
Last meeting we found that it is useless to enforce the necessity of truth, unless the mother is consistent in her example. Besides this:

II. Enforce it by instruction and by precept.

Tell—how God hates lying. Prov. vi. 16, 17; xii. 22.

Tell—histories from Scripture to show how God hates it. Satan, Gen. iii. 4. Gehazi, 2 Kings, v. 25. Ananias, Acts, v. 1–11.

Tell—who is the father of lies. John, viii. 44.

Tell—the consequences of lying. Ps. v. 6; lv. 23. Rev. xxi. 8.

III. Avoid severity.

Children are often frightened into deceit by fear of their parents’ severity.

IV. Do not put temptations to lie in a child’s way.

Do not encourage them to conceal anything from their father, schoolmaster, master, or mistress, if in service.

V. Correct for a lie.

It is a false love which dispenses with a needful chastisement. Prov. xiii. 24; xix. 18.

But always with prayer.

VI. Let the child see that you are grieved for his sin. That it gives you sorrow, not only causes anger. Ps. cxix. 158.

VII. Make it a subject of prayer with your child that the way of lying may be removed from him. Ps. cxix. 29. Prov. xxx. 8.



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