The sixth chapter of St. John is not mentioned in the list, because, although it contains a description of the inward and spiritual grace, of which the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is a sign and mean, it cannot refer to the sacrament itself; for that was not appointed when the words were spoken; and the persons our Lord was addressing were unconverted and unbaptized Jews, who were following him simply for the loaves and fishes. It would, indeed, have been unintelligible, had he said to such characters, at such a time, “Except ye receive the sacrament, ye have no life in you.” The passage refers, therefore, to the spiritual grace, and not to the outward sign—to the feeding upon our blessed Lord by faith, and not to the act of communion in the sacrament. This is yet more evident in the Greek than in the English. The word for chastisement is ???a, that for final judgment ?at????a. But the word in ver. 29 is ???a, and the only verse in which ?at????a, or its equivalent verb occurs, is the latter part of the 32d. |