REVOLVER PRACTICE FOR THE POLICE The revolver is a part of the regular equipment of the police force of nearly every city in this country. Unfortunately the general lack of any regulations for the care of and the practice with these arms largely nullifies their usefulness. Even in the large cities, members of the police force frequently admit that they have not used or cleaned their arms for six months or more. An inspection of the arms under such conditions not infrequently reveals the fact that center-fire arms are loaded with rim-fire ammunition, and vice-versa. The mechanism is often so badly rusted that the cylinder will not revolve and the barrel so corroded as to seriously impair its accuracy. When occasion requires the use of the arms under such conditions, accidents almost invariably result, either to the policemen who attempt to fire the arms, or to the innocent bystanders and property. The records of every large municipality show that large sums are annually disbursed in litigation By adopting suitable arms, and regulations governing practice shooting with them, it is entirely practicable and comparatively easy to train a large police force to become good marksmen. The possibility of accidents is thus reduced to a minimum and the efficiency of the men increased to a maximum. The moral effect of a high order of marksmanship of an entire police force, when generally known, cannot be overestimated. Practice and skill in the use of the revolver embodies the essential elements of rifle shooting, so that in case of riot, insurrection, or war, a large police force could be made quickly available for duty with very little additional instruction, by arming them with rifles. A practical plan to develop such results is as follows: The services of a competent person to teach the men must first be secured. This man should be an experienced and skillful marksman with the revolver and be qualified to maintain proper discipline and teach the subject in all its details. A suitable range must next be provided. Two men from each precinct selected for their fitness to become By adopting such a plan it is possible, within a year from its inception, to convert an entire police force into perfectly safe and reliable shots of good ability; i. e., such ability as would enable all of them to hit an object the size of a man every time at 50 paces. The mistake is sometimes made of requiring the men to practice during off-duty time; this has never proved successful. Much of the efficiency that it is possible to attain depends upon the character of the regulation arm that may be adopted for police service. Such an arm should be of large caliber and sufficient power to fulfil the requirements. When carried in the pocket the perspiration of the body causes rust, and a nickel finish will therefore generally be more serviceable than any other. The sights, hammers and other projections should be of suitable form, and as referred to in the text under “Pocket Arms.” In order to secure suitable accuracy, the barrel should be 4 inches in length and the trigger pull 4 pounds. A first-class weapon for police service is the .38-caliber Smith & Wesson safety hammerless, the .38-caliber or .32-caliber Colt Police Positive or the .32 caliber Smith & Wesson hand ejector revolver. The In all cases a regulation arm and ammunition should be adopted so as to secure uniformity and involve the purchase of only one line of supplies and ammunition. The following course of instruction and regulations for practice shooting are recommended: Revolver Practice Regulations.—All members of the Department are obliged to practice shooting with the regulation arm, at least two hours in each calendar month. The captain of each precinct will designate the time and place for instruction and practice for each individual under his jurisdiction. Every member of the department will be expected to qualify in one of the three classes: Marksman, Sharpshooter, or Expert, and will be rated accordingly. Decorations of suitable design will be awarded to those qualifying; the All practice shooting shall be in the prescribed order in each class as given below. Entries unlimited. Each individual must qualify at each stage before he can be advanced to the next stage. All shooting to be done under the following: General Conditions. The position shall be standing, free from any support, the weapon being held in one hand with the arm extended so as to be free from the body. Target, standard American 200-yd. rifle target with 8-in. bullseye, outside dimensions 28½ in. by 28½ in. Ammunition shall be the regulation full charge, factory loaded, brought to the firing point in the original package. Arms shall not be loaded except at the firing point, when the competitor is ready to shoot his score. All scores to be 10 shots, fired in two strings of 5 shots each. Slow fire to be timed after the first shot of each string. Rapid fire to be timed as follows: The competitor standing at the firing point with the arm loaded, not cocked, and the barrel pointing downward in a direction not less than 45 degrees from the target, when ready to begin each string shall say, “Ready.” The scorer, watch in hand, when the second hand reaches an even 10-second point on the dial, will give the command “Fire,” after which the competitor raises and cocks his weapon and begins his string. Just as the time limit for each string expires the scorer shall announce, “Time.” If a shot is fired after the time Marksman Course Slow Fire:—10 shots at 10 yds. One minute for each string of five shots. Possible, 100; qualifying score, 90. Rapid Fire:—10 shots at 10 yds. 30 seconds for each string of five shots. Possible, 100; qualifying score, 80 Sharpshooter Course Slow Fire:—10 shots at 20 yds. One minute for each string of five shots. Possible, 100; qualifying score, 90. Rapid Fire:—10 shots at 20 yds. 30 seconds for each string of five shots. Possible, 100; qualifying score, 80. Expert Course Slow Fire:—10 shots at 20 yds. 30 seconds for each string of five shots. Possible, 100; qualifying score, 90. Rapid Fire:—10 shots at 20 yds. 15 seconds for each string of five shots. Possible, 100; qualifying score, 80. Inasmuch as regular instruction and practice in revolver shooting has been instituted in only a few of the larger cities of this country, the police of other cities in the absence of such training, or its equivalent, have so little knowledge as to the proper use and care of the revolver that the arm adds little or nothing to their efficiency. To assist such policemen individually who have the ambition to increase their efficiency by their own initiative, the following practical suggestions and general rules will prove helpful: Never point a revolver in any direction where it would do harm if it went off accidentally. Always observe this rule whether the arm is loaded or not. In carrying the loaded revolver on the person see that the hammer rests between two cartridges. (Or if of the rebounding hammer type have one chamber of the cylinder empty and opposite the hammer.) When necessary to use the revolver on vicious dogs, etc., such animals should be driven into a rear yard or alley where there is soft ground to stop the bullets. Never shoot on the sidewalk or a paved street where it can be avoided, on account of the liability of the bullet glancing off and doing serious damage. Similarly when firing to attract attention, shoot into soft ground or a heavy timber, when practicable, instead of into the air. Never attempt to shoot while running. Stop for a moment and take deliberate aim. The shots will then be effective. Thoroughly clean and oil the revolver as soon after using it as practicable. If carried on the person regularly it should be overhauled and re-oiled inside the barrel and cylinder as well as outside, once a week, to keep it in good condition. In case regular practice shooting is not provided when on duty, practice target shooting when off duty, firing at least 50 shots once a month and following the prescribed course as given in this chapter as near as possible. |