Kit Wildcat had just swept the upper part of her house and was coming down stairs, when she heard Tom Wildcat tearing through the brush and yelling like a madman. Kit Wildcat ran out into the yard and shouted, “Sakes alive, Tom Wildcat, have you gone plumb crazy, or what in the world is the matter with you?” But Tom Wildcat didn’t stop; he came right on and yelled as loud as he could. “Crazy nothing! I’m not crazy, but I’d rather be crazy than get cat cholera! Come right this minute, Kit Wildcat, this very minute! I’m going clear away from this place, and never come within ten miles of it again! Hurry, Kit! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!” “Everybody!” shouted Tom wildly. “Cheepy Chipmunk, and Stubby Woodchuck, and Doctor Rabbit himself has it, and is dying with it this very minute!” Then Tom Wildcat said, “I had gone clear into those woods before I discovered the trouble. On every door there’s a cat cholera sign, asking anyone who passes to come in and help; but I can tell you, Kit Wildcat, I didn’t go in and help. Why, I saw Cheepy Chipmunk come out and fall down and die, and then I saw his wife come out and die; and I know everyone in the Big Green Woods must be dead by this time, because you know what cat cholera is. Come on,” Tom Wildcat ended suddenly, “I’m going!” and away he started, without even waiting for Kit Wildcat. “I won’t wait for anything!” old Tom called back, and away he ran. Well, Kit Wildcat was so scared she did not try to get her coat, but just started off right after Tom. When Tom Wildcat started out of the Big Green Woods yelling so loudly, all the little creatures hurried out to watch him. After a while they could not see old Tom any more, although they could hear him and Kit Wildcat yelling and running away up the river. But busy Blue Jay flew over the trees and watched. And after a long time he came back and said Tom and Kit Wildcat were still running up the river, and that he had heard them both say they knew of a woods about twenty-five miles away, and that they would go there and live. All the little creatures hurried out to watch him All the little creatures hurried out to watch him So the little creatures went in and ate about all they could hold. It certainly was fine to know that they could eat in so much comfort, and that Tom Wildcat had been driven out of the Big Green Woods forever. |