THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE FRACTURED SUPERSTRUCTURE Fig. 36.—A set of master joints developed in shale upon the shores of Cayuga Lake near Ithaca, New York (after U. S. G. S.). Fig. 37.—Diagram to show how sets of master joints differing in direction by half a right angle may abruptly replace each other. Fig. 38.—Diagram to show the different combinations of the series composing two double sets of master joints, and in a, a, a additional disorderly fractures. The system of the fractures.—In referring to experiments made upon the fracture of solid blocks under compression (p. 41), it was shown that two series of parallel fractures develop perpendicular to each free surface of the block, and that these series are each of them inclined by half of a right angle to the direction of compression, and thus perpendicular to each other. The fragments into which a block with one free surface would thus tend to be divided should be square prisms perpendicular to the free surface. It would be interesting, if it were practicable, to learn from experiment how these prisms would be further fractured by a continuation of the compression. From mechanical considerations involving the resolution of forces with reference to the ready-formed fractures, it seems probable that the next series of fractures to form would bisect the angles of the first double series or set. Wherever rocks are found exposed in their original Studied throughout a considerable district, the various series which make up these two sets of master joints may be seen locally developed in different combinations as well as in association with additional fissure planes which are not easily reduced to any simple law of arrangement (Fig. 38 a, a, a). Only rarely are regular joint series observed which do not stand perpendicular to the original attitude of the rock beds. In a few localities, however, rectangular joint sets have been discovered which divide the rock into prisms parallel to the earth’s surface and with the joint series inclined to it each by half a right angle. Where the rock beds have been much disturbed, the complex of Fig. 39.—View on the shore at Holstensborg, West Greenland, to show the subequal spacing of the joints (after Kornerup). Fig. 40.—View of an exposed hillside in Iceland upon which the snow collected in crannies along the joints brings out to advantage both the larger and the smaller intervals of the joint system (after Thoroddsen). The space intervals of joints.—The same kind of subequal spacing which characterizes the fractures near the surface of the block in DaubrÉe’s experiment (Fig. 19, p. 41) is found simulated by the rock joints (Fig. 39). Such unit intervals between fractures may be grouped together into larger units which are separated by fractures of unusual perfection. We may think of such larger space units as having the smaller ones superimposed upon them (Fig. 40). The displacements upon joints—faults.—In the vast majority of cases, the joint fractures when carefully examined betray no evidence of any appreciable movement of the two walls upon each other. Generally the rock layers are seen to cross the joints without apparent displacement. Joints are therefore planes of disjunction only, and not planes of displacement. Fig. 41.—Faulted blocks of basalt divided by joints near Woodbury, Connecticut. To show the structure of the rock, some of the foliage has been removed in preparing the sketch from a photograph. Within many districts, however, a displacement may be seen to have occurred upon certain of the joint planes, and these are then described as faults. Such displacements of necessity imply a differential movement of sections or blocks of the earth’s crust, the so-called orographic blocks, which are bounded by the joint planes and play individual rÔles in the movement. A simple case of such displacements in rocks intersected by a single set of master joints is represented in the model of plate 4 C. The most prominent fault represented by this model runs lengthwise through the middle, and the displacement which is measured upon it not only varies between wide limits, but is marked by abrupt changes at the margins of the larger blocks. This vertical displacement upon Fig. 42.—A fault in previously disturbed strata. AB, displacement; AC, throw; BD, stratigraphic throw; BC, heave; angle CAB, hade. Methods of detecting faults.—The first effect of a fault is usually to produce a crack at the surface of the earth; and, provided there is a vertical displacement or throw, an escarpment which rises upon the upthrown side of the fault. In general it may be said that escarpments which appear at the earth’s surface as plane surfaces probably represent planes of fracture, though not necessarily planes of faulting. In many cases the actual displacements lie buried under loose rock dÉbris near to and paralleling the escarpment, and in some cases as a result of the erosional processes working upon alternately hard and soft layers of rock, the escarpment may later appear upon the downthrown side or limb of the fault (Fig. 43). As an illustration of a fault escarpment, the faÇade of El Capitan and many other rock faces of the Yosemite valley may be instanced. Fig. 43.—Diagrams to show how an escarpment originally on the upthrown side of the fault may, through erosion, appear upon the downthrown side. Fig. 44.—A fault plane exhibiting “drag.” The opening is artificial (after Scott). When we have further studied the erosional processes at the earth’s surface, it will be appreciated that faults tend to quickly bury themselves from sight, whereas fold structures will long remain in evidence. Many faults will thus be overlooked, and too great weight is likely to be ascribed to the folds in accounting for the existing attitudes and positions of the rock masses. Faults must therefore be sought out if mistakes of interpretation are to be avoided. The most satisfactory evidence of a fault is the discovery of a rock bed which may be easily identified, and which is actually seen displaced on a plane of fracture which intersects it (Fig. 42, p. 59). When such an easily recognizable layer is not to be found, the plane of displacement may perhaps be discovered as a narrow zone composed of angular fragments of the rock cemented together by minerals which form out of solution in water. Such a fractured rock zone which follows a plane of faulting is a fault breccia. If the fault breccia, or vein rock, is much stronger than the rock on either side, it may eventually stand in relief at the surface like a dike or wall. At other times the displacement produces little fracture of the walls, but they slide over each other in such a manner as to yield either a smoothly corrugated or an evenly polished surface which is described as “slickensides.” It may be, however, that during the movement When, as is quite generally the case, the actual plane of displacement of a fault is not open to inspection, the movement may be proven by the observation of abrupt, as contrasted with gradual, changes in the strikes and dips of neighboring exposures (Fig. 45); or by noting that some easily recognized formation has been sharply offset in its outcrops (Fig. 46). Fig. 45.—Map to show how a fault may be indicated in abrupt changes of the strike and dip of neighboring exposures. Fig. 46.—A series of parallel faults indicated by successive offsets in the course of an easily recognizable rock formation. There are in addition many indications rather than proofs of the presence of faults, which must be taken account of in every general study of the geology of a district. Thus the outcrops of all neighboring formations may terminate abruptly upon a straight line which intersects all alike. Deep-seated fissure springs may be aligned in a striking manner, and so indicate the course of a prominent fracture, though not necessarily of a fault. Much the same may be said of the dikes of cooled magma which have been injected along preËxisting fractures. The base of the geological map.—Modern topographic maps form an important part of the library of the serious student of physiography; they are the gazetteer of this branch of science. Every civilized nation has to-day either completed a topographic atlas of its territory, or it is vigorously prosecuting a survey to furnish maps which represent the relief with some detail, and publishing the results in the form of an atlas of quadrangles. Thus Where the slopes are steep, the contour lines in the topographic map will appear crowded together and so produce a deep shade upon the map; whereas with relatively flat surfaces white patches will stand out prominently upon the map. More and more the topographic map is coming into use, and for the student of nature in particular it is important to acquire facility in interpreting the relief from the topographic map. To further this end, a special model has been devised, and its use is described in appendix C. Usually before any satisfactory geological map can be prepared, a contoured topographic map of the district to be studied must be available. The field map and the areal geological map.—As the atlas of topographic maps is the physiographic gazetteer, so geological maps together constitute the reference dictionary of descriptive geology. Not only are topographic maps of many districts now generally available, but more and more it has become the policy of governments to supply geological maps in the same quadrangle form which is the unit of the topographic map. The geological map is, however, a complex of so many conventional symbols, that without some practical experience in the actual preparation of one, it is exceedingly difficult for the student to comprehend its significance. A modern geological map is usually a rectangular sheet printed in color, upon which are many irregular areas of individual hue joined to each other like the parts of a child’s picture puzzle. The colored areas upon the geological map are each supposed to indicate where a certain rock type or formation lies immediately below the surface, and this distribution represents the best judgment Though the published areal geological map represents both fact and theory, the map maker retains an unpublished field map or map of observations, upon which the final map has been based. This field map shows the location of each outcrop that has been studied, with a record of the kind of rock and of such observations as strike, dip, and pitch. Our task will therefore be to prepare: (1) a field map; (2) an areal geological map; and (3) some typical geological sections. Laboratory models for the study of geological maps.—In order to represent in the laboratory the disposition of rock outcrops in the field, special laboratory tables are prepared with removable covers and with fixed tops, which are divided into squares numbered like the township sections of the national domain (Fig. 47). To represent the rock outcrops, blocks are prepared which may be fixed in any desired position by fitting a pin into a small augur hole bored through the table. The outcrop blocks for the sedimentary rock types are so constructed as to show the strike and dip of the beds. (See Appendix D.) Fig. 47.—Field map prepared from a laboratory table. The method of preparing the map.—To prepare the map, use is made of a geological compass with clinometer attachment, a protractor, and a map base divided into sections like the top of Fig. 48.—Areal geological map constructed from the field map of Fig. 47, with two selected geological sections. To prepare the areal geological map from the field map, it is first necessary to fix the boundaries which separate formations at the surface; and now perhaps for the first time it is realized how large an element of uncertainty may enter if the exposures were widely separated. It is clear that no two persons will draw these lines in the same positions throughout, though certain portions Some conclusions from this map may now be profitably considered. The complexly folded sandstone formation at the left of the map appears as the oldest member represented, since its area has been cut through by the intrusive granite which does not intrude other formations, and is unconformably overlaid by the limestone and its basal layer of conglomerate. The limestone in turn is unconformably overlaid by the merely tilted sandstone beds at the right of the map. These three sedimentary formations clearly represent decreasing amounts of close folding, from which it is clear that each earlier formation has passed through an episode not shared by that of next younger age. Of the other intrusive rocks, the dike of porphyry is younger than all the other formations, with the possible exception of the upper sandstone. Offsetting of the formations has disclosed the course of a fault, and from its relations to the dikes we may learn that of these the porphyry is younger and the basalt older than the date of the faulting. The dashed lines upon the map (AB and CD) have been selected as appropriate lines along which to construct geological sections (Fig. 48, below map), and from these sections the exposed thicknesses of the different formations may be calculated. In one instance only, that of the conglomerate, can we be sure that this exposed thickness measures the entire formation. Fold versus fault topography.—The more resistant or “stronger” rock beds, as regards attacks of the atmosphere, in the course of time come to stand in relief, separated by depressions which overlie the “weaker” formations. Simple open folds which are not plunging exercise an influence upon topography by producing generally long and straight ridges. More complex flexures, since they generally plunge, make themselves apparent by features which in the map are represented by curves. Fracture structures, and especially block displacements, are differentiated from these curving features by the dominance of straight or nearly rectilinear lines upon the map. The effect of erosion is to reduce the asperity of features and to mold them with flowing curves. The fracture Reading References to Chapter VI Joint systems:— John Phillips. Observations made in the Neighborhood of Ferrybridge in the Years 1826-1828, Phil. Mag., 2d ser., vol. 4, 1828, pp. 401-409; Illustrations of the geology of Yorkshire, Pt. II, The Limestone District. London, 1836, pp. 90-98. Samuel Haughton. On the Physical Structure of the Old Red Sandstone of the County of Waterford, considered with reference to cleavage, joint surfaces, and faults, Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. 148, 1858, pp. 333-348. W. C. BrÖgger. Spaltenverwerfungen in der Gegend Langesund-Skien, Nyt Magazin for Naturvidernskaberne, vol. 28, 1884, pp. 253-419. Wm. H. Hobbs. The Newark System of the Pomperaug Valley, Connecticut, 21st Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv., Pt. III, 1901, pp. 85-143. Geological map:— Wm. H. Hobbs. The Interpretation of Geological Maps, School Science and Mathematics, vol. 9, 1909, pp. 644-653. |