THE NATURE OF THE MATERIALS IN THE LITHOSPHERE The rigid quality of our planet.—For a long time it was supposed that the solid earth constituted a crust only which was floated upon a liquid interior. This notion was clearly an outgrowth of the then generally accepted Laplacian hypothesis of the origin of the universe, which assumed fluid interiors for the planets, the crust being suggested by the winter crust of frozen water upon the surface of our inland lakes. To-day the nebular hypothesis in the Laplacian form is fast giving place to quite different conceptions, in which solid particles, and not gaseous ones, are conceived to have built up the lithosphere. The analogy with frozen water has likewise been abandoned with the discovery that frozen rock, instead of floating, sinks in its molten equivalent. Yet even more cogent arguments have been brought forward to show that whatever may be the state of aggregation within the earth’s core—and it may be different from any now known to us—it nevertheless has many of the properties recognized as belonging to solid and rigid bodies. Provisionally, therefore, we may regard the earth’s core as rigid and essentially solid. It was long ago pointed out by the late Lord Kelvin that if our lithosphere were not more rigid than a ball of glass of the same size, it would be constantly passing through periodic six-hourly distortions of great amplitude in response to the varying attractions of the moon. An equally striking argument emanating from the same high authority is furnished by the well-known egg-spinning demonstration. For illustration, Kelvin was accustomed to take two eggs, one boiled and the other raw, and attempt to spin them upon their ends. For the boiled, and essentially solid, egg this is easily accomplished, but internal friction of the liquid contents of the raw egg quickly stops any rotary motion which is imparted to it. Upon the same grounds it is argued that had the earth’s interior possessed the properties of a liquid, rotation must long since have ceased. A stronger proof of earth rigidity than either of these has been lately furnished by the instrumental study of earthquakes. With the delicate apparatus which is now installed for the purpose, heavy earthquakes may be sensed which have occurred anywhere upon the earth’s surface, the earth movement sending its own message by the shortest route through the core of the earth to the observing station. A heavy shock which occurs in New Zealand is recorded in England, almost diametrically opposite, in about twenty-one minutes after its occurrence. The laws of wave propagation and their relation to the properties of the transmitting medium are well known, and in order to explain such extraordinary velocity it is necessary to assume that for such impulses the earth’s interior is much more rigid than the finest tool steel. Probable composition of the earth’s core.—In deriving views concerning the nature of the earth’s interior we are greatly aided by astronomical studies. The common origin long ago indicated for the planets of the solar system and the sun has been confirmed by the analysis of light with the aid of the spectroscope. It has thus been found that the same chemical elements which we find in the earth are present also in the sun and in the other stellar bodies. Again, the group of planets of the solar system which are nearest to the sun—Mercury, Venus, the Earth, and Mars—have each a high density, all except Mars, the most distant, having specific gravities very closely 5½, that of Mars being about 4. This average specific gravity is also that of the solid bodies, the so-called meteorites, which reach the surface of our planet from the surrounding space. Yet though the earth as a whole is thus found to have a specific gravity five and a half times that of water, its surface shell has an average density of less than half this value, or 2.7. The study of meteorites has given us a possible clew to the nature of the earth’s interior; for when both terrestrial and celestial rock types are classified and placed in orderly arrangement, it is found that the chemical elements which compose the two groups are identical, and that these are united according to the same physical and chemical laws. No new element has been discovered in the one group that has not been found in the other, and though some compounds of these elements, the minerals, occur in the earth’s crust that have not been found in meteorites, Fig. 9.—Diagram to show how terrestrial rocks grade into those of the meteorites. 1, oxygen; 2, silicon; 3, aluminium; 4, alkali metals; 5, alkaline earth metals; 6, iron, nickel, cobalt, etc.; a, granites and rhyolites; b, syenites and trachytes; c, diorites and andesites; d, gabbros and basalts; e, ultra-basic rocks; f, basic inclosures in basalt, etc.; g, iron basalts of west Greenland; h, iron masses of Ovifak, west Greenland; a’-d’, meteorites in order of density (after Judd). In a broad way, density, structure, and chemical composition are all similarly involved in the gradations illustrated by the diagram; and it is significant that while there are terrestrial rocks not represented by meteorites, the densest and the most unusual of the terrestrial rocks are chemically almost identical with the less dense of the celestial bodies. The earth a magnet.—The denser, and likewise the more common, of the meteorite rocks—the so-called meteoric irons—are composed almost entirely of the elements iron, nickel, and cobalt. Such aggregates are not known as yet from terrestrial sources, although transitional types appear to exist upon the island of Disco off the west coast of Greenland. If it were possible to explore the earth’s interior, would such combinations of the iron minerals be encountered? Apart from the surprising velocity of transmission of earthquake waves, the strongest argument for an iron core to the lithosphere is found in the magnetic property of the earth as a whole. The only magnetic elements known to us are those of the heavy meteorites—iron, nickel, and cobalt,—and the earth is, as we know, a great magnet whose northern pole in British America and whose southern pole in Antarctica have at last been visited by Amundsen and David, respectively. The specific gravity of iron is 7.15, and those of nickel and cobalt, which in the meteorites are present in relatively small amounts, are 7.8 and 7.5, respectively. Considering that the surface shell of the earth has a specific gravity of 2.7, these values must be regarded as agreeing well with the determined density of the earth (5.6) and the other planets of its group (Mercury 5.7, Venus 5.4, Mars 4). The chemical constitution of the earth’s surface shell.—The number of the so-called chemical elements which enter into the earth’s composition is more than eighty, but few of these figure as important constituents of the portion known to us. Nearly one half of the mass of this shell is oxygen, and more than a quarter is silicon. The remaining quarter is largely made up of aluminium, iron, calcium, magnesium, and the alkalies sodium and potassium, in the order named. These eight constituent elements are thus the only ones which play any important rÔle in the composition of the earth’s surface shell. They are not found there in the free condition, but combined in the definite proportions characteristic of chemical compounds, and as such they are known as minerals. The essential nature of crystals.—A crystal we are accustomed to think of as something transparent bounded by sharp edges and angles, our ideas having been obtained largely from the gem minerals. This outward symmetry of form is, however, but an expression of a power which resides, so to speak, in the heart Fig. 10.—Comparison of a crystalline with an amorphous substance when expanded by heat and when attacked by acid. Just as the real nature of a person is first disclosed by his behavior under trying circumstances, so of a crystal it is its conduct under stress of one sort or another which brings out its real character. By way of illustration let us prepare a sphere from the mineral quartz—it matters not whether we destroy the beautiful outlines of the crystal or employ a battered fragment—and then prepare a sphere of similar size and shape from a noncrystalline or amorphous substance like glass. If now these two spheres be introduced into a bath of oil and raised to a higher temperature, the glass globe undergoes an enlargement without change of its form; but the crystal ball reveals its individuality by expanding into a spheroid in which each new dimension is nicely adjusted to this more complex figure (Fig. 10). We may, instead of submitting the two balls to the “trial by Fig. 11.—“Light figure” seen upon an etched surface of a crystal of calcite (after Goldschmidt and Wright). The lithosphere a complex of interlocking crystals.—To the layman the crystal is something rare and expensive, to be obtained from a jeweler or to be seen displayed in the show cases of the great museums. Yet the one most striking quality of the lithosphere which separates it from the hydrosphere and the atmosphere is its crystalline structure,—a structure belonging also to the meteorite, and with little doubt to all the planets of the earth group. A snowflake caught during its fall from the sky reveals all the delicate tracery of crystal boundary; collected from a thick layer lying upon the ground, it appears as an intricate aggregate of broken fragments more or less firmly cemented together. And so it is of the lithosphere, for the myriads of individuals are either the ruins of former crystals, or they are grown together in such a manner that crystal facets had no opportunity to develop. Such mineral individuals as once possessed the crystal form may have been broken and their surfaces ground away by mutual attrition under the rhythmic beating of the waves upon a shore or in the continuous rolling of pebbles on a stream bed, until as battered Fig. 12.—Battered sand grains which have taken on a new lease of life and have developed a crystal form. a, a single grain grown into an individual crystal; b, a parallel growth about a single grain; c, growth of neighboring grains until they have mutually interfered and so destroyed the crystal facets—the common condition within the mass of a rock (after Irving and Van Hise). This individual nature of the crystal is believed to reside in a symmetrical grouping of the chemical molecules of the substance into larger and so-called “crystal molecules.” The crystal quality belongs to the chemical elements and to their compounds in the solid condition, but not to ordinary mixtures of them. Some properties of natural crystals, minerals.—No two mineral species appear in crystals of the same appearance, any more than two animal species have been given the same form; and so minerals may be recognized by the individual peculiarities of their crystals. Yet for the reason that crystals have so generally been prevented from developing or retaining their characteristic faces, When a mineral is broken under the blow of a hammer, instead of yielding an irregular fracture, like that of glass, it generally tends to part along one or more directions so as to leave plane surfaces. This property of cleavage is strikingly illustrated for a single direction in the mineral mica, for two directions in feldspar, and for three directions in calcite or Iceland spar. Other properties of minerals, such as hardness, specific gravity, luster, color, fusibility, etc., are all made use of in rough determinations of the minerals. Far more delicate methods depend upon the behavior of minerals when observed in polarized light, and such behavior is the basis of those branches of geological science known as optical mineralogy and as microscopical petrography. An outline description of some of the common minerals and the means for identifying them will be found in appendix A. The alterations of minerals.—By far the larger number of minerals have been formed in the cooling and consequent consolidation of molten rock material such as during a volcanic eruption reaches the earth’s surface as lava. Beginning their growth at many points within the viscous mass, the individual crystals eventually may grow together and so prevent a development of their crystal faces. Another class of minerals are deposited from solution in water within the cavities and fissures of the rocks; and if this process ceases before the cavities have been completely closed, the minerals are found projecting from the walls in a beautiful lining of crystal—the Krystallkeller or “crystal cellar.” It is from such pockets or veins within the rocks that the valuable ores are obtained, as are the crystals which are displayed in our mineral cabinets. Fig. 13.—Crystal of garnet developed in a schist with grains of quartz included because not assimilated. There is, however, a third process by which minerals are formed, and minerals of this class are produced within the solid rock as a product of the alteration of preËxisting minerals. Under the enormous pressures of the rocks deep below the earth’s surface, they are as permeable to the percolating waters as is a sponge at the surface. Under these conditions certain minerals are dissolved and their material redeposited after traveling in the Fig. 14.—A crystal of augite within the mass of a rock altered in part to form a rim of the minerals hornblende and magnetite. Note the original outline of the augite crystal. At other times a crystal which is imbedded in rock has been attacked upon its surface by the percolating solutions, and the dissolved materials have been deposited in place as a crown of new minerals which steadily widens its zone until the center is reached and the original crystal has been entirely transformed (Fig. 14). It is sometimes possible to say that the action by which these changes have been brought about has involved a nice adjustment of supply of the chemical constituents necessary to the formation of the new mineral or minerals. In rocks which are aggregates of several mineral species, a newly formed mineral may appear only at the common margin of certain of these species, thus showing that they supply those chemical elements which were necessary to the formation of the new substance (Fig. 15). Thus it is seen that below the earth’s surface chemical reactions are constantly going on, and the earlier rocks are thus locally being transformed into others of a different mineral constitution. Fig. 15.—A new mineral (hornblende) forming as an intermediate “reaction rim” between the mineral having irregular fractures (olivine) and the dusty white mineral (lime-soda feldspar). Near the earth’s surface the carbon dioxide and the moisture which are present in the atmosphere are constantly changing the exposed portions of the lithosphere into carbonates, hydrates, and oxides. These compounds are more soluble than are the minerals out of which they were formed, and they are also more bulky and so tend to crack off from the parent mass on which they were formed. As we are to see, for both of these reasons the surface rocks of the lithosphere succumb to this attack from the atmosphere. In connection with those wrinklings of the surface shell of the lithosphere from which mountains result, the underlying rocks are subjected to great strains, and even where no visible partings are produced, the rocks are deformed so that individual minerals may be bent into crescent-shaped or S-shaped forms, or they are parted into one or more fragments which remain imbedded within the rock. Reading References for Chapter III Theories of origin of the earth:— Thomson and Tait. Natural Philosophy. 2d ed. Cambridge, 1883, pp. 422. T. C. Chamberlin. Chamberlin and Salisbury’s Geology, vol. 2, pp. 1-81. Rigidity of the earth:— Lord Kelvin. The Internal Condition of the Earth as to Temperature, Fluidity, and Rigidity, Popular Lectures and Addresses, vol. 2, pp. 299-318; Review of evidence regarding the physical condition of the earth, ibid., pp. 238-272. Hobbs. Earthquakes (Appleton, New York, 1907), Chapters xvi and xvii. Composition of the earth’s core and shell:— O. C. Farrington. The Preterrestrial History of Meteorites, Jour. Geol., vol. 9, 1901, pp. 623-236. E. S. Dana. Minerals and How to Study Them (a book for beginners in mineralogy). Wiley, New York, 1895. On the nature of crystals:— Victor Goldschmidt. Ueber das Wesen der Krystalle, Ostwalds Annalen der Naturphilosophie, vol. 9, 1909-1910, pp. 120-139, 368-419. |