Recognizing the Past as Past In the preceding volume of this Course, entitled “The Trained Memory,” you learned that the memory process involves four elements, Retention, Recall, Recognition and Imagination; and the scope and operation of two of these elements, Retention and Recall, were explained to you. There remain Recognition and Imagination, which we shall make the subject of this book. We shall treat of them, however, not only as parts of the Both Recognition and Imagination have to do with mental images. Recognition relates exclusively to those mental images that are the replica of former experiences. It is the faculty of the mind by which we recognize remembered experiences as a part of our own past. If it were not for this sense of familiarity and of ownership and of the past tense of recalled mental images, there would be no way for us to distinguish the sense-perceptions of the past from those of the present. Recognition is therefore an element of vital necessity to every act of memory. Imagination, Past, Present and Future Imagination relates either to the past, [Textual representation of advertisement] |