APPENDIX A. This set of 100 names is useful for studying Plane Space, and forms a square 10 × 10. Aion | Bios | Hupar | Neas | Kairos | Enos | Thlipsis | Cheimas | Theion | Epei | Itea | Hagios | Phaino | Geras | Tholos | Ergon | Pachus | Kion | Eris | Cleos | Loma | Etes | Trochos | Klazo | Lutron | Hedus | Ischus | Paigma | Hedna | Demas | Numphe | Bathus | Pauo | Euthu | Holos | Para | Thuos | Kare | Pyle | Spareis | Ania | Eon | Seranx | Mesoi | Dramo | Thallos | Akte | Ozo | Onos | Magos | Notos | Menis | Lampas | Ornis | Thama | Eni | Pholis | Mala | Strizo | Rudon | Labo | Helor | Rupa | Rabdos | Doru | Epos | Theos | Idris | Ede | Hepo | Sophos | Ichor | Kaneon | Ephthra | Oxis | Luke | Blue | Helos | Peri | Thelus | Eunis | Limos | Keedo | Igde | Mate | Lukos | Pteris | Holmos | Oulo | Dokos | Aeido | Ias | Assa | Muzo | Hippeus | Eos | Ate | Akme | Ore | Gua |
APPENDIX B. The following list of names is used to denote cubic spaces. It makes a cubic block of six floors, the highest being the sixth. S i x t h | F l o o r. | Fons | Plectrum | Vulnus | Arena | Mensa | Terminus | Testa | Plausus | Uva | Collis | Coma | Nebula | Copia | Cornu | Solum | Munus | Rixum | Vitrum | Ars | Fervor | Thyma | Colubra | Seges | Cor | Lupus | Classis | Modus | Flamma | Mens | Incola | Thalamus | Hasta | Calamus | Crinis | Auriga | Vallum | F i f t h | F l o o r. | Linteum | Pinnis | Puppis | Nuptia | Aegis | Cithara | Triumphus | Curris | Lux | Portus | Latus | Funis | Regnum | Fascis | Bellum | Capellus | Arbor | Custos | Sagitta | Puer | Stella | Saxum | Humor | Pontus | Nomen | Imago | Lapsus | Quercus | Mundus | Proelium | Palaestra | Nuncius | Bos | Pharetra | Pumex | Tibia | F o u r t h | F l o o r. | Lignum | Focus | Ornus | Lucrum | Alea | Vox | Caterva | Facies | Onus | Silva | Gelu | Flumen | Tellus | Sol | Os | Arma | Brachium | Jaculum | Merum | Signum | Umbra | Tempus | Corona | Socius | Moena | Opus | Honor | Campus | Rivus | Imber | Victor | Equus | Miles | Cursus | Lyra | Tunica | T h i r d
| F l o o r. | Haedus | Taberna | Turris | Nox | Domus | Vinum | Pruinus | Chorus | Luna | Flos | Lucus | Agna | Fulmen | Hiems | Ver | Carina | Arator | Pratum | Oculus | Ignis | Aether | Cohors | Penna | Labor | Aes | Pectus | Pelagus | Notus | Fretum | Gradus | Princeps | Dux | Ventus | Navis | Finis | Robur | S e c o n d | F l o o r. | Vultus | Hostis | Figura | Ales | Coelum | Aura | Humerus | Augur | Ludus | Clamor | Galea | Pes | Civis | Ferrum | Pugna | Res | Carmen | Nubes | Litus | Unda | Rex | Templum | Ripa | Amnis | Pannus | Ulmus | Sedes | Columba | Aequor | Dama | Dexter | Urbs | Gens | Monstrum | Pecus | Mons | F i r s t | F l o o r. | Nemus | Sidus | Vertex | Nix | Grando | Arx | Venator | Cerva | Aper | Plagua | Hedera | Frons | Membrum | Aqua | Caput | Castrum | Lituus | Tuba | Fluctus | Rus | Ratis | Amphora | Pars | Dies | Turba | Ager | Trabs | Myrtus | Fibra | Nauta | Decus | Pulvis | Meta | Rota | Palma | Terra |
APPENDIX C. The following names are used for a set of 256 Tessaracts. Fourth Block. | | Third Block. | Fourth Floor. | Fourth Floor. | Dolium | Caballus | Python | Circaea | Charta | Cures | Quaestor | Cliens | Cussis | Pulsus | Drachma | Cordax | Frux | Pyra | Lena | Procella | Porrum | Consul | Diota | Dyka | Hera | Esca | Secta | RugÆ | Columen | Ravis | Corbis | Rapina | Eurus | Gloria | Socer | Sequela | Third Floor. | Third Floor. | Alexis | Planta | Corymbus | Lectrum | Arche | Agger | Cumulus | Cassis | Aestus | Labellum | Calathus | Nux | Arcus | Ovis | Portio | Mimus | Septum | Sepes | Turtur | Ordo | Laurus | Tigris | Segmen | Obolus | Morsus | Aestas | Capella | Rheda | Axis | Troja | Aries | Fuga | Second Floor. | Second Floor. | Corydon | Jugum | Tornus | Labrum | Ruina | Culmen | Fenestra | Aedes | Lac | Hibiscus | Donum | Caltha | Postis | Clipeus | Tabula | Lingua | Senex | Palus | Salix | Cespes | Orcus | Lacerta | Testudo | Scala | Amictus | Gurges | Otium | Pomum | Verbum | Luctus | Anguis | Dolus | First Floor. | First Floor. | Odor | Aprum | Pignus | Messor | Additus | Salus | Clades | Rana | Color | Casa | Cera | Papaver | Telum | Nepos | Angusta | Mucro | Spes | Lapis | Apis | Afrus | Polus | Penates | Vulcan | Ira | Vitula | Clavis | Fagus | Cornix | Cervix | Securis | Vinculum | Furor | Second Block. | First Block. | Fourth Floor. | Fourth Floor. | Actus | Spadix | Sicera | Anser | Horreum | Fumus | Hircus | Erisma | Auspex | Praetor | Atta | Sonus | Anulus | Pluor | Acies | Naxos | Fulgor | Ardea | Prex | Aevum | Etna | Gemma | Alpis | Arbiter | Spina | Birrus | Acerra | Ramus | Alauda | Furca | Gena | Alnus | Third Floor. | Third Floor. | Machina | Lex | Omen | Artus | Fax | Venenum | Syrma | Ursa | Ara | Vomer | Pluma | Odium | Mars | Merces | Tyro | Fama | Proeda | Sacerdos | Hydra | Luxus | Spicula | Mora | Oliva | Conjux | Cortex | Mica | Flagellum | Mas | Comes | Tibicen | Vestis | Plenum | Second Floor. | Second Floor. | Ardor | Rupes | Pallas | Arista | Rostrum | Armiger | Premium | Tribus | Pilum | Glans | Colus | Pellis | Ala | Cortis | Aer | Fragor | Ocrea | Tessara | Domitor | Fera | Uncus | Pallor | Tergum | Reus | Cardo | Cudo | Malleus | Thorax | Ostrum | Bidens | Scena | Torus | First Floor. | First Floor. | Regina | Canis | Marmor | Tectum | Pardus | Rubor | Nurus | Hospes | Agmen | Lacus | Arvus | Rumor | Sector | Hama | Remus | Fortuna | Crates | Cura | Limen | Vita | Frenum | Plebs | Sypho | Myrrha | Thyrsus | Vitta | Sceptrum | Pax | Urna | Moles | Saltus | Acus |
APPENDIX D. The following list gives the colours, and the various uses for them. They have already been used in the foregoing pages to distinguish the various regions of the Tessaract, and the different individual cubes or Tessaracts in a block. The other use suggested in the last column of the list has not been discussed; but it is believed that it may afford great aid to the mind in amassing, handling, and retaining the quantities of formulae requisite in scientific training and work. Colour. | Region of Tessaract. | Tessaract in 81 Set. | Symbol. | Black | Syce | Plebs | 0 | White | Mel | Mora | 1 | Vermilion | Alvus | Uncus | 2 | Orange | Cuspis | Moles | 3 | Light-yellow | Murex | Cortis | 4 | Bright-green | Lappa | Penates | 5 | Bright-blue | Iter | Oliva | 6 | Light-grey | Lares | Tigris | 7 | Indian-red | Crux | Orcus | 8 | Yellow-ochre | Sal | Testudo | 9 | Buff | Cista | Sector | + (plus) | Wood | Tessaract | Tessara | - (minus) | Brown-green | Tholus | Troja | ± (plus or minus) | Sage-green | Margo | Lacerta | × (multiplied by) | Reddish | Callis | Tibicen | ÷ (divided by) | Chocolate | Velum | Sacerdos | = (equal to) | French-grey | Far | Scena | ? (not equal to) | Brown | Arctos | Ostrum | > (greater than) | Dark-slate | Daps | Aer | < (less than) | Dun | Portica | Clipeus | : | | - | signs of proportion | Orange-vermilion | Talus | Portio | ? | Stone | Ops | Thyrsus | · (decimal point) | Quaker-green | Felis | Axis | ? (factorial) | Leaden | Semita | Merces | ? (parallel) | Dull-green | Mappa | Vulcan | ? (not parallel) | Indigo | Lixa | Postis | p/2 (90°) (at right angles) | Dull-blue | Pagus | Verbum | log. base 10 | Dark-purple | Mensura | Nepos | sin. (sine) | Pale-pink | Vena | Tabula | cos. (cosine) | Dark-blue | Moena | Bidens | tan. (tangent) | Earthen | Mugil | Angusta | 8 (infinity) | Blue | Dos | Frenum | a | Terracotta | Crus | Remus | b | Oak | Idus | Domitor | c | Yellow | Pagina | Cardo | d | Green | Bucina | Ala | e | Rose | Olla | Limen | f | Emerald | Orsa | Ara | g | Red | Olus | Mars | h | Sea-green | Libera | Pluma | i | Salmon | Tela | Glans | j | Pale-yellow | Livor | Ovis | k | Purple-brown | Opex | Polus | l | Deep-crimson | Camoena | Pilum | m | Blue-green | Proes | Tergum | n | Light-brown | Lua | Crates | o | Deep-blue | Lama | Tyro | p | Brick-red | Lar | Cura | q | Magenta | Offex | Arvus | r | Green-grey | Cadus | Hama | s | Light-red | Croeta | Praeda | t | Azure | Lotus | Vitta | u | Pale-green | Vesper | Ocrea | v | Blue-tint | Panax | Telum | w | Yellow-green | Pactum | Malleus | x | Deep-green | Mango | Vomer | y | Light-green | Lis | Agmen | z | Light-blue | Ilex | Comes | a | Crimson | Bolus | Sypho | | Ochre | Limbus | Mica | ? | Purple | Solia | Arcus | d | Leaf-green | Luca | Securis | e | Turquoise | Ancilla | Vinculum | ? | Dark-grey | Orca | Colus | ? | Fawn | NugÆ | Saltus | ? | Smoke | Limus | Sceptrum | ? | Light-buff | Mala | Pallor | ? | Dull-purple | Sors | Vestis | ? | Rich-red | Lucta | Cortex | | Green-blue | Pator | Flagellum | ? | Burnt-sienna | Silex | Luctus | ? | Sea-blue | Lorica | Lacus | ? | Peacock-blue | Passer | Aries | p | Deep-brown | Meatus | Hydra | ? | Dark-pink | Onager | Anguis | s | Dark | Lensa | Laurus | t | Dark-stone | Pluvium | Cudo | ? | Silver | Spira | Cervix | f | Gold | Corvus | Urna | ? | Deep-yellow | Via | Spicula | ? | Dark-green | Calor | Segmen | ? |
APPENDIX E. A Theorem in Four-space. If a pyramid on a triangular base be cut by a plane which passes through the three sides of the pyramid in such manner that the sides of the sectional triangle are not parallel to the corresponding sides of the triangle of the base; then the sides of these two triangles, if produced in pairs, will meet in three points which are in a straight line, namely, the line of intersection of the sectional plane and the plane of the base. Let ABCD be a pyramid on a triangular base ABC, and let abc be a section such that AB, BC, AC, are respectively not parallel to ab, bc, ac. It must be understood that a is a point on AD, b is a point on BD, and c a point on CD. Let, AB and ab, produced, meet in m. BC and bc, produced, meet in n; and AC and ac, produced, meet in o. These three points, m, n, o, are in the line of intersection of the two planes ABC and abc. Now, let the line a b be projected on to the plane of the base, by drawing lines from a and b at right angles to the base, and meeting it in a'b'; the line a'b', produced, will meet AB produced in m. If the lines bc and ac be projected in the same way on to the base, to the points b'c' and a'c'; then BC and b'c' produced, will meet in n, and AC and a'c' produced, will meet in o. The two triangles ABC and a'b'c' are such, that the lines joining A to a', B to b', and C to c', will, if produced, meet in a point, namely, the point on the base ABC which is the projection of D. Any two triangles which fulfil this condition are the possible base and projection of the section of a pyramid; therefore the sides of such triangles, if produced in pairs, will meet (if they are not parallel) in three points which lie in one straight line. A four-dimensional pyramid may be defined as a figure bounded by a polyhedron of any number of sides, and the same number of pyramids whose bases are the sides of the polyhedron, and whose apices meet in a point not in the space of the base. If a four-dimensional pyramid on a tetrahedral base be cut by a space which passes through the four sides of the pyramid in such a way that the sides of the sectional figure be not parallel to the sides of the base; then the sides of these two tetrahedra, if produced in pairs, will meet in lines which all lie in one plane, namely, the plane of intersection of the space of the base and the space of the section. If now the sectional tetrahedron be projected on to the base (by drawing lines from each point of the section to the base at right angles to it), there will be two tetrahedra fulfilling the condition that the line joining the angles of the one to the angles of the other will, if produced, meet in a point, which point is the projection of the apex of the four-dimensional pyramid. Any two tetrahedra which fulfil this condition, are the possible base and projection of a section of a four-dimensional pyramid. Therefore, in any two such tetrahedra, where the sides of the one are not parallel to the sides of the other, the sides, if produced in pairs (one side of the one with one side of the other), will meet in four straight lines which are all in one plane. APPENDIX F. Exercises on Shapes of Three Dimensions. The names used are those given in Appendix B. Find the shapes from the following projections: - 1. Syce projections: Ratis, Caput, Castrum, Plagua.
- Alvus projections: Merum, Oculus, Fulmen, Pruinus.
- Moena projections: Miles, Ventus, Navis.
- 2. Syce: Dies, Tuba, Lituus, Frons.
- Alvus: Sagitta, Regnum, Tellus, Fulmen, Pruinus.
- Moena: Tibia, Tunica, Robur, Finis.
- 3. Syce: Nemus, Sidus, Vertex, Nix, Cerva.
- Alvus: Lignum, Haedus, Vultus, Nemus, Humerus.
- Moena: Dexter, Princeps, Equus, Dux, Urbs, Pullis, Gens, Monstrum, Miles.
- 4. Syce: Amphora, Castrum, Myrtus, Rota, Palma, Meta, Trabs, Ratis.
- Alvus: Dexter, Princeps, Moena, Aes, Merum, Oculus, Littus, Civis, Fulmen.
- Moena: Gens, Ventus, Navis, Finis, Monstrum, Cursus.
- 5. Syce: Castrum, Plagua, Nix, Vertex, Aper, Caput, Cerva, Venator.
- Alvus: Triumphus, Tellus, Caterva, Lignum, Haedus, Pruinus, Fulmen, Civis, Humerus, Vultus.
- Moena: Pharetra, Cursus, Miles, Equus, Dux, Navis, Monstrum, Gens, Urbs, Dexter.
Answers. The shapes are: - 1. Umbra, Aether, Ver, Carina, Flos.
- 2. Pontus, Custos, Jaculum, Pratum, Arator, Agna.
- 3. Focus, Omus, Haedus, Tabema, Vultus, Hostis, Figura, Ales, Sidus, Augur.
- 4. Tempus, Campus, Finis, Navis, Ventus, Pelagus, Notus, Cohors, Aether, Carina, Res, Templum, Rex, Gens, Monstrum.
- 5. Portus, Arma, Sylva, Lucrum, Ornus, Onus, Os, Facies, Chorus, Carina, Flos, Nox, Ales, Clamor, Res, Pugna, Ludus, Figura, Augur, Humerus.
Further Exercises in Shapes of Three Dimensions. The Names used are those given in Appendix C; and this set of exercises forms a preparation for their use in space of four dimensions. All are in the 27 Block (Urna to Syrma). - 1. Syce: Moles, Frenum, Plebs, Sypho.
- Alvus: Urna, Frenum, Uncus, Spicula, Comes.
- Moena: Moles, Bidens, Tibicen, Comes, Saltus.
- 2. Syce: Urna, Moles, Plebs, Hama, Remus.
- Alvus: Urna, Frenum, Sector, Ala, Mars.
- Moena: Urna, Moles, Saltus, Bidens, Tibicen.
- 3. Syce: Moles, Plebs, Hama, Remus.
- Alvus: Uma, Ostrum, Comes, Spicula, Frenum, Sector.
- Moena: Moles, Saltus, Bidens, Tibicen.
- 4. Syce: Frenum, Plebs, Sypho, Moles, Hama.
- Alvus: Urna, Frenum, Uncus, Sector, Spicula.
- Moena: Urna, Moles, Saltus, Scena, Vestis.
- 5. Syce: Urna, Moles, Plebs, Hama, Remus, Sector.
- Alvus: Urna, Frenum, Sector, Uncus, Spicula, Comes, Mars.
- Moena: Urna, Moles, Saltus, Bidens, Tibicen, Comes.
- 6. Syce: Uma, Moles, Saltus, Sypho, Remus, Hama, Sector.
- Alvus: Comes, Ostrum, Uncus, Spicula, Mars, Ala, Sector.
- Moena: Urna, Moles, Saltus, Scena, Vestis, Tibicen, Comes, Ostrum.
- 7. Syce: Sypho, Saltus, Moles, Urna, Frenum, Sector.
- Alvus: Urna, Frenum, Uncus, Spicula, Mars.
- Moena: Saltus, Moles, Urna, Ostrum, Comes.
- 8. Syce: Moles, Plebs, Hama, Sector.
- Alvus: Ostrum, Frenum, Uncus, Spicula, Mars, Ala.
- Moena: Moles, Bidens, Tibicen, Ostrum.
- 9. Syce: Moles, Saltus, Sypho, Plebs, Frenum, Sector.
- Alvus: Ostrum, Comes, Spicula, Mars, Ala.
- Moena: Ostrum, Comes, Tibicen, Bidens, Scena, Vestis.
- 10. Syce: Urna, Moles, Saltus, Sypho, Remus, Sector, Frenum.
- Alvus: Urna, Ostrum, Comes, Spicula, Mars, Ala, Sector.
- Moena: Urna, Ostrum, Comes, Tibicen, Vestis, Scena, Saltus.
- 11. Syce: Frenum, Plebs, Sypho, Hama.
- Alvus: Frenum, Sector, Ala, Mars, Spicula.
- Moena: Urna, Moles, Saltus, Bidens, Tibicen.
Answers. The shapes are: - 1. Moles, Plebs, Sypho, Pallor, Mora, Tibicen, Spicula.
- 2. Urna, Moles, Plebs, Hama, Cortis, Merces, Remus.
- 3. Moles, Bidens, Tibicen, Mora, Plebs, Hama, Remus.
- 4. Frenum, Plebs, Sypho, Tergum, Oliva, Moles, Hama.
- 5. Urna, Moles, Plebs, Hama, Remus, Pallor, Mora, Tibicen, Mars, Merces, Comes, Sector.
- 6. Ostrum, Comes, Tibicen, Vestis, Scena, Tergum, Oliva, Tyro, Aer, Remus, Hama, Sector, Merces, Mars, Ala.
- 7. Sypho, Saltus, Moles, Urna, Frenum, Uncus, Spicula, Mars.
- 8. Plebs, Pallor, Mora, Bidens, Merces, Cortis, Ala.
- 9. Bidens, Tibicen, Vestis, Scena, Oliva, Mora, Spicula, Mars, Ala.
- 10. Urna, Ostrum, Comes, Spicula, Mars, Tibicen, Vestis, Oliva, Tyro, Aer, Remus, Sector, Ala, Saltus, Scena.
- 11. Frenum, Plebs, Sypho, Hama, Cortis, Merces, Mora.
APPENDIX G. Exercises on Shapes of Four Dimensions. The Names used are those given in Appendix C. The first six exercises are in the 81 Set, and the rest in the 256 Set. - 1. Mala projection: Urna, Moles, Plebs, Pallor, Cortis, Merces.
- Lar projection: Urna, Moles, Plebs, Cura, Penates, Nepos.
- Pluvium projection: Urna, Moles, Vitta, Cudo, Luctus, Troja.
- Vesper projection: Urna, Frenum, Crates, Ocrea, Orcus, Postis, Arcus.
- 2. Mala: Urna, Frenum, Uncus, Pallor, Cortis, Aer.
- Lar: Urna, Frenum, Crates, Cura, Lacus, Arvus, Angusta.
- Pluvium: Urna, Thyrsus, Cardo, Cudo, Malleus, Anguis.
- Vesper: Urna, Frenum, Crates, Ocrea, Pilum, Postis.
- 3. Mala: Comes, Tibicen, Mora, Pallor.
- Lar: Urna, Moles, Vitta, Cura, Penates.
- Pluvium: Comes, Tibicen, Mica, Troja, Luctus.
- Vesper: Comes, Cortex, Praeda, Laurus, Orcus.
- 4. Mala: Vestis, Oliva, Tyro.
- Lar: Saltus, Sypho, Remus, Arvus, Angusta.
- Pluvium: Vestis, Flagellum, Aries.
- Vesper: Comes, Spicula, Mars, Ara, Arcus.
- 5. Mala: Mars, Merces, Tyro, Aer, Tergum, Pallor, Plebs.
- Lar: Sector, Hama, Lacus, Nepos, Angusta, Vulcan, Penates.
- Pluvium: Comes, Tibicen, Mica, Troja, Aries, Anguis, Luctus, Securis.
- Vesper: Mars, Ara, Arcus, Postis, Orcus, Polus.
- 6. Mala: Pallor, Mora, Oliva, Tyro, Merces, Mars, Spicula, Comes, Tibicen, Vestis.
- Lar: Plebs, Cura, Penates, Vulcan, Angusta, Nepos, Telum, Polus, Cervix, Securis, Vinculum.
- Pluvium: Bidens, Cudo, Luctus, Troja, Axis, Aries.
- Vesper: Uncus, Ocrea, Orcus, Laurus, Arcus, Axis.
- 7. Mala: Hospes, Tribus, Fragor, Aer, Tyro, Mora, Oliva.
- Lar: Hospes, Tectum, Rumor, Arvus, Angusta, Cera, Apis, Lapis.
- Pluvium: Acus, Torus, Malleus, Flagellum, Thorax, Aries, Aestas, Capella.
- Vesper: Pardus, Rostrum, Ardor, Pilum, Ara, Arcus, Aestus, Septum.
- 8. Mala: Pallor, Tergum, Aer, Tyro, Cortis, Syrma, Ursa, Fama, Naxos, Erisma.
- Lar: Plebs, Cura, Limen, Vulcan, Angusta, Nepos, Cera, Papaver, Pignus, Messor.
- Pluvium: Bidens, Cudo, Malleus, Anguis, Aries, Luctus, Capella, Rheda, Rapina.
- Vesper: Uncus, Ocrea, Orcus, Postis, Arcus, Aestus, Cussis, Dolium, Alexis.
- 9. Mala: Fama, Conjux, Reus, Torus, Acus, Myrrha, Sypho, Plebs, Pallor, Mora, Oliva, Alpis, Acies, Hircus.
- Lar: Missale, Fortuna, Vita, Pax, Furor, Ira, Vulcan, Penates, Lapis, Apis, Cera, Pignus.
- Pluvium: Torus, Plenum, Pax, Thorax, Dolus, Furor, Vinculum, Securis, Clavis, Gurges, Aestas, Capella, Corbis.
- Vesper: Uncus, Spicula, Mars, Ocrea, Cardo, Thyrsus, Cervix, Verbum, Orcus, Polus, Spes, Senex, Septum, Porrum, Cussis, Dolium.
Answers. The shapes are: - 1. Urna, Moles, Plebs, Cura, Tessara, Lacerta, Clipeus, Ovis.
- 2. Urna, Frenum, Crates, Ocrea, Tessara, Glans, Colus, Tabula.
- 3. Comes, Tibicen, Mica, Sacerdos, Tigris, Lacerta.
- 4. Vestis, Oliva, Tyro, Pluma, Portio.
- 5. Mars, Merces, Vomer, Ovis, Portio, Tabula, Testudo, Lacerta, Penates.
- 6. Pallor, Tessara, Lacerta, Tigris, Segmen, Portio, Ovis, Arcus, Laurus, Axis, Troja, Aries.
- 7. Hospes, Tribus, Arista, Pellis, Colus, Pluma, Portio, Calathus, Turtur, Sepes.
- 8. Pallor, Tessara, Domitor, Testudo, Tabula, Clipeus, Portio, Calathus, Nux, Lectrum, Corymbus, Circaea, Cordax.
- 9. Fama, Conjux, Reus, Fera, Thorax, Pax, Furor, Dolus, Scala, Ira, Vulcan, Penates, Lapis, Palus, Sepes, Turtur, Diota, Drachma, Python.
APPENDIX H. Sections of Cube and Tessaract. There are three kinds of sections of a cube. 1. The sectional plane, which is in all cases supposed to be infinite, can be taken parallel to two of the opposite faces of the cube; that is, parallel to two of the lines meeting in Corvus, and cutting the third. 2. The sectional plane can be taken parallel to one of the lines meeting in Corvus and cutting the other two, or one or both of them produced. 3. The sectional plane can be taken cutting all three lines, or any or all of them produced. Take the first case, and suppose the plane cuts Dos half-way between Corvus and Cista. Since it does not cut Arctos or Cuspis, or either of them produced, it will cut Via, Iter, and Bolus at the middle point of each; and the figure, determined by the intersection of the Plane and Mala, is a square. If the length of the edge of the cube be taken as the unit, this figure may be expressed thus: Z0 . X0 . Y1/2 showing that the Z and X lines from Corvus are not cut at all, and that the Y line is cut at half-a-unit from Corvus. Sections taken Z0 . X0 . Y1/4 and Z0 . X0 . Y1 would also be squares. Take the second case. Let the plane cut Cuspis and Dos, each at half-a-unit from Corvus, and not cut Arctos or Arctos produced; it will also cut through the middle points of Via and Callis. The figure produced, is a rectangle which has two sides of one unit, and the other two are each the diagonal of a half-unit squared. If the plane cuts Cuspis and Dos, each at one unit from Corvus, and is parallel to Arctos, the figure will be a rectangle which has two sides of one unit in length; and the other two the diagonal of one unit squared. If the plane passes through Mala, cutting Dos produced and Cuspis produced, each at one-and-a-half unit from Corvus, and is parallel to Arctos, the figure will be a parallelogram like the one obtained by the section Z0 . X1/2 . Y1/2. This set of figures will be expressed Z0 . X1/2 . Y1/2 Z0 . X1 . Y1 Z0 . X11/2 . Y11/2 It will be seen that these sections are parallel to each other; and that in each figure Cuspis and Dos are cut at equal distances from Corvus. We may express the whole set thus:— ZO . XI . YI it being understood that where Roman figures are used, the numbers do not refer to the length of unit cut off any given line from Corvus, but to the proportion between the lengths. Thus ZO . XI . YII means that Arctos is not cut at all, and that Cuspis and Dos are cut, Dos being cut twice as far from Corvus as is Cuspis. These figures will also be rectangles. Take the third case. Suppose Arctos, Cuspis, and Dos are each cut half-way. This figure is an equilateral triangle, whose sides are the diagonal of a half-unit squared. The figure Z1 . X1 . Y1 is also an equilateral triangle, and the figure Z11/2 . X11/2 . Y11/2 is an equilateral hexagon. It is easy for us to see what these shapes are, and also, what the figures of any other set would be, as ZI . XII . YII or ZI . XII . YIII but we must learn them as a two-dimensional being would, so that we may see how to learn the three-dimensional sections of a tessaract. It is evident that the resulting figures are the same whether we fix the cube, and then turn the sectional plane to the required position, or whether we fix the sectional plane, and then turn the cube. Thus, in the first case we might have fixed the plane, and then so placed the cube that one plane side coincided with the sectional plane, and then have drawn the cube half-way through, in a direction at right angles to the plane, when we should have seen the square first mentioned. In the second case (ZO . XI . YI) we might have put the cube with Arctos coinciding with the plane and with Cuspis and Dos equally inclined to it, and then have drawn the cube through the plane at right angles to it until the lines (Cuspis and Dos) were cut at the required distances from Corvus. In the third case we might have put the cube with only Corvus coinciding with the plane and with Cuspis, Dos, and Arctos equally inclined to it (for any of the shapes in the set ZI . XI . YI) and then have drawn it through as before. The resulting figures are exactly the same as those we got before; but this way is the best to use, as it would probably be easier for a two-dimensional being to think of a cube passing through his space than to imagine his whole space turned round, with regard to the cube. We have already seen (p. 117) how a two-dimensional being would observe the sections of a cube when it is put with one plane side coinciding with his space, and is then drawn partly through. Now, suppose the cube put with the line Arctos coinciding with his space, and the lines Cuspis and Dos equally inclined to it. At first he would only see Arctos. If the cube were moved until Dos and Cuspis were each cut half-way, Arctos still being parallel to the plane, Arctos would disappear at once; and to find out what he would see he would have to take the square sections of the cube, and find on each of them what lines are given by the new set of sections. Thus he would take Moena itself, which may be regarded as the first section of the square set. One point of the figure would be the middle point of Cuspis, and since the sectional plane is parallel to Arctos, the line of intersection of Moena with the sectional plane will be parallel to Arctos. The required line then cuts Cuspis half-way, and is parallel to Arctos, therefore it cuts Callis half-way. Fig. 21. Next he would take the square section half-way between Moena and Murex. He knows that the line Alvus of this section is parallel to Arctos, and that the point Dos at one of its ends is half-way between Corvus and Cista, so that this line itself is the one he wants (because the sectional plane cuts Dos half-way between Corvus and Cista, and is parallel to Arctos). In Fig. 21 the two lines thus found are shown. ab is the line in Moena, and cd the line in the section. He must now find out how far apart they are. He knows that from the middle point of Cuspis to Corvus is half-a-unit, and from the middle point of Dos to Corvus is half-a-unit, and Cuspis and Dos are at right angles to each other; therefore from the middle point of Cuspis to the middle point of Dos is the diagonal of a square whose sides are half-a-unit in length. This diagonal may be written d (1/2)2. He would also see that from the middle point of Callis to the middle point of Via is the same length; therefore the figure is a parallelogram, having two of its sides, each one unit in length, and the other two each d (1/2)2. He could also see that the angles are right, because the lines ac and bd are made up of the X and Y directions, and the other two, ab and d, are purely Z, and since they have no tendency in common, they are at right angles to each other. If he wanted the figure made by Z0 . X11/2 . Y11/2 it would be a little more difficult. He would have to take Moena, a section halfway between Moena and Murex, Murex and another square which he would have to regard as an imaginary section half-a-unit further Y than Murex (Fig. 22). He might now draw a ground plan of the sections; that is, he would draw Syce, and produce Cuspis and Dos half-a-unit beyond NugÆ and Cista. He would see that Cadus and Bolus would be cut half-way, so that in the half-way section he would have the point a (Fig. 23), and in Murex the point c. In the imaginary section he would have g; but this he might disregard, since the cube goes no further than Murex. From the points c and a there would be lines going Z, so that Iter and Semita would be cut half-way. Groundplan of Sections shown in Fig. 22. Fig. 23. He could find out how far the two lines ab and cd (Fig. 22) are apart by referring d and b to Lama, and a and c to Crus. In taking the third order of sections, a similar method may be followed. Suppose the sectional plane to cut Cuspis, Dos, and Arctos, each at one unit from Corvus. He would first take Moena, and as the sectional plane passes through Ilex and NugÆ, the line on Moena would be the diagonal passing through these two points. Then he would take Murex, and he would see that as the plane cuts Dos at one unit from Corvus, all he would have is the point Cista. So the whole figure is the Ilex to NugÆ diagonal, and the point Cista. Now Cista and Ilex are each one inch from Corvus, and measured along lines at right angles to each other; therefore, they are d (1)2 from each other. By referring NugÆ and Cista to Corvus he would find that they are also d (1)2 apart; therefore the figure is an equilateral triangle, whose sides are each d (1)2. Suppose the sectional plane to pass through Mala, cutting Cuspis, Dos, and Arctos each at unit from Corvus. To find the figure, the plane-being would have to take Moena, a section half-way between Moena and Murex, Murex, and an imaginary section half-a-unit beyond Murex (Fig. 24). He would produce Arctos and Cuspis to points half-a-unit from Ilex and NugÆ, and by joining these points, he would see that the line passes through the middle points of Callis and Far (a, b, Fig. 24). In the last square, the imaginary section, there would be the point m; for this is 11/2 unit from Corvus measured along Dos produced. There would also be lines in the other two squares, the section and Murex, and to find these he would have to make many observations. He found the points a and b (Fig. 24) by drawing a line from r to s, r and s being each 11/2 unit from Corvus, and simply seeing that it cut Callis and Far at the middle point of each. He might now imagine a cube Mala turned about Arctos, so that Alvus came into his plane; he might then produce Arctos and Dos until they were each unit long, and join their extremities, when he would see that Via and Bucina are each cut half-way. Again, by turning Syce into his plane, and producing Dos and Cuspis to points 11/2 unit from Corvus and joining the points, he would see that Bolus and Cadus are cut half-way. He has now determined six points on Mala, through which the plane passes, and by referring them in pairs to Ilex, Olus, Cista, Crus, NugÆ, Sors, he would find that each was d (1/2)2 from the next; so he would know that the figure is an equilateral hexagon. The angles he would not have got in this observation, and they might be a serious difficulty to him. It should be observed that a similar difficulty does not come to us in our observation of the sections of a tessaract: for, if the angles of each side of a solid figure are determined, the solid angles are also determined. There is another, and in some respects a better, way by which he might have found the sides of this figure. If he had noticed his plane-space much, he would have found out that, if a line be drawn to cut two other lines which meet, the ratio of the parts of the two lines cut off by the first line, on the side of the angle, is the same for those lines, and any other two that are parallel to them. Thus, if ab and ac (Fig. 25) meet, making an angle at a, and bc crosses them, and also crosses a'b' and a'c', these last two being parallel to ab and ac, then ab: ac? a'b': a'c'. If the plane-being knew this, he would rightly assume that if three lines meet, making a solid angle, and a plane passes through them, the ratio of the parts between the plane and the angle is the same for those three lines, and for any other three parallel to them. In the case we are dealing with he knows that from Ilex to the point on Arctos produced where the plane cuts, it is half-a-unit; and as the Z, X, and Y lines are cut equally from Corvus, he would conclude that the X and Y lines are cut the same distance from Ilex as the Z line, that is half-a-unit. He knows that the X line is cut at 11/2 units from Corvus; that is, half-a-unit from NugÆ: so he would conclude that the Z and Y lines are cut half-a-unit from NugÆ. He would also see that the Z and X lines from Cista are cut at half-a-unit. He has now six points on the cube, the middle points of Callis, Via, Bucina, Cadus, Bolus, and Far. Now, looking at his square sections, he would see on Moena a line going from middle of Far to middle of Callis, that is, a line d (1/2)2 long. On the section he would see a line from middle of Via to middle of Bolus d (1)2 long, and on Murex he would see a line from middle of Cadus to middle of Bucina, d (1/2)2 long. Of these three lines ab, cd, ef, (Fig. 24)—ab and ef are sides, and cd is a section of the required figure. He can find the distances between a and c by reference to Ilex, between b and d by reference to NugÆ, between c and e by reference to Olus, and between d and f by reference to Crus; and he will find that these distances are each d (1/2)2. Thus, he would know that the figure is an equilateral hexagon with its sides d (1/2)2 long, of which two of the opposite points (c and d) are d (1)2 apart, and the only figure fulfilling all these conditions is an equilateral and equiangular hexagon. Enough has been said about sections of a cube, to show how a plane-being would find the shapes in any set as in ZI . XII . YII or ZI . XI . YII He would always have to bear in mind that the ratio of the lengths of the Z, X, and Y lines is the same from Corvus to the sectional plane as from any other point to the sectional plane. Thus, if he were taking a section where the plane cuts Arctos and Cuspis at one unit from Corvus and Dos at one-and-a-half, that is where the ratio of Z and of X to Y is as two to three, he would see that Dos itself is not cut at all; but from Cista to the point on Dos produced is half-a-unit; therefore from Cista, the Z and X lines will be cut at 2/3 of 1/2 unit from Cista. It is impossible in writing to show how to make the various sections of a tessaract; and even if it were not so, it would be unadvisable; for the value of doing it is not in seeing the shapes themselves, so much as in the concentration of the mind on the tessaract involved in the process of finding them out. Any one who wishes to make them should go carefully over the sections of a cube, not looking at them as he himself can see them, or determining them as he, with his three-dimensional conceptions, can; but he must limit his imagination to two dimensions, and work through the problems which a plane-being would have to work through, although to his higher mind they may be self-evident. Thus a three-dimensional being can see at a glance, that if a sectional plane passes through a cube at one unit each way from Corvus, the resulting figure is an equilateral triangle. If he wished to prove it, he would show that the three bounding lines are the diagonals of equal squares. This is all a two-dimensional being would have to do; but it is not so evident to him that two of the lines are the diagonals of squares. Moreover, when the figure is drawn, we can look at it from a point outside the plane of the figure, and can thus see it all at once; but he who has to look at it from a point in the plane can only see an edge at a time, or he might see two edges in perspective together. Then there are certain suppositions he has to make. For instance, he knows that two points determine a line, and he assumes that three points determine a plane, although he cannot conceive any other plane than the one in which he exists. We assume that four points determine a solid space. Or rather, we say that if this supposition, together with certain others of a like nature, are true, we can find all the sections of a tessaract, and of other four-dimensional figures by an infinite solid. When any difficulty arises in taking the sections of a tessaract, the surest way of overcoming it is to suppose a similar difficulty occurring to a two-dimensional being in taking the sections of a cube, and, step by step, to follow the solution he might obtain, and then to apply the same or similar principles to the case in point. A few figures are given, which, if cut out and folded along the lines, will show some of the sections of a tessaract. But the reader is earnestly begged not to be content with looking at the shapes only. That will teach him nothing about a tessaract, or four-dimensional space, and will only tend to produce in his mind a feeling that “the fourth dimension” is an unknown and unthinkable region, in which any shapes may be right, as given sections of its figures, and of which any statement may be true. While, in fact, if it is the case that the laws of spaces of two and three dimensions may, with truth, be carried on into space of four dimensions; then the little our solidity (like the flatness of a plane-being) will allow us to learn of these shapes and relations, is no more a matter of doubt to us than what we learn of two- and three-dimensional shapes and relations. There are given also sections of an octa-tessaract, and of a tetra-tessaract, the equivalents in four-space of an octahedron and tetrahedron. A tetrahedron may be regarded as a cube with every alternate corner cut off. Thus, if Mala have the corner towards Corvus cut off as far as the points Ilex, NugÆ, Cista, and the corner towards Sors cut off as far as Ilex, NugÆ, Lama, and the corner towards Crus cut off as far as Lama, NugÆ, Cista, and the corner towards Olus cut off as far as Ilex, Lama, Cista, what is left of the cube is a tetrahedron, whose angles are at the points Ilex, NugÆ, Cista, Lama. In a similar manner, if every alternate corner of a tessaract be cut off, the figure that is left is a tetra-tessaract, which is a figure bounded by sixteen regular tetrahedrons. Fig. 26. | Fig. 27. | Fig. 27. | Fig. 26. | (i) Fig. 28. | Fig. 29. | Fig. 30. | (ii) Fig. 33. | Fig. 35. | Fig. 34. | (iv) Fig. 36. | Fig. 37. | Fig. 38. | (v) Fig. 39. | Fig. 41. | Fig. 40. | (vi)
The octa-tessaract is got by cutting off every corner of the tessaract. If every corner of a cube is cut off, the figure left is an octa-hedron, whose angles are at the middle points of the sides. The angles of the octa-tessaract are at the middle points of its plane sides. A careful study of a tetra-hedron and an octa-hedron as they are cut out of a cube will be the best preparation for the study of these four-dimensional figures. It will be seen that there is much to learn of them, as—How many planes and lines there are in each, How many solid sides there are round a point in each. A Description of Figures 26 to 41. | Z | | X | | Y | | W | Z I | . | X I | . | Y I | . | W I | - | | 26 | is a | section | taken | 1 | . | 1 | . | 1 | . | 1 | 27 | „ | „ | „ | 11/2 | . | 11/2 | . | 11/2 | . | 11/2 | 28 | „ | „ | „ | 2 | . | 2 | . | 2 | . | 2 | | Z | | X | | Y | | W | Z II | . | X II | . | Y II | . | W I | - | | 29 | is a | section | taken | 1 | . | 1 | . | 1 | . | 1/2 | 30 | „ | „ | „ | 11/2 | . | 11/2 | . | 11/2 | . | 3/4 | 31 | „ | „ | „ | 2 | . | 2 | . | 2 | . | 1 | | 32 | „ | „ | „ | 21/2 | . | 21/2 | . | 21/2 | . | 11/4 | The above are sections of a tessaract. Figures 33 to 35 are of a tetra-tessaract. The tetra-tessaract is supposed to be imbedded in a tessaract, and the sections are taken through it, cutting the Z, X and Y lines equally, and corresponding to the figures given of the sections of the tessaract. Figures 36, 37, and 38 are similar sections of an octa-tessaract. Figures 39, 40, and 41 are the following sections of a tessaract. | Z | | X | | Y | | W | Z O | . | X I | . | Y I | . | W I | - | | 39 | is a | section | taken | 0 | . | 1/2 | . | 1/2 | . | 1/2 | 40 | „ | „ | „ | 0 | . | 1 | . | 1 | . | 1 | 41 | „ | „ | „ | 0 | . | 11/2 | . | 11/2 | . | 11/2 | It is clear that there are four orders of sections of every four-dimensional figure; namely, those beginning with a solid, those beginning with a plane, those beginning with a line, and those beginning with a point. There should be little difficulty in finding them, if the sections of a cube with a tetra-hedron, or an octa-hedron enclosed in it, are carefully examined.
APPENDIX K. Model 1. MALA. Colours: Mala, Light-buff. Points: Corvus, Gold. NugÆ, Fawn. Crus, Terra-cotta. Cista, Buff. Ilex, Light-blue. Sors, Dull-purple. Lama, Deep-blue. Olus, Red. Lines: Cuspis, Orange. Bolus, Crimson. Cadus, Green-grey. Dos, Blue. Arctos, Brown. Far, French-grey. Daps, Dark-slate. Bucina, Green. Callis, Reddish. Iter, Bright-blue. Semita, Leaden. Via, Deep-yellow. Surfaces: Moena, Dark-blue. Proes, Blue-green. Murex, Light-yellow. Alvus, Vermilion. Mel, White. Syce, Black. Model 2. MARGO. Colours: Margo, Sage-green. Points: Spira, Silver. Ancilla, Turquoise. Mugil, Earthen. Panax, Blue-tint. Felis, Quaker-green. Passer, Peacock-blue. Talus, Orange-vermilion. Solia, Purple. Lines: Luca, Leaf-green. Mappa, Dull-green. Mensura, Dark-purple. Opex, Purple-brown. Pagus, Dull-blue. Onager, Dark-pink. Vena, Pale-pink. Lixa, Indigo. Tholus, Brown-green. Calor, Dark-green. Livor, Pale-yellow. Lensa, Dark. Surfaces: Silex, Burnt-sienna. Sal, Yellow-ochre. Portica, Dun. Crux, Indian-red. Lares, Light-grey. Lappa, Bright-green. Model 3. LAR. Colours: Lar, Brick-red. Points: Spira, Silver. Ancilla, Turquoise. Mugil, Earthen. Panax, Blue-tint. Corvus, Gold. NugÆ, Fawn. Crus, Terra-cotta. Cista, Buff. Lines: Luca, Leaf-green. Mappa, Dull-green. Mensura, Dark-purple. Opex, Purple-brown. Ops, Stone. Limus, Smoke. Offex, Magenta. Lis, Light-green. Cuspis, Orange. Bolus, Crimson. Cadus, Green-grey. Dos, Blue. Surfaces: Lotus, Azure. Olla, Rose. Lorica, Sea-blue. Lua, Bright-brown. Syce, Black. Lappa, Bright-green. Model 4. VELUM. Colours: Velum, Chocolate. Points: Felis, Quaker-green. Passer, Peacock-blue. Talus, Orange-vermilion. Solia, Purple. Ilex, Light-blue. Sors, Dull-purple. Lama, Deep-blue. Olus, Red. Lines: Tholus, Brown-green. Calor, Dark-green. Livor, Pale-yellow. Lensa, Dark. Lucta, Rich-red. Pator, Green-blue. Libera, Sea-green. Orsa, Emerald. Callis, Reddish. Iter, Bright-blue. Semita, Leaden. Via, Deep-yellow. Surfaces: Limbus, Ochre. Meatus, Deep-brown. Mango, Deep-green. Croeta, Light-red. Mel, White. Lares, Light-grey. Model 5. VESPER. Colours: Vesper, Pale-green. Points: Spira, Silver. Corvus, Gold. Cista, Buff. Panax, Blue-tint. Felis, Quaker-green. Ilex, Light-blue. Olus, Red. Solia, Purple. Lines: Ops, Stone. Dos, Blue. Lis, Light-green. Opex, Purple-brown. Pagus, Dull-blue. Arctos, Brown. Bucina, Green. Lixa, Indigo. Lucta, Rich-red. Via, Deep-yellow. Orsa, Emerald. Lensa, Dark. Surfaces: Pagina, Yellow. Alvus, Vermilion. Camoena, Deep-crimson. Crux, Indian-red. Croeta, Light-red. Lua, Light-brown. Model 6. IDUS. Colours: Idus, Oak. Points: Ancilla, Turquoise. NugÆ, Fawn. Crus, Terra-cotta. Mugil, Earthen. Passer, Peacock-blue. Sors, Dull-purple. Lama, Deep-blue. Talus, Orange-vermilion. Lines: Limus, Smoke. Bolus, Crimson. Offex, Magenta. Mappa, Dull-green. Onager, Dark-pink. Far, French-grey. Daps, Dark-slate. Vena, Pale-pink. Pator, Green-blue. Iter, Bright-blue. Libera, Sea-green. Calor, Dark-green. Surfaces: Pactum, Yellow-green. Proes, Blue-green. Orca, Dark-grey. Sal, Yellow-ochre. Meatus, Deep-brown. Olla, Rose. Model 7. PLUVIUM. Colours: Pluvium, Dark-stone. Points: Spira, Silver. Ancilla, Turquoise. NugÆ, Fawn. Corvus, Gold. Felis, Quaker-green. Passer, Peacock-blue. Sors, Dull-purple. Ilex, Light-blue. Lines: Luca, Leaf-green. Limus, Smoke. Cuspis, Orange. Ops, Stone. Pagus, Dull-blue. Onager, Dark-pink. Far, French-grey. Arctos, Brown. Tholos, Brown-green. Pator, Green-blue. Callis, Reddish. Lucta, Rich-red. Surfaces: Silex, Burnt-Sienna. Pactum, Yellow-green. Moena, Dark-blue. Pagina, Yellow. Limbus, Ochre. Lotus, Azure. Model 8. TELA. Colours: Tela, Salmon. Points: Panax, Blue-tint. Mugil, Earthen. Crus, Terra-cotta. Cista, Buff. Solia, Purple. Talus, Orange-vermilion. Lama, Deep-blue. Olus, Red. Lines: Mensura, Dark-purple. Offex, Magenta. Cadus, Green-grey. Lis, Light-green. Lixa, Indigo. Vena, Pale-pink. Daps, Dark-slate. Bucina, Green. Livor, Pale-yellow. Libera, Sea-green. Semita, Leaden. Orsa, Emerald. Surfaces: Portica, Dun. Orca, Dark-grey. Murex, Light-yellow. Camoena, Deep-crimson. Mango, Deep-green. Lorica, Sea-blue. Model 9. SECTION BETWEEN MALA AND MARGO. Colours: Interior or Tessaract, Wood. Points (Lines): Ops, Stone. Limus, Smoke. Offex, Magenta. Lis, Light-green. Lucta, Rich-red. Pator, Green-blue. Libera, Sea-green. Orsa, Emerald. Lines (Surfaces): Lotus, Azure. Olla, Rose. Lorica, Sea-blue. Lua Bright-brown. Pagina, Yellow. Pactum, Yellow-green. Orca, Dark-grey. Camoena, Deep-crimson. Limbus, Ochre. Meatus, Deep-brown. Mango, Deep-green. Croeta, Light red. Surfaces (Solids): Pluvium, Dark-stone. Idus, Oak. Tela, Salmon. Vesper, Pale-green. Velum, Chocolate. Lar, Brick-red. Model 10. SECTION BETWEEN LAR AND VELUM. Colours: Interior or Tessaract, Wood. Points (Lines): Pagus, Dull-blue. Onager, Dark-pink. Vena, Pale-pink. Lixa, Indigo. Arctos, Brown. Far, French-grey. Daps, Dark-slate. Bucina, Green. Lines (Surfaces): Silex, Burnt-sienna. Sal, Yellow-ochre. Portica, Dun. Crux, Indian-red. Pagina, Yellow. Pactum, Yellow-green. Orca, Dark-grey. Camoena, Deep-crimson. Moena, Dark-blue. Proes, Blue-green. Murex, Light-yellow. Alvus, Vermilion. Surfaces (Solids): Pluvium, Dark-stone. Idus, Oak. Tela, Salmon. Vesper, Pale-green. Mala, Light-buff. Margo, Sage-green. Model 11. SECTION BETWEEN VESPER AND IDUS. Colours: Interior or Tessaract, Wood. Points (Lines): Luca, Leaf-green. Cuspis, Orange. Cadus, Green-grey. Mensura, Dark-purple. Tholus, Brown-green. Callis, Reddish. Semita, Leaden. Livor, Pale-yellow. Lines (Surfaces): Lotus, Azure. Syce, Black. Lorica, Sea-blue. Lappa, Bright-green. Silex, Burnt-sienna. Moena, Dark-blue. Murex, Light-yellow. Portica, Dun. Limbus, Ochre. Mel, White. Mango, Deep-green. Lares, Light-grey. Surfaces (Solids): Pluvium, Dark-stone. Mala, Light-buff. Tela, Salmon. Margo, Sage-green. Velum, Chocolate. Lar, Brick-red. Model 12. SECTION BETWEEN PLUVIUM AND TELA. Colours: Interior or Tessaract, Wood. Points (Lines): Opex, Purple-brown. Mappa, Dull-green. Bolus, Crimson. Dos, Blue. Lensa, Dark. Calor, Dark-green. Iter, Bright-blue. Via, Deep-yellow. Lines (Surfaces): Lappa, Bright-green. Olla, Rose. Syce, Black. Lua, Bright-brown. Crux, Indian-red. Sal, Yellow-ochre. Proes, Blue-green. Alvus, Vermilion. Lares, Light-grey. Meatus, Deep-brown. Mel, White. Croeta, Light-red. Surfaces (Solids): Margo, Sage-green. Idus, Oak. Mala, Light-buff. Vesper, Pale-green. Velum, Chocolate. Lar, Brick-red. |