THE RISE OF MOLTEN ROCK TO THE EARTH’S SURFACE VOLCANIC MOUNTAINS OF EXUDATION Prevalent misconceptions about volcanoes.—The more or less common impression that a volcano is a “burning mountain” or a “smoking mountain” has been much fostered by the school texts in physical geography in use during an earlier period. The best introduction to a discussion of volcanoes is, therefore, a disillusionment from this notion. Far from being burning or smoking, there is normally no combustion whatever in connection with a volcanic eruption. The unsophisticated tourist who, looking out from Naples, sees the steam cap which overhangs the Vesuvian crater tinged with brown, easily receives the impression that the material of the cloud is smoke. Even more at night, when a bright glow is reflected to his eye and soon fades away, only to again glow brightly after a few moments have passed, is it difficult to remove the impression that one is watching an intermittent combustion within the crater. The cloud which floats away from the crest of the mountain is in reality composed of steam with which is admixed a larger or smaller proportion of fine rock powder which gives to the cloud its brownish tone. The glow observed at night is only a reflection from molten lava within the crater, and the variation of its brightness is explained by the alternating rise and fall of the lava surface by a process presently to be explained. Not only is there no combustion in connection with volcanic eruptions, but so far as the volcano is a mountain it is a product of its own action. The grandest of volcanic eruptions have produced no mountains whatever, but only vast plains or plateaus of consolidated molten rock, and every volcanic mountain at some time in its history has risen out of a relatively level surface. When the traditional notions about volcanoes grew up, it was supposed that the solid earth was merely a “crust” enveloping still molten material. As has already been pointed out in an earlier It is perhaps not easy to frame a definition of a volcano, but its essential part, instead of being a mountain, is rather a vent or channel which opens up connection between a subsurface reservoir of molten rock and the surface of the earth. An eruption occurs whenever there is a rise of this material, together with more or less steam and admixed gases, to the surface. Such molten rock arriving at the surface is designated lava. The changes in pressure upon this material during its elevation induce secondary phenomena as the surface is approached, and these manifestations are often most awe inspiring. While often locally destructive, the geological importance of such phenomena is by reason of their terrifying aspect likely to be greatly exaggerated. Early views concerning volcanic mountains.—As already pointed out, a volcano at its birth is not a mountain at all, but only, so to speak, a shaft or channel of communication between the surface and a subterranean reservoir of molten rock. By bringing this melted rock to the surface there is built up a local elevation which may be designated a mountain, except where the volume of the material is so large and is spread to such distances as to produce a plain (see fissure eruptions below). In the early history of geology it was the view of the great German geologist von Buch and his friend and colleague von Humboldt, that a volcanic mountain was produced in much the same manner as is a blister upon the body. The fluids which push up the cuticle in the blister were here replaced by fluid rock which elevated the sedimentary rock layers at the surface into a dome or mound which was open at the top—the so-called crater. This “elevation-crater” theory of volcanoes long held the stage in geological science, although it ignored the very patent fact that the layers on the flanks of volcanic cones are not of sedimentary rock at all, but, on the contrary, of the volcanic materials which Fig. 87.—Breached volcanic cone near Auckland, New Zealand, showing the bending down of the sedimentary strata in the neighborhood of the vent (after Heaphy and Scrope). The birth of volcanoes.—To confirm the impression that the formation of the volcanic mountain is in reality a secondary phenomenon connected with eruptions, we may cite the observed birth of a number of volcanoes. On the 20th of September, 1538, a new volcano, since known as Monte Nuovo (new mountain), rose on the border of the ancient Lake Lucrinus to the westward of Naples. This small mountain attained a height of 440 feet, and is still to be seen on the shore of the bay of Naples. From Mexico have been recorded the births of several new volcanoes: Jorullo in 1759, Pochutla in 1870, and in 1881 a new volcano in the Ajusco Mountains about midway between the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean. The latest of new volcanoes is that raised in Japan on November 9, 1910, in connection with the eruption of Usu-san. This “New Mountain” reached an elevation of 690 feet. Fig. 88.—View of the new Camiguin volcano from the sea. It was formed in 1871 over a nearly level plain. The town of Catarman appears at the right near the shore (after an unpublished photograph by Professor Dean C. Worcester). As described by von Humboldt, Jorullo rose in the night of the 28th of September, 1759, from a fissure which opened in a broad plain at a point 35 miles distant from any then existing volcano. The most remarkable of new volcanoes rose in 1871 on the island of Camiguin northward from Mindanao in the Philippine archipelago. This mountain was visited by the Challenger expedition in 1875, and was first ascended and studied thirty years later by a party under the leadership of Professor Dean C. Worcester, the Secretary of the Interior of the Philippine Islands, to whom the writer is indebted for this description and the accompanying Active and extinct volcanoes.—The terms “active” and “extinct” have come into more or less common use to describe respectively those volcanoes which show signs of eruptive activity, and those which are not at the time active. The term “dormant” is applied to volcanoes recently active and supposed to be in a doubtfully extinct condition. From a well-known volcano in the vicinity of Naples, volcanoes which no longer erupt lava or cinder, but show gaseous emanations (fumeroles) are said to be in the solfatara condition, or to show solfataric activity. Experience shows that the term “extinct”, while useful, must always be interpreted to mean apparently extinct. This may be illustrated by the history of Mount Vesuvius, which before the Christian era was forested in the crater and showed no signs of activity; and in fact it is known that for several centuries no eruption of the volcano had taken place. Following a premonitory earthquake felt in the year 63, the mountain burst out in grand explosive eruption in 79 A.D. This eruption profoundly altered the aspect of the mountain and buried the cities of Pompeii, Stabeii, and Herculaneum from sight. Once more, this time during the middle ages, for nearly five centuries (1139 to 1631) there was complete inactivity, if we except a light ash eruption in the year 1500. During this period of rest the crater was again forested, but the repose was suddenly terminated by one of the grandest eruptions in the mountain’s history. Fig. 89.—Map showing the location of the belts of active volcanoes. The earth’s volcano belts.—The distribution of volcanoes is not uniform, but, on the contrary, volcanic vents appear in definite zones or belts, either upon the margins of the continents or included within the oceanic areas (Fig. 89). The most important of these belts girdles the Pacific Ocean, and is represented either by chains or by more widely spaced volcanic mountains throughout the Cordilleran Mountain system of South and Central America and Mexico, by the volcanoes of the Coast and Cascade ranges of North America, the festooned volcanic chain of the Aleutian Islands, and the similar island arcs off the eastern coast of the Eurasian continent. The belt is further continued through the islands of Malaysia to New Zealand, and on the Pacific’s southern margin are found the volcanoes of Victoria Land, King Edward Land, and West Antarctica. Fig. 90.—A portion of the “fire girdle” of the Pacific, showing the relation of the chains of volcanic mountains to the deeps of the neighboring ocean floor. This volcano girdle is by no means a perfect one, for in addition to the principal festoons of the western border there are many Fig. 91.—Volcanic cones formed in 1783 above the SkaptÁr fissure in Iceland (after Helland). Fig. 92.—Diagrams to illustrate the location of volcanic vents upon fissure lines, a, openings caused by lateral movement of fissure walls; b, openings formed at fissure intersections. Arrangement of volcanic vents along fissures and especially at their intersections.—Within those districts in which volcanoes are widely separated from their neighbors, the law of their arrangement is difficult to decipher, but the view that volcanic vents are aligned over fissures is now supported by so much evidence that illustrations may be supplied from many regions. An exceptionally perfect line of small cones is found along the SkaptÁr cleft in Iceland, upon which stands the large volcano of Laki. This fissure reopened in 1783, and great volumes of lava were exuded. Over the cleft there was left a long line of volcanic cones (Fig. 91). There are in Iceland two dominating series of parallel fissures of the same character which take their directions respectively northeast-southwest and north-south. Many such fissures are traceable at the surface as deep and nearly straight clefts or gjÁs, usually a few yards in width, but extending for many miles. The EldgjÁ has a length of more than 18 English miles and a depth varying from 400 to 600 feet. On some of these fissures no lava has risen to the surface, whereas others have at numerous points exuded molten rock. Sometimes one end only of a fissure, the more widely gaping portion, has supplied the Fig. 93.—Outline map of the eastern portion of the island of Java, displaying the arrangement of volcanic vents in alignment upon fissures with the larger mountains at fissure intersections (after Verbeek). Those places upon fissures which become lava conduits appear to be the ones where the cleft gapes widest so as to furnish the widest channel. Wherever a differential lateral movement of the walls has occurred, openings will be found in the neighborhood of each minor variation from a straight line (Fig. 92 a). Wherever there are two or more series of fissures, and this would appear to be the normal condition, places favorable for lava conduits occur at fissure intersections. Within such veritable volcano gardens as are to be found in Malaysia, the law of volcano distribution became apparent so soon as accurate maps had been prepared. Thus the outline map of a portion of the island of Java (Fig. 93) shows us that while the volcanoes of the island present at first sight a more or less irregular band or zone, there are a number of fissures intersecting in a network, and that the volcanoes are aligned upon the fissures with the larger cones located at the intersections. So also in Iceland, Outside these closely packed volcanic regions, similar though less marked networks are indicated; as, for example, in and near the Gulf of Guinea. If now, instead of reducing the scale of our volcano maps, we increase it, the same law of distribution is no less clearly brought out. The monticules or small volcanic cones which form upon the flanks of larger volcanic mountains are likewise built up over fissures which on numerous occasions have been observed to open and the cones to form upon them. Fig. 94.—Map of the Puy Pariou in the Auvergne of central France. The seat of eruption has migrated along the fissure upon which the earlier cone had been built up (after Scrope). Still further reducing now the area of our studies and considering for the moment the “frozen” surface of the boiling lava within the caldron of Kilauea, this when observed at night reveals in great perfection the sudden formation of fissures in the crust with the appearance of miniature volcanoes rising successively at more or less regular intervals along them. It not infrequently happens that after a volcanic vent has become established above some conduit in a fissure, the conduit migrates along the fissure, thus establishing a new cone with more or less complete destruction of the old one (Fig. 94). The so-called fissure eruptions.—The grandest of all volcanic eruptions have been those in which the entire length and breadth of the fissures have been the passageway for the upwelling lava. Such grander eruptions have been for the most part prehistoric, and in later geologic history have occurred chiefly in India, in Abyssinia, in northwestern Europe, and in the northwestern United States. In western India the singularly horizontal plateaus of basaltic lava, the Dekkan traps, cover some 200,000 square miles and are more than a mile in depth. The underlying basement where it appears about the margins of the basalt is in many places intersected by dikes or fissure fillings of the same material. No cones or definite vents have been found. Fig. 95.—Basaltic plateau of the northwestern United States due to fissure eruptions of lava. The larger portion of the northwestern British Isles would appear to have been at one time similarly blanketed by nearly horizontal beds of basaltic lava, which beds extended northwestward across the sea through the Orkney and Faroe islands to Iceland. Remnants of this vast plateau are to-day found in all the island groups as well as in large areas of northeastern Ireland, and fissure fillings of the same material occur throughout large areas of the British Isles. In many cases these dikes represent once molten rock which may never have communicated with the surface at the time of the lava outpouring, yet they well illustrate what we might expect to find if the basalt sheets of Iceland or Ireland were to be removed. The floods of basaltic lava which in the northwestern United States have yielded the barren plateau of the Cascade Mountains (Fig. 95) would appear to offer another example of fissure eruption, though cones appear upon the surface and perhaps indicate the position of lava outlets during the later phases of the eruptive period. The barrenness and desolation of these lava plains is suggested by Fig. 96. Fig. 96.—Lava plains about the Snake River in Idaho. Though the greater effusions of lava have occurred in prehistoric times, and the manner of extrusion has necessarily been largely inferred from the immense volume of the exuded materials and the existence of basaltic dikes in neighboring regions, yet in Fig. 97.—Characteristic profiles of lava volcanoes. 1, basaltic lava mountain; 2, mountain of siliceous lava (after Judd). The composition and the properties of lava.—In our study of igneous rocks (Chapter IV) it was learned that they are composed for the most part of silicate minerals, and that in their chemical composition they represent various proportions of silica, alumina, iron, magnesia, lime, potash, and soda. The more abundant of these constituents is silica, which varies from 35 to 70 per cent of the whole. Whenever the content of silica is relatively low,—basic or basaltic lava,—the cooled rock is dark in color and relatively heavy. It melts at a relatively low temperature, and is in consequence relatively fluid at the temperatures which lavas usually have on reaching the earth’s surface. Furthermore, from being more fluid, the water which is nearly always present in large quantity within the lava more readily makes its escape upon reaching the surface. Eruptions of such lava are for this reason without the violent aspects which belong to extrusions of more siliceous (more “acidic”) lavas. For the same Fig. 98.—A driblet cone (after J. D. Dana). Siliceous lavas, on the other hand, are, when consolidated, relatively light both in color and weight and melt at relatively high temperatures. They are, therefore, usually but partly fused and of a viscous consistency when they arrive at the earth’s surface. Because of this viscosity they offer much resistance to the liberation of the contained water, which therefore is released only to the accompaniment of more or less violent explosions. The lava is blown into the air and usually falls as consolidated fragments of various degrees of coarseness. Fig. 99.—View of Leffingwell crater, a cinder cone in the Owens valley, California (after an unpublished photograph by W. D. Johnson). It must not, however, be assumed that the temperature of lava is always the same when it arrives at the surface, and hence it may happen that a siliceous lava is exuded at so high a temperature that it behaves like a normal basaltic lava. On the other hand, basaltic lavas may be extruded at unusually low temperatures, in which case their behavior may resemble that of the normal siliceous lavas. If, however, as is generally the case, the energy of explosion of a basaltic lava is relatively small, any ejected portions of the liquid lava travel to a moderate height only in the air, so that on falling they are still sufficiently pasty to adhere to rock surfaces and thus build up the remarkably steep cones and spines known as “spatter cones” or “driblet cones” (Fig. 98). When, on the other hand, the energy of explosion is great, as is normally the case with siliceous lavas, the portions Whenever the contained water passes off from siliceous lavas without violent explosions, the lava may flow from the vent, but in contrast to basaltic lavas it travels a short distance only before consolidating. The resulting mountain is in consequence proportionately high and steep (Fig. 97). Eruptions characterized by violent explosions accompanied by a fall of cinder are described as explosive eruptions. Those which are relatively quiet, and in which the chief product is in the form of streams of flowing lava, are spoken of as convulsive eruptions. The three main types of volcanic mountain.—If the eruptions at a volcanic vent are exclusively of the explosive type, the material of the mountain which results is throughout tuff or cinder, and the volcano is described as a cinder cone. If, on the other hand, the vent at every eruption exudes lava, a mountain of solid rock results which is a lava dome. It is, however, the exception for a volcano which has a long history to manifest but a single kind of eruption. At one time exuding lava comparatively quietly, at another the violence with which the steam is liberated yields only cinder, and the mountain is a composite of the two materials and is known as a composite volcanic cone. The lava dome.—When successive lava flows come from a crater, the structure which results has the form of a more or less perfect dome. If the lava be of the basaltic or fluid type, the slopes are flat, seldom making an angle of as much as ten degrees with the horizon and flatter toward the summit (Fig. 101, p. 106). If of siliceous or viscous lava, on the other hand, the slopes are correspondingly steep and in some cases precipitous. To this latter class belong some of the Kuppen of Germany, the puys of central France, and the mamelons of the Island of Bourbon. Fig. 100.—Map of Hawaii and the lava volcanoes of Mokuaweoweo (Mauna Loa) and Kilauea (after the government map by Alexander). The basaltic lava domes of Hawaii.—At the “crossroads of the Pacific” rises a double line of lava volcanoes which reach from 20,000 to 30,000 feet above the floor of the ocean, some of them among the grandest volcanic mountains that are known. More than half the height and a much larger proportion of the bulk of the largest of these are hidden beneath the ocean’s surface. Fig. 101.—Section through Mauna Loa and Kilauea. Lava movements within the caldron of Kilauea.—The craters of these mountains are the largest of active ones, each being in Fig. 102.—Schematic diagram to illustrate the moving platform of frozen lava which rises and falls in the crater of Kilauea. At intervals of from a few years to nine or ten years the crater has been periodically drained, at which times the moving platform Fig. 103.—View of the open lava lake of Halemaumau within the crater of Kilauea, the molten lava shown cascading over the raised lava walls on to the floor of the pit (after Pavlow). The draining of the lava caldrons.—The changes which go on within the crater of Mokuaweoweo, though less studied than those of Kilauea, appear to be in some respects different. Here every eruption seems to be preceded by a more or less rapid influx of melted lava to the pit of the crater, this phenomenon being observed from a distance as a brilliant light above the crater—the reflection of the glow from overhanging vapor clouds. The uprising of the lava has often been accompanied by the formation of high lava fountains upon the surface, and the molten lava sometimes appears in fissures near the crater rim at levels well above the lava surface within the pit. Although in many cases the lava which has thus flooded the crater has suddenly drained away without again becoming visible, it is probable that in such cases an outlet has been found to some submarine exit, since under-ocean discharge effects have been observed in connection with eruptions of each of the volcanoes. Fig. 104.—Map showing the manner of outflow of lava from Kilauea during the eruption of 1840. The outflowing lava made its appearance successively at the points A, B, C, m, n, and finally at a point below n, from whence it issued in volume and flowed down to the sea at Nanawale (after J. D. Dana). Inasmuch as no earthquakes are felt in connection with such outflows as have been described, it is probable that the hot lava fuses a passageway for itself into some open channel underneath the flanks of the mountain. Such a course is well illustrated by the outflow of Kilauea in 1840, when, it will be remembered, occurred the great down-plunge of the crater that yielded the pit below the black ledge. At this time the lava first made its appearance upon the flanks of the mountain at the bottom of a small pit or inbreak crater which opened five miles southeast of the main crater of Kilauea (Fig. 104). Within this new crater the lava rose, and small ejections soon followed from fissures formed in its neighborhood. Some time after, the lava sank in the first new crater, only to reappear successively at other small openings (Fig. 104, B, C, m, n) and finally to issue in volume at a point eleven miles from the shore and flow thereafter upon the surface of the mountain until it had reached the sea. Only the slightest earth tremors were felt, and as no rumblings were heard, it is evident that the lava fused its way along a buried channel largely open at the time (see below, p. 112). In a majority of the eruptions of Mokuaweoweo, when the outflowing lavas have become visible, the molten rock has apparently fused its way out to the surface of the mountain at The outflow of the lava floods.—In order to properly comprehend these and many otherwise puzzling phenomena connected with volcanoes, it is necessary to keep ever in mind the quite remarkable heat-insulating property of congealed lava. So soon as a thin crust has formed upon the surface of molten rock, the heat of the underlying fluid mass is given off with extreme slowness, so that lava streams no longer connected with their internal lava reservoirs may remain molten for decades. Fig. 105.—Lava of Matavanu upon the Island of Savaii flowing down to the sea during the eruption of 1906. The course may be followed by the jets of steam escaping from the surface down to the great steam cloud which rises where the fluid lava discharges into the sea (after H. I. Jensen). We have seen that for Mokuaweoweo and Kilauea, lava either quietly melts its way to the surface at the time of outflow, or else produces a rent for its egress to the accompaniment of vigorous local earthquakes. In either case if the lava issues at a point Fig. 106.—Lava stream discharging into the sea from beneath the frozen roof of a lava tunnel. Eruption of Matavanu on Savaii in 1906 (after Sapper). If sufficient in volume and the shore be not too distant, the stream of lava arrives at the sea, where, discharging from the mouth of its tunnel, it throws up vast volumes of steam and induces ebullition of the water over a wide area (Fig. 106). Professor Dana, who visited Hawaii a few months only after the great outflow of 1840, states that the lava, upon reaching the Fig. 107.—Diagrammatic representation of the structure of the flanks of lava volcanoes as a result of the draining of frozen lava streams. Protected from any extensive consolidation by its congealed cover, the lava within a stream may all drain away, leaving behind an empty lava tunnel, which in the case of the Hawaiian volcanoes sometimes has its roof hung with beautiful lava stalactites and its floor studded with thin lava spines. Later lava outflows over the same or neighboring courses bury such tunnels beneath others of similar nature, giving to the mountain flanks an elongated cellular structure illustrated schematically in Fig. 107. These buried channels may in the future be again utilized for outflows similar in character to that of Kilauea in 1840. Fig. 108.—Diagram to show the manner of formation of mesas or table mountains by the outflow of lava in valleys and the subsequent more rapid erosion of the intervening ridges. R, earlier river valley; R’R’, later valleys. While the formation of lava stalactites of such perfection and beauty is peculiar to the Hawaiian lava tunnels, the formation of the tunnel in connection with lava outflow is the rule wherever a dissipation at the end has permitted of drainage. A few hours only after the flow has begun, the frozen surface has usually a thickness of a few inches, and this cover may be walked over with the lava still molten below. At first in part supported by the molten lava, the tunnel roof sometimes caves in so soon as drainage has occurred. Fig. 109.—Surface of lava of the Pahoehoe type. Wherever basaltic lava has spread out in valleys on the surface of more easily eroded material, either cinder or sedimentary formations, the softer intervening ridges are first carried away by the eroding agencies, leaving the lava as cappings upon residual elevations. Thus are derived a type of table mountain or mesa of the sort well illustrated upon the western slopes of the Sierra Nevadas in California (Fig. 108). Fig. 110.—Three successive views to illustrate the growth of the Island of Savaii from the outflow of lava at Matavanu in the year 1906. a, near the beginning of the outflow; b, some weeks later than a; c, some weeks later than b (after H. I. Jensen). The surface which flowing lava assumes, while subject to considerable variation, may yet be classified into two rather distinct types. On the one hand there is the billowy surface in which ellipsoidal or kidney-shaped masses, each with dimensions of from one to several feet, lie merged in one another, not unlike an irregular collection of sofa pillows. This type of lava has become known as the Pahoehoe, from the Hawaiian occurrence (Fig. 109). A variation from this type is the “corded” or “ropy” lava, the surface of which much resembles rope as it is coiled along the deck of a vessel, the coils being here the lines of scum or scoriÆ arranged in this manner by the currents at the surface of the stream (Fig. 123, p. 124). A quite different type is the block lava (Aa type) which usually has a ragged scoriaceous surface and consists of more or less separate fragments of cooled lava (Fig. 131, p. 130). Wherever lava flows into the sea in quantity, it extends the margin of the shore, often by considerable areas. The outflow of Kilauea in 1840 extended the shore of Hawaii outward for the distance of a quarter of a mile, and a more recent illustration of such extension of land masses is furnished by Fig. 110. |