complex volcano of the composite type. The earliest successful attempt appears to have been made by Count Caspar von Sternberg in order to prove the correctness of the theory of his friend, the poet Goethe. Goethe had claimed that a little hill in the vicinity of Eger, on the borders of Bohemia, was an extinct volcano, though the foremost geologist of the time the famous Werner, had promulgated the doctrine that this hill, in common with others of similar aspect, originated in the combustion of a bed of coal. The elevation in question, which is known as the KammerbÜhl, consists mainly of cinder, and Goethe had maintained that if a tunnel were to be driven horizontally into the mountain from one of its slopes, a core or plug of lava would be encountered beneath the summit. The excavations, which were completed in 1837, fully verified the poet’s view, for a lava plug was found to occupy the center of the mass and to connect with a small lava stream upon the side of the hill (Fig. 145). Fig. 145.—The KammerbÜhl near Eger, showing the tunnel completed in 1837 which proved the volcanic nature of the mountain (after Judd). It is not, however, to such expensive projects that reference is here made, but rather to processes which are continually going on in nature, and on a far grander scale. The most important dissecting agent for our purpose is running water, which is continually Fig. 146.—Volcanic plug exposed by natural dissection of a volcanic cone in Colorado (U. S. G. S.). Fig. 147.—A dike cutting beds of tuff in a partly dissected volcano of southwestern Colorado (after Howe, U. S. G. S.). Not infrequently the beds of tuff composing the flanks of the volcano, upon dissection by the same process, bring to light walls of cooled lava standing in relief (Fig. 147)—the filling of the fissure which gave outlet to the flanks of the mountain at the time of the eruption. Study of exposed dikes formed in connection with recent eruptions of Vesuvius has shown that in many instances they are still hollow, the lava having drained from them before complete consolidation. Another agent which is effective in uncovering the buried structures of volcanoes is the action of waves on shores. Always a relatively vigorous erosive agency, the softer structures of volcanic cones are removed with especial facility by this agent. On the shores of the island of Volcano, the little cone of Vulcanello has been nearly half carried away by the waves, so as to reveal with especial perfection the structure of the cinder beds as well as the internal rock skeleton of the mass. Here the characteristic dips of lava streams, intercalated as they now are between tuff deposits and the lava which consolidated in fissures, are both revealed. Fig. 148.—Map and general view of St. Paul’s Rocks, a volcanic cone dissected by waves. In mid-Atlantic a quite perfect crater, the St. Paul’s Rocks, has been cut nearly in half so as to produce a natural harbor (Fig. 148). In still other instances we may thank the volcano itself for opening up the interior of the mountain for our inspection. The eruption in 1888 of the Japanese volcano of Bandai-san, by removing a considerable part of the ancient cone, has afforded us a section completely through the mountain. The summit and one side of the small Bandai was carried completely away, and there was substituted a yawning crater eccentric to the former mountain and having its highest wall no less than 1500 feet in height (Fig. 149). In two hours from the first warning of the explosion the catastrophe was complete and the eruption over. Fig. 149.—Dissection by explosion of Little Bandai-san in 1888 (after Sekiya). The eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, probably the grandest observed volcanic explosion in historic times, left a volcanic cone divided almost in half and open to inspection (Fig. 150). Rakata, Danan, and Perbuatan had before constituted a line of cones built up round individual craters subsequent Fig. 150.—The half-submerged volcano of Krakatoa in the Sunda Straits before and after the eruption of 1883 (after Verbeek). In order to carry our dissecting process down to levels below the base of the volcanic mountain, it is usually necessary to inspect the results of erosion by running water. Here the plug or chimney, instead of being surrounded by tuff, is inclosed by the country rock of the region, which is commonly a sedimentary formation. Such exposed lower sections of volcanic chimneys are numerous along the northwestern shores of the British Isles. Where aligned upon a dislocation or noteworthy fissure in the rocks, the group of plugs has been referred to as a scar or cicatrice (Fig. 151). Associated with the plugs of the cicatrice are not infrequently dikes, or, it may be, sheets of lava extended between layers of sediment and known as sills. Fig. 151.—The cicatrice of the Banat (after Suess). If we are able to continue the dissection process to still greater depths, we encounter at last igneous rock having a texture known as granitic and indicating that the process of consolidation was not only exceedingly slow but also uninterrupted. This rock is found in masses of larger dimensions, and though generally of The formation of lava reservoirs.—The discarding of the earlier notion that the earth has a liquid interior makes it proper in discussing the subject of volcanoes to at least touch upon the origin of the molten rock material. As already pointed out, such reservoirs as exist must be local and temporary, or it would be difficult to see how the existing condition of earth rigidity could be maintained. From the rate at which rock temperatures rise, at increasing depths below the surface, it is clear that all rocks would be melted at very moderate depths only, if they were not kept in a solid state by the prodigious loads which they sustain. Any relief from this load should at once result in fusion of the rock. Fig. 152.—Diagram to illustrate a probable cause of formation of lava reservoirs, and to show the connection between such reservoirs and the volcanoes at the surface. Now the restriction of active volcanoes to those zones of the earth’s surface within which mountains are rising, and where in consequence earthquakes are felt, has furnished us at least a clew to the origin of the lava. Regarded as a structure capable of sustaining a load, the competency of an arch is something quite remarkable, so that the arching up of strong rock formations into anticlines within the upper layers of the zone of flow, or of combined It has been further quite generally observed that lines of volcanoes, in so far as they betray any relation in position to neighboring mountain ranges, tend to appear upon the rear or flatter limb of unsymmetrical arches, or where local tension would favor the opening of channels toward the surface. Moreover, wherever recent block movements of surface portions of the earth’s shell have been disclosed in the neighborhood of volcanoes, the latter appear to be connected with downthrown blocks, as though the lava had, so to speak, been squeezed out from beneath the depressed block or blocks. Fig. 153.—Result of experiment with layers of composition to illustrate the effect of relief of load upon rocks by arching of competent formation (after Willis). We must not, however, forget that the igneous rocks are greatly restricted in the range of their chemical composition. No igneous rock type is known which could be formed by the fusion of any of the carbonate rocks such as limestone or dolomite, or of the more siliceous rocks, such as sandstone or quartzite. There remains only the argillaceous class of sediments, the shales and slates, and so soon as we examine the composition of these rocks we are struck by the remarkable resemblance to that of the class of igneous rocks. For purposes of comparison there is given below the composite or average constitution of igneous rocks in parallel column, with the average attained by combining the analyses of 56 slates and shales, the latter recalculated with water excluded:
This close resemblance is probably of deep significance, for the reason that shales and slates are structurally the weakest of all rocks and for the further reason that they rather generally directly underlie the carbonate rocks, which are by contrast the strongest (see ante, p. 37). For these reasons shales and slates are the only rocks which are likely to be fused by relief from load through the formation of anticlinal arches within the earth’s zone of flow. If this view is well founded, lavas and other igneous rocks are in large part fused argillaceous sediments formed in connection with the process of folding, or are refused rocks of igneous origin and similar composition. Character profiles.—The character profiles of features connected in their origin with volcanoes are particularly easy to recognize, and in a few cases in which they might be confused with others of a different origin, an examination of the materials of the features should lead to a definitive judgment. The lava plains which result from massive outflows of basalt might perhaps strictly be regarded as lack of feature, so great may be their continuous extent. Wherever definite vents exist, a broad flat dome is the usual result of the extravasation of a basaltic lava. The puys of France and many of the Kuppen of Germany, being formed from less fluid lava, have afforded profiles with relatively small radius of curvature. In its youthful stage, the cinder cone usually presents a broad summit sag and relatively short side slopes, whereas the cone of later stages is apt to present long sweeping and upwardly concave curves with both the gradient and the radius of curvature increasing rapidly toward the summit. In contrast, too, with the earlier stage, the crest is relatively small. A marked reduction in the high symmetry of such profiles is noted wherever a breaching by lava outflow has occurred (Fig. 154). With the composite cone, complexity and corresponding lack of symmetry is introduced, especially in the partially ruined caldera, and by the more or less accidental distribution of parasitic cones, as well as by migrations of the central cone. Peculiarly similar acuminated profiles result from spatter-cone formation, from the formation of a superchimney spine, and by the uncovering of the chimney through denudational processes—the volcanic neck. Fig. 154.—Character profiles connected with volcanoes. Another important feature resulting from denudation is the Mesa or table mountain with its protecting basalt cap above softer rocks. Its profile most resembles that of table mountains due to differential erosion of alternately strong and weak horizontally bedded rocks, such as compose the upper portion of the section in the Grand CaÑon of the Colorado. Here, however, in place of a single unusually strong top layer there are found several strong layers in alternation with weaker ones so as to produce additional steps in the profile. Reading References to Chapters IX and X General works:— Paulett Scrope. The Geology of the Extinct Volcanoes of Central France. John Murray, London, 1858, pp. 258. (An epoch-making work of early date which, like the following reference, may be studied to advantage to-day.) Sir Charles Lyell. Principles of Geology, vol. 1, Chapters xxiii-xxv. Melchior Neumayr. Erdgeschichte, vol. 1, Allgemeine Geologie, revised edition by v. Uhlig, 1897, pp. 133-277 (a storehouse of valuable information clearly presented). J. D. Dana. Characteristics of Volcanoes, with Contributions of Facts and Principles from the Hawaiian Islands. Dodd, Mead, and Company, New York, 1890, pp. 397. Tempest Anderson. Volcanic Studies in Many Lands, being reproductions of photographs by the author with explanatory notes. John Murray, London, 1903, pp. 200, pls. 105. T. G. Bonney. Volcanoes, their Structure and Significance. John Murray, London, 1899, pp. 331. I. C. Russell. Volcanoes of North America. Macmillan, New York, 1897, pp. 346. ElisÉe RÉclus. Les volcans de la terre, Belgian Society of Astronomy, Meteorology, and Physics of the Globe, 1906-1910 (a valuable descriptive geographical and bibliographical work of reference). G. Mercalli. I vulcani attivi della terre. Hoepli, Milan, 1907, pp. 421. (A most valuable work, beautifully illustrated, but in the Italian language.) Arrangement of volcanic vents:— Th. Thoroddsen. Die Bruchlinien und ihre Beziehungen zu den Vulkanen, Pet. Mitt., vol. 51, 1905, pp. 1-5, pl. 5. R. D. M. Verbeek. Various volumes and atlases of maps covering the Dutch East Indies and fully cited in the following reference (p. 21). William H. Hobbs. The Evolution and the Outlook of Seismic Geology, Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., vol. 48, 1909, pp. 17-27. Birth of volcanoes:— F. Omori. The Usu-san Eruption and Earthquake and Elevation Phenomena, Bull. Earthq. Inv. Com., Japan, vol. 5, No. 1, 1911, pp. 1-37, pls. 1-13. Fissure eruptions:— Th. Thoroddsen. Island, IV, Vulkane, Pet. Mitt., ErgÄnzungsh. 153, 1906, pp. 108-111. A. Geikie. Text-book of Geology, 4th ed., pp. 342-346. Lava domes of Hawaii:— J. D. Dana. Characteristics of Volcanoes (as above). C. H. Hitchcock. Hawaii and Its Volcanoes. Honolulu, 1909, pp. 314. Eruption of Matavanu volcano in 1906:— Karl Sapper. Der Matavanu-Ausbruch auf Savaii, 1905-1906, Zeit. d. Gesell. f. Erdk. z. Berlin, vol. 19, 1906, pp. 686-709, 4 pls. H. J. Jensen. The Geology of Samoa, and the Eruptions in Savaii, Proc. Linn. Soc., New South Wales, vol. 31, 1906, pp. 641-672, pls. 54-64. Tempest Anderson. The Volcano of Matavanu in Savaii, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., London, vol. 66, 1910, pp. 621-639, pls. 45-52. Eruption of Volcano in 1888:— H. J. Johnston-Lavis. The South Italian Volcanoes. Naples, 1891, pp. 342, pls. 16. Eruption of Taal volcano in 1911:— W. E. Pratt. The Eruption of Taal Volcano, January 30, 1911, Phil. Jour. Sci., vol. 6, No. 2, Sec. A, 1911, pp. 63-86, pls. 1-14. F. H. Noble. Taal Volcano, album of views of 1911 eruption, Manila, 1911, pp. 1-48. The volcano of Etna:— G. vom Rath. Der Aetna. Bonn, 1872, pp. 1-33. (A beautiful piece of descriptive writing from both the geological and scenic standpoints.) Sartorius von Waltershausen. Der Aetna. Leipzig, 1880, 2 quarto vols., pp. 371 and 548. The eruption of Vesuvius in 1906:— H. J. Johnston-Lavis. Geological Map of Monte Somma and Vesuvius, with a short and concise account, etc. Geo. Philip & Son, London, 1891. H. J. Johnston-Lavis. The Eruption of Vesuvius in April, 1906, Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc., vol. 9, 1909, Pt. VIII, pp. 139-200, pls. 3-23 (the most authoritative work upon the subject). T. A. Jaggar, Jr. The Volcano Vesuvius in 1906, Tech. Quart., vol. 19, 1906, pp. 105-115. W. Prinz. L’Éruption du Vesuv d’avril, 1906, Ciel et Terre, 27e AnnÉe, 1906, pp. 1-49. Frank A. Perret. Notes on the Electrical Phenomena of the Vesuvian Eruption, April, 1906, Sci. Bull., Brooklyn Inst. Arts and Sci., vol. 1, No. 11, pp. 307-312; Vesuvius, Characteristics and Phenomena of the Present Repose Period, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 28, 1909, pp. 413-430. William H. Hobbs. The Grand Eruption of Vesuvius in 1906, Jour. Geol., vol. 14, 1906, pp. 636-655. The spine of PelÉe:— E. O. Hovey. The New Cone of Mont PelÉe and the Gorge of the RiviÈre Blanche, Martinique, Am. Jour. Sci., vol. 16, 1903, pp. 269-281, pls. 11-14. A. Heilprin. The Tower of PelÉe. Philadelphia, 1904, pp. 62, pls. 22. A. Lacroix. La montagne PelÉe et ses Éruptions, Acad. des Sciences, Paris, 1904, Chapter iii. Karl Sapper. In den Vulkangebieten Mittelamerikas und Westindiens, Stuttgart, 1905, pp. 172-178. A. C. Lane. Absorbed Gases of Vulcanism, Science, N.S., vol. 18, 1903, p. 760. G. K. Gilbert. The Mechanism of the Mont PelÉe Spine, ibid., vol. 19, 1904, pp. 927-928. I. C. Russell. PelÉe Obelisk once More, ibid., vol. 21, 1905, pp. 924-931. The dissection of volcanoes:— J. W. Judd. Volcanoes, Chapter v. S. Sekya and Y. Kikuchi. The Eruption of Bandai-San, Trans. Seis. Soc., Japan, vol. 13, Pt. 2, 1890, pp. 140-222, pls. 1-9. R. D. M. Verbeek. Krakatau. Batavia, 1885, pp. 557, pls. 25. Royal Society. The Eruption of Krakatoa and Subsequent Phenomena. London, 1888, pp. 494. G. K. Gilbert. Report on the Geology of the Henry Mountains, U.S. Geogr. and Geol. Surv., Rocky Mt. Region, Washington, 1877, pp. 22-60. Sir A. Geikie. Ancient Volcanoes of Great Britain, vol. 2 especially. D. W. Johnson. Volcanic Necks of the Mount Taylor Region, New Mexico, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., vol. 18, 1907, pp. 303-324, pls. 25-30. |