THE COMPILATION OF EARTH HISTORY The sources of the history.—The science which deals with the chapters of earth history that antedate the earliest human writings is geology. The pages of the record are the layers of rock which make up the outer shell of our world. Here as in old manuscripts pages are sometimes found to be missing, and on others the writing is largely effaced so as to be indistinct or even illegible. An intelligent interpretation of this record requires a knowledge of the materials and the structure of the earth, as well as a proper conception of the agencies which have caused change and so developed the history. These agencies in operation are physical and chemical processes, and so the sciences of physics and chemistry are fundamental in any extended study of geology. Not only is geology, so to speak, founded upon chemistry and physics, but its field overlaps that of many other important sciences. The earliest earth history has to do with the form, size, and physical condition of a minor planet in the solar system. The earliest portion of the story belongs therefore to astronomy, and no sharp line can be drawn to separate this chapter from those later ones which are more clearly within the domain of geology. Subdivisions of geology.—The terms “cosmic geology” and “astronomic geology” have sometimes been used to cover the astronomy of the earth planet. The later earth history develops, among other things, the varied forms of animal and vegetable life which have had a definite order of appearance. Their study is to a large extent zoÖlogy and botany, though here considered from an essentially different viewpoint. This subdivision of our science is called paleontological geology or paleontology, which So far as they are known to us, the materials of which the earth is composed are minerals grouped into various characteristic aggregates known as rocks. Here the science is founded upon mineralogy as well as chemistry, and a study of the rock materials of the earth is designated petrographical geology or petrography. The various rocks which enter into the composition of the earth’s outer shell—the only portion known to us from direct observation—are built into it in an architecture which, when carefully studied, discloses important events in the earth’s history. The division of the science which is concerned with earth architecture is geotectonic or structural geology. The study of earth features and their significance.—The features upon the surface of the earth have all their deep significance, and if properly understood, a flood of light is thrown, not only upon present conditions, but upon many chapters of the earth’s earlier history. Here the relation of our study to topography and geography is very close, so that the lines of separation are but ill defined. The terms “physiographical geology”, “physiography”, and “geomorphology” are concerned with the configuration of the earth’s surface—its physiognomy—and with the genesis of its individual surface features. It is this genetical side of physiography which separates it from topography and lends it an absorbing interest, though it causes it to largely overlap the division of dynamical geology or the study of geological processes. In fact, the difference between dynamical geology and physiography is largely one of emphasis, the stress Under dynamical geology are included important subdivisions, such as seismic geology, or the study of earthquakes, and vulcanology, or the study of volcanoes. Another large subject, glacial geology, belongs within the broad frontier common to both dynamical geology and physiography. A relatively new subdivision of geological science is orientational geology, which is concerned with the trend of earth features, and is closely related both to physiography and to dynamical and structural geology. Tabular recapitulation.—In a slightly different arrangement from the above order of mention, the subdivisions of geology are as follows:— Subdivisions of Geology
In one way or another all of the above subdivisions of geology are in some way concerned in the genesis of earth physiognomy, and they must therefore be given consideration in a work which is devoted to a study of the meaning of earth features. The compiled record of the rocks is, however, something quite apart and without pertinence to the present work. As already indicated its subdivisions are:—
In every attempt at systematic arrangement difficulties are encountered, usually because no one consideration can be used throughout as the basis of classification. Such terms as “economic Geological processes not universal.—It is inevitable that the geology of regions which are easily accessible for study should have absorbed the larger measure of attention; but it should not be forgotten that geology is concerned with the history of the entire world, and that perspective will be lost and erroneous conclusions drawn if local conditions are kept too often before the eyes. To illustrate by a single instance, the best studied regions of the globe are those in which fairly abundant precipitation in the form of rain has fitted the land for easy conditions of life, and has thus permitted the development of a high civilization. In degree, and to some extent also in kind, geologic processes are markedly different within those widely extended regions which, because either arid or cold, have been but ill fitted for human habitation. Yet in the historical development of the earth, those geologic processes which obtain in desert or polar regions are none the less important because less often and less carefully observed. Change, and not stability, the order of nature.—Man is ever prone to emphasize the importance of apparent facts to the disadvantage of those less clearly revealed though equally potent. The ancient notion of the terra firma, the safe and solid ground, arose because of its contrast with the far more mobile bodies of water; but this illusion is quickly dispelled with the sudden quaking of the ground. Experience has clearly shown that, both upon and beneath the earth’s surface, chemical and physical changes are going on, subject to but little interruption. “The hills rock-ribbed and ancient as the sun” is a poetical metaphor; for the Himalayas, the loftiest mountains upon the globe, were, to speak in geological terms, raised from the sea but yesterday. Even to-day they are pushing up their heads, only to be relentlessly planed down through the action of the atmosphere, of ice, and of running water. Even more than has generally been supposed, the earth suffers change. Often within the space of a few seconds, to the accompaniment of a heavy earthquake, many square miles of territory are bodily uplifted, while neighboring areas may be relatively depressed. Thus change, and not stability, is the order of nature. Observational geology versus speculative philosophy.—There appears to be a more or less prevalent notion that the views which are held by scientists in one generation are abandoned by those of the next; and this is apt to lead to the belief that little is really known and that much is largely guessed. Some ground there undoubtedly is for such skepticism, though much of it may be accounted for by a general failure among scientists, as well as others, to clearly differentiate that which is essentially speculative from what is based broadly upon observed facts. Even with extended observation, the possibility of explaining the facts in more than one way is not excluded; but the line is nevertheless a broad one which separates this entire field of observation from what is essentially speculative philosophy. To illustrate: the mechanics of the action which goes on within volcanic craters is now fairly well understood as a result of many and extended observations, and it is little likely that future generations of geologists will discredit the main conclusions which have been reached. The cause of the rise of the lava to the earth’s surface is, on the other hand, much less clearly demonstrated, and the views which are held express rather the differing opinions than any clear deductions from observation. Again, and similarly, the physical history of the great continental glaciers of the so-called “ice age” is far more thoroughly known than that of any existing glacier of the same type; but the cause of the climatic changes which brought on the glaciation is still largely a matter for speculation. In the present work, the attempt will be, so far as possible, to give an exposition of geologic processes and the earth features which result from them, with hints only at those ultimate causes which lie hidden in the background. The scientific attitude and temper.—The student of science should make it his aim, not only clearly to separate in his studies the proximate from the ultimate causes of observed phenomena, but he should keep his mind always open for reaching individual conclusions. No doctrines should be accepted finally upon faith merely, but subject rather to his own reasoning processes. This should not be interpreted to mean that concerning matters of which he knows little or nothing he should not pay respect to the recognized authorities; but his acceptance of any theory should The value of the hypothesis.—Because all the facts necessary for a full interpretation of observed phenomena are not at one’s hand, this should not be made to stand in the way of provisional explanations. If science is to advance, the use of hypothesis is absolutely essential; but the particular hypothesis adopted should be regarded as temporary and as indicating a line of observation or of experimentation which is to be followed in testing it. Thus regarded with an open mind, inadequate hypotheses are eventually found to be untenable, whereas correct explanations of the facts by the same process are confirmed. Most hypotheses of science are but partially correct, for we now “see through a glass darkly”; but even so, if properly tested, the false elements in the hypothesis are one after the other eliminated as the embodied truth is confirmed and enlarged. Thus “working hypothesis” passes into theory and becomes an integral part of science. Reading References for Chapter I The most comprehensive of general geological texts written in English is Chamberlin and Salisbury’s “Geology” in three volumes (Henry Holt, 1904-1906), the first volume of which is devoted exclusively to geological processes and their results. An abridged one-volume edition of the work intended for use as a college text was issued in 1906 (College Geology, Henry Holt). Other standard texts are:— Sir Archibald Geikie. Text-book of Geology, 4th ed. 2 vols. London, 1902, pp. 1472. W. B. Scott. An Introduction to Geology. 2d ed. Macmillan, 1907, pp. 816. J. D. Dana. Manual of Geology. New edition. American Book Company, 1895, pp. 1087. Joseph LeConte. Elements of Geology. (Revised by Fairchild.) Appleton, 1905, pp. 667. A very valuable guide to the recent literature of dynamical and structural geology is Branner’s “Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Elementary Geology” (Stanford University, 1908). On the relation of geology to landscape, a number of interesting books have been written:— James Geikie. Earth Sculpture or the Origin of Land-Forms. New York and London, 1896, pp. 397. John E. Marr. The Scientific Study of Scenery. Methuen, London, 1900, pp. 368. Sir A. Geikie. The Scenery of Scotland. 3d ed. Macmillan, London, 1901, pp. 540. Sir John Lubbock. The Scenery of Switzerland and the Causes to which it is Due. Macmillan, London, 1896, pp. 480. Lord Avebury. The Scenery of England. Macmillan, London, 1902, pp. 534. Sir A. Geikie. Landscape in History, and Other Essays. Macmillan, London, 1905, pp. 352. N. S. Shaler. Aspects of the Earth. Scribners, New York, 1889, pp. 344. G. de La Noe et Emm. de Margerie. Les Formes du Terrain, Service GÉographique de l’ArmÉe. Paris, 1888, pp. 205, pls. 48. W. M. Davis. Practical Exercises in Physical Geography, with Accompanying Atlas. Ginn and Co., Boston, 1908, pp. 148, pls. 45. John Muir. The Mountains of California. Unwin, London, 1894, pp. 381. Upon the use and interpretation of topographic maps in illustration of characteristic earth features, the following are recommended:— R. D. Salisbury and W. W. Atwood. The Interpretation of Topographic Maps, Prof. Pap., 60 U.S. Geol. Surv., pp. 84, pls. 170. D. W. Johnson and F. E. Matthes. The Relation of Geology to Topography, in Breed and Hosmer’s Principles and Practice of Surveying, vol. 2. Wiley, New York, 1908. GÉnÉral Berthaut. Topologie, Étude du Terrain, Service GÉographique de l’ArmÉe. Paris, 1909, 2 vols., pp. 330 and 674, pls. 265. The United States Geological Survey issues free of charge a list of 100 topographic atlas sheets which illustrate the more important physiographic types. In his “TraitÉ de GÉographie Physique”, Professor E. de Martonne has given at the end of each chapter the important foreign maps which illustrate the physiographic types there described. “The Principles of Geology”, by Sir Charles Lyell, published first in three volumes, appeared in the years 1830-1833, and may be said to mark the beginning of modern geology. Later reduced to two volumes, an eleventh edition of the work was issued in 1872 (Appleton) and may be profitably read and studied to-day by all students of geology. Those familiar with the German language will derive both pleasure and profit from a perusal of Neumayr’s “Erdgeschichte” (2d ed. revised by Uhlig. Leipzig and Vienna, 2 vols., 1895-1897), and especially the first volume, “Allgemeine Geologie.” A recent French work to be recommended is Haug’s “TraitÉ de GÉologie” (Paris, 1907). Some texts of physical geography may well be consulted, especially Emm. de Martonne’s “TraitÉ de GÉographie Physique.” Colin, Paris, 1909, pp. 910, pls. 48, and figs. 396. Note. An explanatory list of abbreviations used in the reading references follows the List of Illustrations. |