

Occasionally a firearm becomes disabled by the breaking of a spring or some other part of the mechanism. All the manufacturers carry a stock of duplicate parts and any broken or worn-out part can be obtained promptly from the makers of the weapon and the replacement made with a screwdriver and a few drifts. When any of the parts become worn, the simplest and most inexpensive course to follow is to substitute new parts in the same manner.

The most frequent source of difficulty is the wearing light of the trigger-pull. This may also be corrected by the substitution of a new hammer and a new trigger; or an experienced mechanic can generally correct the difficulty with an oil stone. Inexperienced persons are liable to ruin the parts if they attempt to do this work themselves.

The barrels of the weapons after long use, especially in the open on camping expeditions, etc., become rusted or they are worn out by extensive use so as to require renewal. In such cases a new barrel may be ordered from the maker of the weapon, which should be sent to the factory to have the substitution made and the necessary fitting and finish properly executed. In the case of high-priced barrels, and especially where the barrel is part of the action, it is sometimes less expensive to have a good gunsmith bore out the interior of the barrel and insert a new sleeve instead of replacing the entire barrel.

Very often the marksman will conceive an idea or invent an improvement which will add to the convenience in manipulation or usefulness of the weapon, the reloading tools, etc. As he becomes interested in the sport he may want to try special sights, a different shape of trigger guard, matted trigger, and various other modifications and refinements, thinking they may improve his shooting. Without the necessary mechanical skill to execute their ideas successfully all such special work should be intrusted to a competent and first-class mechanic who is equipped and prepared to execute work of this character in the best manner. The following are the names and addresses of a few of the leading manufacturers and gunsmiths, with a brief statement as to the character of work that each undertakes and specializes on:

Smith & Wesson, Springfield, Mass.

This company maintains a repair department, but undertakes repair, reblueing and replating only on arms of their own manufacture. A limited quantity of special work is also undertaken, provided it meets with the approval of the manufacturers as being useful, desirable, and in nowise a detriment to the weapon. All repair and special work is executed in the order in which it is received, and as a limited force is engaged in this department a delay of a week or more sometimes occurs before the work can be begun. In case of general repairs the cost of same is quoted before repairs are started.

Colt Patent Firearms Manufacturing Co., Hartford, Conn.

This company maintains a repair department devoted exclusively to arms of Colt manufacture. Estimates of the cost of repairs are quoted before work is begun. Special work, reblueing and replating, is also executed in connection with Colt arms.

Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn.

Reloading tools, bullet molds, bullets, shells, primers, etc.

Union Metallic Cartridge Co., Bridgeport, Conn.

United States Cartridge Co., Lowell, Mass.

The Peters Cartridge Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.

Shells, bullets, and primers.

H. M. Pope, 18 Morris Street, Jersey City.

Manufacturer of the famous “Pope” barrels for rifles, revolvers, and pistols. New barrels furnished for any of the leading makes of target arms. Pope graduated automatic powder measures and reloading tools. Telescope mountings. Special work and fine repair work of all kinds.

J. E. Wilburn, 403 Riverside Ave., Spokane, Wash.

Specializes on very accurate and high-grade pistol and revolver barrels of .22 and .38 caliber. Fine repair work of every description.

Ideal Manufacturing Co. (Marlin Fire Arms Co., Successors), New Haven, Conn.

Reloading tools, powder measures, bullet molds, bullets, etc.

H. H. Kiffe Co., 533 Broadway, New York City.

J. P. Dannefelser, 19 Warren Street, New York City.

Carry a full line of smokeless powders for rifle and pistol ammunition.

(Nearly all the sporting goods dealers in the large cities carry a stock of black and smokeless powders.)



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